Archives for September 2017

4 Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Home

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It’s hard to notice what’s wrong with your home when you’re the one living in it. Step back for a moment and you might see that it’s in need of some changes. There’s no reason to panic, but you should start to think about what updates you feel are necessary in the near future.

There are many different angles you could go with your home improvement projects. Consider your budget, time and who will be the one doing the work. The first order of business is getting ideas for what you want to transform and making a few decisions on where to start. See these four ways to improve the look of your home.

Build a Sunroom

Constructing a sunroom will add value to your home and make you fall in love with it all over again. Be picky about the features of the room. Energy efficient windows will help you use less energy and keep costs down. These kind of windows protect items inside your home and silence noise. Decide on a stylish flooring option and add a mix of plants and décor to bring it all together. Once your sunroom is finished, you’ll be addicted and won’t want to leave. They’re great rooms for enjoying the view outside and reading a book.


Look around and make note of the inside rooms and outdoor areas that could use a fresh coat of paint. Do it yourself or hire a professional who’s sure to do an excellent job for you. You’ll be shocked at how great your rooms look after a new coat of paint. It may make you realize that there isn’t much else that needs to be done in some of the spaces. Select colors that are uplifting and attractive. Also, use paint to boost the energy in your home.

Organize & Clean

The best part about organizing and cleaning is that it won’t cost you a lot of money to do. Spend a weekend combing through your belongings and getting rid of what you no longer need. Deep clean so you can see the sparkle on your appliances, countertops and mirrors. Attack closets and basements so you don’t leave any area unturned. You’ll be surprised to see how nice your space looks after decluttering and making it look spotless.

Spruce up Your Entry

Focus on your entry both inside and out. The outdoors is where you’re able to enhance your curb appeal and draw people in to admire your home. Paint your front door, add flowers and keep the landscaping trimmed. On the inside, add shelves or cabinets for belongings, a nice rug and appealing décor. Keep the front entryway clear of any junk and clean it regularly. This is your chance to make people feel welcome when they enter your home.


Enhancing the look of your home isn’t always easy. You need ideas and inspiration to get you motivated and inspired to make changes. These are four ways to improve the look of your home.

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It’s The Third Trimester: Time To Prepare Your Home

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If you’re in the final trimester of pregnancy, then you’re probably thinking deeply about how to prepare yourself, and your home, for the arrival of a newborn. At first, it seems like a rather simple task: just go down to local big box furniture store and pick up a crib, some blankets, and perhaps a car seat. But it soon becomes clear, the more research you do, that a lot more goes into welcoming a baby into the home than just a bit of shopping. There are so many factors to consider, not only to make sure that your baby stays happy, but also that they remain safe. Here’s what to do.

Get The Pooch Out Of The Way

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You might have lived with your pet cat or dog for years and never seen any act of aggression from them. With that said, animals can still be dangerous to babies, even those that are otherwise tame and pleasant to be around. Dogs have been known to maul babies, and so keeping them separate from one another is essential.

The best way to do this for dogs is to install gates around the kitchen or at the bottom of the stairs as a physical barrier to prevent their movement. With cats, it’s a little more difficult, but things like cat nets over the cot can prevent cats from killing children in their sleep. You should have a policy of no pets in the bedroom while the child is vulnerable and helpless, and then introduce pets under supervision as the child gets older.

Prepare Older Siblings

If this is your second baby, then it’s important to manage the expectations of your existing children before it arrives. Children, especially infants and toddlers, don’t like it when your attention is suddenly diverted away from them and onto a new baby. It generates a profound sense of jealousy and can often lead to destructive behavior. Ideally, your existing children should behave tenderly towards the new baby, but without the right preparation, this is by no means guaranteed.

Sit down with your existing children before the new baby arrives and remind them of how important they are to you. Make sure you include them in any way possible in helping you to raise the child, so that you’re both on the same team and they don’t feel like they’re competing for your attention. You can also ask talk to the older siblings about their duties when the new baby arrives, such as helping mommy fill up the baby’s bottle.

Find An Experienced Mom, Take A Notepad, And Ask For Tips

If you’re completely new to the motherhood gig, it’s worth approaching existing moms for some much-needed advice. Moms will often have tips and tricks which they developed through bitter experience. As a new mom, it’s worth taking advantage of these conversations to make things less frantic once the baby finally arrives.

Remove All Dangerous Chemicals


Because they’re so new to the world and haven’t yet built up substantial immune systems or even protective microbiomes, newborn babies are very susceptible to chemicals in the external environment. Early exposure to harmful toxins in cleaning products can lead to illnesses and allergies which last for the rest of their lives.

It’s a good idea, therefore, to root through your cleaning cupboard and throw out all but the safe cleaning products. Only use products which contain minimal amounts of artificial ingredients and state clearly on the packaging that they’re hypoallergenic. These products have been tested in clinical trials and proven not to harm babies.

Make Sure You And Your Partner Present A United Front

When it comes to parenting, consistency is key. But consistency is hard for individuals, let alone couples with different ideas. Experts recommend that parents get on the same page before bringing a new child into the home. Not only will you have to agree on your personal value when raising children, but also the day to day regimen for the child’s upbringing. Who will be responsible for what? What chores will you and your partner need to agree on doing in advance? What will be your partner’s role during labor and birth?

Prepare For A Laundry Avalanche

Anyone who has ever raised children will tell you that doing the laundry is a major undertaking. It’s incredible how something so small can generate so much mess. Before the baby even arrives home, you’ll want to get ahead. Make sure that everything is already clean and washed before the baby arrives so that you’re in the best possible condition to face the mountain of washing that is to come.

According to Laura Dellutri, the woman who wrote “Speed Cleaning 101,” it’s important to make sure that you’re using a detergent that doesn’t contain any dyes or perfumes that might irritate baby’s skin. There are specials kinds of detergents which have been formulated to have powerful stain removing actions while also protecting baby’s skin.

With that said, stains are inevitable with a newborn baby. Poop, baby formula, and dribble are par for the course. With that said, you can win the war against stains with enzymatic cleaners which break down stains at the molecular level. If you notice a stain on fabric, use the enzymatic cleaner as soon as possible to remove the stain before it becomes incorporated into the material.

Make Room In Your Fridge

If you’re like most families, your fridge is already full to bursting. But with the addition of a baby, you’ll need even more space. Though your child will be on a liquid diet, to begin with, over time, it’ll need to be transitioned on to solid food, and you’ll need space in your refrigerator to keep it all.

It’s a good idea to work from top to bottom in your fridge. Start by removing food from the top shelf, give it a good clean, and then move on to the next. The bottom of the refrigerator is the area most prone to spills. Remove any milk stains and make sure the refrigerator is fresh and clean.


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Organizing Your Money

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Money is one of your biggest stresses right? There is always a bill about to go out, and you don’t know how you’re going to make your paycheck stretch to cover it, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. By getting properly organized, you can have a stress-free money system that takes minimal effort. These tips work for everyone, high-earners and low, debt-free and in-debt.

If you’re in debt, then the first thing you need to do is get it under control. You can do this in a few ways; stop using credit cards and stop any frivolous spending. Look at your income and outgoings and work out how much money you have extra each month, and only spend what you can.

Look at how many debts you have and when all the payments need to be made, can you request a new billing date to match up with your pay-day, or would spreading them out be easier? Or would one bigger bill each month work best for you? Sites like click this link advise on the issues with multiple credit cards and how to resolve that by paying off the multiple debts with one loan.

Budgeting will always be your best friend when controlling your money. By working out what you’re spending, where and when, you can control the cash flow in your bank. The skilled budgeter has their own methods of working out money with graphs and tables, but for a beginner, there are plenty of online services that can get you started for free, like at

This process helps you to see where you can make cuts. Sometimes you don’t realize how much money you spend on food, or trips to a coffee store. In a way, being able to see your income being dissected in front of your eyes helps to drive the point home.

Having multiple accounts and saving accounts may seem to make things more complicated, but think of it as a virtual binder. Have an account just for your bills and move the money you need to that account on pay-day, have a savings account or two for emergency and holiday (or whatever you’re saving for), maybe have a debt account too. Then what you have left in your first account is yours to spend on whatever you wish!

Just because you’re saving, or getting out of debt, doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy things like a day trip or coffee on the go, you just have to be smarter about it. Get coupon-savvy – Coupons aren’t just for groceries, you can find them for hair cuts, car services, and events.

The avid couponer has stacks, or a neatly organized folder to put all their coupons in, but you can just start with adding a couple to your wallet before you do the grocery shop or looking for days out over the school break. Either way, make sure you know how to use your coupons properly, you can get my advice on how best to use your coupons here –

Money doesn’t have to be your enemy, with practice and control you can make it work for you, leaving you time to concentrate on the important things.

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How to Prepare Your Dog For the Winter Season

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As the cold weather fronts draw in, temperatures drop and the days get shorter, there’s one other member of your family who you will also need to prepare for when winter rolls in. As one of the most popular pets in the US, your four-legged friends need just as much love and attention as you would give you to your nearest and dearest in readiness for the holiday season. Ok, so you don’t have to go completely overboard, but the difference between outdoors and indoors temperatures, frostbite and even sniffles can affect your pet too. Be prepared to review your dog’s food, check that they are in optimal health and introduce a few small changes that will ensure to keep your four-legged friend’s tail wagging right through until spring! There’s nothing worse than a sick pet to spoil your holiday season, so read on to find out how to prepare your dog for the winter season.

Wrap up warm

It’s worth doing some research into your pet to find out how their breed adapts and copes with lower temperatures. Larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Huskies, for example, will grow a thicker coat to withstand adverse weather conditions, but if your pooch is originally from warmer climates, chances are they will feel the chill. If your pet lives in the yard, don’t forget to check if the dog house is properly insulated and prepared for the oncoming cold spell. Does your dog live indoors? Then check that their bed provides enough comfort and warmth so that they don’t feel the cold through floor tiles or due to a pesky draught, damaging for aging joints.

Limit the amount of time that your pet spends outdoors and be sure to dry them off before they enter the house thoroughly. Pay particular attention to your pooch’s ears, as damp, dirty ear canals can result in painful ear infections. Don’t forget to thoroughly clean your pet’s paws too, as snow and ice can collect in between the toe pads, resulting in sore, peeling skin and even frostbite in some more severe cases – extremely painful for your dog’s sensitive paws.

A serious winter concern in dogs is hypothermia. Keep a close eye on your pet’s mood if they have spent a long period of time outside. Lethargy and depression, combined with a slower breathing rate could be a sign of a more serious condition. Hypothermia can be life threatening for your pet, so make sure that they come inside to dry off at regular intervals.

Is your pet a lover of the great outdoors? Why not look to invest in a coat if you own a smaller breed if they lack a naturally thicker coat.

Get your vaccines

Colder months mean a higher risk of infection and illness for dogs, just as for humans. Take extra care if your pet loves to play in the snow, as it could be hiding frozen ponds or dirty water, full of bacteria and damaging to your dog’s immune and digestive system. Just because it’s the season for you to overindulge, do keep an eye on all those sweet treats around your home. Remember chocolate and dried fruits are incredibly poisonous to dogs – so keep all temptation well out of reach.

Take care when using antifreeze! Its sweet taste is incredibly appealing to dogs. Antifreeze is extremely toxic and should be used and stored well out of the reach of your pet (and children). Similarly, as in the warmer months, do not leave your dog in your car for a prolonged period of time during the winter – leave them at home where they will be out the way for you to run all those pre-Christmas errands.

It’s important to keep your pet’s vaccines up to date and valid all year round. This applies to your worm and dog flea treatment too. A pest free pooch will ensure that your holiday celebrations go without an itch or a tick.

Consider diet

Do you feel lazier during the winter months? There’s a chance that your dog does too! It’s not always appealing going for a walk in the cold and dark, but that’s no excuse to compensate for lack of exercise with treats and snacks. Don’t divert from your dog’s diet – it’s important that they remain lean and in prime health all year round. A varied, raw, nutrient-filled diet is best for your dog to adjust to colder temperatures, providing them with the energy that they need to enjoy and explore with you.

Keep an eye on your dog’s hydration levels. Just as in summer, it’s important to check that your dog is drinking enough water and keeping hydrated. Extra clothing in winter and warm central heating will mean that your pet needs to take on more water. If your pooch lives outdoors, change a metal bowl for a plastic one to prevent your pet from injuring their sensitive tongue.

Don’t neglect grooming

It may be cold outside, but keep that grooming regime on track. Don’t neglect brushing and grooming after spending time outside. Fun in the snow can dirty fur and result in knots and matted fur which is painful to brush out and makes it difficult for your pet to groom themselves properly. Brushing is a great exercise for you to bond with your pet, so why not get that coat to really shine.

Own an older dog? Be sure to make a fuss of them this winter. Senior pets are much more susceptible to bugs and germs, while older joints will feel the cold a lot more. The cold can also aggravate any existing illness that your dog already suffers from. Consider giving your senior a joint supplement in their food ration and make time for extra hugs.

Even if the weather gets colder, there’s no excuse for you not to get outside and enjoy time with your faithful companion. Keep the above tips in mind to have a happy and healthy holiday for all.




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Bringing Far Away Lands Straight Into Your Home’s Interior Design

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The home is the space that you don’t see really occupying, but rather exist in. Occupying would mean the living space is purely temporary and without and connection to you and your way of life. To exist in your home is to live in among surroundings completely of your choice and thus reflective of your personality and possible outlook on life. To make big changes to your home, you have to be willing to express yourself without any holding back. Bringing far away lands back home to your interior design is one of the bravest yet fascinating decisions you can make. Whether you’ve been on holiday to these distant lands and want to remember them forever, or you simply want to make a few changes in your home, that would shrug off the boredom. Bringing about such changes isn’t out of the ordinary, and actually, you have a plethora of choices for your interior style regarding this.

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Chinese living room

Bringing the Asian country of China, into your home is a splendid boast of being cultured and in tune with such wonderful history, regarding interior design. You could hang up calligraphy paintings, by artists who do wonderful drawings of the local wildlife and vegetation where they live. The excellent, smooth, thick black lines come from artists who have been practicing this amazing pastime for years and years, sometimes decades. You may also find that small, Chinese wooden chairs, with a deeper-set structure, made from a dark hardwood, would be excellent to accompany your living room. The cushions are often stuffed with wool, and the sharp and very-detailed floral prints are a masterful display of the love of nature the Chinese culture expresses. The unique, spiral and rhomboid wooden carvings along the back of the chair, are finely on show.

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Tropical bedroom

Of all places in the home, your bedroom should be giving vegetation a home. You can have a large leafed areca palm plan with wonderful sprouting long and wide leaves or a wide and flat-leafed prayer plant from tropical regions of the world. These accompanying plants should be met with an assortment of beach furniture tailored for bedrooms. With drawers and lounging chairs, with a design influence taken from the southern hemisphere, the delicate colors of bronze and brown could greatly impact your mood. Choose from the Bali Hai, Island Fusion, Ivory Key and many, many more styles and variations to bring in a harmonizing effect into your bedroom. The sense of being in a far away, mugging, moist and hot climate, is almost palpable when you have this kind of interior design for your sleeping quarters.

Jamaican lounge

Jamaica is a land of funky music and a vivid love of the exuberant and boisterous nature of the human condition. For your lounging area or room, you could incorporate a bright red, sofa made out of fabric or leather. The walls could have tribal inspired reggae music and artists performing with passion and excitement. You can also paint the walls in brighter colors too, such as sky blue, impactful oranges as well as the yellow and green of the country’s flag. Spruce it up a bit with a sense of liveliness and joy.

Bringing home far away lands so that they may be infused within your own home is a great alternative to the modern interior design route. You can play with the furnishings and decor a lot more since the styles are open to being completely customized without veering off track so easily.


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Tips For Caring For Your New Pet

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Bringing home a new dog is exciting. You’ve picked out the perfect pet and now you’re ready to give it a beautiful life. The issue is that you’re not quite sure where to start or what to do with them. It’s an obstacle many new pet owners run into when they first bring their animal home.

Believe that you can do it and you will. Do whatever it takes to give them a great place to live. Ask around your friends and relatives and get their pointers for how they’ve managed over the years. Take your time and be patient with yourself. See tips for caring for your new pet.

Provide a Comfortable Home

Once you agree to own a pet, your home becomes a shared space. It’s very important you provide a warm and cozy home for your dog to roam and lay its head. Block off a separate area that’s made for the dog. Place their food and water and bedding in locations around the home that are easy to access. Show the dog where their personal space is so they know where they can go when they want to be alone. Understand you’re going to be sharing your space now. It’s up to you to train your dog about where they can and can’t go in and around the home.

Learn about Them

Go online and learn about your pet. For example, research the best dog food for boxers if this is the type of dog you own. According to American Kennel Club, boxers are among the top ten most popular dog breeds in America. Since boxers are a comparatively active breed of dog, choosing food that fits their physical needs can be tricky. That’s why it’s important to learn about your type of dog and what their particular needs are, such as the kind of food they eat. Equipping yourself with knowledge will help guide you in making a lot of your decisions going forward. You don’t know until you find out, and there are plenty of resources online to help you.


Get your supplies ready for your dog’s arrival. Bring home items such as a kennel, leash, dishes and more. Prepare your home for their first few days and you should be just fine. There will be other items you’ll want to grab along the way, but start with the essentials. Having the right supplies will make carrying for your pet a lot easier on you. Make a list and have the pet supplies on hand for when your new pet comes home. Remember that you can always go find what you’re missing at a later date.

See a Vet

It’s a good idea for your pet to see a veterinarian when they first get home. Establish a relationship so you’re prepared should you have an emergency situation down the road. The vet will be able to tell you what kind of shape your dog is in and what shots they’ll need in the near future. You’ll feel much more comfortable knowing you have a good vet you can turn to in a time of need or for regular checkups.

Exercise & Play

Getting a dog means that you better be ready to run and pay. Your pet needs exercise and benefits greatly from being able to walk or run around. Just like us, dogs need to burn calories, stimulate their minds and stay healthy. Research the exercise needs for your breed, because it varies depending on the type of dog. Another major reason dogs need exercise is to avoid boredom, which leads to destructive behaviors. Take them out the in backyard and play chase or fetch if you don’t want to leave your house. On other days when you have more time, take them on a hike or go for a long walk. Have lots of toys around the house so they can play whenever their heart desires.


Groom your pet by taking them to a professional shop or doing it yourself at home. Your dog needs baths and to be brushed on a regular basis. Doing this will keep your dog clean and reduce the amount of shedding. It’s also important to use flea and tick preventatives and check their fur for them daily during the warm weather months. Also, having a pet will require more maintenance by you around the place. Clean the house and vacuum often to keep fur and dirt at a minimum.

Reward Them

It’s a smart idea to reward your dog for good behavior. This is how you get them to listen to you and be on their best behavior. Do it early so they learn in the early stages of their life before they’re adults. Use treats as a reward when you’re training them and bring home a new toy once in a while when they’re obedient. Give them hugs and snuggles when they’re acting appropriately and continuously enforce positive actions. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how well they react to your encouraging voice tones and commands.

Love Them

Owning a pet is a big responsibility, but most pet owners find it enjoyable. While it can be stressful at times, don’t let it overwhelm you. Remember why you got your dog in the first place. Love and care for them and show them affection. Animals are great companions and are always there for you. Let them know who’s boss, but make sure you show them how much you love them on a daily basis. You’ll create a bond between you and your new pet and produce a level of trust which will help when you’re training them.


Understand what you’re getting into before you agree to take on the responsibility of owning a new pet. Once you’re sure, follow through with your end of the bargain and build a nice home where they can live and play. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn along the way. These are tips for caring for your new pet.

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Are You on Top of Everything

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We all have way more obligations to keep up with than we could ever dream of being fully on top of, and we’re all failing over and over again – the important thing is to be able to regroup when you need to and get back to it. From keeping the house afloat to not letting the family drift apart to keeping your own chin above the water – it’s an endless struggle that you just need to keep doing. Just as the dishes can pile up, harmony in the household can fade out, and you can find yourself running from A to B endlessly without achieving anything. This is a guide to getting it together, to improving your productivity, preparing for disaster and finding the motivation and energy to do it all over again tomorrow.

The Household

Whether you’re going to work and finding what time you can in the evenings or you’re at home wondering why the house is demanding a full day’s worth of labour every day, there are things you could do to improve your circumstances. The trick is to work on your routine, and your family’s, so that you’re all using your time as effectively as you can without even noticing. When you’re doing a job naturally at a certain time you’ve accepted it into your routine, and it won’t seem like as big a deal – the problem, however, is that it’s easy for tasks to fall out of your routine and it’s very difficult to get new tasks into your routine. Just remember, the first few weeks of a new routine are the most difficult. Take control and delegate tasks to family members and supervise them until they’re doing their jobs naturally. To do this, you’ll need to have a list of everything that needs doing every day as well as a rough idea of your family’s schedules. You’ll know when the jobs have been assimilated into everybody’s routines because the whole house will start to tick over naturally rather than being a constant source of arguments.

Once you’ve got the house running on a day to day level, you can start to save yourself some time by planning in advance. Make sure you all know which neighbor to go to for help in case of an emergency. Make sure you have the phone numbers of your local electrician, plumber and handyperson before anything wrong – not afterwards! Not only will this save time and make disasters less stressful, but you can also save a lot of money by planning in advance. You’ll know the cheapest way to get help, and you won’t be stuck if the internet goes down as well. If you have a plan beforehand then you can get the best deals and services; for example, if you contact One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning at then you won’t be waiting all day in the heat or cold for somebody to arrive. If you wait until the last minute to look, you can’t complain if you get a bad deal.

The Family

People need an indefinite amount of attention that, nine times out of ten, you don’t have the time or energy to give. It can be difficult to keep up with the moods of your family, particularly if you have adolescents in the house, and it can be even more difficult to keep up with the developing issues behind their moods. Are they being bullied? Are they struggling with schoolwork? Are they suffering in their love-lives? What makes it more difficult is how reluctant people can be to talk about their problems, which means that very often you only find out there is a problem when it reaches boiling point, and the person reacts. Make sure you know the basics of what your family are dealing with each week, even if all they want to share is that they’re struggling with a science project – talking about this kind of stress builds up trust, which is essential to family relationships.

Are you agreed on a discipline procedure with your partner? If you feel like you aren’t on top of everything, one factor could be your relationship with your partner. You should be helping each other out in all areas of your lives. This might mean agreeing on disciplinary roles between you, or it might be as simple as talking about your work-lives with each other, so you feel like you know each other better and find it easier to work as a team. It’s just as important to share out social time with the children as well – not just the discipline. Here, you should both be playing to your strengths – you could take responsibility for entertaining the family one weekend and your partner could take responsibility for it the next weekend, for example.   


Just as it can seem like everyone around you needs more support than you have to give, you also have a bottomless craving for it. Sometimes, particularly if you’re part of a busy family, you can’t rely on everybody noticing when you’re struggling and banding together to take the weight off your shoulders. There are times when you need to be disciplined with yourself, and there are times when you need to know how to give yourself support. Delegating tasks and getting the family into a routine is a great way to snatch back an occasional evening to yourself, but the important thing is knowing how to use it. If you’re in the habit of doing everything all the time, treat yourself to take out or run a bath – it can be difficult to stop yourself doing extra work and saving more time for later, and that’s why it’s important to fit relaxation time into your routine as well.

Get to know yourself – spend some time thinking about the things that make you anxious or that make it difficult to be productive. When you have time for rest, you spend your productive time more effectively because you can review your activities. Make sure you’re always in touch with both your long-term ambitions and your short-term obstacles, and you’ll find it easier to stay motivated when life gets tough.

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Top 5 Essentials You Will Need Next Time You Go Camping

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Camping is one of the most amazing experiences you can have. Hiking to a nice secluded spot and sleeping in the middle of nature can seem like a different world. The equipment that you need to go camping has become more sophisticated over the years, but the basic principle for many is the same.

To make your trip a success, you need to be safe and protected from the elements. Here are a few essential pieces of equipment to help you.


You can sleep under the stars which are a magical experience, however, if you prefer to have a tent, then choosing the right one will make things more comfortable. Ideally, you want to have a tent that has some extra space so you can move around easily.

For example, if there are two of you, then taking a three-person tent will give you plenty of space.

Sleeping Bag

There are several designs for sleeping bags. However, one of the most popular is the cocoon type that goes around your head to just leave your face exposed. They’re particularly good if you’re going to camp somewhere that will be cold at night.

You can get different thicknesses and materials depending on the climate you will be in, and some even have pouches for hot water bottles if it gets particularly cold.

A Sleeping Pad

A sleeping pad is an inflatable mattress that you can lay on in your sleeping bag at night. You can get simple pads that are thin sheets of foam, although you might find the inflatable pads offer more comfort.

They’re easy to inflate and pack away, so they won’t take up much room in your backpack if you’re on a hiking trek.


There’s a huge range of cookware available that will suit everyone from the simple camper to the camper who needs to cook for a family. You can get everything from folding frying pans to portable wash basins if you need them.

You can even get color coded plates and bowls so that you always know which is yours. Perfect for sitting around the fire trying out those campfire pie iron recipes from Easy Campfire Recipes.


As it gets dark, you’ll need some way of illuminating the tent, and for taking trips to the toilet at night, so a lantern is essential. You can get lanterns that use different power supplies depending on your preferred choice.

There are those powered by a butane canister, those that are solar charged and regular battery-operated types. Whichever one you choose, make sure it’s ready to go before nightfall.

These are a few of the essential items you’ll need on your camping trip. You can, of course, add to this if you want to by having a larger tent, gas operated fridge or folding chairs. If you’re planning a hiking trip over a few days, you’ll also need a lightweight backpack to carry all your equipment.


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Moms Can Go to School Too

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Just because you’re a parent and you have responsibilities to your children, it shouldn’t mean that you can’t increase your education and advance your career. In fact, doing just that could actually help you better provide for your children, and at the very least, it will show them the value of education and striving to better yourself.

So, whether you never got a degree and you’d like to change that, or you’ve always dreamt of getting your Bachelors in Health Administration so that you can change to a more fulfilling career, don’t let other people’s expectations or beliefs stop you – moms can go to school too!

If you do decide to go to school, here are some tips to make the transition easier on the whole family:

Consider Your Options

Before you take the plunge and enrol, take the time to first consider your options. Right now, there have never been more ways to get an education. You can do a Healthcare Administration Degree Program Online, learn to be an accountant at community college part-time or enrol in a varsity college and it makes sense to work out which option will work best for you, your spouse and your kids long-term before you invest any time and money into a course of action that might not work for you.

Set Realistic Goals

You should also set realistic goals for your continuing education. Do you want to finish that your nursing degree so that you can get a secure job with benefits? Do you want to qualify as an accountant so you can stay at home with your kids? Do you want to finish an architect’s course by the time your kids are of school age so that you can start a more fulfilling career? Just want a fulfilling way to spend your spare time? Whatever your aims, you should work out a realistic way of achieving them, giving yourself enough time to learn the material and take care of your kids. Knowing what you want and how you will achieve it, will help you stay the course when things get tough.

Get Your Kids Ready

Your going back to school will be a big change for the whole family, especially the kids, particularly if you’re a stay-at-home mom who’s usually around most of the time. That means that you need to prepare your kids for the coming changes, starting well in advance of your course beginning.

Do your best to explain to the children as best you can that you will be going  to school and that will mean a few changes, Try to reassure them that, when you’re not there, they will have someone to take care of them, whether that’s dad, grandparents or a sitter, and that you will only ever be a phone call away.

If your kids are older, explain to them that you’re doing this to fulfil your dreams and make a better future for you all ask them to show some understanding in helping out more around the house and giving you some quiet time when you need to study. You could also turn your study time into a family time by all sitting around the table and doing your homework together. This will take a load off and make it easier for you to do what needs to be done.

Get Organized

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Going to school alone is enough to turn your life upside down, but when you have kids to think about too, well some organization is pretty essential. By a daily planner and write down the dates and times of all your classes, school vacation, extra curricular activities, and any other appointments you have, so at the very least you know what you should be doing when.

Then, try to settle the kids into a streamlined regular routine whereby they get up at the same time, have a schedule for bathroom use, leave the house by the same time, come home, do homework etc. It might take a while for you all to get into the swing of things, but when you do, your household will be running like a well-oiled machine, and your whole life will be easier.

Update Your Technical Skills

If it’s been awhile since you were in school, you might find that things are done a little differently now. If you’re pretty good with technology, this probably won’t be too much f an issue, but if you can just about manage to work your smartphone, then it might be worth attending a technological skills brush up course to get you up to speed. Don’t worry about this, unless you’re enrolling on a super techy course, the skills you need will be fairly simple and easy to learn.

Look for Scholarships

There are numerous college grants and scholarships that are available exclusively to parents who are returning to school. It will certainly be worth your while to research and apply for as many of these as possible because they could cut the cost of your education significantly and make it a lot easier to pay for any extra childcare you might need.

Look After Yourself

So many moms, and dads, who go back to college, feel so needlessly guilty about doing so because they worry they’re neglecting their kids (they’re not) that they spend every spare spend second they have attending to the kids. Your kids are important and spending lots of time with them ism for sure a good thing, but you shouldn’t neglect your own self-care.If you don’t take the time to eat well, relax and have some ’me time’ you’ll burn out pretty quickly, and everyone will suffer as a result.

Take Advantage of All Your School has to Offer

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These days, most schools are fully equipped with childcare facilities, counseling provisions and medical facilities, all of which can be a massive help when you’re returning to college as a mom. Don’t be afraid to make use of them whenever there is a need.

Going back to school when you’re a busy mom might be a challenge, but if you really want to do it, it is possible, and you can make it work.


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Explore New Ways to Strengthen Your Bond with Your Dog

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Having a dog as a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. They offer not only friendship but also love and companionship. However, just because dogs are loving and faithful pets, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work at the relationship.

If you’ve adopted a new dog who’s had a difficult past, you might have to earn your dog’s respect and love for them to feel safe and happy. There are ways that you can start to develop a stronger bond between you that will last a lifetime.

Start Training Together

One way that you can start to build a good relationship with your dog is to participate in positive reinforcement training. You need to show them that you are a good person and that they can come to you for all things good.

You should make the training fun and also positive, by giving rewards for good behavior, and you will encourage your dog to enjoy being good for you.

Spend Some Quality Time Together

It might sound unusual, but your dog needs time with you just like any other member of the family. Just sitting there with them and giving them some attention can be the perfect thing for your best friend.

You can make it part of your walking routine to sit down on your walk and share some peaceful time together. Or, you can take them with you while you train – it will certainly make a big impression on your dog.

Make Food Part of the Training

To reinforce the bond you both have, you need the dog to know that you’re the giver of food, and treats as well. There are some great companies like PawsIQ that offer healthy treats for dogs that you can use.

By using meal times and treats as ways for them to see you as the food giver, you will strengthen the bond. It will also work to reverse any negative experiences they may have had with previous owners.

Earn Their Respect

Dogs are just like people in the way they need to see that you respect them. If you show them that you won’t do anything to hurt them, they will soon become a lot closer to you.

If there’s something that they don’t like, then try not to do it. That way, they will see that you respect them and understand what they want.

Try and Make Experiences Positive

There are times when you will need to do something your dog hates. Whether that’s having a bath or going to the vet, they’re going to look to you for support. Try to give them their favorite toy or a treat if they do well, as a way of offering comfort.

The bond between a dog and its owner can be extremely strong, to the point where they will never want to leave you. It’s this relationship that makes dogs such good friends and pets.

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