Archives for February 2018

Is There Such A Thing As A Perfect Family Holiday?

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family-2532849_960_720The perfect family picture or are you all wishing you were anywhere but here?  (image)

Is it possible to have a perfect family holiday? To be honest, we don’t need to tell you, as you can probably give us an answer yourself. And that answer is probably….no! Don’t stop reading just yet, however, as we do have some useful tips for you in a moment. But the reason why a perfect family holiday isn’t possible is because…

  1. a) there is no such thing as perfection
  2. b) you are travelling with other human beings

Think about your family vacations. Did any of the following things happen?

– Your kids didn’t want to go to your chosen destination.

– Your children squabbled with you, each other and at the world itself when they discovered there was no wifi.

– Your accommodation didn’t quite match the brochure.

– You ran out of money, probably because your kids wanted to do absolutely EVERYTHING!!

Did any of the above sound familiar? If not, then you must be doing something right. Still, if you have yet to find perfection, there are ways you can attain some kind of holiday nirvana. Not everything will go perfectly – such is family life – but you can make life easier for yourself. For example, you should put the following into practice.

– Talk about where you want to go as a family. It’s no good choosing somewhere that the kids will find ultra-boring (another walking holiday) and you shouldn’t only focus on what the children want (yet another theme park). Choose somewhere that will tick the right boxes for all of you, providing something approximating a stress-free holiday. It is possible, kind of!

– Plan the journey. The more preparation you can do, the better. Bring snacks and games along for the kids, work out rest-stops if you’re travelling by car, and pack a first-aid kit for any health emergencies, such as bee stings, sunburn, and travel sickness. If you plan for disaster, you can reduce disaster.

– Stay in a family friendly hotel. Unless you are planning on spending your holiday as a family in a tent or caravan, you should probably book a hotel. Not every hotel is accommodating of children, so find a place where your little ones are welcome, such as the Albany Marriott. Ensure there are facilities to keep your kids entertained, such as a swimming pool or games room, and book a separate room for your children so you’re not crammed together in one living space.

– Don’t spend a fortune. You don’t have to give your family the best that money can buy, as there is more to a holiday than luxury and shopping. A camping trip can be a great bonding experience, for example, as you toast marshmallows over a fire and enjoy somewhere scenic. Money is the source for a lot of stress, so visit somewhere where you won’t be forced to break the bank.

– Unplug from the world. A family holiday is about creating happy memories, and you won’t have as many if you are all glued to your smartphones for the duration. Limit your internet use to your private time, and spend the rest of the time plugged to each other rather than the wifi.

And so…

Don’t strive for perfection. The higher your expectation, the more disappointment you will feel. It’s unlikely the holiday will be 100% perfect, but you should go with the flow, no matter the ups and downs. You can have a great holiday, but see beyond the squabbles and mishaps that befall you. They are all part of the experience anyway. Still, if you do have ideas of your own for a perfect holiday, be sure to let us know!


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Are You Sleeping Properly?

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We all have those moments where you’re not really feeling your best. Like your hands are lead weights, and you just want to curl up in bed and hibernate for a few months. Of course, most of the time that’s not an option (unless you’re really lucky!) and you have to get up and deal with your responsibilities. However, a lot of people fail to pay close enough attention to why it is that they might be feeling that way in the first place. What makes it all the more ridiculous is that the answer is often incredibly simple: they aren’t getting enough sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep, then you’re never going to feel 100% no matter what. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do to make sure that you get your full forty winks.

Make sure you’re comfortable

If you’re not comfortable, then you’re never going to be able to get a decent night’s sleep. The first place to start is with your mattress. You need the right combination of softness and support in order to really get the best possible night’s sleep. Check out sites like ChooseMattress so that you can get find the most comfortable mattress for the best possible night’s sleep. You might not even realise how uncomfortable you are until you try a truly soft and supportive mattress.

Ditch the gadgets

Gadgets are great! Smartphones, laptops, games consoles, they’re all fantastic. However, one thing that you need to remember is that they can make it near impossible to get off to sleep. The blue light that electronic devices give of can make getting off to sleep incredibly difficult. Make sure that you put the phone or laptop away at least an hour or so before you want to go to sleep. You’d be much better off reading a book or listening to some music instead.

Avoid alcohol

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink now and then but the idea that a nightcap is going to help you sleep if one that you should forget as soon as possible. Yes, it is true that alcohol can help you get off to sleep more quickly, but the reality is that you’ll probably wake up a couple of hours later anyway. You’ll find that alcohol actually makes it a lot harder to sleep through the night properly. In the same way that you avoid caffeine before bed, try to steer clear of alcohol before bed as much as you can. Staying hydrated is the best thing that you can do if you want to sleep through the night as peacefully as possible.

If there’s one piece of advice that anyone who struggles with getting enough sleep needs to take it’s that the snooze button is not your friend. The snooze button is only ever going to make you feel even worse and potentially ruin your sleep schedule. When your alarm goes off, get straight up and make sure your hand never even goes near that snooze button.


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Common Sleep Disorders That Need Your Immediate Attention!

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white-2565766_640Trouble sleeping? You may have a common sleep disorder. Image

Do you often wake up feeling as though you’ve had a terrible night’s sleep? Or perhaps you regularly wake up in the middle of the night, or just have a tough time falling asleep in the first place? If any of the above is true, then you probably have a sleep disorder that you’re unaware of.

Some sleep disorders are very common but require your immediate attention. Here are a few that you might have, and what you should do to treat them:

Sleep Apnea

Around about a fifth of people suffers from this sleep disorder. It’s a pretty scary one, as it involves trouble with breathing while you sleep. In fact, people with sleep apnea can stop breathing altogether many times a night. The weird thing is, you don’t notice it yourself. You may wake up in the middle of the night, but you won’t know that your breathing was the cause. More often than not, you become aware of this disorder because someone tells you your snoring is unbearably loud.

How do you treat this? Well, the best course of action is to see an ENT doctor so they can look you over. Here, they’ll prescribe any number of treatment options, which you can learn more about online. Most people opt for surgery, which sounds painful, but the important thing is that you can cure this disorder completely.


Insomnia is the sleep disorder everyone has heard about. Some people claim they have insomnia when they struggle to get to sleep. Real insomnia is a serious medical condition and needs to be addressed right away. It makes it almost impossible for you to fall asleep, and staying asleep is just as hard. If you never get a good night’s sleep and are constantly waking up in the middle of the night, then you might have insomnia.

How do you treat this? Insomnia is a mental health condition more than anything else, so surgery is off the table. Therapy sessions can help you out, and some doctors prescribe medication to help you get to sleep.


Most people don’t consider sleepwalking as a sleeping disorder, but it’s a genuine medical condition. This is also probably the easiest to identify, as you’ll often wake up in a different place to your bed. Some people wake up randomly in their kitchen or bathroom as they’ve walked out of their room. It’s an issue because you could end up doing something reckless while you’re sleepwalking.

How do you treat this? Again, therapy is a good option here, but adjusting the way you sleep is also effective. Sleep earlier, have an actual sleep schedule and avoid eating and drinking before bed.

Do you have any of these sleep disorders? If so, you need to treat them right away. Not getting enough sleep can be problematic for your health, so you must address these problems to get a better night of sleep. Then, you will be able to get an uninterrupted eight hours and let your body regenerate while you’re in snoozeville.


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Personal Finance Myth Busting

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The management of
personal finances is something that most of us learn in bit parts. Unless our parents took it upon themselves to explain the ins and outs of financial management, managing this side of our lives is a constant learning curve.

As a result of this, financial knowledge across the general populace is… well, less than ideal. People learn what they have to learn to get by, but ignore the ins and outs that can make a real difference to your financial situation. In this atmosphere, it’s inevitable that certain myths have the ability to rise to the surface. These personal finance myths, that hundreds of thousands of people believe to be true, can be incredibly problematic when it comes to financial management.

So, it’s time to bust the myths to help ensure that your financial management is always as good as it can possibly be. Here are four of the most common myths, as well as an explanation on why these “common knowledge” sentiments should actually be ignored…

MYTH: People with excellent credit scores don’t have credit cards or debt

REALITY: You need to have credit cards, loans, and even debts for a good credit score.

The reason for this is simple: your credit score is a reflection of how good a customer you have been in the past. Creditors use this to judge how good a customer you will be in the future. If you don’t have a financial history — such as a credit card or debt — then they can’t judge if you’re a good customer or not, because there’s no track record on which you can be judged. Using a credit card sensibly is the best way to maintain good credit; read through credit cards reviews to find a card that works for you, use it for basic purchases, and pay it off in full every month, and your credit score will blossom.

MYTH: Debt is always bad

REALITY: Debt can be bad, but it can also allow you to further your life in a way that would otherwise have not been available to you. Debt can be beneficial if the debt was incurred for a specific purpose, such as a car to allow you to seek work with a longer commute, or funding your education. If debt is productive and manageable, then it isn’t inherently bad.

MYTH: Pay off highest interest debts first

REALITY: Paying off the highest interest debts may be beneficial in a financial sense, but research has indicated that such a strategy isn’t as useful in a psychological sense. Instead, you should pay off the smallest debts first, as this helps you to feel like you’re making more progress with your debts, and this helps you to focus.

MYTH: Budgets aren’t necessary if you’re financially secure

REALITY: Budgets are necessary for everyone, and can ensure that those who are financially secure stay that way. Learning to budget is one of the most useful personal finance skills you can learn.

In conclusion

Now that you know the truth behind these common myths, the management of your own personal finances should be a breeze!

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Easy Ways to Save Money (Without Changing Your Lifestyle)

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Most of the time, when you read articles and blog posts about saving money, you’re bombarded with lots of advice that require you to vastly change your lifestyle if you want to have more money in the bank. You’ll be told to stop buying your veggies at the store and grow them at home instead or to cut the cable and start reading more books instead of watching the TV; some people will even advise that you cut your own hair! Although there is nothing wrong with these tips, and they will undoubtedly save you money, they aren’t what you want to hear because they are asking you to change your lifestyle too drastically.

The good news is, you can save money without changing your lifestyle very much at all. Here are some pretty painless ideas that will help you to save more money every month while pretty much maintaining the kid of lifestyle you have now:

Turn Down the Temperature

If you turn down your thermostat temperature down by just three degrees, unless you experience a sudden arctic blast, you are unlikely to notice the difference in your home’s coziness levels, but you will definitely save at least 10 percent on your energy bills, which depending on how much you pay each month, could represent a significant saving!

Switch Power Suppliers

As long as the lights come on and you can heat your home, you don’t really care where the energy come from right? It won’t make any difference to how you live your life, will it? So, start looking around for the best electricity and gas prices available to you and make the switch. There is no reason to be loyal to the power company when you could save tens of dollars every month by switching, so do it now.

Determine the Best Time to Do the Laundry

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Many power companies run peak and off-peak hours and if your run your power-guzzling appliances like the washer and dryer during off-peak hours, you can save lots of money. This is a really easy lifestyle change to make because the laundry needs to be done no matter what and switching it to a later hour is unlikely to affect your lifestyle very much at all.

Turn Stuff Off

Before you leave the house, or when you aren’t using it, turn everything from the TV to the lights off. Leaving stuff on when you aren’t using it, and certainly when you aren’t even in the house is madness from a money-saving perspective, and it isn’t exactly good for the planet either!

If you’re concerned about maintaining the illusion that someone is home to deter burglars, then install a few energy efficient LED lamps in your home and connect them with a timer-based power strip, so the lights will come on for a little while when it gets dark.

Start Planning Your Meals

One of the most common ways we waste our cash as a nation is by shopping without a grocery list, particularly if we do so when we’re hungry. Why? Because when we don’t have a list we tend to buy all kinds of random things that may or may not feed us for a whole week in way that makes sense, and when we’re hungry, we tend to throw a lot more junk into the cart. By working out, then, what we plan to eat for a whole week and creating a list that contains only the ingredients to make those meals, we can save money. We’ll probably save a few pounds from being added to our bodies too!

Check the Unit Prices

While we’re on the subject of grocery shopping, don’t be fooled into thinking that the item with the lowest sticker price is the one that represents the best value – often it is not. You see, when you’re comparing like items, you need to compare the unit price, not the sticker price to see which represents true value for money. You’d be surprised how much you can save simply by doing this.

Bulk Buy

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Waiting until non-perishable goods that you use regularly go on sale – things like toilet paper, trash bags and dried beans and pulses – and then buying them in bulk is another smart way to save dollars without changing your lifestyle.

Use Coupons

When you’re buying anything, whether it’s groceries or electronics, look online for coupons first. It’s never been easier to find coupons and using them means you can keep buying the things you love, maintaining your current lifestyle, for less. You know it makes sense.

Make Do and Mend

Instead of immediately tossing that dress when the seam split or those shoes when the sole comes away if they are in otherwise good condition, mend them instead. You’ll save bags of money when you don’t immediately toss stuff because it’s no longer perfect and you’ll learn a few handy skills along the way too.

Check Your Tire Pressure Regularly

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If you’re looking for a good way to cut the cost of running your vehicle, then as well as shopping around for the best gas prices, you should be checking the pressure of your tires regularly too. What a lot of people don’t realize is that when you’re tires are at the optimum pressure, your vehicle runs more efficiently, burning more gas per mile than a vehicle where the air pressure is lower than it ideally should be.

Cancel those Memberships

If you actually go to the gym regularly and if you actually watch Netflix quite often, then they’re probably worth holding on to, but if you don’t, then cancel those memberships right now. Why are you paying money for something you don’t use? Most of the time, you only have to click a button to stop paying, and you’d be foolish not to!

Lifestyle changes are sometimes necessary when it comes to saving money, but as you can see, there are lots of really easy tweaks you can make to maintain the lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to and beef up your bank balance at the same time!


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How To Improve Your Mental Agility

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Mental agility is more than just being able to solve equations in your head. It is a variety of different mental qualities such as memory, productivity, decision-making, reading and mental math that all combine to create your overall ability to think quickly and efficiently. If you are looking to improve your mental agility but aren’t sure how here are six tips to get you started.

Drink More Water

One of the most effective ways to improve your overall wellbeing, mental or otherwise, is to stay properly hydrated, but many Americans miss out on drinking the right amount of water every day, which can take a toll on your mental abilities. Aim to drink at least eight cups of water, more if possible. This will help to boost your decision-making, mental health, and mental agility.

Try A Plant-Based Diet

Research has shown many times that eating a plant-based diet free of any animal products, can help to improve productivity, enhance mental well-being, and boost your memory. There are many negative and unwanted side-effects of eating meat and dairy products that can lead to not only physical decline but also mental decline. Eating a plant-based diet has also been shown to prevent the onset of certain mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


Meditation is the practice of letting go of your thoughts and tuning into the present moment. It gives us some time to reflect on our lives without judgment and can have incredible effects on the mind and body. Research has found that not only does regular meditation reduce anxiety and depression, boost productivity and enhance your memory, but it can also be more effective at doing so than sleeping! It’s easy to start meditating, apps like headspace or calm can help to guide you through short meditative sessions to get your practice started.

Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any skill, the most important thing to do if you want to develop is to practice. Find what areas you struggle with, whether it be memory games, mental arithmetic or reading, and practice as much as you can. If you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, don’t worry, a quick browse through informative websites such as Examined Existence can give your brain the motivational boost it needs in the morning.


It may seem odd to suggest physical activity as a way to improve mental agility, but research has shown time and time again that regular physical activity can help to drastically improve mental performance. Waking up early and getting your blood pumping around your body is not only a great way to wake yourself up, but can also help prepare you mentally for the day ahead. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise either, even a gentle morning yoga flow can help to wake up your brain.

Start Reading More

Reading is possibly one of the quickest, easiest and most enjoyable ways of bettering yourself and improving your mental stamina. Even reading a few pages of an interesting book a day can help to not only educate you but also to improve your memory and mental agility.


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Easy Ways To Manage Your Money

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School is great for many things, but there are some things that it doesn’t prepare us for, and managing money tends to be one of them. Being good with money and being able to manage it is essential if you want to live a comfortable life and be able to have some money left over for vacations or trips or even just to have a meal out once in a while. When you have good financial skills, life suddenly becomes a lot easier. So if you want to improve your financial habits, here are some easy ways to manage your money.

Don’t Spend Without Thinking

If you need to make a large purchase (or any purchase really), then stop and think before you go ahead. Can you afford it, or do you just want it so much that you’re persuading yourself you can? If the item needs putting on finance, think about how that will impact your monthly outgoings; even if it is only a small amount for that one item, if you have many small amounts going out of your account then it will soon add up and could become unmanageable. Make sure that you really can manage the payment or payments, and ensure that the purchase won’t leave you short between now and next payday.

Make A Budget

Making a budget is not everyone’s idea of fun, and it’s true that picking through all your outgoings and noting them all down, listing out expenses, adding everything up, and making sure you haven’t forgotten anything isn’t an ideal way to spend an afternoon. However, once that budget is complete and you can see exactly where you are spending your money, you’ll be glad you went through with it. You’ll be able to see where there are things you’re paying for that you don’t need, and when you spot them, you can cancel or reduce those payments. You may end up being able to save a large amount of money on your monthly bills in this way. Check the budget on a regular basis to ensure that it all still holds true. If you make a purchase using payment plans or pay a credit card or loan off completely, make sure you adjust the figures to show your new potential spending or savings amount.

Go Unbudgeted

We’re not contradicting ourselves here – it’s important to budget and to stick to what you’ve got, but it’s also important to have fun. So try to keep a certain amount of money to one side per month which you can use in whatever way you want; you might get takeout or go to a restaurant, perhaps you’ll see a show or buy some new shoes. It doesn’t matter what it is because that’s the point; it’s fun money. This money doesn’t need budgeting minutely, as long as you know how much you’ve got to play with.

Get An App

Using financial planning apps to track your spending a wonderful idea. Not only are they easy to use, but they provide you with a lot of insight into how and why you spend money, and this could help you save more in the long term. It’s the little purchases you make each month that add up into a problem and can cause over-spending because they don’t seem like such a big deal when you’re handing over the cash or swiping your card. Using an app means that every time you spend money you can make a note of it (or, if it’s connected to your bank account it will do it automatically), then categorize your spending. This way you can manage your money much more easily.

Shop Around

Thanks to the internet and the plethora of online stores, it is likely that you will be able to compare your potential purchase before you commit to paying for it. This way you can make sure that you are paying the lowest price you can. Be sure to take any shipping and handling costs into account as these can make what looks like a great deal become a lot more expensive. As well as shopping around for the best bargains you can also look for coupons and discount codes or even cheaper alternatives to what you were going to buy. A good idea is to put the difference between what you paid and the most cost of the expensive version of the item into a deposit account; you’ll be more likely to look for cheaper ways to buy when you know you’ll be able to put more into your vacation or clothing account.

Save Up

Today is all about instant gratification; if we see something and we want it, we get it. However, this way of thinking can mean that many of us end up in financial difficulty, overspending on things that we don’t need or even particularly want. If you do want something, then the best way to buy it is to save up for it. It will, of course, take longer, but it will be worth doing because you’ll know as you buy it that you worked hard to get it; there will be a greater degree of satisfaction in that. Not only that, but you’ll know you won’t have overspent and left yourself short, and neither will you have to pay the interest that would be due if you bought the item on a credit card. Another bonus in saving for something is that by the time you have the money you may not even really want it anymore, so you can spend your money on something else.

Limit Your Credit Card Use

If you aren’t great with money then limiting your credit card usage is a clever idea. Many people run out of cash and then turn to credit, but they don’t give any thought to how they will pay anything off, or how long that might take them. Credit cards can be useful; they can actually build credit, for example! However, the key is to pay off as much as possible – preferably the entire balance – every month. If you limit your credit card spending and make the largest payments you can, then you’ll realize that although perfect in an emergency, it’s far wiser not to use them for everyday purchases.

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Make Your Next House Move Easier For Yourself

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If you are in the minority of people who for some reason never had to move house, then consider yourself lucky. It’s usually rather unpleasant, not to mention time-consuming. Although, despite it not being the most enjoyable thing in the world, it is nowhere near as hard as some make it out to be. The biggest obstacle is probably the initial mental barrier which one has to overcome to actually start moving everything over. Of course, depending on the distance between your current house and your next house, it the biggest obstacle might be moving all your things across to their new destination, but we’ll get onto that in a bit. If you feel like you have a lot of trouble moving house, and you want the process to be nowhere near as bad as it used to be, or as some people make it out to be, then keep reading. Let’s briefly look at some ways in which you can make the transition between houses run a lot smoother, not to mention, with much less stress involved for both you and the rest of the family.

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Be prepared

Planning things in advance can be the best thing you can do in this case. The worst possible scenario is leaving things until the last minute and suddenly finding more and more things you have to do, or more and more things you have to pack. Try to give yourself a week or so to start packing, preparing things to be packed, and to book some time off from your job to get this over and done with.

Think of a route between the two locations

The difficulty of this part depends entirely on where you are moving so there is no objective best way of going around things. However, there are a few things you can look at to determine the best course of action.

  • See if you can get a friend to help you move. Try and give them some concrete dates for the time of the move, and hopefully, they will be able to get some time off.
  • If you don’t have anyone available to help, getting a company which handles removals works just fine. If you want to see how much it would cost you, you can even get a free quote from some company’s websites.
  • No matter the distance, if you have a decent connection between the two places via public transport, you might be able to get away with doing a few round trips rather than having someone drive you back and forth.

Be smart with your packing

In order to save yourself the pain of having to sift through seemingly endless amounts of things which you don’t even really need but you felt the need to take it with you anyway, pack away all of that useless clutter first. If you stash it away in boxes before the more essential everyday items which you actually use, you will have a much easier time unearthing them as they will probably end up somewhere near the top of the pile instead. Reading up some packing tips before you get started wouldn’t hurt either.

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Get rid of some things while you’re at it

When packing everything at home, why not go ahead and look through your things if you’re already having to move everything? Instead of putting everything in boxes to move to your new house, put some in a separate box which would either be for sale, or maybe for charity. You get rid of some clutter, make some money, and someone possibly gets something useful. It’s a win-win-win situation.


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What To Do If You Get Injured While Traveling

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When you’re planning a trip, getting injured probably isn’t on your itinerary, but it happens sometimes. Dealing with the after effects of an injury is difficult enough when you’re at home but those challenges are doubled if it happens when you’re abroad. But if you plan for it properly when you’re organizing your trip, you can make it far less stressful. Here’s how to deal with getting injured when you’re traveling.

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Get Insurance

This is the most important piece of planning that you need to do before you set off. If you don’t have travel insurance and you get injured, you’ll end up having to find a hospital and pay a lot of money for any treatment that you need. Make sure that you take out a comprehensive insurance policy that covers you for both illness and injury while you’re away. It’s also worth paying a little extra for a policy that will refund you the rest of the accommodation costs if you have to cut your trip short.

Have A Plan For Getting Home

If you get a serious injury while you’re away you might end up being in hospital for quite a while. Spending that time in hospital abroad causes all sorts of problems. The doctors don’t have any of your medical history so treating you is harder. If your family wants to stay out there with you that’s going to cost a lot of money as well, but they can’t just leave you alone. Check out the air evac links page to find out how you can get medical evacuation services. They’ll be able to pick you up and transport you back to a hospital back home where it’s easier to get treatment and your family can be close by.

Know The Dangers Of The Country

The best way to deal with injuries abroad is to avoid them in the first place. That’s not always possible but you can take steps to reduce the risk. Before you go to a country, look into what dangers are there. For example, if you’re going to a country with a lot of colorful wildlife there’s a danger of insect or animal bites that you should be aware of. Or if you’re going to a country with extreme temperatures, take measures to protect yourself against that. You should also work out where the nearest hospitals in the area are so you can get there quickly should one of you get injured.

Learn The Language

If you do end up getting injured, you’ll need to get yourself to a hospital right away. Knowing where it is is a good start but if you’re seriously injured you’ll need an ambulance. That means speaking with operators that might not necessarily speak English. It’s always handy to learn a bit of the language anyway, but it’s particularly important that you learn a few basic phrases that you’ll need if you’re calling an ambulance.

Nobody likes the idea of planning for an injury while they’re away, but if it happens and you’re unprepared, you’ll kick yourself.  

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Everyday Advice for Back Pain Relief

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When you’ve got back pain, the pain serves as a huge distraction throughout the day. Thinking clearly is hard to do when you have to focus on moving slowly and not bending over or the pain will surge. Issues with back pain will affect over two-thirds of Americans at some point in their lives. There are some reasons for this and we’ll address that with our advice on how to find some short-term and medium-term relief from the pain.

Here is how to reduce the number of flare-ups and the frequency of them occurring.

Home-based Physical Therapy

The inversion table uses the ever-present gravitational pull to reduce pressure on the points of the spine that are under pressure. You go from sitting upright to laying on your back at a convenient angle that takes the pressure of the painful areas of your spine. For people with sensitive spots that have flared up recently, just taking the pressure off lets the muscles surrounding the spinal column stop guarding the injured area, which is where much of the discomfort comes from.

There are good and bad quality tables. Look at the best inversion table reviewss to size up which models are made from good manufacturers and will stand the test of time. After all, once you get used to using one, you won’t want to give it up.

Stretching Every Day

Stretching your body out every day helps to keep the spine supple and untwist any knots that have developed under the surface. Muscles tense up overnight when sleeping in weird positions. The process of stretching allows the frame to lengthen out, the tendons to stretch a bit and the muscular structure to make small adjustments. Often this is enough to create some pain relief.

Losing Weight

With more than 60 percent of Americans still classified as overweight, the reality is that too much weight is putting added pressure on the support structure of the body; the spine and muscles that surround it. Discs begin to bulge, the spine gets misaligned, and the posture isn’t correct either.

When losing weight gradually over time, the reduced weight is felt right away as relief for the back and the rest of the body. Anyone who was overweight and lost weight can tell you that the natural pain relief they experienced was immeasurable. With losing weight, it’s certainly a method of pain relief that is medium-term, not short-term, but it likely will provide the best long-term relief.


Trying Yoga out for the first time comes more naturally to women than men because it requires flexibility. However, plenty of men receive great benefits from it too. As you improve with moving into and out of different yoga positions, the body becomes more fluid and flexible. The spine usually responds appropriately to this gentle encouragement and pain relief is found as a result.

Improving your body posture when sitting at your desk or when working out is equally important to not make your back work harder than it is already. Yoga and cutting weight down will both help improve overall posture, as will getting some pain relief in the short-term too.


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