Morning Magic From Both Sides Of The Bed!

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Have you ever blamed the wrong side of the bed for your bad morning mood? It’s an excuse most of us use when we start the day on the wrong footing. But, have you considered that ‘the wrong side of the bed’ is a construct that, instead of helping, actually hinders your mood? When you attach a cause to a bad mood, you give it life. Grumpiness with meaning is justified. Instead of snapping you out of that mood, making excuses encourages you to fester in it. So, next time you start to utter that much-used phrase, think again. Instead, realize that there is no wrong side of the bed, only wrong mindsets!

Waking up on the right side of the bed every morning is half the battle, but it won’t take you all the way. Keep the right side mentality going all morning to ensure your day is a good one. Something many of us are guilty of is ‘mood checking’ when we wake up. Do you ask yourself how you’re feeling first thing? Get out of the habit. If you look, you’re more likely to find. You may think your checking in is a way of keeping in touch with feelings, but it can be harmful. Instead, get straight out of bed and start your morning routine. Don’t give yourself time to decide whether you’re in a bad mood on not. Assume that you aren’t and get on.

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Of course, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As such, a good breakfast is a step in the right direction. If it helps perk you up, get a cup of coffee to wipe away last remnants of sleep. You could even familiarize yourself with something like chemex brewing. Brewing your coffee will smell amazing and give your brain a boost straight off. Make sure that you avoid a fat filled breakfast. A fry up may seem like a good way to start the day, but it’ll leave you feeling bloated and lethargic before you’ve begun. Head, instead, to the fruit bowl. Get creative by making smoothies, or fruit salads. Who said healthy had to be boring? If you’re used to having something heavier, take a banana or two along with you, too. You need to ensure you have enough energy to keep you going until lunch.

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Last on our list of morning magic is what you do while you eat breakfast. Many of us use it as a chance to catch up on the news. That’s fine, but it can be a depressing sight. With positivity in mind, it’s worth saving your news fix for another time. Instead, you could listen to music that makes you feel good. Or, you could spend the time listening to natural sounds that relax you. If you like, you could even listen to a CD of positive affirmations that you can remind yourself of throughout the day. Anything to keep your head happy as you set off for what lies ahead!


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