Moving to Manhattan: Why the West Village is Ideal

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Many parents dream of living in New York. Manhattan epitomises cool and chic. However, many parents believe that they cannot uproot their children and live in New York. This is simply not true. If you have dreams of living in New York, you can do. An ideal place for families to reside within New York is in the West Village.

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The West Village Has Something for Everyone

One of the greatest accolades that the West Village has is that is suitable for all kinds of people. Couples, families and single folks can all live happily within the West Village. There is not a place within this district of the city that is not accessible for everyone. The demographic of the West Village is made up of a good mix of people. 8.4% of families have children in this area of New York. This means that your kids will have a great advantage of being a part of this fantastic region.

Amenities and Schools within the West Village

Finding the perfect school for your children is critical to a successful move. One of the biggest benefits of residing within the West Village is that it is home to some of New York’s best schools. The West Village only has four schools within the district, but they are excellent academic institutions. Most of the schools are rated between 7 and 9 out of 10. The quality of education is higher in the West Village than the rest of New York. If you want your children to have a great educational advantage, this is the place for you.

The Benefits of Moving Your Family to West Village

It’s quiet. Yes, that’s right. This area of New York is very quiet. Due to the residential nature of the West Village, it is a great place for those who want to live in Manhattan, but don’t want to live in noise. It’s a clean and green space, so for families that want stunning scenery in a bustling city location the solution is obvious. What more could you want?

Furthermore, the area has low crime rates. For those want to bring their children up in the city, but also want a safe environment, the West Village is perfect for this. Low crime rates are on the best advantages of living in this district. To put this into statistics, the West Village crime index is 60% lower than anywhere else in New York. Overall, the West Village is 77% safer than anywhere else within the state. This is great news for those who want a safe environment to raise a family.

Despite negative connotations of city life, the West Village has strong community bonds. Many people have been born and bred in the region, choosing never to leave. Community spirit is not just in the suburbs; it can be found in the heart of the city too. For many people, the feeling of community spirit is just another reason to move to this fantastic area.

The West Village really does have it all.

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Care Plan for an Elderly Relative

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Watching a close elderly relative as they suffer from illness, disease or just old age can be very upsetting even for the strongest of people. Watching a person we love struggle with everyday tasks is emotionally challenging on every level. We feel sad and possibly scared, but feel that we must stay strong in order to support our loved one. Sadly, there comes a time when there is no other option, but to ask for help. This doesn’t make you weak or a bad person, it makes you a realistic one. If you can no longer give your elderly relative the support and care they need, it’s only sensible to start exploring other options.

In-House Care Versus Independent Living

There are many plans available to suit people who require differing levels of care. Some may just need help with carrying out daily tasks like shopping, cooking or cleaning the house. If this sounds like your loved one, then a care plan that still allows them to live independently would be the best option. Other people may have a specific health condition such as Parkinson’s disease or arthritis and may need the help of trained medical professionals. And there are many care homes that offer services specifically catered for such needs. Whatever the specific needs of your relative, it’s important to be clear about exactly what those needs are before deciding on a care plan.

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Ask For Their Input

It’s also essential that you include your loved one in every aspect of the decision-making process. Of course, if they’re suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, this isn’t always possible. But it’s still essential that you involve them as much as you can. And ensure that they’re happy and comfortable with the situation. If they require in-house care, take them to explore some local establishments and see for yourself how comfortable and ‘at home’ they seem. Talk with staff and other residents to judge how happy they seem and to get a sense of how well the place is run.

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Always try and opt for a location that’s as easy for you to get to as possible, so you can make regular visits. So, if you happen to live in Melbourne a center offering rehabilitation in Centennial, CO, would be a wise place to start. Many care-homes and rehabilitation centers will allow you and other family members to have input into your elderly relative’s care plan. Because ultimately, it’s you who knows them better than anybody else. And you should always have the right to speak up if you feel that there are ways in which their care plan could be improved.
Every person is an individual, and no two people’s needs are going to be exactly the same. And the care home or rehabilitation center that you eventually decide on should reflect that fact. And remember that whatever care plan you do decide to choose, you mustn’t allow yourself to feel guilty. In fact, you should be proud of yourself for having the courage to put your loved one’s needs first.

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How to Get Shiny Hair and Glowing Skin the Easy Way

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We ladies are always looking for new ways to improve our health, appearance and wellbeing. Some of us stick rigidly to a certain exercise routine. Others concentrate on ensuring they have a healthy diet. Whatever method we try, the results that we’re all looking for are invariably the same. We want to improve ourselves in every way possible in order to be able to be the best of ourselves and make the most of our lives. And it seems that our hair and skin are absolutely no exception. But with so many of us leading such busy lives we don’t always have the time to give our hair and skin the TLC they deserve. Well, how about we help change all that by sharing some amazingly simple tips so you can do just exactly that?

Use Argan Oil

Argan oil has become very popular over recent years. It’s been used by women in Morocco for centuries. But it wasn’t until relatively recently that Westernized women started to become aware of its amazing benefits. There are lots of shampoos on the market now that contain argan oil, and it’s proven to make hair soft, shiny and improve its overall condition. It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. Other argan oil benefits include helping to prevent the signs of ageing and helping to improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Take Cod Liver Oil Capsules

Cod liver oil tablets are known to help improve the health and appearance of both your skin and nails. It contains essential fatty acids and has a high Vitamin D and Vitamin A content. You can buy the capsules at your local health store. And if you happen to enjoy seafood, be sure to include plenty of oily fish in your diet. It’s an easy and delicious way of giving your hair and nails some all-important TLC.

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Always Remove Make-Up

I think every woman has probably been guilty of doing this at some point, or another. But remember ladies, it is a cardinal sin. If you leave make-up on overnight, it can block your pores and lead to blackheads and spots. It also prevents your skin from being able to breathe properly, so ensure you take the time to remove it before going to bed each night.

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Protect Your Skin with Sunscreen

Sun damage is one of leading causes of premature ageing. It causes skin to lose its elasticity and makes it tough and ‘leathery’ in appearance. Even Angelina Jolie can’t make that look good! So it’s vital that you protect your skin from the sun’s rays whenever you spend prolonged periods outside. You can also buy make-up that offers UV protection. And by ensuring you always use a sunscreen with a factor of above 30, you can also help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

These are just a few tried and tested ways of getting shiny hair and glowing skin the easy way. If you have any more tips of your own that you’d like to share then we’d love to hear from you in the comments box below!

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5 Weird and Wonderful Plastic Surgery Treatments

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Everyone strives for perfection. With this in mind, little wonder that the plastic surgery industry is booming. Some people want to look even more fantastic than they already do. There is a wide range of weird and wonderful plastic surgery options. From the wonderful, to the downright bizarre, this article will outline them all:

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1.    Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is proving to be popular, if not a little bizarre. For those that want the appearance of younger looking eyes, this is the treatment for you. As we age, our eyes can look droopy and puffy in their appearance. For many people, this is simply not acceptable. So, they seek out medical attention and get this issue rectified. Eyelid surgery is typically popular with the over 40s market. But, there has been an increase in younger people wanting to undergo this kind of treatment. Whether you find this kind of plastic surgery weird or unusual, it is certainly proving to be very popular. For those that are always striving for a youthful appearance, eyelid surgery is more and more popular.

2.    Six Pack Creation

The idea of a six pack creation is utterly bizarre. But, for some men and women, having the perfect set of abs does not start in the gym. Instead of hitting the gym and ensuring that their body is in a premium condition, they are undergoing the surgeon’s knife. This is so that they can have a dream body that they have always wanted but without the pain of getting there naturally. In reality, this sort of plastic treatment can look truly bizarre on those that don’t have a flat stomach in the first instance. Flabby guys and girls with a six pack carved into their gut? Well, it looks truly odd.

3.    Belly Button Surgery

Are you tired of your outie? Have you always dreamed of having an innie? Well, your dreams can be a reality with belly button surgery. You don’t have to be embarrassed by your outie anymore. In fact, you can have it transformed into a beautiful innie. Weird, yes. Wonderful? We’re not so sure.

4.    Jaw Line Reduction

Jaw line reduction surgery is proving to be very popular. For those that have something of a prominent jaw, this kind of surgery can ensure that you have a smaller chin and jaw as a whole. This may seem like a drastic step. But, for those that are suffering from severe jaw line size, this surgery is proving to be more and more popular. People can be cruel about others appearance. A more subtle jaw line can be achieved through surgery.

5.    Nipple Reduction

Are you embarrassed by your oversized nipples? Fear not, help is at hand.  Nipple reduction surgery is becoming popular for those that do not want to have large nipples. In fact, an increasing number of men and women are seeking out this kind of operation. The areola is removed from the chest and is reshaped to give a more subtle appearance.

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Your Body Fat Percentage and What it Means

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You may have heard the term body fat percentage thrown around at some point, and wondered what it means. If you’re the kind of person who wants to have the best body that they can possibly have, then this little number could be important to you. This little number, in fact, could be the most important thing to you. The scale isn’t as important as you think it is, believe it or not. Intrigued? Read on to learn more about this mystical number and what it means:

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The Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss

First of all, you must understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. You may have read about those two terms before, and not even realised that there was a difference. Well, there is! Weight loss is where the number changes for you on the scale. It may say you’ve lost 2, 4, or even 7 pounds. However, did you know that this doesn’t actually mean you’ve gotten any smaller? If that’s the case, what’s the point in concentrating on weight loss at all?!

Weight loss doesn’t just refer to the loss of fat, it refers to the loss of water weight and muscle tissue. Losing water weight will make little or no difference to your appearance, while losing muscle tissue will actually mean you’ve lost tone in your body. This gives you a wobblier appearance. The term ‘skinny fat’, describes this perfectly. Skinny fat people are people who may not weigh a lot, or be very big at all, yet they’ve got a high percentage of body fat and little muscle mass, making them look wobbly and podgy.

Losing fat is what we really want, though many of us don’t realise it at all. By losing fat alone, and perhaps even building muscle while you do so, you’ll be giving yourself a leaner, tighter appearance with more definition. A bit like Izabel Goulart.

So, What is the Body Fat Percentage?

Your body fat percentage is the amount of fat you have in your body expressed by a percentage. You can usually tell how in shape somebody is by looking at this number. Over 30% is usually classed as obese, while 20-25% is around average. As you get into the teens, you get leaner and leaner until you achieve athlete status. Men can healthily have a lower body fat than women, as women need a higher body fat to survive. Women who strive to hit a body fat percentage too low will be very unhealthy, and their periods may even stop.

How to Make Sure you Lose Fat and Not Just Weight

To ensure that you’re losing the right kind of fat and not just weight, you need to eat right and exercise. It’s as simple as that, yet some people think it’s a dark art. I’m sorry; but there is no magic pill, diet, or shake that’s going to do it for you. You need to put in the hard work. Eat clean, natural foods. You could even try a supplement such as Alpha Pro Labs Xslim to speed things up. You then need to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Cardio and resistance training are great. Make sure you regularly mix things up to stop yourself from hitting a plateau.

Record your progress by measuring your inches, so you can see just how much smaller you’re getting. The scale is useless, to tell you the truth! Get fit and healthy the right way by following this advice.

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Simple Everyday Steps to Become a Healthier You

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Becoming a healthier version of yourself might seem like a daunting task, but it can be made very easy if you simply take some steps each day to accomplish it. Becoming healthier doesn’t need to be too difficult at all. Let’s take a look at some things you can do:


1. Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables are full of nutrients and vitamins. The great thing about them is that they contain hardly any calories, so you can eat as much as you like! Snack on them when you’re feeling hungry, and have big portions with each meal to make sure you’re getting your 5 a day.

2. Drink More Water

Do you drink enough water? Try to add another half litre on to your intake if you think you might be slacking a little. I bet you’ll look and feel better in no time at all.

3. Walk More

It’s recommended that we all do at least 10,000 steps per day to stay healthy. However, I’d bet we don’t do half as many as that most days. Get a pedometer to see how many steps you do, and you might be shocked into doing more.

4. Find an Exercise or Sport You Enjoy

As well as walking regularly, find something else you enjoy and try to fit it in a couple of times per week. This could be Crossfit, football, tennis – anything you like! You could even try a few different things to keep it interesting.

5. Don’t Buy Junk Food

If you buy junk food, you’ll eat it at a time when you probably really shouldn’t. We all get cravings, but they can get especially bad if you know you have bad foods in the house. Sure, you can have treats; but in moderation. Don’t buy a multipack of chocolate bars and keep them in the fridge ‘just in case’, because you’ll no doubt eat them mindlessly.

6. Take Supplements

Supplements can be a big help when we want to get healthier. You can start by taking a daily multivitamin and something like Nordic Naturals fish oils.

7. Go to Bed Earlier

Sleep is so beneficial to us. It helps our brains to function better, stops us from snacking, and makes us more productive. If you can’t seem to drag yourself out of bed in the morning or don’t feel rested when you get up, try to train yourself to get tired earlier. Wind down by getting rid of all electrics and bright lights an hour before bed, and get some reading done.

8. Think Positive Thoughts

Positive thoughts are the key to being a positive, happy, healthy person. Negative thoughts can creep in from time to time, but you must ignore them and focus on the positive. ‘We attract what we create’, so make sure you’re attracting positivity.

If you follow these tips I guarantee you’ll feel 10 times better. Do you have any special tips of your own that you think will help people to become healthier? Leave a comment to share it. Thanks for reading!

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A Simple Guide To Well-Being

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Looking after your health should be your number one priority. Often we leave the chore in the hands of medical professionals. The fact is we should not be going to the doctor for every minor ailment. Instead, we need to take positive steps to look after ourselves and look after our bodies. There are a few ways to keep everything in working order. These home remedies will mean fewer trips to the doctors and more time feeling healthy and happy. When you begin to feel  ill in some way, you should always try and sort the issue out yourself first. Here is a simple guide to well-being.

Tiredness Solutions

Tiredness is a natural part of life. Of course, you’re tired when you get up  in the morning. It takes a while for our body to wake up and for the first hour or so you will feel sleepy. If the tiredness is more of a constant state, rather than a passing phase, then you need to do something about it. Malnutrition is one of the biggest things that contributes to how awake we are. When you begin to feel tired, you should look at what food you’re eating. Energy-high food such as fruit and vegetables will make you feel more awake throughout the day. When you’re tired, it is tempting to reach for a coffee. The problem with coffee is that you crash after you’ve had a buzz of energy. Instead, try drinking green tea. Ten minutes exercise every morning could also help you. You heart rate speeds up when you do exercise and so you feel more awake and alive after a workout.

Back Pain Solutions

Back pain is an awful thing to have to deal with throughout the day. This type of pain can impact on every area of your life. Back pain builds up over the years and gets worse as we begin to get older. If you work in an office, it is important that you get the proper support for your back. Ask your boss about special back-rests for your seat in the office. At home, you can use a Teeter Hang Ups inversion table, which will help to relieve back pain. Getting home equipment to help will save you many a trip to the hospital. You should also take many hot baths as this will relax your muscles and help to ease the pain.

Headache Solutions

If you suffer from headaches on a regular basis, you might find it hard to concentrate at work and do day to day tasks. There are two major causes of headaches, and you should look at which one is effecting you. The first cause is dehydration. When we don’t drink enough water, and we’re hot we tend to get headaches. The simple solution is to drink water. If a lack of water is the cause of your pain, the pain will begin to go away the moment you have a drink. The other major cause of headaches is stress. If you are feeling a lot of stress at work or home, then you need to get rid of that. Sometimes we fail to acknowledge that stress causes our headache. You might put the pain down to other causes because approaching stress is hard. Tackle the issue that is making you feel bad before you do anything else.

Low Mood Solutions

We all feel down from time to time, but if your mood has been low for a matter of days or weeks then, something is wrong. Low mood stops you from enjoying life and makes daily tasks impossible. One of the best ways to tackle a low mood problem is to get out there. The last thing you will feel like doing is socialising with people. When you get out there though, having people around you will lift your mood straight away. Getting natural daylight will also help to make you feel happy. As will taking regular vitamins and eating a balanced diet.

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Top Tips for Worming Your Pets Effectively

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Worming your pets is important, whether you’ve got a horse, dog, or cat. If worms are left untreated for too long, they can cause a lot of damage and make your poor pet very uncomfortable. However, treatment and the things you will have to do to administer the treatment will vary. It probably won’t be fun for you or your pet, but it must be done. Here are some top tips to make sure you do a good job:
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Worming Your Horse

Worms are one of the most common things that horses need treatment for. Treating them right is important; you must make sure they’re healthy and happy as best you can. In order to worm your horse effectively, you’ll need to get an equine vet to determine just how bad your horse’s worms are. Paste is the most commonly used method of worming for horses, as it’s easy to distribute. However, you should discuss with the vet the kind of wormer that will be best for your particular horse. To prevent your horse from getting worms, you should keep their stable as clean as possible. There’s no way you can guarantee them not getting worms, but you can try your best.


Worming Your Dog

Worming your dog should be done year round in order to prevent them forever. Make sure you have a good routine, and never miss a scheduled worming. You can get treatment from a site like, for example. If you have more than one dog in the house, it’s a good idea to worm them all at the same time to make things easier. Some dogs can be smart when it comes to worming medicine, so you could try to use treats to disguise the fact that you’re giving them medicine. Usually, the best thing to do is give them a regular treat first, followed by the treat with worming medicine in it. You could use cheese, or peanut butter for example. There are many different kinds of worm your dog could have, so make sure you use the right kind of medicine for them. The dose will usually depend on the dog’s weight.

Worming Your Cat

If you allow your cat to roam freely, they may come home often infested with parasites. This could mean you must worm them 5 times per year in order to keep the parasites at bay. Cats may also turn their nose up at medicine, in which case you could crush it up and put it in their food. Just make sure no other pets are around to eat the leftovers – your cat should eat the whole meal to themselves. You will also need to make sure that they don’t spit it out a few minutes later. Spot on treatments could be a simple yet effective way of treating your cat for worms.

Now you know how to handle worms, you can go and get rid of them for good. Remember, preventive treatment is the key to a happy pet. Good luck!

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Stuck For Christening Gift Ideas? Try These.

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Christenings and naming ceremonies are often the first big celebration of a baby’s life. Whether the aim is to welcome them into a religion or just into the world, the occasion often calls for gifts. Christening gifts aren’t easy to buy, because there are so many questions surrounding them. Do you need to buy a gift if you aren’t playing the part of godparent or a similar role? Are you buying for the baby or their parents? Should you choose something practical or pretty? And how much money should you spend? The easiest thing to do is to look at some gift ideas and go with your instinct on what feels most appropriate. And you can always ask the parents if you’re not sure.

Wooden Toys

Wooden toys have several things going for them. Not only are they a beautiful traditional gift, which will last a long time, but they’re practical too. Instead of just being a decorative piece that will sit in a cabinet, the baby can play with a wooden toy when they’re old enough. You could choose something they can enjoy right away, like a wooden rattle. Or you might decide on something a bit more grown up, such as a train. Unlike plastic toys, wooden ones will last and look great too. A Noah’s Ark is a popular choice for christenings.

Something Silver

Giving christening silver as a gift is a very traditional option. The baby’s godparents usually give silver as a gift. There are a number of silver items that people frequently give as christening gifts. They are often purely decorative and more of a keepsake for parents than a practical gift for the baby. Silver cups and spoons are two traditional gifts, as well as other silver cutlery. jewelry often depicts a religious symbol and can be anything from a rosary to a cross pendant or even dog tags with an engraving. Silver rattles are a popular choice too.

A Book

If you’re attending a christening or other religious ceremony, you might like to give a Bible, or whichever religious text is appropriate. However, you don’t have to stop there when it comes to books. Books are items that parents and child can treasure for a long time, and there are several options for giving them as gifts. You might like to present a hardback of your favorite childhood book, with an inscription from you inside. Personalized books are another option, where you can create a story or photo album especially for the baby and their parents. Books are something that the baby can appreciate when they’re a bit older, and the parents can enjoy until then. Plus, reading together is fantastic for bonding between parents and children.

When you choose your gift, think about the purpose of the ceremony. If it’s a religious ceremony and you know the parents will bring the baby up in the faith you might choose to focus your gift around it. If it’s a naming ceremony with no religious overtones, look at more neutral keepsakes and practical gifts.

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Managing LBL (Light Bladder Leakage) with Poise

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Disclosure- This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Poise.  All opinions are 100% my own.

I had heard women joke about peeing a little when they laughed or sneezed but I didn’t think much of it…..until it happened to me.  It can be such a taboo subject that many women don’t talk about it.  But that’s just what I did.  I asked my friends to share their experiences with LBL (Light Bladder Leakage) and we got a conversation going.   Some were too embarrassed to talk about it out in the open on Facebook but many opened up to my privately.  I was surprised just how many of my friends have experienced LBL.  Many started to experience LBL during pregnancy or after they had their first child but for others it started as they got older or gained weight.  I knew that some women leak a little when they laugh or sneeze but I think the biggest surprise was how many women leak when they work out.  A friend of mine was telling me how it is actually a problem at many crossfit gyms because things like running, box jumps or double unders (whatever those may be) actually cause women to pee right there in the middle of their workouts.  I even watched a YouTube video about it!  I had no idea about this very real problem since it’s been a while since I’ve been to a gym.

poise microliners2Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) is a very real problem experienced by about 1 in 3 women.  It can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise.  Many women rely on feminine care products, or worse, nothing at all to manage their little leaks because they don’t know there are solutions designed specifically for LBL.  Or maybe they don’t think incontinence products are for them.   Women don’t have to be embarrassed by LBL anymore.  Poise offers shockingly thin and absorbent liners featuring SAM (Super Absorbent Material) to provide discreet LBL protection that helps keep you dry and comfortable all day long so you can manage life’s little leaks with confidence.
poise microlinersI was pleasantly surprised just how thin and comfortable Poise Microliners are.  They look and feel even thinner than most panty liners I have used before and are so comfortable I forget I am wearing one.  Poise Microliners are now part of my daily routine so I can stay fresh, dry, and confident.  Now I just need to start going back to the gym!

Poise Microliners are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners.

Give Poise a try with a FREE Poise Liner Sample Kit — featuring the all-new Microliner!

Ideal for women with lighter bladder leaks, this kit includes:

  • 2 NEW Poise Microliners (1 regular, 1 long)
  • 1 Poise Long Liner
  • 1 Poise Ultra Thin Pad
  • Exclusive coupon and informational brochure



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