Common Sleep Disorders That Need Your Immediate Attention!

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white-2565766_640Trouble sleeping? You may have a common sleep disorder. Image

Do you often wake up feeling as though you’ve had a terrible night’s sleep? Or perhaps you regularly wake up in the middle of the night, or just have a tough time falling asleep in the first place? If any of the above is true, then you probably have a sleep disorder that you’re unaware of.

Some sleep disorders are very common but require your immediate attention. Here are a few that you might have, and what you should do to treat them:

Sleep Apnea

Around about a fifth of people suffers from this sleep disorder. It’s a pretty scary one, as it involves trouble with breathing while you sleep. In fact, people with sleep apnea can stop breathing altogether many times a night. The weird thing is, you don’t notice it yourself. You may wake up in the middle of the night, but you won’t know that your breathing was the cause. More often than not, you become aware of this disorder because someone tells you your snoring is unbearably loud.

How do you treat this? Well, the best course of action is to see an ENT doctor so they can look you over. Here, they’ll prescribe any number of treatment options, which you can learn more about online. Most people opt for surgery, which sounds painful, but the important thing is that you can cure this disorder completely.


Insomnia is the sleep disorder everyone has heard about. Some people claim they have insomnia when they struggle to get to sleep. Real insomnia is a serious medical condition and needs to be addressed right away. It makes it almost impossible for you to fall asleep, and staying asleep is just as hard. If you never get a good night’s sleep and are constantly waking up in the middle of the night, then you might have insomnia.

How do you treat this? Insomnia is a mental health condition more than anything else, so surgery is off the table. Therapy sessions can help you out, and some doctors prescribe medication to help you get to sleep.


Most people don’t consider sleepwalking as a sleeping disorder, but it’s a genuine medical condition. This is also probably the easiest to identify, as you’ll often wake up in a different place to your bed. Some people wake up randomly in their kitchen or bathroom as they’ve walked out of their room. It’s an issue because you could end up doing something reckless while you’re sleepwalking.

How do you treat this? Again, therapy is a good option here, but adjusting the way you sleep is also effective. Sleep earlier, have an actual sleep schedule and avoid eating and drinking before bed.

Do you have any of these sleep disorders? If so, you need to treat them right away. Not getting enough sleep can be problematic for your health, so you must address these problems to get a better night of sleep. Then, you will be able to get an uninterrupted eight hours and let your body regenerate while you’re in snoozeville.


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