Little Secrets To Make The Home A Little Happier

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A happy home life is one of the most important aspects in anybody’s life. Unfortunately, far too many homeowners have their priorities all wrong. Having the nice big TV is great, but it means nothing without the basic luxuries that all modern properties should boast.

The smartest homeowners know that priorities need to be order. Once this has been achieved, it is far easier to create a home befitting the modern family. Best of all, many of those little luxuries are cheap and easy to achieve.

Here are some of the best ways to give any property a sprinkle of extra enjoyment.

Starting With The Exterior

Most homeowners will start their upgrade work by improving specific rooms. However, interactions with the home start from the second it comes into view. Therefore, a great exterior is the perfect way to set positive tones before even entering the property.


There are various ways to add curb appeal to a property. Doing so will give it a far more inviting vibe, which will work wonders for any homeowner or family. After all, there’s nothing worse than entering the home in a bad mood due to poorly maintained external features.

More importantly, treating these aspects will protect the property too. No homeowner wants to be faced with the need for major restoration work. A stitch in time saves nine, and attending to those issues early can save a lot of money in the long run.

Quite frankly, it would be foolish to even think about entering the property without first making those upgrades.

Improve Daily Habits

Another common mistake is focusing on the wrong things. Building a luxury games room is all well and good, but a smarter homeowner will know to concentrate on daily tasks first.

Increasing the water pressure to achieve a more enjoyable shower is far more effective than buying a bigger TV. The home should be relaxing. As long as processes like bathing and sleep are comfortable, the owner will have no complaints.


That’s not to say little luxuries can’t be included. In today’s fast-paced world, many people need a coffee to wake them up in the morning. Tassimo T discs are the best solution. Those simple pleasures can make all the difference.

Of course, the perfect family home will boast other features. However, function has to be the priority. After all, there’s nothing more frustrating than being unable to get things done.

Make Every Room Count

Wasting space is arguably the worst thing that any homeowner can do. Properties only have a limited number of rooms. In truth, leaving a guest room in a dormant state is nothing short of ridiculous.

Even a modest sized guest room can be transformed into a wonderful home gym or office. Alternatively, it could become a playroom for children or a space for an adult to rest after a long day at work.

Either way, it has to be a better than leaving it unused. The garage is another commonly misused area. If a home is to reach its full potential, every room must be productive. It’s as simple as that.

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Preparation Tips For Keeping Your Family Safe During A Power Cut

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Lots of people worry about what might happen to their home in the event of a lengthy power cut. Keeping the kids safe is often a top priority, and so taking advice from this post is wise. Nobody knows when a power cut is going to strike, and that is why pre-planning is essential. Some towns and cities are more prone to that issue than others. Consider all the evidence at hand before making a start. Modern communities often have backup systems in place. In that instance, there is no need to take quite as many precautions.

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  • Buy lots of candles

When the lights go out in the evenings, candles are going to become vital. Anyone can purchase them online without breaking the bank these days. Just look for the best deals on relevant website and try to buy in bulk. Ideally, people wishing to protect themselves in the event of a power cut should opt for the largest candles possible. If they come with a pleasant scent, it’s a bonus.

  • Invest in a generator

Most people don’t know how to select the right generator for their home. That is why research is almost always required. Some generators are designed for various purposes, and so there is a lot of choice on the market. Just find something powerful enough to power an entire home for at least six or seven hours. Hopefully, that should mean the sun rises before the generator runs out of fuel.

  • Purchase board games

Kids can become bored and sometimes scared during a power cut. So, it makes sense to purchase items that will keep them entertained. Board games are always a top choice because they take a long time to complete. Play a few rounds of Monopoly, and they will forget the electricity isn’t working.

  • Get onesies for all the family

Homes that use electric heating might become very cold during a power cut. Cuddling up on the sofa should help to keep everyone warm if that happens. However, it’s also sensible to purchase lots of thick clothing. Onesies are usually a good choice because they function much like a blanket. Plus, many companies now sell numerous designs that are sure to make everyone laugh. Next time there is a power cut, wearing a onesie would be a good idea.

  • Start locking doors

Many homes are protected by an electric alarm system these days. That device is there to protect people but isn’t going to work during a power cut. So, locking all the doors is vital. The last thing anyone wants is for a criminal to gain access into their home. It’s easy to keep everyone safe by using deadlocks and other simple items that are not powered by electricity.

So long as all readers pay attention to the tips on this page, power cuts shouldn’t be so worrying in the future. It’s all about taking steps to prevent issues ahead of time. Predicting a power cut is difficult, and so having everything ready in advance will mean every stays happy and safe. Search online and buy the right products today, and power cuts will no longer cause problems in the household.


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Organizing Help Has Never Been Easier with VolunteerSpot #SignUpSpot

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Disclosure- This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of VolunteerSpot. All opinions are my own.

I am very active at my daughter’s elementary school. I’ve been a PTO volunteer, room parent, and last year I was on the PTO board and was the volunteer coordinator. One of the hardest parts of all of those jobs was to organize volunteers. Sometimes we needed to organize when volunteers could help with various events and sometimes we needed volunteers to sign up to bring various items such as food and drinks but organizing this can be a nightmare. Sending emails back and for trying to get people to pick a time to help or pick an item they want to bring in can be a tedious job. I knew there had to be an easier way and I found it. VolunteerSpot is a great website that will totally help organize volunteers for so many different things this year. Volunteer Interest Sign-UpWe just had our school’s Fall bookfair. I wish we had known about VolunteerSpot before the bookfair because setting up the volunteer schedule would have been so much easier. With VolunteerSpot you just set up the event, add the times and dates you need volunteers, and send out the link for the event. Then volunteers can see the times and dates that are still available and choose which ones work for them. No more back and forth with people saying when they want to help only to find out that everyone wants the same shift. I’ve told the current board of the PTO all about VolunteerSpot so setting up volunteers for the Spring bookfair will be much easier. bookfairI LOVE that VolunteerSpot also features automatic reminders & e-calendar syncing to keep all the volunteers in the loop and remind them of what they signed up for. I love that there is nothing to install, no passwords, to remember, and there is even a mobile version so you can take it on the go.
Soccer Snack Sign-UpThere are so many uses for VolunteerSpot, not just a school setting. I am having a Halloween Pot Luck in a few weeks at my house and I used VolunteerSpot to organize my friends and the dishes they would be bringing to the event. It was so easy. I created the event and added different types of foods my friends could sign up for (for example 2 side dishes, 2 desserts, etc). No more worrying that there would be 5 desserts and no main dishes (although 5 desserts might not be such a bad thing!). I sent my friends the link to the event I created and everyone was able to easily sign up at their leisure for what they wanted to bring. So much easier than back and forth emails. And there are cute themes that you can use for your event to add that personal touch. I used a Halloween one for my Halloween Pot Luck, how cute! I am able to easily pull up my party from my cellphone or computer and see who signed up to bring each item, what’s still needed, etc. I can send messages to my guests through VolunteerSpot, and even reminders.
volunteer spot screen shot2Both of my girls are in Girl Scout troops. We will be using VolunteerSpot to collect donations for holiday gifts for the troop leaders, keep track of who is going to each event, who is bringing snack to each event, and so much more. See what I mean? There are so many uses for VolunteerSpot for everyone, not just schools and group leaders.

Top 10 Reasons to Use VolunteerSpot

  EASY TO USE! If you can shop online, you can use VolunteerSpot!
  SAVES TIME & STRESS! Quickly organize helpers, conferences, potlucks & events without ‘reply-all’ emails, spreadsheets, and paper sign-up sheets that get lost
  MORE PEOPLE SIGN UP! Simple online and smartphone signups – NO PASSWORD required
  MORE PEOPLE SHOW UP! Thanks to automatic reminders & e-calendar syncing
  EASY TO SHARE! Invite participants by email, a website link, Facebook or Twitter. Sign-up people in person with our free iPad app, Clipboard by VolunteerSpot
  SAFE & SECURE! Meets the highest privacy standards
  CLIPBOARD COMPATIBLE! Make assignments from pre-existing paper lists or for people without email access
  COLLECT MONEY! Easily and securely collect contributions, fees & group gifts
  KEEP INFORMED! Track hours, run reports, send alerts, and export data

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Traveling with E-Cigs: What You Need to Know

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Hand with electronic cigarette agains white background

If you’re a vaper who’s planning to go on vacation, it’s highly likely that you’ll be planning on taking your trusty e-cigarette with you – vacations can be traps for many ex-smokers with the tempting offer of duty free and cheap cigarettes, and many vacation destinations are in locations that still heavily promote the tobacco industry. As an ex-smoker, you’ll be wanting to avoid all of this, so what better way to take your e-cigarette along for the ride in order for you to be able to get your nicotine fix as and when you need it without succumbing to smoking conventional cigarettes. Here are just a few things that you’ll need to know before travelling with your e-cig.

Some Countries Have Banned Them

Yes – some countries have actually banned e-cigs but continue to allow the smoking of regular tobacco and cigarettes, a move we haven’t quite been able to get our head around either. However, if you’re travelling to one of these countries, you will need to be aware that if you are seen using your e-cigarette, you’re likely to have it taken off you and could also be landed a hefty fine. Visitors to Singapore will be faced with a fine if caught using an e-cig, and they’re also banned in Brazil and Egypt. It’s a good idea to check the legal status of the country you’re visiting regarding e-cigarettes and vaping before you go, as regulations vary between different countries.

Flying and Vaping

The vast majority of airlines will not allow you to vape whilst on the flight, and treat electronic cigarettes much the same as a conventional cigarette – you will usually need to go to the smoker’s shelter or designated smoking area to vape at an airport. When it comes to getting through customs you will usually be allowed to take an e-cigarette and up to two batteries in your hand luggage, and you can put e-liquids in the clear plastic bag provided they’re under 100ml and the total of your liquids does not exceed 1 liter.

Buying Accessories Abroad

Many countries abroad do not have a great selection of e-liquids and other e-cigarette accessories on sale, so it’s a wise idea to stock up before you go and take as many e-liquids and spare parts (which can be bought from along with you as you can. If you’re visiting some European countries such as Portugal you may be able to buy e-cigarettes and e-liquids, however they are not quite as popular yet as they are in the United States and United Kingdom, and you may find it’s a bit of a task to find a basic e-liquid mixture, plus you should also be aware that many other countries aren’t subject to the same regulations and the e-liquids might have additional ingredients in them that you’re not used to.

Have you travelled with an e-cigarette? Where did you travel to, and were there any restrictions? If you have any advice for fellow travelling vapers, we’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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The Perfect Present For Every Member Of Your Family

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As a mom, it can seem like you’re constantly buying gifts. If it’s not your little girl’s birthday, it’s your boys. Neither of those and your husband’s is probably just around the corner. Christmas is never far away either. There are also friends, other family members and the random gifts we end up buying people throughout the year.  I digress, but with that in mind it sure would be nice if there was a helpful little guide you could use to buy anyone a gift. Well, now you’re in luck because there is.

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Gifts For Young Boys

You might have noticed there was recently an uproar in a small town in America. It was on the news that they had stopped selling items that were specifically for boys or specifically for girls. Instead, everything was unisex. Now, I don’t know about your kids but I’m pretty sure my little boy would not like something I’d pick out for a girl. Maybe it’s just me, but I still differentiate between presents for little boys and little girls. For my son, he’s still quite young bless him, so I tend to stick to the simpler things. You never know when they are going to become disinterested in something you have bought them. This can be a nightmare if you have spent five hundred dollars on a games console that is now sitting in the corner not being used! Instead of going down this route, I like to buy colouring books, toy planes and cars as well as a few little knick knacks. They keep him entertained and when he’s at an older age, I’ll start buying him more expensive presents.

Gifts For Girls

I have a niece, and she is still obsessed with Frozen. I honestly don’t think it’s every going out of fashion. After all, they have announced a sequel is on its way, so I guess we’re going to be stuck with that one for quite some time. Luckily, Disney is providing. There’s lots of merchandise available for the Frozen obsessed little girl. Whether you want to shell out the cash to pay for it, that’s up to you. If you’ve got an older girl to buy for, try to look for Descendants merch. This is pretty much the new High school Musical. Remember HSM? I miss it. Bring out HSM 4 I say!

Gifts For Old Moms And Dads

As for the parents, I always stick with either a calendar or diary. Basically, a small present that they can use all year around. After all, everyone wants a calendar for Christmas don’t they and they never seem disappointed. You can get a really good family calendar online with whatever kind of picture and format you like online. They always put it up without fail, so I’m counting it as a win.

Don’t worry I know there’s someone missing from this list, husband’s. But come on, we all know what they want don’t we…socks!

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4 Of The Best Gift Ideas For Your Husband

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If your husband has a birthday coming up, then it’s time to go gift shopping. This can mean spending hours on the internet looking for cool ideas and things to get him. Well, that can take a lot of time and be quite stressful. So, I’ve decided to take out all the hard work for you! I’ve come up with four of the best gift ideas for your husband.

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Movie Memorabilia

Remember all those nights you forced yourself to stay up with your husband watching his favourite film? Remember how he used to talk the whole way through each time, explaining everything in every scene? Of course you remember, how could you forget!? Well, all that will finally come in handy when their birthday rolls around. Think about getting them some memorabilia from their favourite film. If they’re a Star Wars fan, think about buying them a replica lightsaber. Obviously if they aren’t a fan, buy them something from the film they love. A gift like this is incredibly thoughtful and will trigger manly tears of joy.

Wine/Beer Hampers

Alcohol is always a good gift idea for your man. But there’s nothing special about giving them a bottle of wine or six-pack of beer. This is where gift hampers come in handy. They’re a nice way to give your husband some alcoholic treats while still looking thoughtful. They also make popular Father’s day gifts, because they’re so neatly packaged. Find a beer/wine hamper that has everything you want in it and give it to your husband. It will be the best alcohol related gift they’ve ever received.

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DIY Tools

Consider getting them a nice new toolset for their birthday. No doubt your man considers himself something of a handyman around the house. So, what better way to fuel his passion than by getting him some DIY tools? Now he’ll have all the equipment needed to carry out DIY projects around the house. Hey, who knows, you might even benefit from this. Maybe one day you’ll wake up, and he’s completely revamped the house for you! I’d also suggest you get him a tool belt to go with his tools. Men seem to love having their tools on a belt, I don’t know why. Perhaps it makes them feel like they have a Batman style utility belt?

Sports Tickets

I’d bet my house that your fella spends his weekends watching his favourite sport and screaming at the telly. Well, you aren’t alone, my husband does this and so do pretty much everyone else’s too. If they’re such a big sports fan, what better gift than tickets to a match?! Buy them tickets to see their favourite team in action. If it means you have to endure live sports in a stadium surrounded by loud men, then so be it. It’s your man’s special day, so you have to treat him!


Any one of these gifts will make your husband’s day. If you want, you can get a couple of things on this list too. Just say that one thing’s from you and another is from the kids!

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5 Tips and Trick of Cheap Online Shopping

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Although shopping online is a pretty cheap way to get things, there are many other ways how to reduce a price tag on almost all products or items. If not, then there are ways how to at least keep you in a budget and won’t overspend there you can definitely save cash. Don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry anymore. Today I am going to share my personal favorite 5 tips and trick of cheap online shopping. Enjoy and save money instantly!

Shop At The Right Day

Timing is actually very important if you wish to save money by shopping online. Sometimes that timing can even mean a specific day of the week! How come? Most stores tend to give their discounts and special deals on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On the other hand, Sundays are the best to score cheap airline tickets then Monday is the most expensive. This also goes if you tend to shop after the season. I mean, shop for winter clothing at spring, or back to school supplies at October. That will definitely let you enjoy much smaller prices.

Don’t Be Shy And Use Coupons

Couponing and all the benefits that come with it is a great way to shop smart and cheap online. There are a bunch of different special coupons websites that all offers thousands of discount codes to use. As well as thousands of departments’ stores, or famous brand names too. You can even shop for real designer made apparel and pay much less if you use one little coupon! For instance, if you want to shop at Last Call store, look for online Last Call coupons at It will instantly gift you a nice discount and an ability to enjoy high-quality and fashionable clothing. So couponing is definitely a way to go!

Act Smart at E-stores

Sounds weird? Maybe. But if you do one simple trick, you might save money without any additional effort given. All you need to do is to visit an e-store of your choice, pick an item you wish to buy, put it in your shopping cart and… log out. Then wait for a day, two or a few and log in again. Guess that, at the same second you get back to the store, you are probably going to get a nice “welcome back” discount to use. This works because e-retailing is still pretty new business and stores really want to keep their customers back at any cost. Even if that means smaller prices. So, here you go!

Sign up for Emails

Don’t be afraid of a little spam. Especially if you are dedicated shopper and want to save money. By subscribing to some store’s emails, you will directly and periodically going to get the latest deals, coupons, and sale dates. Sometimes you can even get special “first time shopping” discount. So in any way, it is better to sign up than not.

Stay Alert

This means that you not only have to shop responsibly, but also think before, during and after shopping. Firstly, you need to carefully read all terms and conditions before you shop. I know, that is dull and only eats your time, but sometimes you can find some “pearls” you wish you knew about before committing to one website or another. Also, remember that sometimes shopping online is not cheaper than in stores. Many hidden fees can increase spending and make the whole cost much bigger too. In short, just stay alert of any unplanned thing that might show up after shopping online. I am sure that you will be fine after all!

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Tackling Clutter With A Professional Organizer

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Disclosure- Michelle Worthington, Professional Organizer of Worthy Spaces provided me with some of her services to facilitate my post.  All opinions are 100% my own.

Tackling ClutterThis post is a long time coming because it has been one of the hardest ones for me to write.  I’ve been putting it off because I was embarrassed.  You see I have been too embarrassed to show what the inside of my house used to look like before I called a local South Florida Professional Organizer, Michelle Worthington of Worthy Spaces.  When things were at it’s worst in my house I was so overwhelmed with the clutter.  I know it effected me on such a personal level.  I was depressed and anxious whenever I was in my house.  It was hard to get motivated or get anything done because I would look around and just see a disaster.  With my fibromyalgia, I am exhausted all the time.  It is very hard to get anything done myself when it comes to cleaning.  And when I am tired I am certainly not motivated to declutter.  One day I finally hit rock bottom and knew I had to do something. It took a lot to swallow my pride and call a professional organizer but I knew it was best for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of my family who had to live in our cluttered house.

I didn’t know professional organizers existed for people like me.  I thought that professional organizers just worked with people like I had seen on Hoarders.  I had no idea that professional organizers can help people with all levels of clutter or people who just need help getting organized.  Professional organizers don’t just deal with garbage and clutter, they also deal with helping their clients use their spaces more efficiently.  They can help people pack, unpack, and so much more.  Professional Organizers can also help businesses set up or organize their spaces to function better.

Michelle and I met by chance a few years ago but I think it was fate honestly.  She told me all about what she did as a professional organizer but it took me several years to actually bite the bullet, get over my nerves of someone from the outside seeing my house, and call her.  Making that initial call was a little scary.  I wasn’t sure if Michelle would judge me or if she would even be able to help my craziness.  Within a minute of talking to Michelle, she really calmed me.  She reassured me that everything I was going through was totally normal.  We all think that everyone else has perfect houses behind closed doors but Michelle insisted that having clutter and getting behind in keeping things neat and organized, especially with an autoimmune disorder and 2 kids, is very common.  We set a date for Michelle to come assess my house and get started helping me to get it decluttered and organized.

I was really nervous and I canceled several times before I even let Michelle come over because I was so embarrassed at how my house looked. It was such a disaster.  There was clutter everywhere and not a horizontal surface that wasn’t covered with stuff.  Right before Michelle was about to knock on my door, my anxiety level was through the roof.  What would she think of my house? Would she be able to help?  Would she think I was the biggest slob she had ever seen?  But I knew things had to change.

I had no idea what to expect when Michelle came over.  I was as nervous as I was excited.  Michelle assured me that she had seen it all but of course in my mind I thought, “No way, my house has to be the messiest she had ever seen.”  We hadn’t had a cleaning person over in at least a year because there was too much to “clean and declutter” before I could even let a cleaning person in my front door.

Michelle walked through my front door and was instantly reassuring.  I felt so calm and at ease with Michelle.  She was so comforting and told me that it wasn’t my fault and everything I was feeling was totally normal.  As we walked through my house and I showed her all the nooks and crannies she took some notes and started getting ideas on how we could get the clutter under control.  I say we because I was part of the process.  She was there to help and make suggestions but I was in control of deciding what changes we made and what things we got rid of.

Once Michelle and I went over her ideas we both got to work.  I wanted to be a part of the process but clients can choose to let Michelle work by herself, too.  Michelle made sure to show me EVERY little thing she was putting in the garbage to make sure she had my approval.  Things that could be donated were separated and bagged up for donation.  We put on some tunes and the afternoon flew by.  Michelle and I got so much done.  She really helped me decide what I wanted to keep and what I needed to let go of and donate or throw away.  The whole process was actually kind of fun and I had such a feeling of accomplishment.  We had lots of laughs and chatted the day away as we worked.  Michelle gave me lots of guidance and tips as we went along.  She was so comforting.  I can’t say that enough.  By the end and even now I can hear Michelle in my head when I go to put something where it doesn’t belong, when I try to decide if I should purchase something or decide if I should keep something.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and my house didn’t get cluttered in a day so of course my whole house wasn’t organized in just a few hours but after only 1 day it was noticeably better.  When my husband came home he was surprised how much we had gotten done.  It took 2 days for Michelle and me to get most of my house in order and a third day for us to tackle our garage with my husband.  There are still a few areas that we still need to tackle (like the top of our closet) but it is a work in progress.  When Michelle left I kept on asking myself “Why did I wait so long?” as do most of her clients.

One of the most important things I took away from having Michelle here is that Professional Organizers are not be judgmental and do not make their clients get rid of stuff.  Everything was on MY TERMS and what I was comfortable with. If there were things that my husband or I weren’t ready to get rid of then Michelle didn’t push us.  Plus everything is confidential.  We have a mutual friend and Michelle (just like any other professional organizer) would never tell our mutual friend or anyone else that she knows me professionally because she’s worked in my house.  The whole experience was amazing and I loved that I was able to donate and pass a lot of items on to charities so people can put them to use.  You can tell that Michelle truly loves what she does as do so many other organizers.  Anyone can say they are a professional organizer but make sure they are really a professional with the NAPO- The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) which has about 4,000 professional organizers and almost 40 chapters across the United States.

Here are the before and after photos of my house.  Please don’t judge. 😉

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23-WEB-Composition-NADCOR Stand

Here are some tips from Michelle:


How Michelle Worthington got started:  The Amanda’s TV show really opened my eyes to the profession of Professional Organizing.  It helped to show people in need of help … outside of what I had only seen on “Hoarders” and “Clean House”.   Amanda and her team were very polished and professional – I was excited to see more about a possible industry and how broad the client base and needs truly are.   I started googling and reading books to find out more about the profession and worked up the courage to make a call to a local professional organizer.   She invited me to an upcoming NAPO South Florida meeting… I went … I loved it and decided to go for it.

What Michelle does:  Simply put … I help people.   I enjoy residential organizing – I am honored to be invited into people’s homes and to help them work through their clutter or chronic disorganization issues.  I help with all sorts of projects including paperwork, home offices, closets, kitchens, playrooms, whole home organization just to name a few type of projects.  Having a corporate background I am also able to do small business or corporate organizing projects.


Mention this post and Michelle will take $25 off your first sessions booked!!!

Interested in getting organized, ridding your life of lost items and wasted time, and overall being increasingly productive?

  • Why hire a professional organizer? Like a coach, a professional organizer provides the motivation, support, encouragement, and direction necessary when getting and staying organized.
  • How can I find a professional organizer? Finding a professional organizer is no different than choosing any other service professional. The “right choice ” for you will be a professional organizer who has the expertise, skill set, and personality that best suit you and your goals.  If you are in South Florida, please check out Michelle Worthington of Worthy Spaces.  You won’t regret it.  No matter who you choose, make sure it is someone you feel comfortable and I highly suggest finding someone who is a member of the NAPO.
  • What can a professional organizer help you do?  With the help of a professional organizer in your home or office, one can: accomplish more at work and home, meet important deadlines, find things faster, gain control of surroundings, reduce clutter, create streamlined processes, improve your quality of life, and reduce stress.

Even if your space isn’t as cluttered as mine was I highly recommend hiring a professional organizer to help you get organized.  You’ll be glad you did!

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5 Tips For Planning A Wedding As A Mom

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If you never got the chance to tie the knot before adding to your brood, you are not alone. Thirty years ago, having kids at your wedding would have been seen as strange. But today, many couples wait to tie the knot until after the kids have been born.

For many mommy brides, the main problem is finding the time to plan a wedding while taking care of the little ones. The main issue is working out how to plan a wedding that is both child-friendly and elegant.

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To help you plan the wedding you have always dreamed of, here are five tips that should help. You might have kids in tow, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan the wedding of your dreams.

1. Use Pinterest for inspiration

Pinterest is an amazing resource and is ideal for using to help get some wedding inspiration. As well as using it to look at all the normal wedding pins and dream boards, you can also search for weddings with kids.

This search should bring up a whole list of pins and dream boards with images that you can use to plan a child-friendly wedding. Many of these photo boards are also linked to blogs and articles that have advice on wedding planning, so it’s worth having a look.

2. Planning is crucial

The most important thing you can do to ensure that your wedding is a success is plan, the more organized you are, the better.

You might be busy taking care of your kids, but it’s important that you make time for planning. Aim to deal with one wedding planning task each day, by doing that, everything should get done. If you really struggle with this, you could consider hiring a wedding planner to help you.

Remember, that when you are planning, it’s important to take your little ones into account. Allow extra time for things like last minute toilet runs and snacks, and ensure that you allocate time for naps and feeds.

3. Consider an all inclusive celebration

It might not be what you initially dreamed of but organising an all inclusive wedding will take a lot of the stress off of you. Plus, all inclusive weddings are often cheaper than regular ones, so work out well if you have a tight budget.

Perhaps you have always liked the idea of getting married abroad? Yes – then why not organize an all inclusive destination wedding? Destination weddings are great as everything is organized for you, all you have to do is get on the plane.

4. Get the kids involved

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Don’t shut your kids out of your wedding planning, get them involved. Perhaps your little ones could be bridesmaids or groomsmen? Maybe your child could do a reading or if your dad is absent, give you away?

5. Have activities to keep the kids entertained

As well as getting your children involved in the ceremony, it’s also important to have activities for them at the wedding. Don’t make the mistake of failing to plan things for the kids to do. Otherwise, you will have some bored, whiney children to deal with.

Set up a table just for the kids, fill it with coloring books, story books, comics, jigsaw puzzles, and lots of other toys and games. Perhaps you could also set up a table of retro sweets to keep them entertained, kids love being able to help themselves to things.

Just because you are planning a wedding with kids in tow, it doesn’t have to be any less fabulous. As long as you are well organised and make time for your wedding planning, there is nothing to worry about.

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Tips For Planning a Fundraising Event in Your Local Community

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It is important that all people realize the importance of charitable giving to help solve some of the many problems that are plaguing the world today. A fundraiser in your community is a great way for everyone to come together for a good cause. Here are some tips for planning a fundraiser that will help to ensure success.

Depositphotos_25047523_m (1024x683)Plan well ahead of time

Many people have busy schedules, so planning ahead will help them to be able to fit your fundraiser into their schedule and spread the message to others. Make sure that everyone is aware of their role so that there is no misunderstanding.

Use ideas that can bring everyone together and make giving easy

A dinner fundraiser, such as a BBQ, can be a great way to get people rallied together. Local stores might even be willing to donate food. A charity car wash is another idea that requires little in the way of inputs. You just need a few people willing to work, a location, and a small amount of supplies. Live music is another way to ensure that others take notice of your event and cause. You might even plan an event with food and music so that everyone can have a nice night out and raise awareness and funds. You can also take on two causes at once if you want. For example, a fundraiser dinner or musical event can act as a food drive as well. You might tell people that they save a dollar if they bring two cans of food.

Get input from others in your community

You don’t have to do all the planning yourself. In fact, you really shouldn’t try to do all the planning. Others in your community likely have some fantastic ideas that can help make your event a lot more successful. If you are a member of any organizations, then you might form an action group to plan events. There are a lot of great causes out there that need help, so deciding upon one or two can be hard. Many people choose to fundraise for cancer research because it is a disease that comes in many forms and has a huge impact on the quality of life of a large amount of people. Research allows those such as the Curie Institute to work towards more affordable and effective cures for people all over the world.

Utilize social media

Social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, will make it easy to advertise your event. In fact, you can create an event in Facebook and send electronic invitations to everyone on you or your organization’s friend list.  With a few simple clicks, you can make it possible to allow others to invite people on their lists. This means you reach a lot of people very quickly, and you can even get an idea of just how popular your event seems to be so that you can more easily plan for it and make it an event to remember.

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