How to Get Shiny Hair and Glowing Skin the Easy Way

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We ladies are always looking for new ways to improve our health, appearance and wellbeing. Some of us stick rigidly to a certain exercise routine. Others concentrate on ensuring they have a healthy diet. Whatever method we try, the results that we’re all looking for are invariably the same. We want to improve ourselves in every way possible in order to be able to be the best of ourselves and make the most of our lives. And it seems that our hair and skin are absolutely no exception. But with so many of us leading such busy lives we don’t always have the time to give our hair and skin the TLC they deserve. Well, how about we help change all that by sharing some amazingly simple tips so you can do just exactly that?

Use Argan Oil

Argan oil has become very popular over recent years. It’s been used by women in Morocco for centuries. But it wasn’t until relatively recently that Westernized women started to become aware of its amazing benefits. There are lots of shampoos on the market now that contain argan oil, and it’s proven to make hair soft, shiny and improve its overall condition. It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. Other argan oil benefits include helping to prevent the signs of ageing and helping to improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Take Cod Liver Oil Capsules

Cod liver oil tablets are known to help improve the health and appearance of both your skin and nails. It contains essential fatty acids and has a high Vitamin D and Vitamin A content. You can buy the capsules at your local health store. And if you happen to enjoy seafood, be sure to include plenty of oily fish in your diet. It’s an easy and delicious way of giving your hair and nails some all-important TLC.

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Always Remove Make-Up

I think every woman has probably been guilty of doing this at some point, or another. But remember ladies, it is a cardinal sin. If you leave make-up on overnight, it can block your pores and lead to blackheads and spots. It also prevents your skin from being able to breathe properly, so ensure you take the time to remove it before going to bed each night.

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Protect Your Skin with Sunscreen

Sun damage is one of leading causes of premature ageing. It causes skin to lose its elasticity and makes it tough and ‘leathery’ in appearance. Even Angelina Jolie can’t make that look good! So it’s vital that you protect your skin from the sun’s rays whenever you spend prolonged periods outside. You can also buy make-up that offers UV protection. And by ensuring you always use a sunscreen with a factor of above 30, you can also help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

These are just a few tried and tested ways of getting shiny hair and glowing skin the easy way. If you have any more tips of your own that you’d like to share then we’d love to hear from you in the comments box below!

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