Archives for November 2015

5 Ways to Help Your Dog Live A Natural Life #AvoDermNatural

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avodermThis post is sponsored by Avoderm® and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Avoderm Rotational Menu but Cori’s Cozy Corner only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Avoderm is not responsible for the content of this article.


If you are a pet parent like me, you may be wondering how you can help your dog live a natural life.  You are working on your own health, why not your dogs?  We have shared with you in the past about our partnership with AvoDerm products, and once again we have to appreciate how this brand helps us focus not just on feeding our dog, but truly improving his health.  Cooper is only 2 years old, but we want him to have a long and healthy life.  So these ways to help him have that life are really important to us.

avoderm bagsFeed them a natural food source.  AvoDerm Natural Revolving Menu provides you with an amazing protein and natural fat rich food source that your dogs will love.  Not only is it gentle on their tummies, there are many options to suit your individual dogs needs.  From the still playful young pup like Cooper, to the older “grandpa” dog in the bunch AvoDerm has great options of foods that are natural, quality and not full of unhealthy filler product like some brands.  This brand has been dedicated to giving you oven baked food and treats of the best ingredients since the 1960’s.

Get plenty of exercise daily.  Dogs need more than just a walk to use the bathroom. They need real exercise, just like we do.  Not only do they need it for weight maintenance, many breeds need the exercise to keep things like hip displacement, arthritis and other common breed ailments from becoming an issue.  Getting out and building strong bodies in your dogs is important for their complete health just like it is for yours.  More quality exercise on a regular basis helps them to be happier, work out excess energy (especially in younger pups) and build strong muscles to carry their bodies easily for longer.

Give them a chance to “make friends”.  Go to the dog park, bring a second dog into the home, or set up doggy play dates.  Your dog needs friends to play with just like you do.  While you have fun, play fetch and even walk your dog, they may still crave that playtime they can only get with another dog.  Providing them with a “brother” or “sister” in your home is great, but if you can’t have an additional pet take the time to get them out to a dog park or to another dog owners home for play time on a regular basis.

Bring them indoors for their safety.  While there are many pets that reside outdoors the bulk of the time, there are just as many who are mostly indoor pets.  The main thing is to make sure your pets are safe and healthy.  Dogs love being outside and in the fresh air, but when temperatures fluctuate it is time to think about their health and safety.  In the heat of summer, bring your dogs inside for cooler temperatures, or at least provide them with proper shade and plenty of water to stay hydrated.  In winter months make sure your dogs are indoors and warm during the coldest days.  A dog can easily find their paws frostbitten in extreme cold, and this is not a healthy thing for any pet.  Bringing your dogs inside to protect them is one of the best things you can do for their physical and emotional health.

Give them a place of their own in your home.  Dogs are wonderful pets, but they like to know they “own” something just like you do.  They can be very possessive, or feel very left out when they don’t have a space of their own.  Make sure your dog has a bed, crate or area that is just for them.  This can be their place of comfort to go sleep, rest, play or recuperate after a long day playing.  Make sure they feel loved, welcomed and like they can consider that their own little place in the world.  Their physical health is important, but don’t forget to help your dog live a natural life, you need to provide them with emotional security.

Find a store near you to purchase AvoDerm Naturals. And make sure to grab this $5 off AdvCare coupon for your purchase. You can also purchase AvoDerm Natural here.

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How to Ignore Celebrities Post-pregnancy and Do Things Your Way

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There is no denying that pregnancy and giving birth change your body forever. You might be able to lose any extra weight once the baby’s born. But you can still have stretch marks, a C-section scar, and let’s not even mention what it can do to you down under. When celebrities seem to ping magically back into their pre-pregnancy body, you can feel a lot of pressure to get back to the way you were before. You might not be able to look like the mirror image of your body before, but you can work your way back to happiness.

Ignore Celebrities

The most important thing to remember is that celebrity pregnancies are not like normal pregnancies. Many celebrities put on less weight than other women when they’re pregnant. And once the baby is born, they have a whole host of staff to help them out. While you’re trying to feed the baby, do the laundry and get back to work, they have a nanny, a personal trainer, and a maid. Don’t use celebrity stories of getting their pre-pregnancy body back to pressure you into doing the same. It’s unrealistic to strive for the rapid weight loss and toning that they often achieve.

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Many celebrity moms do crazy diets after having their baby. It’s not a good idea to follow their example, particularly if you’re breastfeeding. Your baby needs all the essential nutrients from your diet. You might want to diet, but they certainly don’t! If you’re bottle feeding, a diet may be a more realistic thing to do. However, even then you shouldn’t aim for rapid weight loss. A pound a week is about the most you should be losing. Any faster than that isn’t very healthy. And you should still be eating a balanced diet, rather than trying out all sorts of fads. Try eating smaller portions or having healthier snacks.

Finding Time to Exercise

It’s not secret that finding the time to workout can feel impossible with a newborn. You have a million and one things to do, and not to mention that you’re exhausted. But exercise can help you feel good, as well as helping you lose weight. It can be excellent for anyone suffering from postpartum depression. So how do you find the time and energy to do it? Before you start, check with your doctor that you can exercise. One of the best ways to get started is by walking. Taking your baby for a walk can help to calm them down, and you can use the stroller to help with your fitness.

Choosing the Fast Route

Not everything can be changed by diet and exercise. If there are still parts of your body you want to reclaim, you might consider cosmetic procedures. Some moms choose to have mommy makeover surgery to get their pre-pregnancy body back. It can help to correct things like loose skin and stubborn fat. It’s an attractive option for many moms who want to go back to “normal”.

However you choose to get your body back, do it in your own time. Don’t feel that there’s a time limit you have to meet.


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Great Ways To Keep The Little Ones Cozy This Winter

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Keeping the kids warm and cozy this winter is a major concern for most parents. The little ones tend to feel the cold more than adults, and so now is the time to start getting ready. There are lots of things that can be done to ensure the cold weather does not affect young people. The information on this page should be a great starting point. However, parents still need to perform more research to achieve the best results. At the end of the day, making a property cozy does not cost a lot of money. People just need to think ahead.

Move beds away from the windows

Lots of people choose to arrange their home in a way that provides the most space. However, that usually means placing beds and cots near window frames. It says at that the bed is a focal point in the room. By moving it away from the walls, it is possible to ensure they remain as warm as possible. Get some thick bedding to guarantee the kids don’t feel a draft during the night. There are plenty of stores in most towns and cities that provide premium products. Failing that, a simple online search should produce lots of results. Just look for bedding that is designed for this time of the year. The thicker the duvet – the warmer the child.

Call heating maintenance specialists

Sometimes heating systems need a check to ensure they are working properly. The right experts can spot issues before they become major problems. It’s cheaper to replace components before they break, and that’s why contacting a maintenance specialist is a good idea. Most reputable firms will list numerous different means of contact on their website. As you can see on shows customers how to get in touch in various ways. All decent professionals should offer the same information to people who need their services. So, you just need to search Google and find a local company.

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Cover window and door drafts

Many homeowners complain about drafts coming from their windows and doors. Thankfully, there is a cheap and reliable solution everyone can afford. Window film is great for solving the problem, and it only takes a couple of minutes to get sorted. Just lay the film over the windows and doors before applying heat. It will shrink and create an airtight seal. Don’t forget to replace old frames it’s necessary too. Not only would that make the property warmer, but it could also help to keep the home secure. Criminals know how to spot rotten frames, and they are their favorite entry point. Nobody wants to call the police because of a break-in at this time of the year.

Whatever readers decide to do, the ideas on this page should come in handy. As stated earlier, there are lots of different ways to keep kids cozy this winter. Companies like JML are sure to release lots of cool new products that could help. Check local stores for the best deals on onesies, and always purchase thick Christmas jumpers. Try to avoid electric blankets unless there are no other options because they are often dangerous.


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Why Irrigating the Lawn Matters So Much

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There are many parts of a property that people should feel proud about, and none more so than the garden. This is one of the most important areas of anyone’s home. The garden can improve the aesthetic look of the property, as well as making the home more appealing to buyers. A lot of people don’t take enough time to look after their back gardens, and this is a shame.

With the resources available these days, no one should have any excuse for not taking care of their gardens. When people go into someone’s garden what’s the first thing to catch their attention? Well, it may well depend on what they have in their garden, and how it’s laid out. But, most of the time it’s going to be the lawn. Specifically, it’s going to be the condition of the lawn. And, as such, homeowners should go out of their way to make sure their lawns look superb.

Irrigation is the key to this, and it’s something that is very doable these days. As well as being doable it’s also extremely important, and here are some reasons why.

Saves Money

The fact of the matter is that irrigating the lawn saves money. It provides the grass and the soil with the perfect levels of moisture. People need to know how often to water the lawn to make sure it’s properly taken care of throughout the year. Proper watering means that growing becomes more straightforward and the lawn stays green and lush for much longer. The benefit of this is that it means people don’t have to do excessive maintenance work. When lawns get patchy, they are very unattractive. By this point, they are too far gone for people to want to sort them out. So instead they often rip up all the turf and replace it with artificial grass. The bottom line is that this is a lot of time and effort, and it looks nowhere near as good.

Professional Attention

Another thing that people so often overlook is the importance of professional attention. When it comes to looking after parts of the home, it’s important for people to get expert help. When nourishing the lawn, using an irrigation service from Pro Irrigation will do the trick. It means that professionals will be taking charge of the irrigation. And this ensures the perfect level of care and attention for the law. They might pick up in things that homeowners would overlook or forget, and this can lead to improper lawn care. By irrigating it allows people to bring in the pros and get the exact attention the garden needs.

Makes the Rest of the Garden Look Much Better

When it comes to the garden, the buck stops with the lawn. This might sound unfair on the rest of the garden, but it’s true! I doesn’t matter how pretty people make the rest of their garden, if the lawn is a state it’s going to show. Watering and irrigating the grass properly allows the lawn to flourish and blossom. And this, in turn, makes the rest of the garden look much better. It causes ripples of improvement throughout the garden and makes it much nicer to look at.

It’s pretty obvious that proper lawn care and maintenance has got to be a priority for homeowners. Neglecting the grass can lead to huge costs to get the lawn back up to an acceptable level. So, with the proper irrigation system people can save money, and have a beautiful garden throughout the year!

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Four Top Tips for First Time Landlords

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As the housing market slows down, more and more people are choosing renting their homes over buying property, meaning that there is also a record number of homeowners choosing to become landlords and rent out their homes since they have been unable to sell. Demand for rental property has never been so high, and if you are considering renting out your property to tenants, there has never been a better time to make an income as a landlord. But, what are your obligations as a landlord, and how do you prepare for tenants? We’ve put together some top tips for you.


Before the property can be viewed by potential tenants, you should ensure that the home is fully prepared. This includes making sure that it is clean, and that any DIY is finished. You should also have the property fully inspected by a professional company to ensure that everything is in good working order and that the property doesn’t pose any kind of threat to future tenants. You should also think about the type of let that you are offering – is the house to be furnished or unfurnished? If you are letting the house on a furnished basis, then remember that the furniture should also be inspected and you will need wider insurance cover. Check out for rental property inspections.

Health and Safety

When it comes to letting your home it is crucial that you fully comply with safety regulations for gas, electric and furniture. It is important that you make regular safety checks throughout the duration of the tenancy to ensure that these standards are upheld. Records should also be kept in order to keep your tenants protected and ensure that you have valid insurance.

Using a Letting Agent

If you don’t have the time to manage your rental property by yourself, a letting agent can be quite useful. However, it’s important that you take into consideration the fact that they will take around 8-15% of the income that you make from the rent. Although using a letting agent will help you to find tenants, it’s a good idea that you still get involved with tenant meetings and interviews as it’s important you are comfortable with the people moving into your home.

Know Your Rights

When renting out a property, it is important that you know what your obligations are as a landlord. For example, if you would like to enter the home it is required that you give the tenant at least 24 hours’ notice. Before renting out your home is it crucial to become familiar with not only your rights but also the rights of the tenant to ensure that the tenancy runs smoothly. Compiling a tenancy agreement is a great way of protecting your rights and the property, and include a list of terms and conditions regarding the upkeep of the property, the tenancy agreement, and eviction terms.

With the correct plans in place, renting out your home for the first time doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems.

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Top 4 Things To Do In The South Of France

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France is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It’s a country filled with art, fine cuisine and architecture to name but a few. The Southern regions of France have always been considered a luxurious place to visit. Cannes film festival is held there, and it’s also home to other celebrity hot spots such as St Tropez and Monte Carlo. It’s a wonderful part of the world whether you’re going for a weekend travel break or family holiday. Here are top five things you can do when you visit this breathtaking part of the world.


  1. Visit the Pont Du Gard

The Pont Du Gard is a striking three story Roman bridge and aqueduct. If you are interested in history, this wonderfully well-preserved structure is a great insight into ancient times. Take a picnic and grab a spot along the river. Eat your picnic and soak up the French sunshine underneath this marvellous attraction. Pont Du Gard also has an excellent museum where you can take a walk through history to learn more about the structure and its original uses. There are local buses that run every 2 hours from Avignon, so it’s easy to get there too. This is a definite must see


2. Explore the Grotte de Clamouse

Grotte de Clamouse is a once in a lifetime experience in the region of Languedoc. Be taken down one hundred metres into this set of beautiful fossilised caves. You will never experience such a unique natural beauty anywhere else. Discover how they were formed and explore the different sized caves and cavities. This is a particularly great activity if the weather isn’t great too. If you’re interested in staying within this area, visit Languedoc holiday homes. Some accommodation will provide discounts and transport to attractions such as this.


3. Take to the skies

If you’re visiting the Languedoc Roussillon area, you must take a hot air balloon ride. See the rich landscape from the air and take in the sights from a different perspective. There’s nothing more romantic that taking a balloon ride. Why not make it a surprise activity for your other half? With it’s laid back approach to sight seeing, you’ll be able to take in every part of the mountains, rivers and countryside.

The region also has a number of flying tours available. These are wonderful if you want to see sights such as the Cathar castles. Try to learn as much as you can from your tour guide, who will know countless information about the area.

4. Relax on the Canal Du Midi

This canal is one of the most famous in the South of France. Hire a canal boat for the day or for the whole week. The Canal is one of the longest in the region so you’ll have plenty to see and you can stop off at local points of interest. Buy some local delicacies from your lock keepers for a real taste of Southern France.

There are so many wonderful things you can do in the South of France. It was very difficult to pick only four. It’s a beautiful place to visit and even if you only get to do one or two of these things, you’ll still have a fabulous time.

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Top 3 Healthy Habits Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

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As a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your child about the rights and wrongs in their behaviour. Bad habits can be picked up easily by children and a lot of the time they get these bad habits from their parents. Children are natural mimics, and they will copy what you do and how you behave. It may not be noticeable to begin with, but you will pick up on it as they continue to grow. Teaching your children good and healthy habits is the best way for them to grow up healthy and respectfully. Here are the top four things you absolutely must start teaching your kids today.

Looking after their teeth

This should be something you are teaching your kids already. It’s easy to forget to enforce teeth cleaning with everything else going on. It is important to start a daily routine of brushing their teeth twice a day. Let your children know the importance of good health care. Starting now will be so beneficial to their oral health in later life. Also, take them to the dentist for regular check-ups. It can be a scary experience for a child so keep them calm and praise them for being brave. It’s important to have regular check-ups at the dentist to keep their teeth in the best condition. If you as parent’s needed braces when you were younger, then there’s a possibility you child may need them too. Your dentist can plan and recommend the best course of action to take. For more information, you can visit to research what procedures are available.

Eating Healthily

Ensuring your child is eating a colourful and varied diet is essential for them to grow up big and strong. The constant consumption of sugary and fatty food is a bad habit you should not be teaching.  Encourage them to eat fruit and vegetables and let them know how good they will make them feel. By doing this, you will instill great eating habits into your children, making them healthier. Make trying new foods a game that they will want to become involved in. They may not like everything you give to them, but encourage them to try it before they dismiss it. It may take some time, but this will become the norm, and healthy eating will come naturally to them.

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To entertain your kids, it can be tempting to stick them in front of the TV or a computer game and leave them to it. Not encouraging exercise can make your children lazy and turn them into couch potatoes. Get them involved in playing games or sports outside. Not every child will enjoy sports, so find something they will enjoy. Maybe running is more for them. You can find some great game ideas at Creating your own games and playing with your children will engage them and encourage them more. Try to do this for at least half an hour to an hour each day. Teaching your kids the importance of regular exercise will make them feel happier too. Exercise releases endorphins that create happy feelings. Happy kids equal happy parents.

Teaching your child good habits will set them up for a long and healthy life. It’s important that you start as early as possible. Keep your own bad habits in check and you’ll be a happier, healthier family all round.

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The Secrets To A Successful Kitchen Remodel

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The question that sticks in everyone’s mind when they are remodeling is ‘how do I make it successful’? It is obvious that they want the remodel to go well because what would be the point otherwise? But, for them to get to the point to the point where they can beam a smile of joy, they need to figure out a couple of things.

If they don’t, the remodel is not going to be successful because problems often arise and get firmly in the way. For everyone looking to remodel their kitchen successfully, here’s what to bear in mind.

Make A Plan

Without a plan, there is no way to keep the renovations on track. Every good builder will say that they firstly have a plan in mind, and then write it down to refer to later on. There is nothing wrong with coming unstuck. In fact, it is bound to happen when taking on a job of this magnitude. But, there are lots wrong with not being prepared when the issues do occur.

Have Plenty Of Cash

The problem most people have when they attempt a remodel of any kind is the finance. Although they create a budget, they don’t take into account how much it takes to complete a home renovation. Even the simplest ones cost a fortune. What they find in the end is that they have to stop and accrue the money half way through a project. To a lot of people, that is already a failure because it costs too much and takes up too much time. There are ways to save money while renovating, but it is best to have the cash to hand for financial and time reasons.

Remember Substance As Well As Style

It is easy to get carried away with all of the latest trends and fashions, especially because there are so many. But, style only accounts for a small part of a successful kitchen remodel. Truly successful kitchen remodeling projects incorporate style and substance together because the room has to be functional to be successful. When a room is not practical, it doesn’t work well with the rest of the house. It might be the most stylish kitchen ever, yet it is still a huge waste.



Everyone’s house needs a personality because personality breeds creativity and originality. A home that lacks personality and character is not a home but a house. It is colder and barer than a home, and it is less inviting, too. The house should reflect the owner or the people that live there at the time. If they have a hobby or passion that dominates their life, they should incorporate it as much as possible.

Latest Trends

To get a good mix, a remodel should look to mix everything together. So, as well as personal experiences, it is important to take inspiration from the latest trends at the time. Then, the kitchen will be the perfect mix between personality and today’s fashions.

When the project is over, homeowners should be able to look at the kitchen and think ‘that is exactly what I wanted.’

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The Beginner’s Guide To India – Everything You Need To Know

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Special post written by a friend just for my readers-

Although I have been to Asia, I have never been to India. I mostly spent my time in Singapore, which was amazing. But, after looking back, I decided that it was time to branch out and see more of Asia, so I booked a flight! I don’t see the point in procrastinating when it comes to travelling because nothing gets done otherwise.

Still, before I set off, I want to make sure that I know pretty much everything there is to know about India. Obviously, I don’t want to miss anything that could potentially blow my mind, but I also don’t want to make any mistakes. After a bit of research, I put together a beginner’s guide to India that I think is helpful.

Here are my tips and tricks to traversing the exotic sub-continent.



Before anyone reaches India, there are certain vaccinations that you have to get to minimize the risk. The main ones are the hepatitis shots and the pre-booster rabies injections. From what I can gather, there is a risk of Malaria. However, I know that you can take tablets that are just as effective as the shots, as long as you take them two weeks prior and after travelling. Forget about Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever because the reported cases are incredibly rare.

Where To Start?

I know my biggest problem before booking my flight was where do I start? The country is so big, and there is so much to do, that it is hard to come to an informed decision. My best tip is to start wherever you want! The transport links are good enough to get you around the country without too much hassle, so you don’t have to do a complete circle. I am starting out in the south because I want to experience some of the ‘real’ India like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Plus, by starting in the south I can work my way to the north where the major attractions and cities are situated.

Getting Around

Because India is so big, it is important to understand the transport links. After checking the India Travel Forum, I realized that the transport links are not brilliant. Of course, you expect that to a degree because India isn’t home. Still, the fact that you have to book train tickets days in advance is a little worrying. Thankfully, they do sell tickets on the morning of the train, so you can always decide to travel without prior notice. The key to getting these tickets is to get there early and to carry photocopies of all your important details like your passport. Buses do go almost everywhere in India, but the roads are poor and they take ages. They are a cheap alternative and a backup plan if all else fails.


Sights And Attractions

We all have a list of attractions that springs to mind when we think of India. Obviously, the main attraction is the Taj Mahal, but there are others worth seeing. Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur and Goa all have an array of monuments, temples, forts and street life that you should witness. And, Hampi and Varanasi are also two diamonds in the rough that you cannot miss. Personally, I like to look at travel books to make sure I don’t miss anything special, as well as the Internet. With a travel guide to hand, you have little tips and tricks that make seeing these attractions much easier. For example, when you go to the Taj, foreigners have to enter on the south side of the site.

Drinking Water

Not all of India can boost clean drinking water, which is why it is a good idea to stick to bottled water. When you go into a restaurant, make sure you ask for a bottle and ask them to bring the bottle to the table. It is not rude, especially if you don’t want chronic diarrhea or worse! Also, you might want to pour the water into a cup instead of drinking straight out of the bottle. The recycling process is not the cleanest, and even the locals don’t let the plastic touch their lips.


The food, on the other hand, is meant to be delicious. Everyone says that the food is different to Indian food back home, but that the key is to dive in head first. I think you should always try new things when you go to a different country, especially the food. Apparently, the Masala Dosa, the Thali and a boiled egg curry are incredible. Also, the locals like to eat with their hands, so I would give it a try when you get the chance. I know that the thought of eating a curry without a knife and fork is strange, but when in Rome!

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Stylish Furniture Trends This Season

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As you know, I’m always on the lookout for the latest trends and styles for home decor. I try to keep my color palette up to date so I can enjoy a fresh look in my home. This season is all about the distressed look. So I thought I would check out some furniture updates to see what might look good in my home.


Wooden bed frames are gorgeous. I love how divans are so practical with their storage solutions. It is ideal for a small bedroom. But to be on trend for this winter, what could look more gorgeous than a distressed pine bed? A woolen throw in grays or washed-out browns would complement the look so well. Even the bedroom floor can be brought up to date. Painting techniques on the wooden floorboards can create an aged or distressed appearance. Love it.

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Living Room

This is our cozy corner at home. I love the colors I’ve been bringing into our home lately. When it comes to finding the latest styles of furniture in here, I’m always looking at sofas online. I can even print pages out to put in a mood board or scrapbook. It helps me build up a style I can be comfortable with. This season I’m looking for beautiful button detailing in rich colors and fabrics. I would love something that goes with my gorgeous new rug too! I think some cushion covers rich in texture and bearing the colors would be ideal.



Furniture for the kitchen has to be the right size to fit. Our kitchen isn’t the biggest space. Table cloths are great for making dramatic color changes on a whim. My dining set could be changed to something chunkier in a golden wood. I would love a wooden kitchen dresser too. It would display some beautiful plates in my chosen color palette, as well as providing some much-needed storage. I think a cute little rug underneath it would help highlight it really well.

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Spare Room

If you’re lucky enough to have a spare room, then this is definitely the season for clearing it out. With Christmas fast approaching, I’m already preparing for guests staying over. It’s nice to have extra people in the home at this time of year. My favorite colors are mints and blues, and I think these are both perfect for a guest room. If you often need the room for other purposes, why not invest in a sofa bed to make extra space? Have a little bucket chair in the corner, and a couple of shelves to display your ornaments. Perfect.

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Hallways can be very bland. If you add a small and simple hall table with a drawer, you have somewhere to pop your keys. It creates an ideal focus point for the hall, and can be situated beneath the hallway mirror.

I love coming up with creative solutions for my home. Style is important to me, so I look for ways to keep on trend while staying functional. Happy styling.

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