No Pet Yet? Why Your Family Needs A Dog

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There’s no denying that dogs are lovable, welcoming and cute balls of fur, whether they’re tiny pups or huge, majestic beasts. Just looking at that picture above is likely enough to sell you on the undeniable majesty of dogs, of course, but perhaps you’re still hesitant about ever getting one of your own because the nature of looking after any pet sounds exhausting, costly and far too time-consuming.

However, the downsides are not quite so stressful as they may seem on the surface, and the positives for your family far outweigh any concerns you may have. If there are too many unknowns and unanswerable questions, here are some reasons why your family needs a furry, lovable addition.

They can protect your children from health issues.

This isn’t to say that dogs have any sense of medical knowledge, as far as experts are aware, but they can help to keep your home dust-free which could protect your children from dangerous allergies and other problems and a whole host of other health hazards. That’s right; a dog isn’t just a pretty face.


They’ll keep you active.

Dogs are crazy, wild and untamed creatures, and no amount of domestication will ever change that. On the surface, this might seem exhausting, but it could be just what you and the rest of your family needs to kick yourselves into gear and get moving. Dogs are perfect little motivating companions in this regard because you have to take them out for walks, and most of the time they’ll end up taking you for the walk (if you’ll excuse the stereotypical saying there).

They’ll keep you safe.

Dogs are naturally loyal and protective creatures, and once they’re part of your family they see you as more than a friend, but a person about whom they deeply care and want to protect from all types of harm. Sure, house alarms might work a treat too, but a dog is a visible and strong threat against any kind of intruder. They might be lovable and soft with you, but dogs can be intimidating and tough when they’re matched with anything or anyone dangerous. There’s no better bodyguard.


They’re not so hard to look after.

Well, they’re easier to look after than a human, in many ways, at the very least. There are plenty of places where you can get dog grooming tips if you’re wondering what more there is to do than simply keeping them fit and healthy. Unlike washing yourself, keeping your dog clean, well-fed and happy is always a fun and slightly crazy adventure, but they’re lower-maintenance than you might think.


There’s a reason they’re known as “man’s best friend”.

Of course, a dog can be anyone’s best friend, but the saying holds some real truth. Dogs are incredibly loyal, friendly and intelligent. They feed off our emotions, and we feed off theirs, which is why humans have become such great friends with dogs. If you needed any real reason to invite a dog into your family, this is it.

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