Dog Owners: Tips On Keeping Your Home Clean

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Every dog owner knows that keeping a pet comes with a price. It is usually the home that pays it. Unless you are planning to provide the puppy with its own house somewhere in the backyard, prepare for some extra cleaning. Here is the list of advice on how to keep your home clean and tidy easily.

Clouds of hair

One of the biggest issues of having a dog inside the house is hair. Some puppies shed a lot of hair whereas others hardly shed at all. It mostly depends on the breed of dog you choose. Regular grooming is essential if you want to keep your home clean. Make it even more frequent during the seasonal shedding. Hoover your home regularly. If the dog is tall or has got particularly long hair that tends to fly around, try to keep him or her out of the kitchen, particularly when you’re cooking.

Unpleasant odor

To avoid unpleasant smells in the house, you should try to bathe your dog regularly. Puppies living inside should be bathed at least once a month. Dogs with oily hair require washing as frequently as once per week. Pay attention to your pet’s daily activity as well. Do you go for walks with the dog near a river or forest where there is a lot of possibilities to get muddy? In that case, more frequent bathing is needed as well. Moreover, think of other ways that would help to keep the home fresh. Keep the areas accessible to your puppy ventilated. Get creative with air fresheners.

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Damaged things

Another thing that dog owners are all too familiar with is damaged or destroyed items. Dogs, especially young puppies, have a tendency to chew things. To avoid your furniture or favourite shoes being damaged, make sure to provide a growing puppy with toys and special bones to chew. Just like a baby, it will help them with the pain of growing teeth. Older dogs can benefit from toys as well, especially during the times they are left alone at home. Some dogs even chew up their own bed. In these cases, a chew proof dog bed might save owners the trouble of having to replace the bedding every few months. Another thing to pay attention to is the dog’s nails. Make sure they are regularly trimmed. Otherwise, they are going to leave scratches on furniture and other surfaces.

Things all over

Dogs love to play as much as children do. Just like kids, they also tend to leave a mess behind. Obedience training is the key to avoiding or solving such an issue. However, note that even very well behaved dogs tend to experience separation anxiety. If you tend to leave your pet alone for long hours, it might start relieving stress through destructive activities. If you are unable to spend enough time with your dog, think of occupations for it. If toys do not help, think of something more creative. If possible, provide the puppy with a playground outside where it could spend some time safely unattended.

Dirty paw marks

Paw marks on the carpet or furniture are even worse than the hair flying around. The good news is that it is an issue that can be completely avoided or eliminated. You can easily train a puppy to wait before coming inside the house so you can clean their paws. So when you come back from a walk, wash the paws before engaging in any activity. Just remember to reward the dog for good behaviour.

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