Archives for March 2017

5 Ways to Control Your Smart Home

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Photo Credit © yupiramos

With everything from locks, security, lights, and appliances moving from dumb to smart, smart home devices are meant to make life easier. But managing multiple devices can be a task, and there are many different options for controlling your smart home. Which option’s best?

1. Smartphones Control Smart Homes

When using your smartphone to control your smart home, you can control multiple devices from anywhere. With the right devices in place, you can turn off your coffee pot, disarm your alarm system, and make sure the garage door is closed all by pressing a button.

No matter how you choose to control your smart home, a smartphone is going to play a role. In addition to controlling devices you can use your phone to receive alerts of unexpected changes. You can also use it to check on things while you are away and to keep an eye on things. For example, with a connected camera you can use your phone to view live video feed, something not possible using the other control options.


  • Can View Live Camera Feeds
  • Control From Anywhere


  • May Require Multiple Apps
  • May Limit Access to One Family Member

2. Voice Commands

Have you ever wanted to say a word and make things happen? Maybe you want to change the channel, or you forgot to turn the light off in the kitchen before getting cozy on the couch. Voice activation and voice commands are no longer a thing of the future; they exist, and they’re getting better. There are many voice activated devices that you can add to your smart home. Currently, you can use Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s HomeKit for voice control. Soon, you will also have the option of using Google Home. As an added benefit, all three options are also capable of acting as personal assistants. They can make shopping lists, play music, answer questions, and even help with your home’s security.


  • Easy Way To Control Devices While at Home
  • Personal Assistant Features Included


  • Requires the Purchase of a Separate Device
  • Compatibilities are Still Limited

3. Bluetooth-Based Presence

By using your smartphone and certain Bluetooth devices like Zuli Presence, you can automate each room in your home that has one of these devices. Zuli Smartplugs, for example, are Bluetooth devices used to communicate with you smartphone. When you have at least Smartplugs plugged in, they can automatically sense your smartphone’s presence and triangulate your location in the room and adjust the lighting and the temperature to

  • Easy Way To Control Devices While at Home
  • Personal Assistant Features Included


  • Requires the Purchase of a Separate Device
  • Compatibilities are Still Limited

3. Bluetooth-Based Presence

By using your smartphone with Bluetooth devices like Zuli Presence, your devices can perform based on your location. Unlike geofencing, which knows when you are home or away, Bluetooth presence knows which room you are in. For example, when you walk into a room, lights will turn on. When you leave the room, they will turn off. When you have at least three Smartplugs, they will triangulate your location to pinpoint what room, assuming you are carrying your smartphone.


  • Works Automatically
  • Room Specific Automation


  • Requires That You Carry Your Smartphone
  • Requires a plug in every room for best results

4. Control with a Swipe

A fourth way you can control your smart home is by using gestures. Fibaro, for example, is an easy to install, non-permanent touchscreen that can be plugged in and mounted or battery powered and portable. It is used to control various devices in your home, both smart and non-smart. You can use Fibaro with your home security system, your entertainment system, and more.

Swipe allows you to control your smart home with 6 simple gestures: up, down, left, right, circle left and circle right. You can use a simple gesture or up to 6 gesture sequences to signal your devices to complete specific tasks. For example, swiping up and down or left and right can turn something off or on.


  • Mountable and Portable
  • Touch Free Gestures


  • Limited to 6 Gestures and 6 Sequences
  • Must be Close to the Device

5. Setting the Rules with Automated Rules

Setting up automated rules can be a long process, but once you have the rules set, you’re done. Automated rules are events that occur based on conditions or triggers. For example, if the kids arrive home from school Monday-Friday at 4:00 p.m., you can set a rule to disarm your alarm system and send you a notification when the kids walk through the front door. You can use motion sensors to turn on lights and even set rules to turn the air conditioning on and off at certain times or when the house reaches a specified temperature. Automated rules allow you to set it and forget it.


  • Runs Automatically
  • Can Control Multiple Devices With One Action


  • Initial Setup Takes Time
  • Assumes You Follow a Schedule

So which one is the best? For me, a combination is the winner. When you’re away from home, use a smartphone. When you’re home, use your voice. But in my opinion, rules are the epitome of a smart home. A home that knows what you want when you want it is truly smart indeed.

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Pantry Must-Haves For The Family Kitchen

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How many times have you come home from work to hungry mouths, only to find the kitchen barren and inspiration lost? How many times has that ended up at a fast food joint or with take-out in front of the television? It’s just far too easy a mistake to make. Keeping the house stocked with food for quick, easy meals can seem like a military operation, full of checklists and mason jars. But all it takes is a few pantry staples, and you’ve got easy, healthy family meals in no time. Here are some pantry must-haves, and why they’re perfect for the family kitchen.


When you’re throwing a dish into the crockpot, throw some lentils, pearl barley, or chickpeas in, and your meal will stretch further without losing any of its nutritious value. Pulses are a genius addition to the kitchen pantry, especially if money is a bit tight. Fair enough, they take a bit of time to cook, but there is nothing better for bulking out stews, casseroles, and pies. And they’re great, low calories additions which are packed full of protein and fiber, perfect for the whole family.

Tinned tomatoes

When you roll in from an awful day at work, with a headache that makes you want to curl up and cry, and you still have a family to feed, that’s when tinned tomatoes come into their own. Chop up an onion, add some olives, garlic, and capers, throw in the tinned tomatoes and some pasta, et voila, a simple, healthy, and delicious meal which will keep everyone going, and all in all it took about ten minutes to cook. They can go in stews, soups, bolognese, meatball sauce, chili – absolutely anything. They’re the perfect pantry staple.

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Pasta and rice

When you have no time to cook, pasta and rice are like a reassuring, edible hug. Cooked through in less than 15 minutes, with a whole world of different flavors and sauces that can be added, they’re every mom’s go-to carb for a good reason. Try a simple tuna pasta bake, with oodles of cheese on top of course. You could even knock together a simple burrito bowl in less than twenty minutes, cooking chicken and chopping salsa while the rice simmers slowly.


What would we do without seasoning? Not just salt and pepper – however necessary and wonderful they are – but herbs, spices, and all manner of delicious condiments too. When you’re in a rush, but you still want to create a delicious and healthy meal for the family, seasoning is the future. It adds depth of flavor, interest, and spice to a dish which otherwise might just be meat and vegetables. Be sure to have mustard, Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper, curry powder, and some Italian herb seasoning, at the very least.

Tinned tuna, salmon, and sardines

Finally, when time is of the essence, there is nothing quicker than a tuna mayo sandwich for feeding hungry mouths. It’s healthy, cheap, quick, and you can make it with everything you have in the pantry. They’re also perfect for throwing into pasta dishes, and delicious too!


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New Puppy: Common Errors To Avoid

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It’s always so exciting when you decide to add a doggy to your family. After all, they can give your family years of fun and happiness. And they become a real part of the family when you do get a pooch. After all, the kids love them to bits! But when you do get a puppy to add to the family, you need to make sure you take care of it and train the pooch properly from the start. After all, you will be surprised how many people end up regretting not being more thorough at the very beginning! Here are some common errors to avoid when you get a new puppy.


Not getting them to the vets early

Wherever you decide to get your beloved new pet, you need to check straight away if they have been to the vets yet. After all, they will need to have some initial checks when they are a few weeks old. And you need to check if they have been yet for the appointment. If they haven’t, it’s so important to get them to the vets as soon as possible. After all, they will check things like your puppy’s eyes and ears to make sure they are well and healthy. And they will discuss other things you need to do in the next few months including vaccines and neutering. In fact, a lot of vets do starter packs where you pay one amount and get everything included. And while it might be expensive (don’t get a dog if you’re struggling for money), it will ensure your dog gets everything they need. Therefore, take them to the vets a week or so after taking your pooch home so you can ensure they are a healthy and happy pup.

Not getting them chipped

A lot of people forget about the fact their beloved doggy needs to be microchipped. In fact, after they have had their initial vaccines, pet owners don’t take them back again for their chip. But you don’t want to live with regret if they get lost or stolen and have no form of ID. After all, it will make it much harder for them to be traced to you and your family. In fact, someone else might take them in as their own pet as they think they are homeless. Therefore, to ensure you protect your pet’s future, you need to make sure they are microchipped via the vet. And make sure you keep your address and phone number updated. That way, they will be able to contact you if they find your pet. And for extra safety, you could always attach a little ID to their collar. You can put your name and address on there so that people can get in touch if they find your beloved pooch.

Not teaching them obedience and discipline

In the first few months of owning your pet, a lot of the time will be spent playing with your pooch. And getting to know your new family member who the kids will adore. But to ensure you have a well-behaved dog in the future, you need to start teaching them obedience and discipline as early as possible. After all, a lot of dog owners look back in regret that they weren’t stricter with their pooch when they were a puppy. And they have to deal with the consequences of a naughty pet as they get older. Therefore, it’s time to take them to some obedience classes to ensure they learn how to be well-behaved. And make sure you implement discipline if they are naughty at home. You might want to shut them out of certain rooms to limit playing when they have been bad. And you could even opt for a bark collar which you can read about in this article which can help them to behave. Ensuring they learn now what is good and bad will ensure you have a good mannered and well-behaved pooch in the future!

Not setting some no-go areas

A lot of people let their puppy go all around the house when they first get them. After all, they feel bad restricting certain rooms. But if your dog does have full run of the home, it might mean they can cause trouble in rooms you would love to keep in good condition. And then you might look back in the future with regret that they damaged the furniture or chewed the carpet. Therefore, it’s a good idea to restrict the rooms they can go in at the beginning. In fact, you might want to use a dog cage to show them which areas they should be in. It can help to ensure they know where to sleep at night so that they don’t end up on the kid’s bed! And whichever rooms you do allow your pooch to go in, make sure you hide your belongings. After all, you don’t want to find they have had a good chewing session on your favorite socks.

Not getting pet insurance

Pet insurance is another bill people can do without. Therefore, a lot of pet owners don’t opt to pay for it for their dog. But they might live to regret this in years to come if their pet runs into a health problem. And then you don’t have the funds to pay out for your pet. After all, it might mean you have to say goodbye earlier than you have to. Or even resort to loans to pay out for treatment for your pet. Therefore, as soon as you get your pet, you should opt to get pet insurance. And the younger they are, the less it will cost, so you should do it when they are a puppy!

And make sure you remember that puppies will grow up into fully formed dogs. It might sound obvious, but a lot of people forget when they get a cute, cuddly puppy for their family. But do ensure you have space and time for a big doggy too before you commit to adding one to your family. In fact, make sure you read up about the breed first before you go to the shelter, so you don’t make an error.


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Keeping Your Child’s Health in Check

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Our children are the most precious things in our lives, and as parents, we want to do what’s best for them. Keeping them happy and healthy is our number one priority. However there are a number of challenges that parents have to deal with in order to do this. Here are a few tips and tricks for keeping your child’s health in check.


Healthy Diet

As adults, we have the ability to eat things we’re not especially keen on because we know it’s good for us. Children haven’t developed this, and will generally point blank refuse to eat what they don’t like- and let’s face it, it’s usually the things their bodies need! Getting nutrition into picky kids can be a struggle, but there’s plenty of tricks you can try to make it easier. If fruit is the issue, try blending it up with some almond milk, yogurt or fruit juice into a sweet tasting smoothie. Something that even fussy children usually enjoy! Use a food processor to very finely chop vegetables and cook them with ground meat, and use as a base for different dishes. Once it’s all cooked together, there are no obvious pieces of veg, but it’s jam-packed with the good stuff. And just keep trying them with different things, keeping calm and relaxed so that issues don’t develop around food.


When kids are naturally full of energy, making sure they get enough exercise isn’t difficult. If you take them out of the house to an area where they can naturally play and run around, they’re sure to burn off all of the energy they need to with no hassle to you. You could take their bikes to the park, or a ball to kick around. They could play on a trampoline in the back garden, or explore a soft play area. Children from age six need around an hour of activity a day with most of the hour being moderate to vigorous activity. But provide them with somewhere they can have fun, and they’re sure to do the rest!

Health Conditions

Health and youth tend to be things we see as interlinked, and while many health problems don’t develop until we’re older, children can be affected too. Just like adults, children can be affected by bone and hip issues, you could see surgery options from for more information. Certain cancers can also crop up, and infections such as meningitis. Getting prompt medical advice when your child is unwell is the key to catching things early. Going on a first aid course for children is also a useful thing for a parent to pursue, you then have some basic knowledge of what to do if anything goes wrong.

Mental Health

The world can be a scary place for a child. Starting school, meeting new people, learning new things and overcoming obstacles. Building up a child’s confidence makes it easier to deal with life’s challenges. Be a positive role model and practice confidence in your own life which children will mirror. Use plenty of positive reinforcement, and set them small challenges which they can overcome which will build their confidence further.


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Morning Magic From Both Sides Of The Bed!

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Have you ever blamed the wrong side of the bed for your bad morning mood? It’s an excuse most of us use when we start the day on the wrong footing. But, have you considered that ‘the wrong side of the bed’ is a construct that, instead of helping, actually hinders your mood? When you attach a cause to a bad mood, you give it life. Grumpiness with meaning is justified. Instead of snapping you out of that mood, making excuses encourages you to fester in it. So, next time you start to utter that much-used phrase, think again. Instead, realize that there is no wrong side of the bed, only wrong mindsets!

Waking up on the right side of the bed every morning is half the battle, but it won’t take you all the way. Keep the right side mentality going all morning to ensure your day is a good one. Something many of us are guilty of is ‘mood checking’ when we wake up. Do you ask yourself how you’re feeling first thing? Get out of the habit. If you look, you’re more likely to find. You may think your checking in is a way of keeping in touch with feelings, but it can be harmful. Instead, get straight out of bed and start your morning routine. Don’t give yourself time to decide whether you’re in a bad mood on not. Assume that you aren’t and get on.

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Of course, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As such, a good breakfast is a step in the right direction. If it helps perk you up, get a cup of coffee to wipe away last remnants of sleep. You could even familiarize yourself with something like chemex brewing. Brewing your coffee will smell amazing and give your brain a boost straight off. Make sure that you avoid a fat filled breakfast. A fry up may seem like a good way to start the day, but it’ll leave you feeling bloated and lethargic before you’ve begun. Head, instead, to the fruit bowl. Get creative by making smoothies, or fruit salads. Who said healthy had to be boring? If you’re used to having something heavier, take a banana or two along with you, too. You need to ensure you have enough energy to keep you going until lunch.

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Last on our list of morning magic is what you do while you eat breakfast. Many of us use it as a chance to catch up on the news. That’s fine, but it can be a depressing sight. With positivity in mind, it’s worth saving your news fix for another time. Instead, you could listen to music that makes you feel good. Or, you could spend the time listening to natural sounds that relax you. If you like, you could even listen to a CD of positive affirmations that you can remind yourself of throughout the day. Anything to keep your head happy as you set off for what lies ahead!


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How to Keep Busy With A New Baby

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Keeping newborn babies busy is very important. Their interactions and experiences will start to shape who they are. Here are some ideas for keeping your curious baby busy. You’ll need to engage all the senses, so take inspiration from these ideas about touching, tasting, and talking with your baby…

  • Keep your baby stimulated by providing them with different textures to explore. Remember, everything is new to them so introduce things slowly. It can provide your newborn with a lot of entertainment just playing touch games. Find objects which are fluffy, silky, wet, smooth etc and hand them to your newborn. Their delicate skin will be sensitive to all these textures and will open up a whole world of exploration to them.
  • If your newborn is having a tough time settling down for a nap introduce movement. Movement is a great way to calm babies down and make them sleep and content. You can rock a baby in your arms. Or you could even try rocking your baby by holding up the four corners of your blanket. Just start by holding them firmly against you so that they feel safe and secure.
  • Mobiles are one of the best loved, and oldest, toys for newborns. You can get lots of different types and your babies will look at them awestruck! The bright colors and movement provide lots of visual stimulation, and some even make noises too. Fendi baby has some great interactive toys for newborns. If you don’t have your own mobile you can even use household items. Scrunching plastic cups and silver foil will all be fascinating for your baby to watch and hear.
  • Take your child for walks. Introducing your newborn baby to other people, places, and animals, as soon as possible is a good idea. It will improve their social skills and their tolerance to noises and people. Talk away to your baby. Obviously, they can’t understand you. It is both comforting and educational, though.
  • No doubt new parents will have received plenty of plastic and fabric books as gifts. These are a great way to entertain a curious baby. Whilst they go through a developmental stage babies will want to touch and taste everything to understand it. Help your baby to flick through these books safely. Encourage interaction with the book too. Before you know it your baby will be smiling, making noises, and babbling away.
  • Kicking should be encouraged too! This is a normal reflex that helps to strengthen legs, and will eventually lead to walking. Holding your baby up on their feet is a good way to encourage kicking. Splashing about in the bath and playing with toys is too.


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How to Successfully Study for an Exam

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If studying doesn’t keep you up at night, the thought of an upcoming exam just might. An imminent test may cause butterflies in your stomach, as you may wonder if you have what it takes to pass an exam.

To help you on the road to success, we are offering some helpful tips on how to effectively study for a fast-approaching exam.

Study with a Classmate

It never hurts to study with a classmate or group in the run-up to your exams. This will allow you to talk through topics if one of you doesn’t understand, whilst ensuring you verbally communicate a textbook so you not only understand the text, but remember it.

Take a Course

There is no harm in attending a study course to brush up on your knowledge in the run-up to an exam. For example, many student registered nurse anesthetists turn to Valley Anesthesia, an AANA approved CEU, to prepare for the National Certifying Exam. So, whatever your core subject, look for a course that can help you pass an upcoming test.

Drink and Eat Well

Bad foods can lead to negative moods, so ensure you drink plenty of water and eat fruit and vegetables in preparation for your exams. Not only will you have more energy to revise, but you will approach the exam with a more positive outlook. What’s more, fruits such as apples and blueberries are believed to reduce the toxin levels in your bloodstream and can improve your memory function.

Take a Break

Both your mind and body will need rest if you want to pass an exam. You must therefore learn to take a break in between studying so you are physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for the test. So, cut yourself some slack and treat yourself to an early night, a couple of drinks with friends or a few hours in front of the TV.

Color Association

Use color to memorise important information that may come up in the test. By writing facts down on colour cards or using different coloured pens, you could trigger your memory when taking the examination. For instance, you could write one topic in red and another in blue – and when a question comes up, you can cast our mind back to what colour you used, and you may remember the answer.

Read Aloud

You might be reading the words but you may not be absorbing the information. It is therefore a good idea to read the words aloud so you can listen to every word you say, which could help you to understand the topic and remember the information, because you are actively reading the text.

So, if you are worried about an upcoming final or another exam, we encourage you to join a study group, read textbooks aloud, take a study course, use colour association, eat well and take a well-earned break. You can guarantee it will make all the difference to your final mark. Good luck!


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No Pet Yet? Why Your Family Needs A Dog

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There’s no denying that dogs are lovable, welcoming and cute balls of fur, whether they’re tiny pups or huge, majestic beasts. Just looking at that picture above is likely enough to sell you on the undeniable majesty of dogs, of course, but perhaps you’re still hesitant about ever getting one of your own because the nature of looking after any pet sounds exhausting, costly and far too time-consuming.

However, the downsides are not quite so stressful as they may seem on the surface, and the positives for your family far outweigh any concerns you may have. If there are too many unknowns and unanswerable questions, here are some reasons why your family needs a furry, lovable addition.

They can protect your children from health issues.

This isn’t to say that dogs have any sense of medical knowledge, as far as experts are aware, but they can help to keep your home dust-free which could protect your children from dangerous allergies and other problems and a whole host of other health hazards. That’s right; a dog isn’t just a pretty face.


They’ll keep you active.

Dogs are crazy, wild and untamed creatures, and no amount of domestication will ever change that. On the surface, this might seem exhausting, but it could be just what you and the rest of your family needs to kick yourselves into gear and get moving. Dogs are perfect little motivating companions in this regard because you have to take them out for walks, and most of the time they’ll end up taking you for the walk (if you’ll excuse the stereotypical saying there).

They’ll keep you safe.

Dogs are naturally loyal and protective creatures, and once they’re part of your family they see you as more than a friend, but a person about whom they deeply care and want to protect from all types of harm. Sure, house alarms might work a treat too, but a dog is a visible and strong threat against any kind of intruder. They might be lovable and soft with you, but dogs can be intimidating and tough when they’re matched with anything or anyone dangerous. There’s no better bodyguard.


They’re not so hard to look after.

Well, they’re easier to look after than a human, in many ways, at the very least. There are plenty of places where you can get dog grooming tips if you’re wondering what more there is to do than simply keeping them fit and healthy. Unlike washing yourself, keeping your dog clean, well-fed and happy is always a fun and slightly crazy adventure, but they’re lower-maintenance than you might think.


There’s a reason they’re known as “man’s best friend”.

Of course, a dog can be anyone’s best friend, but the saying holds some real truth. Dogs are incredibly loyal, friendly and intelligent. They feed off our emotions, and we feed off theirs, which is why humans have become such great friends with dogs. If you needed any real reason to invite a dog into your family, this is it.

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Take The Green Home Pledge

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If you’re looking to cut costs in your home, you might want to think about taking the green home pledge. Don’t worry it’s not an official pledge. It just means that you will be working hard to keep your home as green as possible. Although, in some cases, you’ll find that it isn’t hard work at all. It can be easy to keep your home green and lean through the year with a few small changes to the way you run it. You can find a full list of the changes referred to below. This should make it a lot easier to run your home in a way that is eco-efficient.

Insulate Every Room

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One of the biggest energy costs in your home is probably going to be the heating. If you constantly find yourself turning up the heat even in the summer, this points to a problem with your insulation. It’s an issue that you need to fix, and there are a few ways to do this. The most expensive, most effective option would be to upgrade your windows. By upgrading your windows, it’s possible to save a lot of money in your home and keep it green at the same time. But you are looking at a few thousand for a full upgrade of your property.

An alternative option would be to get thicker curtains for the rooms in your house. With thicker curtains, it’s possible to trap heat without bothering about the windows at all. It might be better in some ways too. With something like triple glazing, cold air can’t escape, causing condensation and often damp too.

Get A Smart Control

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You can also think about purchasing a smart home control. A smart home control allows you to adjust the heat, the light and even in some cases, the water pressure to the optimum level. By doing this, you can avoid wasting energy through the day that you never needed to use. The only thing to watch out for is that some systems adapt to match the preferences of each individual home user. So, it’s possible that while you have the lights on low, your kid isn’t quite as eco friendly. As such, you need to be careful and make sure that everyone is on the same page using this type of tech. Either that or fiddle with the settings so that it only matches your preferences.

Change Suppliers

You can also think about changing the supplier of your energy on the market. By switching suppliers, it is possible to get a cheaper deal on the market. You can look at deals like Direct Energy plans and compare them to other rates. Are they providing better rates when compared to the company that you’re using? If they are, it might be time to make a switch, and it’s easy to do this. The new company will handle all the changes for you.

Go Renewable

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Last but not least, you can think about adding a renewable source of energy to your home. One of the most popular today is solar panels. By fitting solar panels to your roof, you can cut energy costs right down because you’ll be making your own energy. You’ll be helping your planet and be rewarded with cheaper home bills. How great is that?


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Preventing & Treating Age-Related Health Concerns

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There is plenty about being older to look forward to, no matter who you are. But there are also certain aspects of the experience which are likely to be less favourable. By far, one of the areas of life that often worsen with age is one’s health. None of us want to experience ongoing health problems, and yet for many elderly it is likely to be unavoidable. Fortunately, there is usually something that can be done to prevent the various health problems which can occur in later life. And where there is not necessarily a preventative measure in place, there is still often a way to at least treat the condition. Let’s take a look at some of the main health concerns for the elderly, as well as the preventions and cures.

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Something that affects a large proportion of the elderly is arthritis. This is a condition which affects the bones; it is the most common health concern which the older generation are likely to experience, and it can lead to a great deal of pain in the long run. This pain can soon mean a much less positive quality of life, and it can be surprising just how quickly it can make a noticeable difference in this respect. The most important thing for anyone who is developing arthritis is to work closely with their doctor to ensure that they minimise the chance of it worsening over time. As for prevention: avoiding clicking knuckles and taking good exercise are both effective.


Alzheimer’s is a serious, degenerative disease which affects a lot of elderly people, and its effects can be extremely damaging, especially if left untreated. It is a disease which is caused by a combination of a number of environmental and genetic factors, and in terms of prevention there is currently research being carried out to discover whether it is possible to keep Alzheimer’s at bay using antibodies. Once it is developing already, however, the most important thing is to find some decent quality memory care, such as The level of care makes a huge difference to the ongoing quality of life of the individual affected.

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Metabolic Syndrome

According to the official statistics, about 75% of adults aged over 60 are what is considered obese or overweight. Although this is often a result of poor lifestyle decisions, possibly from many years prior, it is also true that it can be related to something known as metabolic syndrome. This is a combination of factors which put together radically increase the chances of becoming overweight. These factors include: a high waist measurement, poor cholesterol, a high blood pressure, and others. The best prevention here is ongoing care for one’s body from as young an age as possible. That way, you should be much less likely to develop this syndrome and become dangerously overweight. Exercising a decent amount, eating a good balance of foods with little to no saturated fats – these are both important in this respect, and the difference to be noted is huge. See for more information on this subject.

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