Archives for January 2018

Where Are You More Likely To Bag A Bargain Online Or In Store?

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Family life doesn’t come cheap, does it? That’s why so many people make it their priority to find ways to cut the cost of their monthly outgoings. The fact is that although running a home and purchasing all of the items that you need to get by can be expensive, it doesn’t have to be. If you are clued up when it comes to how you spend your money and where you shop, it is possible to cut your living costs low.


When it comes to cutting living costs, one of the most common questions asked is what the best way to shop is – online or in store. When it comes to bagging a bargain, people often wonder whether it is best to shop online or in store for making the largest savings. It can be difficult to know which option is best, as both have their pros and cons and different deals on at different times.


Bearing this in mind, below is a comparison of shopping online vs. shopping in store, to help determine which options offers the best bargains. For everything that you need to know about finding the best deals and bagging the most amazing bargains, read on.


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Bargain hunting when shopping in store

Despite the fact that the internet is an incredible resource for shopping and a whooping 70 percent of shoppers do the majority of their shopping online, for many people stores still have an appeal. If you prefer to shop in store, then you may be wondering whether you are able to bag as many bargains in store, as you can online.

Believe it or not, it is possible to make some incredible savings when shopping in store; it’s just a case of knowing what steps you need to take to do so. The fact is that if you take the time to look for all of the best ongoing deals, for instance, you can easily reduce the cost of your shopping. It’s just a case of knowing what deals are available to you and how to take advantage of them.

Coupon clipping is a great way to reduce the cost of your spending when hitting the shops. You can find coupons in magazines, promotional leaflets, and online, so take the time to browse for them. When you find coupons that you can’t use yet, don’t chuck them away, store them in a folder and save them for the future. Coupon clipping can be a great way to cut costs and keep your shopping as cheap as possible when shopping in store.

Another way to reduce the cost of shopping in store is to take advantage of sales. A few times a year, companies run sales offering 10, 20, 30, 40, and sometimes even 50 percent off. Sign up for email alerts from all of your favorite stores, so that you are always alerted to any sales that are about to start, and don’t end up missing out.

Make sure to sign up for the loyalty cards of any store that you shop at regularly. Each time that you go shopping make sure to scan your loyalty card to get a small percentage of money knocked off the price of your shopping or to collect points to convert into money or vouchers at a later date.

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Sales shopping when looking online

When it comes to saving money when shopping online, there are lots of useful hacks that you can take advantage of. It’s not just a case of paying the price that you see, as a quick Google of the store that you want to shop at and the term ‘deal’ or ‘voucher code’ and you can often stumble across a code that will reduce the price of your shop.

Then there is the fact that a lot of the time, items are cheaper to buy online, particularly when you shop on websites like Amazon and eBay, or choose to use online auction sites like Deal Dash. Resources like can help you to learn more about these kinds of sites and how you can take full advantage of them to make the largest savings. The fact that you can pick up lots of items online for a much lower price than in-store, does give online shopping an advantage over in-store shopping.

In addition to this, there are often various websites that have discount codes and vouchers that you can take advantage of to cut the cost of your shopping. Sometimes these vouchers provide a two for the price of one deal, a 10 percent off deal, or a free shipping deal, each of these help to reduce the cost of your shopping. If there isn’t a voucher available on the site itself, it’s just a case of taking the time to do some Googling to see what there is available on other websites. It is important to remember that there are whole websites dedicated to deals, discount codes, and vouchers, so more often than not, if you need a voucher, you should be able to find a suitable one.

Of course, that being said, when you shop in-store you don’t have to worry about the cost of shipping, so shipping is actually an additional expense to add to the cost of your shopping. However, should you get a coupon code that gives you free shipping, then this is not a problem that you need to worry about.

Often, online sites have more deals available at any one time that high street stores. You may even find that a high street store that also has an online store will have a sale online but not in store. So in many instances, shopping online can be a fantastic way to save – always make sure that before you purchase something in-store, you check the price online, as well as any deals available.

Another major benefit of choosing to shop online is the fact that online shopping makes it much easier to compare prices. There are various comparison tools that you can use online to ensure that you are purchasing an item from the site that offers the best deal. However, when it comes to shopping in store, comparing prices becomes much more difficult as you have to go from shop to shop to do so.

The fact is that where you are more likely to bag a bargain depends on when and where you are shopping. Both online shopping and shopping in store come with a range of pros and cons, so it is difficult to determine which option is the best one in terms of cutting costs. Often, it depends on your personal preference – usually, wherever you choose to shop you can find deals, it’s just a case of putting in the effort to do so. Want to make larger savings online? Resources like can help.

The key to saving money is taking the time to shop around. Instead of deciding what you want and choosing to purchase it from your local high street or online, take the time to do some research first. Look at what deals are available to you, compare prices, and make a decision about where you buy from based on where you can get the best deal from.

However, that being said, online shopping is often easier when it comes to looking for deals. This is because it is much simpler and more straightforward to compare prices online, hence why it is easier to find all of the best deals when shopping online.

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Are You Ready To Make It On Your Own?

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A lot of people have the fantasy of being able to break out of typical nine-to-five employment and do something different with their life. The idea of doing things entirely on their own terms is incredibly tempting and has been the driving force for a lot of people trying to break out and start their own business. However, if you are thinking of doing that, there’s one incredibly important question that you need to ask yourself: are you actually ready? The reality is that trying to strike out and start your own business can be a huge challenge and it’s not one that everyone is ready to face. With that in mind, here are a few things that you need to be sure that you’re ready to make it on your own.

The right skills

The reality is that being a business owner will require you to be something of a Jack of all trades. You can’t rely on one specific set of skills to carry your entire business. You’ll need to gain an understanding of financial matters, you’ll probably need to learn adobe illustrator in order to design the branding and logos for your business if you can’t afford to hire someone else, and you need to learn how to network and communicate with other organisations. These are just a few examples, but the truth is that there’s no way in which you can possibly run a business if you don’t have the skills to take care of it all.

The time

Running a business is not something that you can do in your spare time. Sure, there are people who have side hustles, but the truth is that those businesses are either so small that they can accommodate that, or those people end up taking on so much that they end up getting buried under the workload. You need to make sure that you have the time available to you to fully commit to your business.

The discipline

When you’ve got a boss staring over your shoulder at all times, it’s easy to stay disciplined. However, when the buck stops with you, you need to be able to motivate yourself to work and put in the right amount of effort. Sure, the idea of getting up in the middle of the day and working in your pajamas might be tempting, but the truth is that without a solid and disciplined routine, your business is almost certainly going to fall apart before it has a chance to turn into anything significant.

Now, don’t think that any of this is designed to discourage you from going after your dreams of making it on your own. However, it’s crucial that you know what it is that you’re getting into. If you don’t think carefully enough about the difficulties that are inherent to running any business, then you’re almost certainly going to end up in a position where you end up taking on more than you’re capable of and fail before you really have a chance to get started.


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Ways To Make Your Life More Exciting

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Being an adult, parenting and working a difficult job doesn’t leave much room for adventure. That’s why you have to be determined and motivated to go out and seek it. You can’t sit around wishing that your life was different.

You have to know how to create your own excitement and make more time for what makes you happy. All it takes is a little rearranging and prioritizing for it to work. There are many ways to make your life more exciting, without daring yourself to jump out of an airplane. Start brainstorming ideas and make notes about which ones sound most appealing to you.

Mix up your Routine

Routines are nice for many reasons, but they keep your life fairly mundane. You start to feel like you’re going through the motions without any passion behind your movements. Challenge yourself to mix it up and make small changes that will have a big impact on your attitude. Go to the gym at a different time, see a movie on a weeknight and participate in arts and crafts time with your kids. You have to get out of your shell and routine if you want to live a little.

Find A New Hobby

Work and home life may be going well, but it’s possible you still feel like there’s a missing piece. It could be time for you to find a hobby to call your own. One idea is to invest in real estate and use private money lenders Arizona to help you accomplish this goal. It’ll be a fun and rewarding project that will keep you preoccupied and on your toes. Other ideas are to learn how to cook, start a blog or train to run races. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it.

Schedule Regular Date Nights with your Spouse

Your days quickly fill up with obligations and responsibilities related to work and the kids. It doesn’t leave much time for you and your spouse to spend quality time together. Pick a day each week or month that’s dedicated to you two getting together and having fun. Plan an activity or a romantic evening. Make sure you put it on the calendar, so there are no excuses for not going on your date when the time comes. Your relationship will grow stronger, and life will seem a little less frustrating.

Get Involved in Local Causes

One way to add more excitement to your life is to get involved locally and give back to your community. You’ll work on various projects, meet new friends and be giving your time to those who need it most. If there’s an opportunity to travel as part of your community groups, volunteer to go along. Excitement can be you bonding with a new friend and challenge yourself to see how many people you’re able to help in one year.

Your life becomes more exciting when you put in the time and effort to step out of your comfort zone. All it takes is a few small tweaks, and you’ll find out you’re soon satisfied with how you’re living. Remember to keep it fresh by always being open to new opportunities.

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5 Different Ways To Find Business Financing

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When you want to start your own business, you’ll often find that there are a range of things that can possibly hold you back. Sometimes, if it’s in your own mind, you have to find ways to overcome your fears and stop them from holding you back. But when it’s more of a financial matter, you’re going to need to come up with financial options to help you. Sometimes, half of the battle is knowing exactly what options you have. But this isn’t something that you shouldn’t let hold you back. Because when you think about the options that you have available, you can then work out what is going to work out best for you. So let’s take a look at what options you have for financing your business.


First of all, you’re going to want to think about the option of bootstrapping the business yourself. Because you won’t always have to seek out funding sources in order to make this happen. Sometimes, you can save up for the sum you need over time, or even get started with absolutely nothing at all. However, this option isn’t going to be for everybody, because some business ideas are going to require funding. But if yours may not, this is an important idea to consider.


From here, you’re then going to want to think about approaching an investor. This idea can put a lot of would-be business owners off, but it really doesn’t have to be as formal and fearful as you may think. If you have a solid business plan and you know what funding you’re looking for, you could make this work. There are different ways that you can access investors online too, to make the process seem a bit simpler.

Business Loan

Your next idea is to look into a business loan, and there are lots that you can consider for this. Because not only is there the option of heading to the bank and getting a traditional business loan, if you’re looking at negative working capital, you can get funding for that too. A business loan option is something that can help you out both at the start and during your business’s lifetime.


Another idea that you may feel more comfortable with is crowdfunding. This is something that not everyone will want to do, but it can be really interesting way to raise the funds. Crowdfunding your small business can take time, and it will mean that you have to provide something in return, but if it’s what you feel most comfortable with, it’s a great avenue to explore.


Finally, you may also want to think about going into business with someone else. If you have the ideas, or some of the ideas, then a partner could bring in the cash. If they have experience in business, this can also be a great opportunity for you and beneficial for your business. Yes you will share the ownership, but you may find that the shared knowledge and experience is better too.


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Is Your Home Friends And Family Ready

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When it comes to making a welcoming environment for other people, you need to consider a lot more than just what you appreciate. If you live alone, it’s easy to overlook the things that other people might need too; as you can do just fine on the minimum. However, if you want your home to be a place where people feel welcome and feel relaxed, you need to work a little harder to make those home improvements. Your first steps are the decoration. You might be fine with a lack of personality to your rooms, but does it feel inviting? Having things like paintings and pictures can already be a great start to adding something interesting, and it doesn’t have to be that expensive either!

Positive vibes

Every room has its own personality, and that personality is what makes the overall feel of staying in there. If you were going for a relaxed and calm atmosphere, you would want to room to be a warm and dim colored environment; if you want lively, you would brighten it up a bit! It’s quite simple really, just focus on the coloring and decorations you have. Are they comfortable? Even if you don’t use them much, your furniture is sure to be experienced if you want to have visitors around and making sure they’re comfortable can encourage them to stay longer and visit more frequently. Try to experiment with new wallpapers and rugs; it can change the room significantly. Don’t worry too much about spending all of that money and changing your mind; you can often go to home stores and bring back samples of things you want to try; which is incredibly helpful when it comes to comparisons.

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Social activities

Obviously, if you’re going to play host, you need to have some form of entertainment for your guests. There’s no reason people should have to sit around and get bored, and there’s a number of common household furniture that can really liven up your home. You may want to invest in a new TV and/or package, or perhaps something like a pool table. If you’re worried that these kinds of decorations won’t fit into your themes, don’t worry, click here to see a whole range of custom designs you can get. Having this kind of entertainment can really help if you’re trying to create a social area for you and your friends to relax in, and can make a great alternative over having to go out to have a good time. It’s always good to be able to wind-down with friends, even better knowing that you don’t have to go anywhere!

Many people out there have a busy social life, and it can become very stressful if you always have to rush around trying to keep up with it. It’s best that you can take some time to have other people come to you once in a while; at the same time, you have something to take pride in! Your living space should be a high priority when it comes to your spending; you spend a lot of your life there!

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How to Make a Cozy Quilt

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There are so many satisfying craft projects that sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next! For the winter months, though, there are few projects quite so satisfying as quilting. Whether you decide to go and buy some new material specially or have a look through your wardrobe for old clothes you can cut into scraps, with a pair of scissors, a good pattern and a sewing machine, you will be away.

Choosing Your Pattern

Quilting is essentially just a way to put a lot of scraps of material together to make a cute and functional design. This means that not only are there plenty of gorgeous patterns to choose from, you can also design your own pattern quite easily. All you need to do is sketch out your idea and then cut the fabric out to fit, remembering to leave a small edge of ¼” for stitching.

One of the easiest patterns to choose, though, is a strip quilt. This uses strips of fabric to create a simple pattern, ideal for using up old material and practising as a beginner. A strip quilt made with a rainbow of fabrics or a few fabrics of different shades is a nice way to create an ombre effect blanket everyone will love.

Choosing the Materials

If you are planning to use a few different materials, make sure that they are all of a similar weight so that they can be stitched together easily. You should also make sure that any materials you decide to use have been pre-shrunk and are definitely color-fast, otherwise the first wash of your quilt could also be the last!

There are all sorts of patterns available so consider how you want your quilt to look and try putting different fabrics together while you are in the shop to see how they match. Quilts can be anything from kitsch to luxurious so you can really go to town in order to create exactly what you want.

Putting it All Together

Once you have chosen your pattern and bought or found enough material, it’s time to start cutting. There’s lots of advice for beginners about quilting, but it’s possible that the most repeated is ‘measure twice, cut once’. This is just a friendly reminder that once you have taken the scissors to your fabric, there’s no going back so make sure it’s ironed perfectly flat and you are sure of what you are doing first.

You could hand stitch your quilt, but using a machine will be much faster. If you don’t already own one, have a look at Stitch & Sew’s recommendations for ideas. You might want to practise your technique on some spare fabric first, but once you’ve got the hang of it, you will be surprised how quickly your quilt gets done!

Making a quilt is a lovely weekend project that will keep you occupied during the remnants of the winter months. You can even get your kids involved with making the design and cutting out the fabric, or maybe even make a smaller version for their dolls. The options are endless.

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Skin Care Essentials for All Skin Types

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There’s no one size fits all skin care routine. You have to consider your skin type — normal, oily, dry, combination, or sensitive — as well as other issues you may have, like acne, uneven skin tone, or wrinkles.

There’s also the matter of choosing the right products. Different brands have different “specialties,” so to speak, and some companies even have exclusive technologies they use for their products. For example, Procter & Gamble’s Olay is a popular brand for anti-aging products, while South Korean cosmetics brand Laneige is known for its Water Science technology.

However, there is no doubt that we all should be taking care of our skin, one way or another. It usually does a good job in cleaning itself (primarily through sweating), but it needs all the help in other aspects, like restoring lost moisture. Here are some of the essentials to help you start a skin care regimen, no matter your skin type.


The skin on your face is more sensitive compared to the rest of your body, so your good ol’ bar of soap or shower gel just won’t cut it. Buy a cleanser that’s suited for your skin type (you might want to consult a dermatologist to know for sure): cream-type cleansers are good for dry skin, while gel-type ones are best for oily skin.

Before using a cleanser, it’s good to loosen clogged pores first using warm water. Use the recommended amount — usually a dime-sized dollop — and gently massage it onto your face to remove dirt, makeup, and excess oil. You can use either cold or lukewarm water to rinse. Note that most eye makeup, like mascara and eyeliner, are more difficult to wash off, so you should remove these first before using your cleanser.


Even if you cleanse your face everyday, dead skin cells and other impurities still accumulate on your skin and clog your pores. Exfoliators will help you gently scrub off these substances, leaving you with a fresher looking complexion afterward. If you have sensitive skin, you should opt for an exfoliator with fruit enzymes rather than those with microbeads.

Depending on your skin type, you may have to exfoliate just once or twice a week to as often as four times a week. The key thing to remember is to not do it two days in a row to prevent irritation.


All skin types — yes, even oily ones — need a moisturizer. In addition, you need two separate moisturizers for daytime and evening use, since our skin tends to lose moisture faster at night. Lighter formulas filled with antioxidants like vitamins C and E and green tea extracts are suited for daytime use. These ingredients help protect the skin from pollutants and provide some level of protection from UV rays. Thicker, creamier moisturizers that contain ingredients like collagen, elastin, and retinol are best for nighttime use. These penetrate your skin while you sleep, refreshing and rejuvenating your face. Remember to use upward, circular motions when applying moisturizers so as not to stretch the skin and cause premature wrinkling. In any event, you can always just apply a wrinkle cream which will keep your skin healthy, youthful and vibrant.


Some daytime moisturizers have “all-in-one” formulas that both hydrates and protects from the sun. However, if you choose to buy this kind of moisturizer, make sure that the SPF level is at least 30. Otherwise, you should apply your daytime moisturizer and then, once its dry, add a layer of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Don’t worry — there are a lot of lightweight formulas available that won’t make you feel like you’re wearing a mask.

If you have other skin problems like acne, you should add specialized serums to your regimen. Apply these after cleansing but before putting on your moisturizer so that the ingredients will penetrate your skin better. Other miscellaneous skin care products you might want to consider are eye creams, if you’re prone to developing dark circles, and face masks for a quick spa-like treatment for your face.

After all is said and done, all you need to do is smile so you can brighten up your face even more!



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Chill Out! You Can Survive If Your Refrigerator Breaks Down

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One of the things that is bound to get you a little stressed and hot under the collar is when your refrigerator breaks down. After all, we are so used to having these conveniences that the whole way that we eat, cook, and shop revolves around using them. Something that means everything can quickly descend into chaos if they aren’t working. Happily, though it is possible for you and your family to survive if your refrigerator breaks down. Read on to find out how.

Clear it out

To survive when your refrigerator isn’t working the very first thing you must do is clear it out. The reasons for this that the last thing you want is all the food that is stored within it to start going moldy and stinking your kitchen out!

Prioritize getting rid of items that are perishable and close to their use by dates like dairy and meat. Cook them up, or freeze them if you have to but don’t let them go over if you can help it.

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Work out what’s wrong

Next, if you have had the bad fortune of your refrigerator breaking down, it’s a good idea to try and work out what the problem is. Sometime this will be obvious, other time no so much, and this is where using Google to search for advice on refrigerators can help.

Fix or buy a new one

Once you have an idea of what has gone wrong with your fridge, you can make a much more informed decision on whether to invest the money in buying a new one or get this one fixed.

Obviously, refrigerators are expensive items so you will want to get a professional to come in and fix them where possible. However, if you do need to go the whole hog and buy a new one and it can be helpful to look at one of the low interest personal loans available to pay for it, and prevent the cost putting a strain on your family’s finances.

Then you can replace the broken refrigerator with a good quality one and get family life back to normal as fast as possible, with the minimum disruption to your lives.

Alternative ways of feeding the family

While all this is going on and you don’t actually have access to a working refrigerator, you will need to feed the family in a slightly different way.

This could include a range of strategies, although most folks are likely to go for the takeout or eating out options. Unfortunately, this can be a pretty expensive way to feed you brood, so make sure that you consider making some meals with canned ingredients and freezer food as well.

Also if you fresh cooks meals are something that you just can’t bear to give up, even for a short time, then why not swing by the store on the way home from work each day? Then you can pick up exactly what you need each night, and cook it up as soon as you get in until your refrigerator is repaired or you have a new one.


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How To Have A Stress Free Renovation

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Every few years or so, it’s a good idea to redecorate your home. It will keep it feeling fresh and modern, and it will make you enjoy being home more too. You could decide to simply paint the walls, or change the drapes, or you might want to go further and have an additional room built, or a new kitchen or bathroom installed. Whether you are going for a small change in décor or a big home renovation, it can get fairly stressful. Here are some tips on how to reduce that stress and enjoy your newly renovated home.

Planning Is Essential

If you are planning to do any of the renovation work yourself, you will need a plan to make sure that you get everything done right. There will be a certain order to do things in, and not knowing how to start, or what step to take next can really delay your project, and cause you to be stressed about it. Online tutorials can really help here, as you will be able to see exactly what you need, and how long the project should take. If you have hired professionals to carry out the renovation for you, then you will still need to have a plan, but this time it will have to match with theirs. You’ll need to know what time they intend to start work, and whether or not you are required to be at home, for example.

Stay Or Go?

If the project is large, then you might consider moving out of your home while it’s happening. Although this can be disruptive, it won’t be as disruptive as if you stayed, and will, therefore, leave you feeling less stressed. If you can stay with family, book into a hotel, or even rent a house in the local area for a short amount of time, you can continue with your day to day life, and let the builders and decorators work their magic on your home. When you move back in, it will be like new, and there will be no stress involved.

Store Your Stuff

Whether you are planning to move out or not, storing your belongings in storage units can be the ideal solution. It will mean that your furniture is safe and the renovators can move around your home with ease, doing their work without damaging or bumping into your belongings. It will mean that the job will be completed much more quickly, reducing your stress levels, and potentially also reducing the cost of the renovation too.

Get Advice

If you’re going to do the work yourself, then it’s best to get advice from those who have done it themselves. They will know what to avoid, and the problems that can arise. More than that, they’ll know how to combat those problems too. Going into a job like this with some idea of what could happen and a contingency plan in case it does will make things easier for you, and you’ll feel more confident (and less stressed) about the whole thing.

Work To A Budget

Spiraling costs can pile the pressure on and cause stress levels to rocket just as much as the dollars are. Make sure that you have a budget to work to before you begin. It needs to be a well thought out budget, not just something hastily written down after a quick trip to the hardware store. Look into all eventualities, and understand that you will need to have a contingency fund just in case something goes wrong. Sticking to your budget can be difficult, but going over it will be worse. If you are hiring professionals, ensure that they also know what the budget is, and have them sign a contract to confirm that you won’t pay more than that. It may not be a comfortable thing to do, but it’s far better than having to pay out hundreds or even thousands of dollars more because of unexpected costs.

Keep Safe

Accidents and even the threat of one are bound to raise stress levels, and, if they are bad enough, they could halt the entire renovation project. Ensuring that you have the right safety equipment and clothing before you begin is important. It could include a hard hat, steel toe capped boots, high visibility jackets, face masks, goggles, and gloves, although what work you are carrying out will determine exactly what you need. It may cost rather a lot, so you need to put it all into your budget and account for it. When you are working, the area around you needs to be clutter-free, and your valuables should be packed away (or placed into a storage unit) so that they are protected.

Get The Prep Work Right

It can be ever so tempting to skimp or even skip the prep work for your renovation. The excitement of getting the job done can be overwhelming. However, getting the prep work right means that the rest of the project will run smoothly. If you try to refresh your kitchen cabinets with a new coat of paint, but you don’t sand and prime them first, that new coat of paint won’t look new for long, if it even sticks in the first place. Proper preparation is the key to any successful renovation, and even if it feels boring or like a waste of time, without it, your project will either fail or at least not look as good as it could do. Prep work isn’t just about sanding and cleaning, though. It also means doing your research and making sure that you have the right tools for the job. Don’t try to manufacture something out of the bits you had at home when those ‘bits’ weren’t made for the job at hand. You could end up injuring yourself, those around you, or the job could look awful.


If you’re new to DIY renovation, then it’s ideal if you can practice first. Use scrap materials to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing before you go for the real thing. It can be costly, not to mention waste a lot of time, if you make a mistake.




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My Toilet Won’t Flush – What Now

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A toilet that won’t flush is a disturbing problem in any home. Finding a solution is a matter of urgency. For people who are often relied upon to figure out what the problem is before a decision to call a plumber can be reached, having the plumbing info necessary to deal with this nightmare is extremely crucial. In this article, we will cover the most common causes of flushing problems with your toilet as well as how you can fix them.

A Clogged Toilet

Often times when people use too much tissue paper, the result is a clogged toilet. The toilet paper clogs the pipe, making it impossible to flush the toilet. To solve this problem, you will need a toilet auger or a toilet plunger. Using the toiler auger, push the waste forward and into the outer drainage system or create suction using the plunger and dislodge the paper waste blocking any flushing action from succeeding. For people who might be experiencing regular clogs, consider switching to a thinner tissue paper, especially if your family members tend to use lots of it every time they use the toilet.

A Faulty Lift Chain

There are times when the lift chain has excessive slack. As a result, it is unable to lift the flapper. If the flapper is not raised, the toilet will not flush. This issue is quite easy to solve. You just adjust the chain’s length, shortening it enough to provide sufficient pull to lift the flapper off, making it possible for the water in the toilet tank to flow when you pull the handle.

Low Water Level in Tank

The level of water in the toilet tank should remain approximately an inch below the mark of the toilet tank’s overspill tube. When you find the tank low on water, the first place to check is the valve. Someone may have turned off the water valve accidentally. In this case, turning it back on will solve the problem. After turning it on, wait for the cistern to fill with water and flush again. Observe whether the problem persists.

The Rubber Flapper Is Warped or Bent

Remove the lid of the toilet tank and carefully examine the toilet’s rubber flapper. By design, the flapper should release water every time someone flushes the toilet. The rubber flapper is also supposed to close the intake hole after the tank fills with water. This mechanism is designed to prevent water leaking or overflowing from the cistern. In the event that the rubber flapper is too warped or bent, just buy another one. Flappers are quite cheap. You can buy them in practically any hardware store you walk into.

Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to watch your toilet issues helplessly waiting for the plumber to arrive. You should only call plumbing professionals when it becomes apparent that expert help is the only way out of the situation. And for the most part, you will have the necessary skills and tools to deal with these common challenges with your toilet yourself.

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