Archives for February 2016

4 Ways To Improve Your Home’s Security

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When you enter your home, it should feel like the safest and secure place in the world. But when a home burglary occurs, your once beloved home can now feel completely different. The thought of a stranger going through your belongings and walking through your home is enough to make anyone feel vulnerable. You understandably want to protect your family from the distress and upset that a burglary can bring. While installing an alarm system is a fantastic first step, there are plenty of other things you can do to reduce the risk of a break in. Here are four techniques you can use to keep burglars at bay, create you a more secure home and give you peace of mind.5236779714_483102fede_z


Check your windows regularly

It’s likely that you’ve got plenty of windows on your property. As terrifying as it may sound, your windows could make the ideal entry way to burglars. So it’s vital that you regularly go outside the front and back of your home and check each window. Try to think of it from a burglar’s point of view. Ask yourself questions such as can you see inside? or can someone reach that open window? If you’ve experienced dry or wet weather, this could make wooden window frames easy to dismantle. So check each window frame and look for broken panes that could make it easy to get inside. This activity may make you realise that your windows are actually making your home an easy target. Now you know this, you can set about making them more secure. You could look into frosted glass, adjustable window bars or secure roller shutters for your home. On top of these new security features, make sure you check every window before you go to bed or leave the house to ensure it is locked.


Use your phone to help you

Whether you believe it or not, your smartphone can actually assist your home’s security. There are apps you can download that will are designed to keep your home safe and secure while you are away. You can find apps that you can use to turn the lights in your home off and on, so it always looks like someone is home. You can also download apps that will act as a silent alarm system which can alert you if someone has entered your home. If you don’t have the funds for an expensive surveillance system, you can also use your phone. Some apps connect to your computer’s webcam that can stream live video feeds straight to your phone. The possibilities are endless, and some of the apps are completely free of charge. They are particularly useful when you’re on vacation or having to stay late at work. Just remember to keep your phone fully charged and ensure you have a strong internet connection to keep you up to date throughout the day.


Keep your garden in pristine condition

This might seem like an odd tip. But a wild and overgrown garden is the perfect hiding place for thieves. It may also tell that they you are not around very often to keep your garden maintained. So it’s time to start giving your yard the attention it deserves. It it’s been awhile since you did any gardening and pruning, hire a gardener or tree surgeon to help you. This can cut back branches or plants that have become too overgrown and give you more space as a result. It also gives you the opportunity to look for any gaps in your walls, gates or fences. These could be ideal access points for burglars so if you find any, fill them up as soon as possible. You could also introduce gravel paths that make a noise when walked upon. This can also put of thieves as the noise from the gravel can make their presence known. Remember you need to do this maintenance process on both front and back of your property. Continue to maintain your garden to remove any hiding places and entry ways that could make your home an easy target.

You could also consider using the plant’s in your yard as a deterrent. Thorny and abrasive plants can make it difficult for burglars to climb walls and gain access to windows. So research which plants might offer some additional security to your home and get them planted as soon as possible.


Hide your spare key in a smart place

We all have spare keys to our homes; that act as a backup if we lose our first set through loss or theft. Many people will hide this key outside so even if they do get robbed, they will still be able to enter their homes. But placing this key somewhere obvious such as under a doormat or on top of a window frame makes it easy for a burglar to walk right in. So think carefully about where you could hide your spare key without allowing easy access to thieves. You could put it inside a small Tupperware box and bury it in a particular spot. Or tape it to the inside of an old shoe that you keep outside. Try to be inventive and let your family know about the secret spot, just in case they need to get in. Once you have got back into your home, you need to arrange for a locksmith to change the locks as soon as possible and have another spare key made. Always remember to put the spare key back into place so it can serve it’s purpose when needed.

With these techniques and ideas, you can make your home a safe place for you and your family. It’s vital that you also let your children know about locking doors and keeping blinds shut. This will make them feel more mature and get them into the habit of doing these tasks. You could even turn it into a game to make it seem less scary. So start making these changes today and continue feeling safe and comfortable in your own home.

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Quick and Easy Recipes, Snacks, and Treats

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Looking for a quick and easy snack? These quick-and-easy recipes yield delicious bites, tasty treats, and scrumptious snacks that are sure to satisfy your appetite. Make sure to check out the Girl Scout cookie and wine parings, too!

Check out Bite Size: Effortless Recipes in a Flash

by Foodie Editor at Mode

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Ideas For The Perfect Class Teacher Gifts

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During the holiday season, at the end of the semester and school year, it’s become a tradition for a child to part from their teacher with a gift. It can vary from cute handmade gifts to the elaborate. Sometimes they can cost a few dollars and other time’s Mom’s can spend a fair bit of money. Teacher’s gifts can also become a bit of competition for the moms in the schoolyard. Who spent the most money? Who created the most thoughtful gift?

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Whatever the gift may be, I’m sure the teachers appreciate every thought and effort. However, sometimes you can draw a blank on what to get. So here are a few suggestions for you:


What teacher doesn’t love stationery? Bright coloured pens, pretty notebooks and wildlife calendars are all wonderful gifts to receive. Stationery is useful in the teacher profession. No one can never have too much stationery. There are some wonderful items available from notebooks with inspiring quotes to pretty floral pens and paper. There will be something to suit any teacher.

Handmade cards and pictures

Sitting children down for an afternoon with paints, glue, stickers and pens will keep them occupied. But the time could be used wisely to create some masterpieces. Anything handmade shows thought and effort and are always well received. Perhaps take it one step further and hunt around Pinterest for some ideas. There are plenty of unique handmade gifts on there like hot chocolate jars and homemade beauty products.


It depends on the type of relationship someone has with their child’s class teacher as to whether this gift is appropriate. It also depends on how well they know them. A bottle of wine or their favourite drink could be a perfect choice. Just make sure it’s handed over by an adult and not left in children’s hands.

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Food gifts

If someone knows their child’s class teacher well, they may know what their favourite food would be. Special chocolates or creating cute food hampers could be an excellent idea. Again make sure it’s handed over by an adult to avoid little hands helping themselves in the school yard.

Something personalized

From a shopper’s tote bag to a cute teddy bear, something personalized could be a wonderful gift for any child’s teacher this year. These days anything can be personalized, so it doesn’t have to cost more than a few dollars. For example, a key ring that state’s “Best Teacher” and their name would be an excellent idea and won’t cost that much.

An inspirational gift

Inspiring quotes in the form of prints or postcards are a big trend at the moment and could be a thoughtful gift for any teacher. Just finding a nice postcard with some lovely words online and framing it will create a unique gift.


Style is a very personal thing, but knowing a child’s class teacher could give anyone a little insight into what they may like. A patterned scarf or a piece of jewelry picked out by the child would be an excellent gift choice. Not everyone will have confidence in buying this type of gift so it could be a little different to anyone else’s.

Good luck in choosing the perfect gift.

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The Best Ways To Secure Your Property

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Security is a big part of everyday life for all people. They must ensure that they have security in different forms, whether financial or physical. Financial security comes in the form of having access to money which enables us to live to a certain standard. People can gain added security by taking out insurance policies. This can be insurance against loss of earnings through illness for example.

The kind of security discussed in this article relates to the home and the things within it. Those things can range from electrical goods, cars and, most importantly, people. If someone has ever been a victim of a burglary, they will know the importance of good security systems. Even if someone has not been a victim themselves, they almost certainly know of someone who has. Here are some of the best methods of keeping people’s property and their families safe from criminal activity.

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It is essential that people have secure locks in place on all access points of a property. If a potential burglar gets close enough to a house they will usually attempt to gain entry through doors or windows. Old, weakened locks are a criminal’s dream as they tend to offer little protection and can be easily forced and broken. The most common kinds of lock to have on doors are as follows:

the Five-lever mortice deadlock

Key-operated multi-point locking systems

Rim automatic deadlatch with key-locking handle.

These offer varied levels of security with the multi-point locking systems giving the highest degree of safety.

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The burglar alarm is one of the most vital components of a good home security system. Not only will the appearance of the external alarm box act as a deterrent, but they attract attention when triggered due to the loud sound they emit. They often come combined with a light that flashes and alerts people to any illegal activity. Modern alarms can also be linked to an emergency response centre who will be notified in the event of an alarm being triggered. These centres can then inform the local police services which may then attend the scene. It is no use having a great looking alarm system that does not work properly. It is important that people conduct regular tests on their alarms to see if any alarm repairs are necessary.


Another good way to minimise the risk of a break-in, is security lighting. These lights feature movement sensors that pick up on motion and can alert people to the presence of an unwanted guest near their homes. Burglars usually operate in the darkness as to remain unseen. The use of a good lighting system can ensure that anyone moving around at night will be illuminated. This will make a lot of prospective burglars leave the area for fear of being seen by someone.

When used properly, these tools will be a great asset in terms of helping people secure their homes. This will give increased peace of mind and help them sleep a little easier at night! People who do not have such measures in place should think carefully about investing in a system should the worst happen.

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Five Brilliant Ways To Get Your Body Ready For The Beach

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This year is flying by, isn’t it? It’s hard to believe it’s nearly the end of February already. You might have started to notice all the spring plants beginning to emerge. Of course, with the weird weather that’s happening at the moment, many of the plants that wouldn’t be seen for a month or two yet are out already. So if it’s practically spring, that can only mean one thing. Summer is just around the corner! You might think it’s too soon to be thinking about warmer weather, but it’ll be here before you know it.

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If you’ve been wrapped up in winter woolies for months, the chances are you need a little bit of beautifying. Here’s how to get your body beach-ready for summer!

Change Your Thinking

Don’t think “diet,” think healthy eating and a change of lifestyle. Quick fix diets are no good. Yeah sure, you may lose a considerable amount of weight in a short space of time. Yes, it will give you a boost, and you’ll look better in a bikini. That’s true. But you can almost guarantee that you’ll put most, if not all of it, back on in no time. Fad diets don’t last. They don’t work in the long term. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it slowly. Giving your skin a chance to catch up with fat loss means you are less likely to be left with excess saggy skin when you lose weight.

Fake it!

If you love a tan and want a healthy glow, hopefully, you’re faking it. Exposing your skin to the sun to get a tan is so out of date! Fake tans have moved on from the smelly, streaky formulas of yesteryear. Don’t risk premature aging, sunburn or skin cancer. The best way to prepare your skin for a tan is to exfoliate, exfoliate, and exfoliate some more. Making sure you’ve got no dead skin cells sitting on the top layer of your skin will ensure an even application with no streaks or patches!

Lovely Legs.

Worried about your pins out in the sunshine? So many people worry about showing off their legs in the summer. Why? Cellulite. This unsightly condition makes many women recoil in horror should someone suggest wearing shirts. Sadly, you can never get rid of it altogether, but there are many things you can do to reduce the effects and the appearance. There are lots of products on the market for reducing cellulite, but the Revitol reviews here suggest they may have some of the best skincare products around!

Best Foot Forward

After a winter tucked away in boots, are your feet ready for the summer? Hard skin, callouses, and neglected nails do not make for sweet summer feet! Think about sandals and flip flops. It may be time to run for a pedicure. Nobody wants to be embarrassed by their feet. If your tootsies need treating, now is a perfect time for a pedicure.

Toning up – think about it!

If you want to tone up before setting foot on the sand, don’t think that a whole load of crunches will fix that jelly belly. You need to exercise all of your body, not just the middle! Doing too many crunches and nothing else will shorten our middle section at the front. This can lead to problems with your posture. Swimming or running are great ways to tone up and improve your posture.

If you start now, you can be beach-ready in plenty of time for summer! You’ll be full of energy, looking good, and feeling great!

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Dog Owners: Tips On Keeping Your Home Clean

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Every dog owner knows that keeping a pet comes with a price. It is usually the home that pays it. Unless you are planning to provide the puppy with its own house somewhere in the backyard, prepare for some extra cleaning. Here is the list of advice on how to keep your home clean and tidy easily.

Clouds of hair

One of the biggest issues of having a dog inside the house is hair. Some puppies shed a lot of hair whereas others hardly shed at all. It mostly depends on the breed of dog you choose. Regular grooming is essential if you want to keep your home clean. Make it even more frequent during the seasonal shedding. Hoover your home regularly. If the dog is tall or has got particularly long hair that tends to fly around, try to keep him or her out of the kitchen, particularly when you’re cooking.

Unpleasant odor

To avoid unpleasant smells in the house, you should try to bathe your dog regularly. Puppies living inside should be bathed at least once a month. Dogs with oily hair require washing as frequently as once per week. Pay attention to your pet’s daily activity as well. Do you go for walks with the dog near a river or forest where there is a lot of possibilities to get muddy? In that case, more frequent bathing is needed as well. Moreover, think of other ways that would help to keep the home fresh. Keep the areas accessible to your puppy ventilated. Get creative with air fresheners.

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Damaged things

Another thing that dog owners are all too familiar with is damaged or destroyed items. Dogs, especially young puppies, have a tendency to chew things. To avoid your furniture or favourite shoes being damaged, make sure to provide a growing puppy with toys and special bones to chew. Just like a baby, it will help them with the pain of growing teeth. Older dogs can benefit from toys as well, especially during the times they are left alone at home. Some dogs even chew up their own bed. In these cases, a chew proof dog bed might save owners the trouble of having to replace the bedding every few months. Another thing to pay attention to is the dog’s nails. Make sure they are regularly trimmed. Otherwise, they are going to leave scratches on furniture and other surfaces.

Things all over

Dogs love to play as much as children do. Just like kids, they also tend to leave a mess behind. Obedience training is the key to avoiding or solving such an issue. However, note that even very well behaved dogs tend to experience separation anxiety. If you tend to leave your pet alone for long hours, it might start relieving stress through destructive activities. If you are unable to spend enough time with your dog, think of occupations for it. If toys do not help, think of something more creative. If possible, provide the puppy with a playground outside where it could spend some time safely unattended.

Dirty paw marks

Paw marks on the carpet or furniture are even worse than the hair flying around. The good news is that it is an issue that can be completely avoided or eliminated. You can easily train a puppy to wait before coming inside the house so you can clean their paws. So when you come back from a walk, wash the paws before engaging in any activity. Just remember to reward the dog for good behaviour.

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Five Major Steps For Cutting Those Energy Costs Down

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When it comes to maintaining a household, breaking down all your out-goings tends to make one thing very clear. Most people don’t realise just how much they’re paying a year for energy bills until they look at their budget. It’s a part of the average that takes up a lot of income when anyone can just as easily take steps to reduce it dramatically. A lot of these upgrades to your home cost money, which may put some off. However, the long-term gains won’t take that long a term to start showing.


Update your heating system

Heating tends to be where the majority of the average energy bill goes. There are ways to cut down on those bills without sacrificing the comfort of a warm home. A lot of energy is lost in heating right from the heater itself. Making sure that the heating is insulated is one way to keeping that energy from escaping. Another is updating the heater itself, as the newer models tend to be a lot more energy efficient.

Responsible windows

Paying no attention to windows is a quick way to ruin the energy efficiency of a home. Not only does it let the heat out during the winter, but it lets it in during the summer. That’s losing energy from both the heating system of the house and the air conditioning. Double glazing is fast becoming the standard in most houses, but there are other options to consider, too. Window films for winter are one of the more energy savings types, too.


Install new lighting

Given how much people rely on lighting, especially in the winter months, it pays to buy bulbs that will save more in the long term. LED bulbs are, in general, more expensive than other kinds. These bulbs are more than just ecologically friendly. They pay for themselves long before they give out and pass on any additional savings. If energy rates continue to rise, those bulbs will only pay for themselves all the sooner. Arranging the home to accommodate more natural light can also do a good job in letting you rely on the electric kind less.

Keep the air circulating

Improving the airflow of a home can do tremendous amount to keep the energy bills low. It works much like good windows will work to keep warm in in the winter and cool air in the summer. The right airflow keeps the whole house warm or cool when you need it most.  It may sound counter-productive, but keeping the doors open in the winter will allow warm air to circulate through the whole home. This is providing that the home is fully insulated. This means spending less on heating in general.


Save the water

The water bill is always something that should be considered, too. It’s the other finite resource that people tend to take advantage of. It’s a good idea to actively mindful of how much water is used inside the home. There are tools that can do so automatically to make things, easier, too. Buying a water-saving showerhead can save a lot down the line.

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Awesome Gift Ideas Children Will Love

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Kids love birthdays. It’s one of the few occasions in the year when they get to open lots of great gifts. Parents enjoy seeing their child’s face light up when they get a really great gift. But the process of choosing the right present can be tricky sometimes. Thankfully, there are plenty of really great gift ideas out there for kids right now. Here are the most awesome gift ideas your children will love:


Most of us are keen to give our kids something educational. But there are also many benefits to giving your kids something that keeps them active. Bouncing about all day helps build up their strength as well as burning calories. It will improve their balance and coordination too. Best of all, they’ll be the most popular kids in the neighborhood when the local children find out about that trampoline in the yard! Do some research into the best trampoline to suit your family. Who knows? You might fancy a bounce too!

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Coding has become one of the most important jobs to do. Helping your child learn these valuable skills now can offer them great opportunities in the future. A laptop computer gives them the opportunity to try out some of the better coding apps out there. They can also learn more online about the history of computing. If nothing else, their homework will look very smart when it’s printed out complete with layouts and pictures.

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Day Out At A Theme Park

Kids don’t always need a physical gift to be happy with what you gave them. Sometimes an experience that offers them a lifetime of memories can be even better. A trip to a theme park could be just the thing to get them excited and delighted on their birthday. You can pop the tickets into a tin, so you have something large enough to wrap as a gift. Why not stay overnight and celebrate with a dinner out too.

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An eReader could be just the thing for your young child. It will also save you a lot of room by cutting down on books. Most titles are available in electronic form. Many also have their illustrations, making it ideal for children too. Best of all, there are many children’s titles that feature interactivity that is often absent from paper copies. Just the thing for your little bookworm.

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There are scooters for all ages, sizes, and abilities. Even the tiniest tot can learn to ride a scooter. It’s important to include the safety wear with this gift. It’s a great one for encouraging your child to play outside and stay active as well. You can find preschooler ones with three wheels to avoid tipping. There are stunt ones for the more ambitious skate park enthusiast. And there are even motorized ones for those who have enough space on their own land.

Gift buying doesn’t have to be a challenge. With so many great gifts out there at the moment, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Help your child celebrate their birthday with one of these awesome gift ideas.

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New Additions That Everybody Is Adding To Their Homes

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Home additions are crucial to the upkeep and maintenance of people’s homes. That’s why, many are investing in brand new home improvements to take their properties to the next level. Here is some items that you might consider for your humble abode. Check them out!

Air Conditioning

Those sweltering summer months have never been the same since people brought air conditioning into their homes. An air conditioning service is now an essential for those in the hotter climes. They’re relatively inexpensive. Especially considering the money that they will save you on your electricity bills through the use of multiple fans. Air conditioning systems can be fitter within your house in a matter of days, so it might be worth investing now before the weather gets too hot to handle!

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4K Television

Many folks are taking their entertainment systems to the next level with the addition of 4K televisions into their living rooms. 4K is the latest industry standard in pixel density and offers a picture four-times crisper than that of a standard 1080p set. With more and more 4K content becoming so readily available, it is little wonder why so many people are jumping on this new tech trend. If you want to be at the forefront of television technology, then 4K is the way to go. You can start streaming Netflix and YouTube in 4K already with cable providers sure to follow suit soon.

Smart Technology

Heard of the Internet of Things? Everyone’s getting involved. It’s now possible to add smart IoT devices into your home. These can range from items such as thermostats, bulbs and even vacuum cleaners. All of these can be controlled remotely via your smartphone or tablet. The idea is that we no longer need to be present with our appliances to control them. Plus, it is possible to create automated functions for these smart technologies to carry out. It’s all very intuitive and a lot of people are jumping on this new technology.

Underfloor Heating

Another great addition for the home, this time in opposition to that of air conditioning, is underfloor heating. When those colder winter nights are coming in and your bare foot has to walk across your tiled floors, you’ll be grateful for this one! So many people are investing in underfloor heating. While it is expensive, it’s definitely worth the cost and hassle of installation.

Water Dispensing Fridge Freezer

Everybody is adding one of these to their kitchens right now. A water dispensing fridge freezer is a must when redoing our kitchen. The additional hydration you and your family could benefit from by simple having clean, distilled water on tap, is insane. Can you even afford to miss out on this home improvement? Some models dispense ice along with water, too. This is excellent if you like making cocktails and fancy making them look more professional. Or, alternatively, just want to make an ice bucket to store your beer bottles in on a hot summer’s day.

Hopefully, this post has illustrated some of the great new home additions people are adding to their homes. Will this inspire you?


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The Ultimate Dinner Party Guide

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Many people love to cook for their family. And lots of Moms like to cook with their kids to create healthy, fun dishes and snacks. There is no shortage of child-friendly recipes out there. When you have a young family, you become more healthy conscious about your menu choices. It’s easier to keep things simple, so fussy eaters are kept happy too. So when it comes to hosting a dinner party for your adult friends, it can be a challenge to get your head around more grown up cuisine.

There’s no need for plastic dinner mats, bowls, and spoons. And you don’t have to shy away from foods like shellfish! When the kids are in bed, it can be so nice to invite some of your friends over to enjoy some more daring recipes. You might even be able to cook with wine. If you’re out of practice cooking for a grown-up dinner party, don’t panic. It’s easier than you think.

What To Serve

Start with a menu. Lots of the foods that you have in for your young family are just as suitable for your adult friends too. That doesn’t mean you should shy away from a special order of something extra tasty, though. If you check out you’ll find some tantalizing fish and shellfish that could make a very tasty main course. Or why not whip up a special prawn cocktail for a starter?

Most dinner parties are three to four courses. Start with the starter. Fresh fruits are very popular. Melon, strawberries, and kiwi fruits are good choices. A savory tart could be another option. Shrimp or prawn cocktails are still popular foods for a starter as well. Starters are often decoratively presented. You might want to consider the dish they are served on, or the placement of the food on the plate.

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The main course usually comes second. This is often an extravagant or gourmet dish, served with sides. Fish is popular, like sea bass. The sauce is what makes or breaks the main course. Choose recipes that are bursting with flavor. Even if you like spicy foods, try to opt for taste over heat. Sides can be served in dishes at the table for your guests to help themselves. These can be simple bowls of vegetables, like carrots and potatoes. Or you might offer a salad bowl if that goes with your dish.

The third course is often a sweet dessert. You might be fond of making ice cream with the kids. Why not share a batch of it with your dinner guests? Tiramisu and other creamy desserts are also popular. You could add fresh fruit garnishes. If you’re feeling particularly brave, why not cook a fruit pie from scratch, or even bake your own cake? Add some custard or cream to the table for a truly sumptuous dish.

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Finally, you might offer coffee liqueurs or a cheese board. The cheese board usually contains a range of cheese. Hard cheeses like mature cheddars are popular. Soft, creamy cheese like Brie is also desirable. Add a blue cheese like these Now you have a good variety. Crackers and red grapes are often served with the cheese too. Leave a cheese knife on the table so your guests can cut their own.

Getting Ready

Now the menu has been selected, it’s time to get the groceries and start cooking. Desserts can often be made earlier in the day to save you cooking that evening. Don’t forget to add a couple of bottles of wine to accompany the meals for your guests. Go through the recipes and check your timings. Write out a little schedule if it helps you prepare. Now all that’s left is to settle the kids for the night and get dressed up.

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When you are dressing up for your own dinner party, don’t forget to wear shoes! Slippers or bare feet often look out of place with a good evening dress. Choose some nice jewelry to complete the look. Once you’ve done your hair and makeup, it’s time to dress the table.

The dining table for a dinner party should be set up to take hot dishes. Hot plates to keep dishes warm should be left on the sideboard to avoid injuries. You can order fresh flowers for a centerpiece, or use a decorative table ornament. A candelabra with lit candles always looks lovely at the dinner party. Not everyone uses table linen these days, but a vibrant color table runner looks lovely either way.

When you’re setting the table, put all the cutlery out. The outside fork is for the first course, and diners then work their way in toward the table mat. It’s common for two glasses to be placed at each setting. One is for wine, and the other is for table water. If you have a good jug, fill it with ice and slices of lemon. Then you can add filtered water for a refreshing drink at the table.

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Red wine needs to breathe. It won’t hurt to get the bottle open a couple of hours before the meal. Some guests may prefer soft drinks, so have a few choices ready. After a meal, coffees are served. If you have your coffee maker ready and set up, you won’t have to leave the table for long to serve it. Add a liqueur for extra warmth.

Helpful Hacks

Serving from a tray is much easier for you. It also means you can make fewer trips to the kitchen. If your guests are arriving quite early in the evening, why not serve some nibbles and aperitif in your living room first? It gives you all a chance to chat and get to know new guests. While you may want your guests to feel comfortable, it is better to keep the temperature a little low when you’re having a big meal. Choose music that isn’t too intrusive. Have a playlist so you don’t need to keep choosing tracks.

Dinner parties can be great fun for you and your guests. They’re a great way to catch up with friends you haven’t seen for a while too. Bon Appetit.

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