Archives for October 2017

Trying to Decide the Best Pet for Your Family

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There is little doubt that having a family pet can be a rewarding part of family life. Not only do they add an extra dimension to home life, but they also encourage your children to be responsible and teach them how to look after animals. If you are considering bringing a pet into your home, you need to find one that will work around your lifestyle and home environment. Here are a few ideas to think about when choosing a pet.

What Type of Animal?

You need to think about what the best type of animal will be for your home. Does your family have any allergies that might be triggered by a certain animal? Do you already have a pet that might not get on with a new one? Do you have the time and energy to commit to caring for a pet? These are questions that you need to answer to get the most suitable animal for your family. You need to think about your family’s requirements, but more importantly the animal’s welfare


For many individuals and families, a dog is more than just a pet; they become part of the family. If you are thinking of getting a dog, you must be aware of the commitment you will make. Dog’s require a lot of exercise and play, or they become bored. Owning a dog is the ideal way to make your family more active because you can all walk your dog together. You also need to think about buying the correct food for them to stay healthy. You must ensure that you feed your dog healthy food and snacks, and you can see more here for healthy and nutritious options.


One of the most common kid-friendly pets is the fish, or to be specific, the Gold Fish. They are a hardy fish that can live several years in cold water without a filter, although it is recommended that you do use one. They are placid and will be happy to swim around even the smallest tank. It is important to give them the correct food, or they may become sick, you should also try to stop feeding them too much. Only a small pinch twice a day is enough to keep them happy. You can encourage your children to clean out the tank week and teach them about how to look after the fish.


Another hugely popular family pet, the cat is not like other animals. You won’t need to keep them in a cage, in fact, they love to wander both inside and outside. They are tremendously independent, unlike a dog, and benefit from being able to roam outside. Depending on the temperament of the cat, some are quite feisty, while others are gentle and calm. You will need to remember this, especially if you have a young baby.

These are just a few of the animals you can bring into your home. It needs to be one that all your family will love and help to look after.

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Five Things to Check Before Buying a New Home

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Buying a new home is a trying business. You are excited to start fresh, move in to your new home, and begin your life. You also worry about making the right decision, financing, and more. When you are house searching, take your time. Rushing into something because you are tired of looking won’t bring you satisfaction. Similarly, don’t get too excited when you think you’ve found the perfect home – there could be underlying problems that could cost you thousands of dollars to rectify. To help you, here are five things for you to check before you buy a new house:

  1. Make Sure Everything Works

When you view a home, ask for permission to ensure everything works. This means everything from making sure doors open easily to facets turn on and toilets flush. If something doesn’t work, it could be a sign that the house has been neglected or a greater, underlying issue that could cost more than the house is worth.

  1. Check the Plumbing

It’s time to get down on your knees and check the plumbing wherever it is visible. Leaks and mold are bad signs. Mold can be particularly harmful to young children, seniors, and those with asthma, so it’s best to check. Working, new, and clean pipes are what you want in your new home.

  1. Insulation Quality

In many cases, you will be able to judge insulation quality just by sight. Single-pane windows and drafty doors are easy to spot and are a sure-fire sign that the rest of the house isn’t insulated well either. In colder climates, houses require a a greater standard of insulation than homes in warm climates – but if your air-conditioned cold air escapes from your home, you’re still looking at high energy costs. You might be able to negotiate a lower property price if the insulation is not up to standard.

  1. There are No Infestations

Before you buy a home, you should have Reynolds Pest Control check for infestations in a Wood Destroying Organism Report (WDO). Termite infestations can weaken the structure of your home and leave you with hefty damages and health concerns. In warmer states, termite inspections should be done regularly, as the climate is perfect for termite colonies to thrive.

  1. It’s Up to Code

If the house has thus far made it through your own inspection checks, it is time to get the professionals involved. You should never buy a house without getting a home inspection done. Most problems they will uncover will be fixable, while others won’t be. It is always better to know beforehand. In some cases, you can even use the home inspection results to help you lower the cost of the house.

When you enter what might seem like your dream house, inspect it. If the house passes your preliminary inspections it is then time to bring in the professionals to thoroughly evaluate the property. A dream house that is on its last legs isn’t a good investment. Be thorough and patient – your dream home is out there and you will find it.


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Who Cleans The Cleaner?

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Thanks to lots of modern appliances and devices, we now don’t have to spend quite so much time dedicated to cleaning and housework. Our washing machines, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaner can take care of all of the awful cleaning jobs that not many people want to do. But do you ever wonder how these cleaners stay clean? Well, unfortunately, they don’t. Someone still needs to clean the cleaner!

In fact, a wide range of your household appliances will need to be regularly cleaned and maintained, not just the ones that we use for cleaning. Here are some useful cleaning tips that can help you keep all of your oft-used appliances in perfect condition.

The Dishwasher

Hopefully, you are already cleaning your dishwasher every month. If you aren’t doing so, this is something that you need to start now. Otherwise, a lot of grime and dirt will build up in its system. Eventually, this will get into the water and your dishes will be cleaned in dirty water. To ensure that this never happens, you will need to clear out the drain. Most dishwashers have a release that you can pull to release any water that is stagnant in the drain. It’s also a good idea to give your machine a quick vinegar wash, as this will remove any oil, grime, and dirt from the whole system. Simply place a cup of white vinegar into the top shelf of the washer, and then start its hottest cycle. Vinegar is a really effective cleaning substance, and will also remove any obnoxious fragrances.

The Tumble Dryer

One of the main things to watch out for when it comes to your tumble dryer is that it doesn’t get too clogged up from all the fabric that can come off our clothes. There is a filter, often located just underneath the dryer’s door, that you should regularly take out and clean. It can often get covered in fluff and fabric, and you just need to remove all of this material so that it doesn’t get too blocked. It is also worth contacting a firm like Capitol Chimney who specialize in cleaning out the vents in these kinds of machines. They can clean inside the vent and remove the buildup of detergent and fabric softener that can sometimes block them and cause toxins to get into the drum of the machine.

The Microwave

Another important appliance that needs regular cleaning and maintenance is the microwave. As this is used to prepare food, it can get quite greasy and grimey very quickly but it is often one of the most neglected appliances when it comes to cleaning. First of all, when you come to clean your microwave, you should give it a quick wipe down to remove any excess liquids and grease. Next, you need to fill a large, microwavable cup full of water, vinegar, and chopped up lemon into the microwave. Turn it one for a minute or two. The liquid will boil and the microwave window will eventually steam up. When you open the door, the microwave will smell a lot fresher thanks to the lemon. The vinegar will have cut through any remaining grease and oil, making it much easier to wipe away.

The Vacuum Cleaner

Think it is time you gave your vacuum cleaner a bit of a spring clean? It’s actually very easy to do! First up, you just need to empty out its bag. Next, take apart any bits that will come away from the main body, and then give these a quick wash with some soapy water. You should also take a pair of scissors and use them to cut away any hairs or fabrics that have become extremely tangled in the foot of the vacuum. You can clean the foot even further by wetting a cotton wool pad with some rubbing alcohol and wiping it with this. This can remove any dirt that has built up on the base of the foot. Remember to thoroughly dry all the parts of the vacuum cleaner before you put it all back together again.

The Washing Machine

In actual fact, your washing machine doesn’t need too much attention. The main thing is cleaning out the filter, like with the tumble dryer. It’s also a good idea to place a small cup of bleach into the drawer where you normally place a cup of washing powder. Turn your machine onto its hottest setting, and press start. This should help to clean out the entire system.

So, now you can clean all your appliances!

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Tips to Help You Find the Perfect Property

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When you’re buying a new house, you don’t want to settle for just OK- you want to buy the perfect place, the one you’ve always dreamed about. You might think that doing that is just a dream, but it really is possible to find, and purchase, the perfect property. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Know Exactly What You Want

Before you call in a realtor to help you with your search, sit down with the whole family and discuss everything you’d love in a dream house. Obviously, you won’t be able to accommodate every wish realistically, but you will get a better idea of what will make your new home special for the whole family, and you can focus on finding a property that covers most of the common ground.

Play the Long Game

The most important thing you can do, if you want to maximize your chances of finding the perfect property, is to play the long game. Chances are you won’t find that dream home on your first, second, or even sixth attempt, so you have to be willing to hold out until something truly amazing comes along. Waiting to move also has the added benefit of enabling you to save more money, so that you can better afford that perfect property when it does come along.

Be a Little Flexible

Although you’re looking for the perfect placer, chances are no property will meet your every need, so it does pay to be a little flexible. For example, if you want a pool, but none of the properties you’re being shown has one, try looking for a property with scope to build one instead, or if you love a property, but it doesn’t have that huge big kitchen you dream off, look into the possibility of extending instead of dismissing it out of hand.

Think About the Future

The property you buy now, if you’re planning to buy your dream home; a home you’ll plan to spend many years in, at least, needs to be able to grow and change with you as you have kids, get a dog, retire and start up a side business etc., if it can’t-do that, then it isn’t really your dream home, so bear this in mind when looking for your perfect place.

Check Out the Surroundings

Your dream home can so easily become a nightmare if you have noisy neighbors or you discover that the surroundings aren’t exactly safe, so always check out the surroundings before you buy!

Build it Yourself

If all else fails, and you simply cannot find the property that is right for you, no matter how hard you look or how flexible you’re willing to be, there’s always the option of hiring a custom home builder to turn your dreams into reality. Obviously, you’ll have to wait longer to move your dream home, but what’s a few months when you get to live in the property you’ve always dreamed off?

The bottom line: Knowing exactly what you want, being flexible and actually taking the time to check out the finer details are the keys to finding the perfect property. Do this, and you’ll be setting up home in your dream house in no time at all.


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Protect Your Family’s Health From The Moment You Enter Your New Home

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As the head of your family unit, there are likely a number of things which are important to you. Your family staying safe, healthy, and happy are likely at the top three. Preparing for your family’s future is likely part of it too. Spending time with each other is likely something which underpins all of your scheduling, and all of the use of your free time. A tight-knit family unit is something which can help each of its members get over the most insidious of challenges, and become stronger as a result.

Notice the very first thing we listed as the likely priority you have for your family. Namely, safety. Safety is the one thing which you cannot run a happy family without. You need to make sure that your loved ones are protected and feel secure in their home environment at the very least. If this is difficult to accomplish or provide, it’s only a matter of time before the integrity of the relationships become difficult to maintain. For this reason, and as a new homeowner, you need to make sure that the family home is not contributing to the ill health of your family members in any way at all. Otherwise, not only will you experience an unfortunate unhappiness in your home life, but your loved ones could experience an unfortunate health issue or injury which is preferably avoided.

We’d like to offer the following tips to potentially help you out of these difficulties, but to provide you with a safe homestead you can be proud of owning and running.


Fall hazards are not to be ignored. They are the most common home injury experienced from year to year. One in five adults who experience a fall experience some form of broken bone or head injury. If that can injure an adult, just imagine how dangerous it could be for a child, or for an elderly relative. For these reasons, it’s important to try and get rid of all trip hazards around your home.

To begin with, you want to make sure that your home is continually tidy. Children’s toys, messy storage areas, and staircases which are impeded or blocked in any way will all contribute to an unsafe home, and sooner or later you will experience a trip under these circumstances. Make sure to continually keep an eye on your homes walkways, and pick up objects which shouldn’t be there. This is a constant battle because children and pets enjoy leaving their toys around the house in the hard to find places, but it’s no less important that you do. Make sure to purchase categorized storage containers so everything can be in its right place within a matter of moments.

However, toys aren’t the only danger here. Sometimes flooring surfaces can lead to slipping hazards, particularly those experienced in bathrooms. Wet tiles can be slippy to stand on no matter how well coordinated your balance is. To overcome this, consider placing down a gripped rug on the surfaces that are most stepped on, such as the first steps out of a shower or bathtub.


Pests can plague your home without prior warning. There are some things which may spur them on, such as improper waste refuse, or small entranceways into your property, but for the most part, you might not be able to prevent a rodent or a pest which truly wants to make it’s home in yours. These creatures can sometimes bring disease with them or can chew through the electronic cables you have in your firmaments. It’s important to get rid of them as soon as you’ve identified an issue.

Sometimes, mosquitos or fire ants can make their way into your home, and can severely hurt your infants or children who are exposed to them. For this reason, your first and only port of call should be to hire an experienced pest control outfit, such as ABC Home & Commercial. These firms often offer complete and total pest control strategies which help eliminate the problem without having to ruin the structural integrity of your home. They can also advise you on common practices which could prevent an outbreak of this kind from interrupting your home life once more, and that’s something to be prized.


This list would not be complete without an exploration of the fire safety standards you have in your home. Of course, everyone knows that a fire alarm within each space of your home is encouraged, and they should be checked regularly for their effectiveness. Common perception encourages that you check them at least every year, but we’d suggest checking them every three months. Checking them only take a minute, so be sure to check them more regularly if that’s something you’d like to do.

Good fire safety precautions can never take too much time. You should also sit your family down at least once every six months and reflect on the plan to go through if there’s a fire, such as routes to take and a meeting point outside. You should also teach your children the benefits of monitoring candles (if they are old enough to keep them,)  the benefits of unplugging appliances when not needed, as well as looking out for frayed wires.

Educated your children as they enter their young teenage years on how to call the fire department, and what information to give. Also teach them about keeping water away from electrical appliances or sockets, and overloading the electrical circuit in their bedrooms. Awareness is key, so make sure you develop this in your children early.


Choking is a hazard which can evade your awareness until it happens. It will usually happen to children who are exploratory with their mouths, and could potentially swallow small toys or objects. It can also happen to adults who climb the stairs with a toothbrush in their mouth. The point here is that no one is immune to a choking hazard, so make sure that you inspect toys, inspect the behaviors of your children and try to keep the dangers out of reach. For small children, cutting up food and emphasizing the importance of swallowing could be the life lesson you need to give at this age.



Your home should be your castle, and your family should be the only people you are concerned with protecting within its walls. For this reason, making sure that you keep on top of your home security is of paramount importance. Not only should you worry about keeping bad people out of your home through security measures like home alarms, solidly locked doors, and potentially CCTV systems, but you should attempt to keep your children from getting out with locked gates, high fences or walls and locked doors during the day.

Children are notorious for running wherever they please when excited, and so it’s important to prevent them the opportunity for doing this. This is of paramount importance if you live in a highly populated area, or near a road. While you may desire to let, your children play out in the garden, if your garden doesn’t have solid fencing around it, you must keep a watchful eye over them at all times, and never be too far away from them. If you couldn’t make it to your child’s side within thirty seconds in an emergency, you are likely too far away, and would benefit from keeping you by their side.

Unfortunately, despite playing outside being a common fixture of most of our childhoods, until your children are of a reasonable and responsible age, it’s wise today to prevent them from heading outside on their own. The risk is simply too great, and in highly populated areas, you can never be sure what someone’s intent is.


Of course, a home needs to have a functioning kitchen, otherwise, the family feeding options would be limited, expensive, unhealthy and boring. For the most part, every family will require a well-maintained home kitchen, with all of the utensils and equipment necessary to provide a hearty cooked meal for every family member. However, you’d be wrong to think that just because a kitchen has dangerous implements, they are okay to ignore while you are there. Remember, children are often very curious, and will look in every draw or cupboard they can as they explore the home they live in.

Be sure to keep knives, heavy cooking utensils, and cleaning products well out of reach of even the most acrobatic child. Make sure to cover your stove knobs with covers so you can prevent burns from occurring. In draws which you’d rather restrict access to, consider placing catches inside which only strong adult fingers can open. When it comes to the kitchen table, adding foam corners to each sharp end can prevent a running child from hitting it head first. Assess the safety of your entire kitchen, and make adjustments where necessary, so you can focus on cooking beautiful meals, and not worrying about the health of your family members.

With this advice, your home is likely to become a much safer and relaxing place to inhabit.


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What To Do If You’re In Need Of A Change

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Change is good. It’s nothing to be afraid of in your life. We all go through it and need it at some point. It’s possible you’ve been bored and are itching to break free. The good news is there are lots of ways for you to accomplish this goal.

What you don’t want to do is just sit around waiting for deviations from your normal days to come to you. You have the power to create change and put your life back on track. Take action and understand you’re in control of your destiny. Don’t be afraid to take risks and challenge yourself. See what to do if you’re in need of a change.

Start a New Hobby

Begin by taking a look at what you’re doing with your time. There’s probably room to pick up a new hobby and build new skills. Cook dinner for yourself at home, run a race or participate in a painting class. It doesn’t matter what the hobby is, as long as you enjoy it and it’s an activity that makes you feel alive. Do it alone or enlist some of your friends to join you.

Alter Your Routine

Routines are great for feeling in control and getting through your day. They’re not all that helpful for your creativity and liveliness. Don’t completely overturn what you have going on, but be willing to switch out a night at home for a networking event, or a night in for an evening at the movies. Drive a different route to work and change up how you’re utilizing your time at lunch. These small changes will make a big difference in how you feel about your life. Your attitude will improve and you’ll feel happier overall.


It’s possible that, if you’ve been in the same location for a while and still aren’t happy, it may be time for a change of scenery. If you live in a cold climate, switch it up and go enjoy the sunshine. There are apartments for rent in Pensacola that offer modern and timeless luxury living. Serenity with superb service is awaiting you at Crystal Lake. This could be just the type of modification you need to actually relax and enjoy life. Moving allows you to start over with fresh job opportunities and the chance to meet all new people.

Go on Vacation

A lot of times your low energy is due to overworking yourself. If you haven’t taken a trip in a while, it’s likely you’re due for a few days away on a vacation. Unwind and pamper yourself at a beautiful resort in a location you’ve always dreamed of visiting. Unplug from technology and treat yourself to a quiet getaway where you can refresh and come back feeling like a whole new person.


Change comes in all forms. It’s up to you how drastic you want to alter your life. The best part is that you have lots of options, so don’t panic. This is what to do if you’re in need of a change.

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Redesigning Your Home

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Have you ever sat in your home and thought, I don’t like this any more? There’s so many things that need sprucing up that it might seem like an impossible task. Some people get to this stage and decide the want to move. But this is such an expensive option. This is the house you’ve made a home. There are so many things you can do to go it a new lease of life, without having to spend too much money. There’s also a few things you can do where you may need to dip your hand in your pocket a little more. All however, will leave your home looking, and feeling brand new.



The kitchen is the most used part of the house. All the family is constantly flowing in and out of it for whatever they need. Over time, it is obvious that it needs some TLC. The first step is to give it a deep clean. Take all items such as chairs, food in the cupboards, tables etc. out of the kitchen. Start from the top and work your way up. Clean above all the cupboards with a mild bleach solution. Then move down into the cupboards, and really go to town in there. Over so many years, little spillages will have built up, along with natural aging, to create a rather nasty smell and look. Scrub away, and leave the cupboards wet whilst you clean the rest of the kitchen. Deeps clean the oven and the hob with any shop bought solutions. Spray the windows with window cleaner to get them looking brand new. Finally, mop the floor and your kitchen should be looking sparkling new. Then, take yourself shopping and redesign your kitchen. Buy different colours to change the theme, and even purchase a picture to create a feature wall.


The garden can be a little more expensive. To begin with, you need to get it looking pretty. Mow the lawn to keep it looking short and fresh. If you already have plants, dig them all up so you can start fresh. Buy any colourful fall growing plants from the shop, and begin to replant them for a brighter looking garden. Blossoming flowers always completely change the feel of a garden. If you’re looking to create more space, look to use your garden place a garage. Contact companies such as Armstrong Steel The size can be your choice, but you can convert it into whatever you’d like. A storage unit, or even just another place to escape the noise of the house.

Kids Bedroom

How many of you can say your 10 year old is sleeping in a room decorated when they were 5? It’s time to give the room a new lease of life according to age. Strip the wallpaper, or sand away the paint, and look to create a more mature room. Still focus on using brighter more exciting colours, but add things such as shelves for them to place school books on. Buy some new bedding, preferably still action themed, or girly as they are still young at heart.

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5 Ways to Ensure That You Always Get What You Are Owed

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If you are someone who likes to take good care of your personal finances, it is likely that you are always looking to get the best deal for your money. It is also likely that you are incredibly cautious about being cheated out of money that you are owed. This is a very sensible attitude to have. In order to secure yourself a bright future, it is vital that you protect your wealth. If this is one of your top priorities, you will need to read on. Below are five ways to ensure that you always get what you are owed.

Remember to read the small print

Whenever you make a purchase, especially if it is online, you should remember to read the small print. Often, companies will bank on you failing to do so. Those with dubious morals will make the most of the opportunity to cheat you out of your money. They may also try to undermine your rights as a consumer. Reading the small print will ensure that you are always on the lookout for any dodgy deals. Not only this, but it could help you if anything goes wrong. The small print may let you know how long you have to return an item. It could also help you to decide between competing deals. While one product may be much cheaper, it may not have any other advantages. However, there could be another, more expensive product that provides you with better protection. If you really want to stay on top of things, make sure that you have a folder where you store all of your consumer information. Keep hold of every leaflet, every receipt, and every information booklet. That way, you will always have the information that you need.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a pay rise

Another way to ensure that you are getting what you are owed is by asking for a pay rise. If you do an amazing job and really put the hours in, make sure that this is not being overlooked. Keep an eye out for what other people in your profession are getting paid. If someone in a similar role is getting paid a lot more money, at another company, you could point this out to your employer. Equally, if one of your work colleagues is on a higher pay package, you should think about whether or not this fairly reflects the amount of work that you both do. Don’t be afraid to ask your employers for more. They are likely to be impressed by the fact that you value yourself highly and take pride in your work. Why not create a plan that details all of your career aspirations? Work out what you would like to be earning in the future. This will help you to take an objective look at your wages. It will also help you to feel more confident when you are entering into negotiations.

Look out for places where you can haggle

If you always buy items at full price, it is time to embrace the concept of haggling. This is a fantastic way for you to save money. It is also the fastest way to find out what a product is truly worth. Companies will often mark up their products to make a huge profit. Even small businesses could be making a fortune out of your willingness to pay full price. That is why you need to look out for great places where you can haggle. You could visit a flea market, an antique fair, or a second-hand store. You should also look for small boutique shops where you are more likely to be able to speak to a manager. While hired members of staff may not be able to offer you a discount, you will make more headway if you speak to the person in charge. If you are embarrassed by the thought of haggling and could do with some practice, why not start online? You could visit eBay and contact sellers directly. Try out a few different approaches and see which one works best for you. You might be surprised by just how much money you can save.

Make sure that you always stand up for your rights

If you hate conflict, you may find yourself regularly letting things go. When something is totally out of your control, this is the best approach to take. However, if there is still something to be done, you must never give up. If you want to protect your personal finances, it is vital that you always stand up for your rights. For instance, if you have been sold or rented a dodgy vehicle, you should not be expected to shoulder the cost of repairs or replacement. Instead, you should seek justice. Neale & Fhima, LLP will help to make this happen. If you have given someone your hard earned money, you deserve to get what you have paid for.

Shop around for the best deal

Whatever you do, don’t settle for the first offer that you find. Instead, shop around for the best deal. This will help you to ensure that you are always getting what you are owed. For instance, if you review your monthly bills and find out that you are spending more money than you would like, you should look around for a new provider. Even if you are not serious about switching, it is still worth letting your current provider know that you have other options. They may offer you a better deal in an attempt to compete. You should also take this approach when you are making smaller purchases. Whenever you enter a negotiation, you should do so with the willingness to walk away. People will try to cheat you out of money if they think that they are certain of a sale. However, if you appear undecided, they are more likely to try and impress you.


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A Career In Healthcare: What Routes Are There?

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Want to work in healthcare? Helping to treat people can be rewarding work and can in some cases be highly paid. However, it’s not an easy field to get into – not only are entry requirements to courses very high, finding a job vacancy can also be very tricky as it’s a very competitive market.

That said, becoming a doctor or a nurse isn’t your only option when searching for a career in medicine. There are plenty of other roles out there, and medical school may not always be the only route into these roles. Here are some ways that you can land a job in healthcare.

Complete a medical degree

When becoming a doctor or nurse, this is generally the only route. Medical degrees can also help with roles such as paramedic work, maternity care, radiology, physiotherapy and medical research, even if having this higher education behind you isn’t mandatory.

Aspiring doctors also need to get into medical school after completing a degree, all of which can take six years in total. Nursing meanwhile generally requires a three year course. Universities generally look for high college grades and getting a place on a course can be very competitive.

Take an online course

Some universities have now started doing online courses such as RN-BSNs. This can allow people to study in their own time around other commitments. Such courses generally have to be completed in the same time period, but you have greater flexibility as to when and where you study. Those interested should read these FAQs on Getting an RN-BSN Online. College entry grades may be the same as standard on-campus courses.

Try an apprenticeship scheme

Medical apprenticeships are a relatively new way of getting into healthcare without having to obtain a degree. They are a mixture of education and on-the-job training, usually offering a small income to get by on. Whilst you still can’t become a doctor through these schemes, they can help you to pursue careers such as dental nursing, emergency care assistance, informatics and maternity support. Nursing apprenticeships are soon to be an option and are currently being developed. You can read online about such Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Cadet Schemes. Entry requirements to these schemes can vary, but you’re generally looking at college grades from A – C. There are also apprenticeship degrees, which educate you to university level whilst also offering practical work experience.


There are plenty of voluntary jobs in healthcare. Occasionally, these may be able to lead on to paid positions. At the very least, they can help to look good on a CV and will help when applying to an apprenticeship or a degree.

Many charities help out in hospitals. They may volunteer to help work with children on the paediatric ward, or may help raise money in the hospital for causes. Hospitals themselves may also have voluntary positions available. These will generally not be anything too laborious – it may be a case of helping with porter duties or taking a refreshments trolley from ward to ward.  There are also various work shadowing roles to look out for.

Work as a porter or janitor

Working as a porter or a janitor in a hospital can serve as excellent experience when wanting to take an apprenticeship or degree. They may also be jobs to consider for those that don’t have the grades but want to work in a hospital environment.

Janitors are involved in cleaning tasks such as sweeping and mopping, as well as using industrial equipment to keep the place sterile. They may also help with cleaning bed sheets. On top of this janitors may be needed to help with handyman tasks such as fixing water leaks and faulty electrics.

Porters meanwhile are more responsible for carrying objects around the hospital. They may pick up medicine to give to doctors and nurses to then give to patients. They may help with moving machinery into an operating theatre before surgery. They may even help assist patients with mobility issues.

This is a very physically demanding job, so make sure you’re in good shape. In some cases, the roles may even be blurred. Hospitals may even have a hierarchy when it comes to janitors allowing some progression – it’s not a high paid job, but can be rewarding for many.

Try another non-medical career in healthcare

Not all careers within healthcare require a lot of medical knowledge as is the case with janitor and porter roles. There are a lot of admin roles within a hospital such as working at receptions desks, as well as coding and billing. A health information degree or apprenticeship may still be advantageous in many cases, although some roles may not require higher education. Hospitals also need people to deal with business roles such as accountancy and PR.

There are other jobs such as nutrition and physiotherapy that you could also consider. These may still require qualifications but not your standard medical kind. Nutritionists and physiotherapists are often employed by hospitals, but you may also be able to find a job independently or working for your local council so long as you have a license.

On top of this there are holistic jobs out there. This may involve treatments such as acupuncture or promoting holistic medicine. There are even obscure jobs such as musical therapy that could be a career angle for some people.


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Steps to Buying Your First Home

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Buying your first home can seem like a daunting task. When you don’t know the steps to take, you can start your house hunting ill-prepared. There is a lot of preparation and research to be done before you buy a home, and doing this preparation can mean the difference between buying your home with an agreeable interest rate, or not buying one at all. All first-time home buyers should follow this guide to help them through the process:

  1. Improve Your Credit Rating

Before you think about house hunting, you need to make sure that your credit score is up to snuff. Keep up with credit card payments and don’t have too many lines of credit open. A poor credit rating can mean you get a loan with a high-interest rate or don’t get one at all. Improve your credit score before you start house hunting.

  1. Check Your Budget

Know how you spend, and know what you can afford. You want to know and be sure that you can make the mortgage repayments, instead of just assuming you can. Knowing your budget will also help you save for your down payment.

  1. Have a Down Payment Saved

If your parents or another guardian are paying for your down payment, ensure that the money is in your account for a long time before you search for a loan. If you have saved for the loan yourself, the bank statements will be apparent. Further, you should save, not only for the down payment, but for the closing costs as well.

  1. Get Pre-Approved for a Loan

Pre-qualifying for a mortgage loan can help you immensely when you are house hunting. You don’t want to go over your budget for any reason, and this includes being caught in a bidding war. Having a pre-approved loan can also help you negotiate.

  1. Choose A New House

There are many things to consider when buying a new house. Start with the neighborhood, then work your way from there. You need to make sure that the house you choose is both within your budget and suits your needs. Once you think you’ve found the one, get it inspected. You can use this inspection to help negotiate a fairer price.

  1. Get Homeowner’s Insurance

Finding insurance that works for both your needs and budget requires some shopping around. Like buying a new home, you want to know your options, and you want to get the best deal.

  1. Move In

The last step is the best one. You are a new homeowner! The house is yours to transform how you wish. If you are on a budget, keep upgrades small and do them over the course of your life. You can have the house of your dreams, you just need to have vision, savings, and time.

Buying a house is stressful for everyone. There is a lot of planning to be taken care of before you can even start house hunting, and finding the right place for you can take a lot of time. Be patient, do your work beforehand – you want to be sure of your choice and your ability to afford it.

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