What Causes Birth Asphyxia

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Birth asphyxia is a medical condition that occurs when a newborn baby is deprived of oxygen for such a period of time that it causes lasting physical harm, most commonly to the brain. This is also sometimes referred to as perinatal asphyxia and neonatal asphyxia.

There are a number of things that can cause birth asphyxia and it can lead to a range of different conditions for the child, many of which have lifelong consequences.

Causes of birth asphyxia

Some of the most common causes of birth asphyxia include:

  • Lack of oxygen in the mother’s blood e.g. due to hyperventilation during anaesthesia or respiratory failure
  • Low maternal blood pressure
  • The umbilical cord becoming wrapped around the infant’s neck
  • Infection of the mother or baby
  • The baby’s airways being blocked
  • The placenta separating from the uterus too soon

Risk factors for birth asphyxia

There are various things that can increase the risk of birth asphyxia for a new-born child. These include:

  • An elderly or very young mother
  • Having twins, triplets or other multiple births
  • Low birth weight
  • The baby being in an abnormal position in the womb
  • Having a particularly long labour
  • Lack of proper antenatal care

Treating birth asphyxia

The medical team handling the birth should stay on top of any risk factors and take appropriate steps to mitigate them e.g. performing a caesarean section promptly if the labour is taking too long or the baby appears to be at risk.

Medical staff should also take actions such as making sure the baby’s airway is open and providing treatment, such as suctioning if this is not the case. They may also need to use chest compression, medication or more invasive treatments, such as an endotracheal tube to ensure the baby can breathe correctly and get enough oxygen.

If the medical team handling your child’s birth fail in their duty to identify risk factors and take appropriate action, they may be guilty of medical negligence.

Conditions caused by birth asphyxia

Babies that experience mild birth asphyxia, i.e. only a short period of oxygen deprivation, may be able to make a full recovery. However, if the new-born did not receive sufficient oxygen they may be left with permanent damage to their brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs.

This can lead to a variety of lifelong conditions, including cerebral palsy, blindness or partial sight, deafness and various intellectual and developmental issues. In the most extreme cases, birth asphyxia can even lead to the death of the infant.

Children affected by conditions caused by severe birth asphyxia, such as cerebral palsy, will often benefit from on-going treatment and professional support throughout their lives, but some degree of lasting consequences are inevitable.

If your child has been negatively affected by birth asphyxia due to clinical negligence, you may be able to claim birth injury compensation. This can help to fund any on-going treatment your child needs and help them to live a full and happy life.

If you think you may be eligible for compensation, it may be worth speaking to a specialist birth injuries solicitor to see if you are likely to have a strong claim and how much compensation you may be entitled to.

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Affording Family Fun Times: Budgeting For A Trip To Disneyland

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Parents often have great ideas about the activities and items they would like to get for their kids. Unfortunately, money is often the thing that stands in their way. That is why it’s important to be as sensible with your families finances as possible, then anything you save can go towards booking that trip to Disneyland and having some serious fun time with the family.

Deal with your debt

Dealing with any debt you have is vital in your quest to raise the funds for Disneyland. The reason for this is that it doesn’t make a lot of sense saving up all your cash to spend it on a fun trip if you are struggling to pay off debts that you already have.

OK, so this is probably not what you wanted to hear, and yes, fun is important. However, paying your bills and having a good quality of life is more important than anything else, so get this sorted first.

With this in mind, it can be very useful to sit down and look at your options with regard to the debt you have. When you do this remember to consider the best debt consolidation companies, as well as speaking directly to your lender’s to see if you can work out a more reasonable repayment scheme.

It can also be helpful to identify which of your debts is costing you the most in interest and eliminate this one first. Then, once this is paid, you will have more money left to save up for your dream trip to Disney.
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Pack those lunches

You can also save a considerable amount of money by making packed lunches for everyone in the family to take to work and school. The argument in favor of this is that buying readymade or hot lunches is pretty expensive. Something that if you multiply this by the number of people in your family can add up to quite a lot of money that could be put to better use in your Disney fund.

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Instead, make a list of the lunches you will create for each day and take it when you go your weekly grocery shopping. Then you can make the next day’s lunch each evening, or if you are super organized prep an entire weeks lunches like this.

Coupon to save

Most people are aware that they can save money when couponing, but can you really save enough to fund a trip to Disneyland? Well, actually you can if you choose to be really committed to the process.

This means clipping coupons from magazine inserts, and getting them online, as well as planning your grocery shops around the items that are on offer each week.

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However, once you have been doing it for, a while you can really build up a stockpile of items that have cost you very little or were completely free. Something that you can use instead of buying items in your weekly shop that will free up a significant amount of money for your Disney trip fund each week.


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5 Ways to Unwind in Under 60 Seconds

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Being stressed will take its toll on your mental and physical health, so knowing how to unwind and de-stress is really important. Check out the five tips below to unwind in under a minute.

1.      Visit a Funny Website

The internet is filled with humorous websites, so bookmark a few of them and have them handy for those moments when you need a little break. Laughter, after all, is great medicine, and it could be the perfect way to take your mind off of your troubles. Plus, smiling alone could do wonders at helping you feel more at ease. So check out sites like lolhit.com or subscribe to some funny YouTube channels that will always have something to make you chuckle.

2.      Do Some Deep Breathing

When you are stressed, your breath becomes erratic and choppy. By practicing some deep breathing for about a minute, you could help calm down the nervous system and bring your mind into a state of peace. So sit in your chair with your back straight and notice the flow of breath moving into and out of your nose, and pay attention to the belly as it rises and falls with every breath. You could also inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds to lengthen and slow the breath to help you unwind.

3.      Look Up

Believe it or not, the simple act of looking upward could help stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system. That, in turn, could help to lower your blood pressure and slow down your breathing rate when you’re stressed. To help you focus, look up at the ceiling as you count down from 60 so you can relax for a full minute.

4.      Meditate

Even a quick one-minute meditation during which you sit quietly and repeat a positive mantra or simply focus on your breath could work wonders at helping you relax when you are feeling stressed. By sitting in meditation, you can remove yourself from the situation, close your eyes and take your focus off of your environment, and begin to find your center again. And while a one-minute meditation can be beneficial, if you could sit for a few minutes longer, such as for five minutes, you may find that you feel even more relaxed.

5.      Relax Your Muscles

Another common side effect of stress is tension throughout your body. You may not even notice it, but stress probably causes you to contract the muscles throughout your body, and that could lead to pain and stiffness over time. To help your body relax, start by focusing on the muscles of your head and make your way down to your toes. As you move your focus from one body part to another, squeeze and release the muscles there. This should help you relax your muscles and feel more relaxed in about a minute’s time.

The next time that you are feeling frazzled, try out one or more of the five tips above. You may find that you’re able to unwind rather quickly and gain your composure again.

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Make A Dramatically Cozy Entrance

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Do you know what is the first room that most guests see in your house? It’s the living room, and, faithful to its name, it’s the room where you spend more of your waking hours. Consequently, this makes it the ideal spot to welcome your guests and make a great first impression. Additionally, it comes as no surprise at all that that most homes open in the living room or a combination of a hall leading to the living room. It’s, after all, the place where you can all relax and chat together. So, any decent host would want to spruce up the living room once in a while. If you’re in a rush, you can rapidly simplify your design by decluttering the space. Removing everything you don’t need can make the room appear more functional and spacious. Additionally, it gives you the possibility to highlight a focal point such as a mirror hanging on the wall or a free-standing fireplace. But what if you want to take the time to create a glamorous entrance for your guests?

Interieur_overzicht_van_het_renaissance,_barok_altaar,_afkomstig_uit_de_Sint_Jan_uit_'s-Hertogenbosch_-_Heeswijk_-_20426388_-_RCEA Renaissance-inspired glamorous living room

Why do you need to change the living room?

Your interior decor reflects your personality and helps your guests and yourself to feel at ease in your home. Unfortunately, as living rooms act as the main living quarters in the house, they tend to develop a disharmonious design rapidly. Your favorite holiday souvenirs, family portraits, and decorative gifts pile up on the walls, shelves and tables of your living room, creating a deconstructed mess that is both overwhelming and distracting. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a tidy housewife or not: The lack of balance in the decor makes for an unhealthy environment, without the addition of dust and eventual pet hair.

Glam it up

If you want people to feel safe and centered in your living room, you need to accord the elements of your interior to create a harmonious place. A dramatic and inspiring trend of the moment is the combination of gray, white and gold color palettes and strong structural features, as shown on Sue Goldstone Interiors. A glamorous decor instantly makes everyone feel valued and respected. In other words, it’s time to change your old sofa for a gray leather couch and a pair of coordinated chairs. Make sure to pick two to three elements of your palette to create a colorful highlight on the wall, using painting or brand new wallpaper.

The little details that make it work

Finally, it’s your sensory experience of a room that will define how you feel in it. Don’t fall into the trap of a crisp and impersonal glamorous decor. You need to appeal to other senses. Place a throw on the leather couch to remove the sensation of cold when you sit on it. You could also add another dimension to your room with an individual fragrance. A scented cedarwood candle should do the trick. A vase of delicately fresh cut white flowers will also enhance the soothing tranquillity of the living room.

vase-1373443_640Nothing like fresh flowers in a vase to make your guests feel welcome

Using a combination of harmony, glamorous design and sensory experiences to maximize warmth and peacefulness are great to make your living room the most welcoming room. Invite your guests to an afternoon or an evening they won’t forget in your cozy and glamorous home.


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Shocking Ways You’re Wasting Money (That You’re Not Even Aware Of!)

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Wasting money is something that it a pretty crazy thing to do. After all, you work hard for the amount you have and swap your time and effort for it. That means by wasting it you are really throwing those things away. Sadly, there are lots of ways you may be wasting money, some of which you might not even be aware of. Read on to discover what they are.

Food waste

Food waste might just be costing you a fortune without you realizing it. The reason for this is that folks tend to shop for a week at a time, then at the end of that week throw away any items they haven’t got around to using, or that are past their sell-by date.

However, this food is usually still edible as you can find out at eatbydate.com and is only being put in the trash to make room for the ingredients for a new set of meal plans. This is crazy if you think about it, because you are throwing away edible food to make room for different edible food! Something that will result in unnecessary costs.

Unused food can waste a lot of money.

Instead, why not use sites like supercook.com that show you what to cook with what you have, or at least use all those leftover veggies up at the end of the week to make a soup that you can keep in the freezer. Then you will be saving on food waste and the cost of lunches for the week coming up.

Paying high-interest rates

Most people apply to take out a loan at one time or another, but did you know that the decision on whether you get this is usually based on your credit score? If you have a low credit score, you are less likely to get a loan, and if you are awarded it, you will usually be asked to pay a higher rate of interest because you are regarded as a greater risk to the lender.

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That means low credit scores equal high-interest rates, something that translates into you making bigger payments and paying less of the original loan off. That is why it’s vital that you deal with your credit score by visiting sites like repair.credit and using the advice on credit repair, you find there. Then you won’t be wasting money that you can’t afford, just because your credit score is low.

Not canceling subscriptions

Subscriptions are big business these days. You can get boxes of makeup delivered, or crates with collectibles in. You can even stream film and TV shows via service like the ones mentioned at digitaltrends.com by paying a monthly subscription charge.

Unfortunately, the thing with subscriptions is that you pay for them whether you actually use them or not. It’s why they make such a great business model for the people ruining them.

However, it’s not such a great model for the customer, especially if they have signed up for more than one because they are paying for services that aren’t  being used. That is why it’s vital to cancel any subscriptions you have not use for the last month. Otherwise, they are just a massive waste of money.


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How to Guide Your Family Through the Loss of a Loved One

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Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always incredibly difficult. This difficulty only intensifies when you are in charge of protecting your family. Not only do you have to deal with your own grief, but you also have to manage the emotions of everyone around you. This is a taxing undertaking, but you will get through it! The most important thing is that you take it one step at a time. Below are four ways that you can guide your family through the loss of a loved one.

Come up with practical solutions

If everyone around you is acting out of emotion, you will need to be the one to come up with practical solutions. For instance, if your deceased loved one experienced an unattended death, you should reach out to a death cleanup service. You could also hire someone to sort through their possessions, settle their debts, and organize the funeral. This will take the pressure off your loved ones and will allow them to concentrate on their grief.

Understand the legal implications

When a loved one passes, it is likely that they will leave behind assets that need to be dealt with. If they organized a will, this process will be much easier to handle. However, regardless of the situation, you should still speak with a trusted legal advisor. They will be able to guide you and your family through the process. Make sure that you find a lawyer who is experienced in these matters, as they will be more likely to have the sympathy and tact that you require.

Talk with your loved ones

Another important step is to talk with your loved ones about how they are feeling. You need to create an environment in which everyone is happy to speak their mind. This could involve holding a family meeting and giving everyone the chance to talk. Alternatively, you could attend a family therapy session. This will make it easier for you to engage with the process, instead of managing everyone else’s feelings. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be an intensely emotional experience. You can speak with the therapist beforehand about creating a positive atmosphere that is centered on the happy times spent with the departed and everyone’s hopes for the future.

Have something positive to look forward to

Going through a difficult time can help to bring people closer together. If you want to ensure this happens, you should consider arranging an activity that everyone can look forward to. When you are coping with the death of a loved one, this may feel like an unusual thing to do. However, focusing on the positives could help you and your family to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Why not work together to organize a family vacation? This will be the perfect opportunity for you to escape your day to day life and to spend time with each other. However, remember never to force someone to feel happy or short cut their grief – people heal at different rates.

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Are You Ready To Take On The Responsibility Of A Puppy

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Welcome home

When you’re looking for after a pet, it’s important that you can see them as more than just an animal, as they can be a great substitute for companionship. A lot of owners take theirs in as if they are part of the family, and for many reasons, that’s true! Dogs are loyal animals and loving if you teach them, they return all of the affection you give them. They’re not just there for your entertainment though, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with them, but it’s definitely worth the effort! If you don’t think you can handle that, then you probably shouldn’t consider attempting it! It’s not rocket-science though, but because they’re with us for their whole life, the least you can do is give them an enjoyable experience.

Their health

Along with the other responsibilities you have, taking them for walks is one of them. Obviously, the amount of exercise they need is based on their size. A German shepherd is certain to need more than a chihuahua, so that much will depend on you! If you can’t keep up, a lot of owners take them to the park or a field to play fetch and other games, get them running around for a while! Exercise is a vital part of looking after them, as they can’t get the same kind of entertainment from sitting around and listening to music like you can, so keep that in mind!

You need to be ready to deal with their health issues too, as they are also susceptible to injuries and mental problems that people experience too. Taking them to the vets for check-ups can be expensive, but essential if they have issues that you can’t figure out or don’t know how to deal with. There are also dog CBD treats you can use to help dull and ease pains they might have, they act as good medicine that you don’t have to struggle when you administer it. A lot of the time, dogs tend to refuse things like pills and drugs, even sneaking it into their foods can be difficult, so using an alternative like this can help the process along.

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The diet

Knowing what they can and can’t eat is very important when it comes to having pets, as you may end up accidentally poisoning them. It’s easy to dismiss something you eat as acceptable, but in some cases, they can be very harmful to your animal! Even something most can enjoy, chocolate, can cause a lot of damage if a large quantity is eaten. You’re responsible for them, so you need to make sure things like this are kept from their reach. They don’t know what they should and shouldn’t eat, and depending on how they’re trained; they may even try to help themselves to the food they see. You wouldn’t want to come home to find that your dog has eaten a box of raisins from atop the kitchen counter, or a bar of chocolate that you left out. If it helps, try to think of them almost like they’re a child. They can’t understand, but they maintain that curiosity.

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How to Keep Your Closet On Trend All Year

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Start As You Mean To Go On

It’s the start of a brand new year, and the “new year, new me” mantra is in everyone’s mind and on everyone’s lips, it seems. Friends are striving to become better cooks and to spend more time enjoying weekend activities. Your partner is promising to be a better timekeeper, to procrastinate less, and to wash up more of the dishes, and perhaps you’ve told yourself you’re going to eat that extra portion of leafy greens and exercise more – that five minute car journey to the store will become the fifteen minute walk instead. All of these little changes and tweaks are great. They’re making steps, however small to begin with, toward a healthier, happier, and more productive life. Small changes can make a big difference in your day-to-day life and with these changes comes a new vigor for feeling and looking good. If you look good, you feel good.

Style and Versatility 

Consider building the contents of your closet around classic and chic items. Try to assemble staple and essential pieces that can be reworked and let your closet take shape. So often less is more, so find items that you love, and ones that promise to bring vitality and a fresh feel to older clothes that might otherwise have seen their best days. Items that are widely recognized as forming the list of staples include a good pair of skinny jeans, a plain white button-down shirt and a sharp blazer – blazers are compatible with job interviews and also, you’ll be overjoyed to hear, for joining friends for late evening cocktails and the like. Blazers can be made to look smart and also smart-casual where they are required to. A fitted black blazer with a light blue pair of jeans has long been a classic piece of design engineering.

Reinvent Your Closet 

Transform something you deemed a little worse for wear, like a battered leather jacket for example, with a new large brightly colored scarf. The way you dress will change inevitably, at least somewhat, if you’re one to keep up to date with what’s hot and what’s not, and what’s in season. Small changes here and there are what can turn an outfit around, adding a tan belt, instead of a black one, to a pair of jeans can alter, although subtly, how they will look once on.

Keep it Classic

The way you dress is important, after all, it’s a direct expression of yourself and your individuality. The fashion industry is forever revamping and renewing itself, and what’s in style one season can be considered a fashion faux pas the next. If you know what you’re doing when it comes to smart shopping, then you could see yourself save money by purchasing pieces of fashionable clothing that have stood the test of time and have long been considered on trend; consistently earning their place in the wardrobes of fashionistas year after year, much like the little black dress. Think about choosing well-tailored and well-made pieces of clothing in materials that have a far greater likelihood of longevity. Think quality over quantity. Investment buy where you can, and then dress up, or dress down your essential wardrobe contents.

Keep it Chic 

The French do style so well; almost effortlessly. Cracking their style secrets may not be so hard, and the Parisian chic look is far more attainable than you may at first think. France certainly has a long history of being set apart from the rest when it comes to classic flair and stylish edge, think Coco Chanel, whose style was largely to keep it simple, with simplistic and unfussy cuts. She is known to have favored the nautical and monochrome look, wearing a blue or black striped top teamed with pants of traditionally masculine cuts. To master the chic apparel, think simplicity and think dark, timeless colors. By doing this, you’re also building a timeless wardrobe that will last for many years to come.

Je Ne Sais Que

Actress Brigitte Bardot similarly followed Coco Chanel’s advice on how to be stylish to a large extent. Bardot added a certain something to the simple elegance of before, updating her look, as the time dictated in the roaring 1960’s, by wearing black over-the-knee boots with a black skirt, still keeping the colours monochrome and muted. You can emulate this style by coordinating slim fitting boots, ones like these petite boots, with a black skirt and a plain striped top, or with jeans, or cigarette pants. This look is quintessentially ’60’s, ageless and immortalized as being a sophisticated ensemble. There’s no need to break the bank either; this timeless look can be recreated again and again, in a multitude of ways. You’re investing in style and yourself.

Know Where To Look 

Become familiar with what looks good on you and what you feel comfortable and confident in. Know your shape and how to complement it; there’s nothing worse than accidentally dressing in clothing that’s unflattering for your shape. Signing up to receive style newsletters and fashion magazines is advisable for a boost of inspiration. Follow fashion and lifestyle blogs for daily recommendations; look for a style icon and keep up-to-date on their fashion endevours. You can look to many reputable, and internationally popular magazines to absorb the “how to” lists on dressing to impress, or “know hows” regarding causing a stir in the office or by walking downtown. Do some research and find out how to slim certain areas or to accentuate curves you wish to make a feature of in your outfit and style.

Dare to Wear 

Try something out that you wouldn’t have last year, decide to buy that piece of clothing you thought you wouldn’t be able to pull off. Be daring. Pluck up the courage to move outside of your comfort zone and your confidence and closet will thank you. Keep it classic, chic and on trend, and you’ll look forward to facing each and every new year.

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How to Save Money and Make Your Own Humidifier

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As a parent, it’s always helpful to find ways that you can save money and cut back on household costs and expenses. Now that we are in cold and flu season, you may be finding that the family is under the weather a lot more than normal. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a fabulous way to help ease the symptoms of the common cold without having to spend much money, and that’s to make your own humidifier that you can use in the house.

If you’ve never used a humidifier before, it may be time to give it a go. Humidifiers are said to possibly help stop the spreading of flu germs. They let you breathe easier when you’re congested from a cold, and a heated mist provides comfort when you’re not feeling your best.

The Ultimate Ultrasonic Humidifier

For a mere $10, you will be able to make this ultimate ultrasonic humidifier at home. And perhaps even better is the fact that this is such an easy project that you don’t even need any DIY skills to tackle it. This particular humidifier is a smaller unit, so if you plan on using it in a large room, you may need two of them.

The items you’ll need to put this humidifier together are a plastic bottle, waterproof heavy-duty tape, a DC connector, a computer fan, and an ultrasonic mister. Detailed instructions can be found on the DIY humidifier webpage on the DIY Experience website.

The Evaporative Sponge Humidifier

Another relatively easy DIY project is the evaporative sponge humidifier. While the steps themselves are relatively simple, this one will be more time-consuming than the ultrasonic humidifier. This project requires four bolts and nuts, a Tupperware container, four large sized sponges, a small computer fan, and an automatic pet water bowl.

To find detailed instructions on how to put this one together, you can click here. Again, if you’re looking to use it in a large space, you may find you need more than one of these.

The Homespun Humidifier – Create a Humidifier in Mere Minutes

If you don’t want to put a lot of time and energy into the project and you’re just looking for a quick fix, the homespun humidifier is the way to go. This particular project has been around for ages, so you may have already heard of it. All you need is a hairpin, a small-sized hand towel, a medium-sized bowl, and a metal coat hanger.

All you have to do is fill the bowl with hot water until it’s about 3/4 full. Next, bend the bottom of the metal hanger so that it fits tightly around the bowl’s edges and is also able to stand up on its own. Now you want to drape the towel from the top of the hanger, with the bottom sitting in the water. What happens now is that the water is “wicked” into the air straight from the towel.

Get Through the Season with Ease

Thanks to these humidifiers you’ll be able to get through the cold and flu season with ease.

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Become A Momtrepreneur: 5 Tips For Starting Your Own Business

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Think that you can juggle being a mom and running your own business? Quite often self-employment can be the best option for moms wanting to earn money. It gives you a certain level of flexibility that working for someone else doesn’t give you – you can still pick up the kids from school or look after a small infant. It’s not easy being a momtrepreneur, but it can give you the best of both worlds, allowing you to spend time with your kids and earn money doing a job you love. Here are some tips to make your solo business venture a success.

Educate yourself in business

Whether you’re becoming a freelance writer or starting your own cake-baking business or dog-sitting, there’s a certain level of business know-how that you’ll need. You’ll have to work out your own taxes, which means doing your own accountancy. You’ll also need to learn to market yourself. You may be able to learn the ropes just by reading blogs and books, or you could consider taking a web-based course such as an online accredited MBA. If you have self-employed friends, make sure to ask them for advice too.

Create a startup budget

Often you have to spend money on a business to make money. If you’re starting a jewellery making business that was once a craft hobby, you may need to pay for additional stock as well as marketing expenses such as building a website or getting some advertising. You don’t want to spend too much money on your business – if it doesn’t work out it will all be for nothing. Having a budget is therefore important. Spend some time creating a financial plan and stick to it. Once you’ve earnt enough money and you’re getting a steady income, you can then start spending more and potentially expand your business.

Have a structure

Whilst you’ll want a certain level of flexibility, it’s worth having a loose structure in order to keep you focused. This could involve arranging to do a certain task each day, something to be completed in the morning and something to be completed in the afternoon. Even if something comes up and you have to rearrange plans, simply having a plan in place will keep you motivated and prevent the procrastination which holds back many new entrepreneurs.

Get help from others

Every entrepreneur, regardless of whether they’re a parent or not, needs help from other people. Whilst you can DIY a lot of aspects of business, a helping hand from professional accountants, marketing companies and couriers can be worthwhile. Sometimes your business will need to take priority over your children if you want it to succeed, so make sure you have a babysitter or a friend/family member on call who you can give your children too, allowing you to focus on your business goals.

Schedule free time for yourself

Don’t let every waking moment be dedicated to looking after children or looking after your business – you need your own free time otherwise you’ll burn out and both your children and business will suffer. Schedule time for yourself to have a bath, catch up on your favourite TV shows or socialise with friends. Your partner could take the kids – or if you’d like to spend time with your partner, hire a babysitter. With the many responsibilities of being a momtrepreneur, sadly you won’t be able to take free time as it comes, so make sure you schedule in this free time.


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