Three Ways To Keep Your Feline Friend Happy And Content

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The saying that “a cat makes a home” is true for many cat lovers. Cats are so relaxing to watch when curled up in front of the fire or sat on the windowsill watching for you to return home. They are also fun and playful. Cats are fascinating creatures and although it’s often true that the cat owns you rather than the other way round, they offer so much in return. As a cat owner you will want your cat to be as healthy and happy as possible. This article aims to show you tips, so that you can achieve a long, happy life for your feline friend.

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Bringing home a kitten

If you choose to own a kitten rather than an adult cat, ensure that your kitten is at the very least 12 weeks old and preferably 16 weeks old before it leaves its mother. Also if you choose to adopt a pedigree cat such as the magnificent norweigan forest cat ensure you choose your kitten from a reputable breeder. Breeds such as the Norwegian forest cat have beautiful long coats that will need grooming, so purchase grooming equipment. You will also need food that the kitten is used to, bowls, a litter box, a cosy bed and toys. As this will be quite a scary experience for your kitten its a good idea to ask if you can take a blanket from its original home with its familiar smells.


Make life interesting for your cat. Cats are hunters by nature and so love to catch and chase things. They also love to climb and scratch. You can buy many commercial products to keep your cat from getting bored such as scratching/climbing posts, toys and laser pens. Laser pens have the benefit of being unpredictable to the cat, which is what they love! Even a rolled up ball of paper or a cork tied to a piece of string will be appreciated by your cat. Having toys and time spent interacting with their owners will make a happy cat and a content owner. It will also prevent any destructive behaviour such as scratching furniture. These tips are especially important if your cat stays inside all its life. If you are away from home for long periods of time it may be a good idea to get a companion for your cat.


Cats need feeding regularly and need access to plenty of fresh water. Take advice from your vet as to the most suitable food for your cat. When researching brands of food ensure there is a high meat content and that the food isn’t bulked out with grain. Cats are fussy eaters and generally they will make it known when they are not happy with your offerings, as they will simply turn their nose up and refuse to eat!

This is a very brief overview of ways to make your cat happy. It is also very important to get your cat neutered, as there are so many unwanted cats in the world. It would also be a good idea to get your cat microchipped, so that they can be brought home if they wander or if they sustain any injuries on their travels. Regular vet visits are a must, to check general health and to receive annual inoculations against prevalent cat diseases.

Have fun enjoying your feline friend!



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Don’t Panic! Treating Newborn Illnesses

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Your newborn will be the most precious thing in your life, and so whenever your child gets sick, it can feel like the end of the world. You will always think that whatever illness strikes your newborn will be worse than it is. Your imagination will run wild with possibilities.

But often, it is never as bad as it first appears. In the case of newborns who are unable to communicate, this can cause a hefty amount of stress for parents. But being able to recognise the difference between severe illness and a minor issue will save you as a parent a lot of grief and heartache.

It is only natural and expected that you want your child to be and remain as healthy as possible. It is also only natural to want to do everything you can to keep him or her healthy – even if it results in your acting like a germaphobe. You probably believe it is better to be safe than sorry, but remaining calm and understanding specific symptoms when your child is ill can help put your mind at ease.


While not strictly an illness, a baby suffering from a fever can be a stressful time. Keeping a check on your child’s temperature can help you discover when a fever strikes and deal with it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

A fever in newborns is considered to be a temperature of 100.4℉ (38℃), and this is typically taken rectally. Anything less, while it may seem high, is nothing to be concerned about. However, it is still wise to stay vigilant in case this temperature continues to rise.

When adults have a fever, it is advised to stay as hydrated as possible. With babies, you need to follow a similar course of action in addition to trying to dress them in cool clothes that will help air out any heat. Further advice states to treat the symptoms as opposed to the fever itself, as the fever could be working to fight infections.


Your newborn having a skin condition is one of the more obvious signs of illness. Skin problems, such as baby acne are usually harmless and, while doctors are unsure of the cause, shouldn’t mean you need to do anything differently.

Other skins problems include eczema, which is a red rash that can affect any part of the child’s body. Eczema can be caused by detergents in fabric softeners or shampoos and can flare up unexpectedly. Suffering from eczema can cause itching and be uncomfortable, but you can find creams that will help soothe any problems while you speak to a doctor.

While much of the time these skin conditions will be harmless, it is still essential that you consult a doctor to ensure that the issues are not contagious to minimise the risk of the illness spreading around your house, and to other children as well.


If you think that your vomiting is bad, you may believe that for newborns it is even worse. But babies do tend to vomit a lot. This is especially true in the early weeks after birth, as they are getting used to feeding.

Typically, a newborn’s vomit will be a bit of milk (formula or breastmilk) and could have been caused by overfeeding. This is nothing to worry about, but if your child is demonstrating other symptoms of illness, such as a cold or fever, then it is wise to consult with a medical professional.

Often, the baby will be sick once, and that is it. However, if this vomiting persists for longer than twelve hours and is particularly rough, then it could be a sign of more significant problems. You may not be able to figure out precisely what is wrong by yourself, and going to the doctor will help you identify what the cause of the vomiting could be.

You want to ensure that your child is as healthy as it possibly can be, but much like yourself and everyone you know, there will be times when it gets ill. When this does occur, understanding what is best to do, and not running to the doctor at every mild ailment, will allow you to better treat your child as best you can.

What is vital is not to panic, illness in newborns who are exposed to different elements every day is only natural and so you need to allow their immune system to develop. For more severe cases, of course, it is smart to contact the doctor, but before, be sure to check the severity and do what you can at home, remain calm, and treat your child as well as possible when it is under the weather.

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Effective Ways to Care for Your Kids Teeth

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Parents always want what’s best for their children, but it isn’t just about their safety and general health, it also includes their teeth. There are many foods that can contain hidden sugar that can cause damage to a child’s teeth if they don’t look after them adequately. That’s why it is important to teach your children good habits for their teeth from an early age. Here are some of the ways you can help your child care for their teeth.

When to Start

Good tooth hygiene and habits should start from when they get their first tooth. You should brush twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste to get them used to how it feels. There are many children’s toothpaste brands on the market, so you will be sure to find one that they like. For babies and kids below three years of age, they only need a thin layer of toothpaste on the brush.

Keeping a Good Diet

Although you are encouraging your children to brush their teeth, they can still get problems if their diet contains too many unhealthy foods. Food with a high sugar content is particularly bad and should be eaten in moderation. The worst types of food are sticky foods because they leave a thin layer of food on the teeth. If you know that you are going to be eating this type of food, it is important to brush your teeth afterwards. Another good way to clean your teeth if you cannot brush them is to eat something that will rub and scrape them. These can include apples, nuts, and celery.

Get into a Good Routine

Brushing effectively is all about routine and brushing correctly. You can teach your children early on how to brush them, and you can use an egg timer to make sure they brush for the full two minutes. Get them to look into a mirror while they are brushing, because they can then see what areas need to be cleaned and it helps to keep them to focus on the job in hand. They shouldn’t run around when they are using the toothbrush as they may have an accident and damage their mouths.

Get Regular Check-Ups

You can take your child to a dentist such as as soon as they start to get their first teeth. It can be a good way to get them used to the sights and sounds of the dentist so that they don’t become afraid of the experience. For older children that have issues with their teeth, the dentist can use a fluoride varnish to coat the teeth and make them stronger. It can be reapplied every six months and can help to prevent cavities. After their adult back teeth have come through, the dentist can also apply a thin film of plastic to them to protect them, which can last between five and ten years.

Getting your children into a good routine is vital to protecting their teeth as they grow older, so make sure they start from an early age.

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Common Dog Health and Safety Myths That Are All Bark And No Bite

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After weeks, months or even years of doe eyes and relentless nagging, you’re considering… just considering, bringing a dog into the home. For them it’s a source of tremendous joy and excitement, but for a responsible parent, it represents a significant amount of thought and more than a little anxiety. A dog can be a loving and protective presence in the home, a loyal friend, a mood booster and a genuine member of the family. Unfortunately, they can also be a hazard. At best they could chew your furniture, befoul your garden and destroy every pair of socks in the house. At worst they could inadvertently harm your children or your neighbor’s children.

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There are many things that a responsible parent needs to consider both when determining your kid’ safety and their ability to adequately care for their new friend.

You must consider the breed of the dog; larger dogs obviously need more exercise and (especially when young) will be very energetic and boisterous rendering them perhaps unsuitable for younger children or those of a nervous disposition. Different dog breeds will have different nutritional requirements and can also be prone to certain congenital health defects. All of that selective breeding is bound to take its genetic toll, after all. Then there’s the decision of whether to get a pup or an adult dog. Although both will require care and training, adult dogs have the potential to be more agreeable and lower maintenance than their adolescent counterparts.

Whatever size, age or breed dog you have your sights on, it’s important to make an informed choice based on proven fact. Unfortunately, the world of pets is one of the fields in which hearsay, old wives tales and other strains of “common sense” prevail over research and logic. In order to choose the right dog for your family, and to keep all parties healthy and safe, you’ll need to shake off some common canine misconceptions…

[X breed] is more aggressive and likely to bite

There’s nothing more irritating to dog lovers than when the actions of a single dog leads humans to decry the entire breed as dangerous. That logic has seen entire breeds outlawed, yet it is no truer for dogs than it is for humans. That’s not to denigrate the seriousness of a dog bite. A dog bite can cause not just profound physical injury but psychological trauma resulting in fears and phobias. That’s why dog bite lawyers exist to protect the victims of these unfortunate incidents. Nonetheless, a dog’s breed does not make them inherently aggressive. Any breed of dog can demonstrate aggression but nurture is a far more important component than nature.

A dog has to have her first heat before she can be spayed

When your dog is in heat she can cause other dogs to behave in some very unpredictable ways. While these are just the “niceties” of animal courtship they can be terrifying if your child is walking said dog. Unless you intend to breed your pooch you should have her spayed at the earliest opportunity. A good veterinarian will be able to tell you when the time is right for your dog. Spaying early is not just beneficial for your child, but your dog, too. An early spay severely reduces her risk of breast cancer.

Canine body language

A great many myths and preconceptions (more of that toxic “common sense”) have arisen around canine body language. Humans think they know what their pet is trying to tell them and this can lead to dangerous misunderstandings. For example, a wagging tail isn’t always a sign of happiness, it can also be a warning to back off. Likewise, when your dog bounds around the house upon seeing you get back from work, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy to see you. It can mean that they’ve been understimulated and have a lot of pent up energy that they need to release.

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Barking is a sign of aggression

Most of us shout when we’re angry or threatened… But do you ever shout when you’re happy or excited? It’s exactly the same with our canine counterparts. If your dog barks at another dog or a visitor, it’s not necessarily a sign of aggression. It could mean that they’re excited to see them, or that they’re asserting themselves over their territory… or even that they want to play.  

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Unfortunately, this ancient adage has soured many on the prospect of adopting adult dogs. Unlike their human counterparts, dogs can learn and adapt to changes in circumstances at any age.

Hopefully shedding these widely held misconceptions will help you to find a fuzzy friend who’s a beloved pal for all the family.

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4 Types of Collars to Consider for Your Dog

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Collars are among the most important pet accessories you need to have for your dog. Aside from letting everyone know that your dog is not a stray, it also lets you attach valuable information—such as your name and contact details—to your pet. This is especially helpful in case your furry friend goes missing. Last but not least, a collar is also a valuable training tool that likewise allows you to control your dog whenever you go outside for walks.

If you’re getting a collar for the first time, do not make the mistake of thinking that anything you can wrap around your dog’s neck will do. Different types of collars have different characteristics, some of which may cause problems if not used the right way or if used on the wrong type of dog. Let’s take a look at the different types of collars available.

Standard Buckle Collars

The standard collar is essentially a small regular belt, which is often made of nylon, leather, or any other woven fabric, and fastened using a conventional belt buckle or a quick-release buckle. It also has a metal hoops where a dog tag or a leash can be attached.

Although standard collars are usually cheaper than other types of collars, they are not the best option for more energetic dog breeds. When a dog pulls on a leash while wearing a standard collar, it can put too much pressure on the throat and cause the dog to suffocate. Standard collars work best on more behaved dogs that do not require constant pulling during walks.

Martingale Collars

Martingale collars are sometimes called greyhound collars or whippet collars because they were originally used on these dog breeds, whose necks were wider than their heads. A martingale collar can be considered as both a regular collar and a training collar because it tightens up around the neck when the dog pulls on the leash. However, unlike other training collars that can potentially strangle a dog, a martingale collar is specially designed to only tighten to a certain point. The pressure from tugging on a leash will be enough to deter pulling and other unwanted behavior, but not enough to cause harm.

Martingale collars are safe enough to be used as a regular collar, so there’s no need to keep switching collars every time you need to take your dog out for a walk. A good martingale collar is also easily adjustable so it can be used on almost any kind of dog breed that is not prone to breathing problems. You can get martingale collars from well-equipped dog supplies shop and from trusted martingale collar suppliers online. 

Safety Collars

Safety collars typically come in two variants, namely breakaway collars and stretch collars. Breakaway collars possess a secondary safety buckle that releases when pressure is applied, while stretch collars have an elastic section that can stretch, allowing the collar to loosen from the dog’s head if needed.

These collars are specifically meant to prevent strangulation accidents, particularly in situations when a dog gets entangled with hazards like fences, branches, tables, and other objects.

Body Harnesses

A harness wraps around a dog’s shoulders and chest, taking the pressure off the dog’s neck when the dog pulls the leash. Because there is very little (if any) risk of choking, a harness is great for dog breeds that are prone to breathing problems such as pugs and other brachycephalic dog breeds.

Depending on the type of harness you choose, you can attach the leash to a hoop at the front or at the back of the dog. Most people recommend the front-clip variant for when you’re training a dog not to pull, while back-clip harnesses are typically chosen by those with dogs who are already disciplined enough not to pull.

Choosing the right type of collar is important not just to keep your dog safe and comfortable, but also because it is an essential tool for training your pet. Make sure to get a quality product from a reliable supplier.

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Effective Ways to Declutter Your House

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Sometimes the idea of something seems far better than the reality. That is often the case with having a clutter-free home, you may desperately want to have less to clean, less to stress about and more space in your home, but getting there is the problem. Don’t be put off by the thought of spending days clearing out the attic or the garage, plan your attempt and you will find it won’t take too much effort at all.

Make a Plan

Before you start to declutter your home, you need to identify where the problem areas are and how bad things really are. It might be that you just have one room that’s the problem, or you might think the whole house needs attention. That is why having a plan can make things easier, you can also check things off as you do them and it will feel like an accomplishment.

Spend Five Minutes a Day

One way to declutter without it being painful is to make time for five minutes of clearing a day. To make it easier choose rooms that need attention and designate a day to tackle them. Then, start with one drawer or cupboard and spend a full five minutes clearing it out. You might think that this will be ineffective, but you will soon have effortlessly decluttered your home.

Fill One Trash Bag a Day

Another simple way to declutter is like the five-minute plan, though instead of five minutes, you need to fill one trash bag per day. You don’t have to choose a specific room, just spend some time filling the bag with all the things you don’t want. You may find that you simply collect a whole bag of trash, but, if what you have is a load of unwanted clothes, then they could go to a good cause. Anything that you don’t want can be donated or thrown out, and the rest can be boxed up. You may even find items that you can sell; just make sure that you don’t use the proceeds to replace the clutter with newer versions of what you have sold!

Tackling Clothes

Probably one of the most difficult areas to clear is the wardrobe. Not because of the time it takes, but the fact you probably don’t want to throw anything out. One way you can tackle this is to try the six-month rule. Have all your clothes facing the same way and each time you wear something, turn it the other way. After six months, you will see the clothes you haven’t worn. If you didn’t need them for the past six months, you wouldn’t need them now. Even if you think that you will fit into something soon, you can always buy new things when that time arrives. You can then donate all the things that no longer fit.

Give Away One Thing a Day

By simply giving away one thing from your home a day, you can clear 30 or more things per month from your home. Over a few months, you will start to see a huge difference in how your home looks and it will also make you feel good. If you don’t want just to give things away, then try selling one thing per day. Go to the auction sites and put many things you no longer need on there. It will help you to declutter and raise some cash as well.

Put Things in Storage

You may think that putting things into storage is just moving the problem. However, there may be things you don’t want in the house that are too valuable or important just to give away. It might be some family paintings or some collectibles; these things can be safely stored elsewhere instead of in your home. If you have a lot of things, you can hire a company like to move it all for you. That is an especially good idea if you are transporting valuable things so that they are moved correctly without breaking them.

Change Your Thinking

Trying to declutter your home is as much about your thinking as it is the actual effort involved. It can be easy to convince yourself that something is useful or even essential when it isn’t. Try to think differently about the things you are working through, ask yourself ‘When did I last use this?’ and ‘When will I need it again?’ If you cannot answer these questions, then the item is good to be removed. There are other ways you can achieve this, start taking photos of your home and see if the image makes you feel that there is too much stuff in there. If there is a specific room that causes you worry, that’s where to start.

Ask a Friend for Help

If you are struggling to declutter effectively, then why not ask a good friend to help you. Choose a friend that will be honest with you and ask them to help you sort through a room. Then, when you become stuck, they can rationalize things for you by telling you it isn’t needed or that you never use it. Sometimes another person’s opinion can make all the difference. It can also be a good time to catch up as well as spend some quality time with them.

Don’t Give Yourself Time to Think

When you are trying to declutter, time can be your worst enemy. If you have the time to look at something and talk yourself into keeping it, then that won’t help you. Think about arranging a charity to pick up some things, but make it within a day or two. That way, you won’t have the time to think about anything too much, and it will make the process easier.

Having a plan of action and sticking to it is the way to declutter your home. When you have finally finished, and you have a nice spacious house, remember to keep it that way. Spend a few minutes each day going through the house and clearing out things before they stay too long.

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Getting a Digital Detox Without Interrupting Your Life

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Taking some time off your gadgets without swiping, scrolling and surfing help to strengthen your relationships become more productive and improves your sleep.  Checking emails and login into social media less frequently has been found to reduce psychological stress levels. Getting a few minutes of your day off the digital overload ultimately helps you live in the real world improving your relationships with those around you as suggested by Tim Sims in a blog on dude pins. This can be achieved through:

Reduce the Noise

Declutter your inbox by screening and deleting all unread messages especially newsletters and unsubscribe from a newsletter that is no longer relevant. Check the sites you are following on social media that no longer interest you such as charities, celebrities, organizations, shops, companies and unfollow or unlike their pages if you have outgrown them to avoid flooding your information. Switch off notification from all social media to ensure you have a quiet working time or time out with your friends. This will help you have a routine to catch up with the happenings on social media, family, friends and your work, making you strike a balance with all aspects.  If need be deleted some of the time-wasting applications such as games and social media apps that are addictive.

Set Healthy Boundaries

It is important to come up with a schedule for work and non-working time. This is to enable you to have a good focus on the activity you are engaged in. during work time, ensure you engage fully and wrap up all pending work activities such if it is the non-working time you give full attention to your family, friends, hobbies, relaxation and self-care. Create a space to disconnect to reconnect that will provide for the freedom and permission to truly unplug and decompress. Set up your work boundaries and ensure your boss, colleagues, or clients are aware of your work hours, and designated times for checking email and adhere to the schedule. Set up an automatic out of office notification reply to emails coming in during off hours.

Spend Time Offline

When taking a break, take your gadgets offline or even better switch them off to ensure you have your alone time or time with the family at peace. For instance when at the gym, at the church, at your child’s pre-school graduation, in the bedroom, avoid external distractions that will distract you making it impossible to attain your set goals such as a 30 minutes workout, uninterrupted sleep, fun time with your kids, meditation time.

Sign Up for Digital Detox Retreats

Digital retreats are integrated experiences that help to nourish the mind and body, without the digital distractions. When you take part in a digital retreat you gain a personal insight into your lifestyle techniques and practices that help you create a balance both online and offline. This helps one to make a disconnection with technology while reconnecting with themselves and the others around them such as friends, colleagues and family.

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Can I Scuba Dive with Asthma

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Nine million Americans take part in scuba diving each and every year.  With this amount of people taking part in the sport, it’s likely you know somebody who scuba dives and have been curious about having a go yourself.  However, with the act of scuba diving literally replacing your normal air source with a tank based air supply, is it safe to scuba dive when you also suffer from asthma?  That is what we are going to look at in this article.

In the Past…

Historically, it was believed that scuba diving was unsafe for those with asthma.  This was due to a number of reasons, including the fact that an asthmatic’s airway can get constricted when in high adrenaline situations, and the fact that the denser air makes it harder to breathe the deeper you go.  However, now it is believed that those with asthma can scuba dive providing that they take the right precautions.

Diving Eligibility

Anyone with asthma who wants to go scuba diving should be asked to have a medical in which it will be determined whether or not they are fit to dive.  A few of the things that will be considered in the medical are described below:

  • Lung function – the doctor will perform a number of tests to see how well your lungs are functioning. Those with mild cases of asthma may be completely fine to dive.
  • History of attacks – the doctor will ask you when your last asthma attack was and how frequently you have them. It is not recommended for anyone who has had an attack within the last 48 hours to dive.
  • Triggers – if your asthma is brought on by physical activity, you probably won’t be allowed to dive. However, if it is caused by something like pollen or allergies, you will be allowed to dive as this won’t pose a risk when under water.


While every new scuba diver will need to go through a period of training before they can enter an open water environment, those with asthma may need to take some extra steps.  It’s a good idea to tell your instructor about your asthma before your training so that they can monitor you and make sure you feel safe at all times.  They may be able to ensure your first open water experience is in shallow waters so that you are not dangerously far from the surface too.

You may also want to look into having some respiration therapy (find out more at and see if you can take any steroid based medication that will help control your asthma as well.  Your doctor or respiratory therapist will be able to advise you on this.

Just because you have asthma this does not necessarily mean you will be unable to scuba dive.  The best thing you can do is to speak to an instructor and your doctor and ask for their advice.  Remember to take things slow and easy and get the proper training before you dive.

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Pull Your Period Home into the 21st Century (Without Ruining It’s Character)

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Period homes are undoubtedly beautiful, but if you live in one, chances are you don’t want to be stuck in whatever decade your home was built. Sure, it’s nice to keep those rustic beams and those original floors that are one-of-a-kind, but that doesn’t mean you should forgo all mod-cons in your property. No, now is the perfect time to pull your period home into the 21st Century and here are some very simple ways you can do just that without completely ruining the aesthetic of your older property:

Invest in a Wireless Thermostat

If you want to add some 21st Century tech to your home, take a look at The Smart Future, which has an excellent guide to doing so, but be sure to start with a wireless thermostat. Why? Because the average period home isn’t exactly as warm and efficient as the average newly built property, although there are exceptions, Not only that but a smart thermostat like those in the Nest range, is discrete (it can be placed anywhere you like – even in a cupboard), which is good for keeping your property’s character, and will allow you to automate the process of keeping your home optimally warm.

Make Your Lights Wireless

If you hate having to go around your property turning lights on and off, then join the 21st Century and instal;l smart bulbs which can be controlled remotely using your smartphone. Once they’re installed., not only will you be able to turn them in and off without moving from your chair, but you’ll be able to control their brightness too.

Use Retro-Style Appliances

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From the classic Smeg Fridge, which harks back to 1950s kitchens to the classic KitchenAid, which wouldn’t look out of place in a big 1920s property, there are numerous appliances, which although they are completely new and have all the functionality you’d expect in the 21st Century, look like they’re from another time., Choose these over less stylized appliances for a home that works well for you now without losing its character.

Customized Cabinets

Customized cabinets are a godsend for the period property owner who wants to bring their home into the 21st century without ruining its atmosphere. Why? Because they allow you to have modern TVs, Sound systems, games consoles and anything else that you might be interested in having, while hiding them inside/behind furniture which fits with the period feel of the rest of the home. All you need is a good carpenter to help you achieve this. It probably won’t be cheap, but if you like your mod-cons and you love your home’s older atmosphere, they are the best way to get a compromise.

Add Some Color

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A lot of people who have period homes decorate them in pretty neutral colors, not realizing that many properties in the past were much more colorful than the average property today, So, by adding a tasteful splash or two of color to the walls or furniture, you will actually give it a more modern feel and honor its past too! Just check old magazines and books to see what kinds of colors would have been used when your home was built.


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What Are The Qualities Of A Good Parent

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Being a good parent isn’t about how much money you can spend or the toys and treats that your children get from you. That’s not the important part. Yes, it’s nice to buy things for the little ones, but there are many more qualities of a good parent that should come first. Bringing up children who are kind, compassionate, cheerful, empathetic, and who can look after themselves with confidence is what parenting is all about.

Be Loving

Kids need love. It’s the most important thing you can give them, and it will make them into a wonderful adult. Being loving and affectionate as you give guidance and instruction will make for happy children who also do as you ask of them without talking back and lashing out. Love means respecting, encouraging, and nurturing your children, not judging or blaming them when something goes wrong (as it often will). This love needs to be constantly affirmed – you can do this with words and actions, but you don’t need to buy presents all the time to show them you love them.

Be Prepared

Whether that’s making sure that you never run out of baby wipes and diapers, or contacting Rhodes Law Firm to discuss your will and carry out estate planning so that your kids will be provided for should the worst happen, being prepared is something that all good parents will need to learn. However, it’s not something that all parents will instinctively know how to do – it’s a matter of learning as you go and soon enough you’ll understand what’s essential and what’s not, and what you will need to think ahead about, and what you can leave to chance.

Stress Management

Being a parent is a stressful job, and tempers can often fray. They key to being a good parent is being able to manage that stress so that, even when you are frustrated and irritated, your children don’t bear the brunt of your feelings. Children learn their own emotions through mirroring their parents’ and therefore trying to keep as calm as possible at all times is essential in bringing up well adjusted children. Parents who complain to their children (or even their partner within earshot of the children) about a bad day at work, or an argument had with a neighbor, or who use bad language are a bad example for their children. Not only that, but it could cause your children to feel less secure.


Parents who are able to skillfully communicate with their children and show a genuine interest in what they are doing and how they are feeling are good parents. It shows that you are always there for the children, and that you respect them, and this will make for a happy, well-rounded child growing up, and a productive member of society when they are adults. Encourage your child to talk to you about everything, including their feelings and what they are going through. Explain reasons behind rules instead of just telling them to do whatever it is you asked because you said so. Let them know you understand what they are going through, or how the are feeling.



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