Archives for May 2016


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image009 (1)This looks like a great date movie or a movie to see with my girl friends. What do you think? Here’s a first look at the trailer for DreamWorks Pictures’ THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS, a heart-breaking drama about fate, love, moral dilemmas and the lengths to which one couple will go to see their dreams realized.
image008 (1)The film, which is based on the best-selling novel by M.L. Stedman and stars Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, Rachel Weisz, Bryan Brown and Jack Thompson and is written for the screen and directed by Derek Cianfrance, opens in theatres everywhere on September 2nd!



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image007THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS opens in theaters everywhere on September 2nd!

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AliceThroughTheLookingGlass56f985f923ff1It’s finally here! Disney’s Alice Through The Looking Glass is now in theaters. I can’t wait to take my family as soon as my daughter gets over being sick. It looks so great and my blogger friends who have already seen in said it is AMAZING. Look at how beautiful it looks:nullIn Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” an all-new spectacular adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland and travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter. Directed by James Bobin, who brings his own unique vision to the spectacular world Tim Burton created on screen in 2010 with “Alice in Wonderland,” the film is written by Linda Woolverton based on characters created by Lewis Carroll and produced by Joe Roth, Suzanne Todd and Jennifer Todd and Tim Burton with John G. Scotti serving as executive producer. “Alice Through the Looking Glass” reunites the all-star cast from the worldwide blockbuster phenomenon, including: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska and Helena Bonham Carter along with the voices of Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen and Timothy Spall. We are also introduced to several new characters: Zanik Hightopp (Rhys Ifans), the Mad Hatter’s father and Time himself (Sacha Baron Cohen), a peculiar creature who is part human, part clock. 

nullAlice Kingsleigh (Wasikowska) has spent the past few years following in her father’s footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland and her friends the White Rabbit (Sheen), Absolem (Rickman), the Cheshire Cat (Fry) and the Mad Hatter (Depp), who is not himself. The Hatter has lost his Muchness, so Mirana (Hathaway) sendsAlice on a quest to borrow the Chronosphere, a metallic globe inside the chamber of the Grand Clock which powers all time. Returning to the past, she comes across friends – and enemies – at different points in their lives, and embarks on a perilous race to save the Hatter before time runs out. Presented in Digital 3D™, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D, Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass” opens in U.S. theaters on May 27, 2016.

ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASSCast: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska, Rhys Ifans with Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen
Voice Cast: Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen, Timothy Spall
Director: James Bobin                         
Producers: Joe Roth, Suzanne Todd and Jennifer Todd, Tim Burton
Executive Producer: John G. Scotti
Screenplay by: Linda Woolverton
Based on characters created by: Lewis Carroll

AliceThroughTheLookingGlass573127e526724Check out  P!nk’s brand new music video for “Just Like Fire” from Disney’s ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS

image002 (4)From somewhere in Wonderland, Johnny Depp brought a little surprise madness to some unsuspecting fans at Disneyland. 



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Visit the official ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS site here:

ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS opens in theaters everywhere on May 27th!

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THE BFG – New Poster and Trailer- In Theaters July 1st! #TheBFG

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image002 (3)Looking for a place to cool off from the summer heat? How about a cool new Disney movie coming to theaters July 1st. Check out the new trailer and poster for THE BFG!
The film, which is directed by 
Steven Spielberg and based on the best-selling book by Roald Dahl, hits theaters everywhere on July 1stt!


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THE BFG hits theaters everywhere on July 1st!

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movies-5When my girls were babies one of the local theaters had a special program for moms with babies so they could see new movies while being able to bring their babies with them. The program was cancelled but I am so excited to share with you that there is a new similar program at Silverspot Cinema in Coconut Creek at 4441 Lyons Road. They launched “Mommy’s Morning Movies,” a special program geared to moms with babies and tots, with meet ups for the first show of the day each Thursday starting Thursday, May 26.

Movie tickets are $7 per person.  Children ages one and under are free.

Moms will be able to select a film for the group the Monday prior to that week’s meet-up.

“This fun program will provide moms with the opportunity to watch a film amongst other moms and young children,” said Randi Emerman, vice president of marketing for Silverspot.  “Moms can enjoy a first run film they’ve been wanting to see or a fun film for the little ones.”

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4 Weeks Post Op Gastric Sleeve Surgery- The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful

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4 weeks post op gastric sleeve surgery

I’m 4 weeks post op from gastric sleeve surgery. Physically I am feeling great as far as the surgery is concerned. The recovery was a lot easier than I had thought. I was in pain the first few days but it wasn’t intolerable. Once I was released from the hospital 2 days post op, I only needed the pain meds to sleep the first 2 nights home and that was it. My incision sites were tender for the first 3 weeks but I’m amazed how well I’ve healed. My incisions look great and I’m sure with time they’ll fade even more and be hardly noticeable.

My daughter had a field trip with school to Walt Disney World last week and I wanted to chaperone but didn’t think I would have been up to all that walking. Now I wish I had signed up to go because I totally would have been fine going aside from having to figure out what foods in the park I would have been able to eat. I’ll get more into my eating struggles in a bit. Let’s keep this part the positive section.

I am eating between 500 and 800 calories per day. That includes between 60 and 80 grams of protein and between 5 and 25 carbs. My meals are 2-3 oz and are mostly protein. I’m eating things like eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, salmon, tuna, chicken, ground beef, and steak strips. I was cleared to eat soft, low starch veggies but I’m not really getting to eat the veggies because I’m trying to eat enough protein first.

I have been losing inches all over my body and my clothes are starting to get looser. My jean shorts can be pulled on and off without buttoning them and I had to buy a belt yesterday to keep them up until I buy new clothes. I’m starting to see changes in the mirror and other people are starting to notice, too.

I began to obsess over my weight loss, how many pounds I was losing, etc. so I stopped weighing myself daily and made myself a promise to only weigh myself once a week. I didn’t want to get rid of my scale altogether as I wanted to make sure that what I was eating was keeping me on track. So I’m happy to report that I hit 2 important goals this week. As of today I am down 25 pounds (that is from the preop diet and also the sleeve surgery). With losing 25 pounds I reached the coveted “Onederland”. For those of you who have never been over 200 pounds, “Onederland” is when you get below 200 pounds and in the one hundreds. I am now at 197 pounds. YAY!!!

I am trying to walk 4-5 times a week. I still don’t love it. It’s not a habit yet. I’m not addicted to working out yet. I’m hoping that with time I will enjoy it more. I did great last week and even walked over 4 miles one day. Another good benefit of me walking more is that my daughter has been walking with me and it is helping her be more active and get fit because she is also overweight. But this week my daughter has been home sick and I’ve been tired and achy from my fibromyalgia so we haven’t walked much. Next week will be better.

And the best news…….My endocrinologist had me test my blood sugar a few weeks ago now that I had the surgery and I haven’t had any diabetes meds since before my surgery. I am happy to report that ALL of my blood sugar readings have been in the normal range!!! I am hoping that when I see my endocrinologist next month he will say that I no longer have diabetes. Fingers crossed.


Most people who have gastric sleeve surgery are no longer hungery post op. With so much of the stomach removed much of the hunger hormones are also removed. Unfortunately for me I am still hungry….ALL THE FREAKING TIME! The nutritionist said I’m just “one of the lucky ones”. SIGH! It’s frustrating to say the least.

I am getting in my required 64+ oz of water daily but it’s a slow process. I’m not allowed to drink with a straw ever again (it will cause me to swallow too much air) nor am I allowed carbonated beverages ever again because it can make my sleeve get bigger. Water tastes gross to me now as do many flavors of drink mix so I am still working on finding flavors I can tolerate. But I can only drink 4-5 swallows of any beverage at a time or I get nauseous. So drinking 64 oz is a full time job and I need to make sure I’m drinking all day. I us a free app called Drink Water Reminder that reminds me all day to drink my water and it really helps me stay on track and make sure I get all my fluids in.

I am allowed decaf tea and decaf coffee- I love coffee and tea so I was excited to hear this. BUT post op my tastes have changed (which I have heard is common) and now coffee tastes sour to me. I was a BIG iced coffee drinker preop so it makes me incredibly sad that I no longer enjoy iced coffee. Drinking iced coffee was almost part of my identity so this is a big change to me. I am hoping that my tastes will change back and I will once again be able to enjoy a cup of iced coffee but only time will tell.

Coffee isn’t the only thing that no longer tastes good to me. I used to really enjoy sushi. I can’t have the rice anymore but I can have the fish. I ordered seared ahi tuna last week while out to lunch and it was just blah. No longer enjoying some of my favorite foods because my tastes have changed is another thing I need to get used to. I’m hoping that as time goes by I will be able to enjoy my old favorites or at least find new ones. I want to get to a point where food isn’t ruling my life but I can still enjoy it. I’m not there yet.

I’m follow the doctor’s orders and only taking tiny pinky nail sized bites, chewing 30 seconds per bite, and then putting down my fork for a minute in between each bite. But everything is still getting stuck by the 3rd or 4th bite. It is really frustrating because then I have to wait a few minutes in between each bite to wait for things to go down. It hurts right below my throat near my breastbone. After speaking with my surgeon last night at a support group meeting he is sending me to do a swallow test to make sure everything is ok. He said that I could just be swollen still and things could still be tight but better safe than sorry. Even with my external scars almost healed it still takes 3-6 months for the internal scars to heal so I have a long way to go with that.

I could deal with everything above but what is frustrating me the most is the slow weight loss. Most people with the gastric sleeve lose weight faster than I am. I know in my head that slow weight loss will probably make me more likely to keep the weight off and more likely for my skin to shrink, too, as I lose weight but it’s still frustrating. I have only lost 15 pounds the first month post op since the first 10 were on the preop diet. Many people lose 15 pounds the first WEEK or two so losing it in a month is frustrating. I know that any weight loss is great and I am moving in the right direction but I’m being honest here. I wish I was losing faster. It would make all the other problems “worth it” in a way.

So far my energy is still low from my fibromyalgia. I was hoping that with the surgery, diet change, etc. I would get more energy and less brain fog but that hasn’t happened YET. I’m hopeful that as I lose weight I will eventually get some more energy.


Overall I don’t regret my choice to have gastric sleeve surgery. Even with slower weight loss I keep reminding myself that with the 25 pound weight loss I am more than 25% towards my goal. I would like to get down to 150 at least but ideally 135. That means to get to 135 I needed to lose 87 pounds total. Since I’ve gone from 222 to 197 and lost 25 pounds that means I’ve lost 29% of my goal. I have 62 more pounds to lose so even if I only lose 2 pounds per week I should reach my 135 pound goal in the next 8 months. I got this!

PhotoGrid_1464311451327What a difference a month makes! I wasn’t sure how noticeable my weight loss is until I took 1 month post op pictures in the same shirt that I took my preop pictures in. My stomach is so much smaller and I can see that my face is slimmer, too. I am looking forward to the future and excited to share my journey with you. If anyone has any questions, comments, or just wants to leave me some encouraging words below I would really appreciate it.

Read more about my Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery Journey.

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How To Have A Perfect Anniversary With Your Husband

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When it’s time for an anniversary, it’s a good chance to reconnect with your hubby. After all, an anniversary is celebrating the day you decided to be together forever. But often couples don’t do anything at all. Here are some ways you can have a perfect anniversary with your husband.

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Go away for the weekend

One of the top ways you can have a perfect anniversary with your husband is to go away for the weekend together. Arrange for someone to look after the children so that you can spend the time away on your own. You might want to go for a beach break which will give you both time to chill out and relax together. Or you might want to go for a weekend away at a city where you can explore the area hand in hand. It’s a great chance to remember why you were a couple in the first place before you had kids. Just try and not speak about the children during the trip away! And going away for the weekend is a lovely way to celebrate your anniversary that you will never forget.

Arrange a meal out

You could go with your partner for a meal out which is a fantastic way of celebrating your anniversary. It gives you a chance to catch up and remember the wedding day. You could take the kids with you for a lovely family meal. Or you could arrange a babysitter and just spend the evening just the two of you. You could go to a memorable restaurant where you went for a date during the beginning of your relationship. Or why not go to a brand new restaurant which you both haven’t tried before? It might become your new favorite restaurant.

Buy him a special gift

Another way you can have a perfect anniversary with your husband is to ensure you buy him a special gift that he will love. We gave you some ideas previously on what you could get him such as sports tickets, some booze, or even some tools. Or you could look online to find anniversary gifts for men such as a racing day or even a massage. Your bloke can often get neglected when you are always buying something for the kids. Therefore, make your anniversary perfect by treating him to a lovely gift. After all, he’s likely got you something beautiful!

Have a family day out

Your kids are part of your life now so why not go on a family day out as a perfect anniversary with your husband. Go to a city and have a wander around with the kids as a special family day out. You could go to the zoo or a theme park as something fun for your anniversary. Or you could just have a picnic in the local park as a family. Spending time together as a family will remind you what has happened so far in your marriage, and how great it’s been so far.

Cook him a special dinner

If you want to have a perfect anniversary with your husband, you don’t always have to leave the house. It’s likely you don’t often get a chance to eat alone as a couple. Therefore, why don’t you feed the kids first and then cook a separate meal for the two of you? He will know you have made a special effort, and it’s a great way of celebrating your anniversary without having to leave the house.

Go for a spa day together

To have a fantastic anniversary with your husband, you could arrange a spa day for your both. It will help you both relax, and you can even have some joint treatments, so you get to spend some special time together. Arrange for someone to look after the kids and then you can go for the day on your own. You could even have a lovely dinner at the end of the spa day before returning home.

Go and see a show

Another way you can have a perfect anniversary with your husband is to go and see a show together. It might be a concert of your favorite band that you both love. Or you could see a comedy show which is a great chance to have a laugh with your other half. You could buy the tickets as a gift for your husband, and then go and enjoy the show together.

Whatever you decide to do for your anniversary, as long as you are together, you should have a fantastic time!

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Is Adoption Right for You and the Baby?

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When you’re pregnant and not sure what to do, you have three main options. You can have an abortion, give the baby up for adoption, or choose to raise the child. If you don’t think you can have an abortion, you might be considering adoption. It’s a valid choice that you should take into account. However, like the other options, it has benefits and drawbacks. You have to look at it from every angle to decide if it’s the best thing for you. Before you decide whether adoption is the right decision to make, consider the points below.

Continuing with the Pregnancy

One of the things that you have to keep in mind with the adoption route is you must continue with the pregnancy. If you can’t face having an abortion, this is something you will have to do anyway. However, it’s worth thinking about the implications of a pregnancy and everything that goes with it. There may be medical expenses for you to deal with, and you could face health issues. The other important thing to consider is whether you will become attached to the baby. You might accept that the baby will go to another family, and not officially be “yours.” However, you could also struggle to give them up when they are born.

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The Expenses of Adoption

Choosing adoption comes with its own costs. It might not be as expensive as raising a child, but there are still expenses to consider. There are the costs relating to the pregnancy, including doctor’s visits and maternity clothes. You might need to travel to meet with various people, such as social workers. However, many of your expenses will be covered by the adoptive family. They will pay for medical expenses, legal fees, and other adoption services. Sometimes, they can also cover expenses such as rent, groceries, and more.

Open vs. Closed Adoption

When you’re considering adoption, you should research the adoption process for the birth mother. How it all happens isn’t completely out of your control. One of the options you have is to choose between an open and closed adoption. However, if you want an open adoption, the adoptive parents have to agree. It can be a good choice if you know you cannot care for a child, but you don’t want to cut off all contact with the child. The adoptive parents can send you updates, and you might be able to send letters and gifts.

The Primary Benefits of Adoption

There are several benefits of adoption that you should keep in mind. Compared to keeping the baby, it gives you more freedom to pursue your plans for the future. It can also be cheaper than other options as most of your expenses could be covered. You can also choose to be part of the baby’s life if you don’t want to let go completely. Of course, children also benefit from adoption by receiving an excellent start in life.

Adoption isn’t the right choice for everyone, but it might be for you. Before you decide, make sure you know your facts.

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US Vacation Ideas That Your Kids Will Love

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Often, heading abroad on vacation isn’t doable for families because of how expensive it is. Many parents worry that if they don’t go abroad for their vacation, their kids will have a rubbish time. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. Believe it or not, vacationing in the US can be a lot of fun. There are some really great places that are perfect for family vacations right here in the US.

If this summer you’ve decided to stay in the US, there are plenty of fantastic places that you can visit. It’s just a case of working out what type of trip is within your budget, as well as what you and your family would enjoy. To help you do that, here are some US vacation ideas that your kids are sure to love.

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Go wild camping at Yellowstone National Park

If your kids love the great outdoors, why not plan a wild camping experience for them? The US has lots of natural areas that are perfect for wilderness trips, but the biggest and best has to be Yellowstone. If you’re an active family that loves nature, enjoys hiking, and is always looking for an adventure, this could be the ideal trip for you. You’ll need a tent, a BBQ, and a range of other camping equipment, but that’s all. You can cycle, hike, fish, swim, or kayak here, as well exploring the area of the park that you’re camping in.

Plan a road trip to the coast

Are you a family that loves sun, sand and sea? Then a road trip to the coast could be the perfect vacation for you. The US has so many beautiful beaches, from Miami Beach to Malibu, there are lots of places to visit and explore. Road trip to the coast in a motorhome or RV, and spend some time sunbathing while the kids build sandcastles and splash about in the sea.

Explore the Grand Canyon

The mistake that many people make is thinking that the Grand Canyon is just one attraction. When actually it’s a huge national park. There are areas hiking, swimming, cycling, kayaking, and plenty of other activities. You can bird watch, find unique and interesting insects, and spend time exploring the rocky area. There are tours you can go on, helicopter rides, and plenty of other fun and exciting activities.

Visit New York for a city break

If you would prefer a vacation that includes a little more sightseeing, a city break in New York could be perfect for you. There are plenty of deals and discounts on city breaks; it’s just a case of shopping around until you find a suitable one. Look for self-catered accommodation as that will help to keep the cost of your trip down. It’s also a good idea to book tickets to any sights and attractions that you want to visit in advance, as this will save you money. Most attractions offer a 10 percent off online deal, so this is worth looking into.
Just because you don’t want to leave the US for your summer vacation this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time.

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Want to Help the Environment? Turn Your House Green!

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Don’t misunderstand the title of this post. Literally painting your house green is going to have little to no effect on the environment. Unless you use lead-based paint, in which case you’re just going to harm the environment.

The kind of “green” this article is going to discuss is, of course, the concept of being environmentally-friendly. A lot of families have made important measures to help the planet, but a lot of the time it’s only because they were legally compelled to do so. With recycling laws across the world ensuring that people recycle as much as they can, people are being a lot more responsible with their trash.

But what else can you do? How can you take it further? The fact is that your house is like an ecosystem of sorts. It performs a variety of functions that keeps itself running but also affects the environment around it. Turning your house “green” means improving on those functions. Here are some tips!



This is usually the first thing people think of because it can be so easy to modify! The problem is that people don’t often feel like they should replace their lightbulbs just yet. Because they have such a long lifespan, people tend to leave their bulbs as is. The thinking is that they’ll be replaced when the time is right.

Sure, it may seem a bit wasteful at first. But the best thing for you to do could be to dispose of all of your bulbs asap. Once they’re in, try to limit your use of them. Keep your curtains open for as long as possible, taking advantage of all the daylight you possibly can!

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One of the biggest concerns in the world of environmental concerns is water usage. People often take the water at home for granted, as though it’s part of an infinite loop that is in no danger of exhaustion.

But inefficient plumbing can create more water waste than you might think. This damages the environment and your wallet! Things like toilets and showers in your average home often use way more water than they actually require. Consider taking the time to learn more about effective plumbing.


Green disposal

Okay, so a lot of people are recycling. But a lot of people are still sending things to the landfills that could easily be used again. In fact, a lot of those things could be recycled right in your backyard or front garden!

I’m talking, of course, about compost. People usually misunderstand what compost actually is. All it is is organic matter than has decomposed, which can be used as a nutrient for soil and, thus, plants. A lot of kitchen waste can be collected in a little compost bin kept in your kitchen. Apple cores, potato skins, and a whole bunch of other food waste can go in there. Coffee grounds, too, are very rich in soil-friendly nutrients. At the end of every day, you can simply add this to your plants outside. Let nature do the rest!


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What To Think About Before Buying A New Computer

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Before buying a new computer, there are a few things that need to be considered first. Splashing lots of cash on a new computer doesn’t make sense unless it’s been properly researched first. What’s the point in spending lots of money on a new computer if it isn’t right for the person who will be using it? Even if it is a fantastic machine? These are just a few things to think about before splashing out on a new computer:

What Will It Be Used For?

It’ll help to think what the computer will be used for before handing over the money. There are some truly amazing models out there with tons of features, but there’s no point having one of those if the features won’t be used. It might be nice to have the option, but it could be a waste. In some cases if a computer is just needed for work purposes or to browse online, those can be purchased too. There a PC or laptop for just about any need.

Does It Have A History Of Breaking/Repairs?

Make sure research is done on the type of PC being considered. No PC will ever have completely satisfied reviews. People will always find issues in one way or another. But if something constantly seems to crop up with a certain model, it might be a good idea to reconsider. In some cases computer repair might be ridiculously expensive if it’s a high end model, so be smart.


How Easy Is It To Maintain?

Computers can be really easy to maintain if it’s performed regularly enough. Some models barely need anything done to them at all, as things are done automatically behind the scenes. The easier the computer is to maintain, the more expensive it will probably be. Not always the case though, which is why research is so important.

How Easy Is It To Use?

Ease of use is one of the most important things when purchasing a new computer. Using a computer isn’t rocket science anyway, but some are way more difficult to use than others. Plus, if a user has used Windows all of their lives then suddenly switches to Mac, it can be a tough transition. It could be a good idea to visit a PC store in person to test out different machines and see what works.


Is It Worth The Money?

Consider what is included with the machine, it’s essential to work out whether it’s worth the money. In some cases, insurance and repairs might be included for a certain amount of time, and this can make a high price tag worthwhile.

How Big Is It?

Computers come in all shapes and sizes. The size bought will depend on where it’s going to be kept the majority of the time, and whether it needs to be transported to different places or not.

Buying a new computer can be really exciting, but being fully aware of what the money is being spent of is important!


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