Archives for July 2017

Myths That Might Be Harming Your Child’s Health

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We all care about the health of our children and we often look to the wisdom of our elders or the most commonly spread tales when it comes to children’s health. However, often this isn’t the best place to look for sound medical advice. Here, we’re going to look at myths that get spread around often. They’re well intentioned, but they’re worth questioning.

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Feed a cold, starve a fever

It’s an old one, and it has a certain lyrical quality to it. However, the idea that you shouldn’t feed a child with a fever isn’t just misinformed, it’s harmful. Regardless of what illness they have, you should ensure your child eats healthily unless told otherwise by a doctor. If they’re having trouble eating solid foods due to symptoms, then you can always go for chicken noodle soups. But our bodies need nourishment to recover from illness. By starving a fever, you’re depriving the body of the nutrients and energy it uses to fight off illness.

Give them antibiotics

When your child is visibly in distress, it can easily make you worry and rush to the doctor to demand antibiotics. But the truth is that most illnesses in children are viral, not bacterial, meaning that antibiotics do nothing. In fact, they can have long-term harm. People who take antibiotics more regularly than they should make their own bodies more resistant to them in the long-term, decreasing their effectiveness. If you’re worried about the risk of illness, consider preventative measures like Viralex Kids Immune Chews to improve their immune system. Otherwise, listen to your doctor and let them tell you when it’s time to use antibiotics. Studies have found that many paediatricians will give antibiotics on request to give parents peace of mind, but that’s often not a wise move.

Don’t wipe, let their immune system grow stronger

Some contact to bacteria does help our immunes system adapt. That’s true. But the idea that you shouldn’t wipe down kitchen counters just because you want your child to be exposed to bacteria can be hugely harmful. We limit bacteria exposure because we know how dangerous infections are. Especially given some of the bacteria hotspots in the kitchen, and the particularly dangerous kinds that can be found in raw foods, you should soundly ignore the advice to expose your child willfully to bacteria.

They’re too young to exercise

A lot of people hear the dangers of children exercising too much, including long-term injuries. However, these cases are the extreme. If you’re worried about your child’s exercise, you can look at the Ministry of Health’s recommendations of how to get your child more active.

It’s fine to give children over-the-counter medicine

Because you can buy it over-the-counter, many assume that medicines are entirely safe. That’s not true and you should never take that cavalier attitude to medicine. None of them are risk-free and many of them carry a much higher risk to children. Aspirin, for instance, can result in Reye syndrome in people under 18. If your child is under 4, don’t give them OTC medicine without speaking to your doctor about it. Otherwise, make sure you read and completely understand dosage and effects in children older than 4.

When in doubt, ask your paediatrician and listen to what they have to say. Your instincts can lead you to worry when you should but they can also make you rely too much on emotions and not on fact.


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5 Ways to Support a Family Member With a Mental Health Problem

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There are few things more saddening than seeing somebody you love struggle with a mental health problem. It can suck the joy out of a family home, make the usual get-togethers more problematic, and set off internal alarm bells because you think that you, in some way, have contributed to the condition or at least could have prevented it. It’s now, however, that your family member needs you to be strong. With your guidance, they can focus on getting themselves back to their best.


Be Supportive

People are suffering from mental health problems usually don’t like to shout from the rooftops about it. They keep it bottled up, which makes a recovery all the more difficult. Only when they’re able to open up and accept that they need help that the recovery process can begin. As a loving family member, you’ll need to be on hand to offer support. Let them know that you’re there to listen should they need a sympathetic ear to talk to. Getting over a mental illness is difficult enough; make sure they know they’re in a safe space and can take as much time as they need.

Get Informed

Your kindness and understanding will go a long way to making your family member feel comfortable, but you’ll be able to help them more by being informed about the illness that they’re suffering from. Some conditions, like bipolar disorders, can feel alien, or even scary to people who don’t know the symptoms or why a person is acting that way. Get informed. Read through a website talking more about bipolar depression and you’ll be strengthening your ability to help. If you’re educating yourself, you might also discover something about mental illness than even the sufferer did not know, too.

Create the Systems

Each case of mental illness is different, but they do share some similarities. There are some things that can help anybody, whether they have a condition or not. If your family member still lives in the family home, then you’ll be helping in a small but effective way by creating routines, making sure they’re eating properly and looking after their hygiene, and that they have somewhere to go, so they’re not alone. If your family had a habit of everybody spending time in their rooms, you could change this so that instead people socialize in the living room in the evenings, for example.

Create Boundaries

It’s tempting to be overly kind when we’re helping a family member. However, it’s important that establish what is acceptable and what is not. If a family member is lashing out or being disrespectful to other people, you won’t be helping them if you don’t let them know that they can’t do that.

Look After Yourself

Our desire to help can be strong, but unfortunately, this can manifest itself in ways that can be more damaging. If we’re dropping everything to look after our family member, then other areas of our lives, such as other family members, our careers, and overall happiness will suffer. You need to be at your best if you’re going to help your son, daughter, brother, sister, or a parent through their difficult time.


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Fine Dining, Inspiring Desserts, And Healthy Recipes – What is FUN Food?

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Have you ever heard of cibophobia? It is the fear of food, and while it’s often associated with a mental disorder, it can also develop as a result of a weight loss journey. Indeed, it’s likely that if you are trying to lose weight – or if you have lost considerable weight – you will be paying close attention to food labels and body image. Food has become a nutrient for your body instead of pleasure. Therefore it is essential to avoid any food that could be fatty, calorie-rich, or prevent unnecessary risks. The main problem when you are on a diet is that you might be afraid that enjoying food could lead you to the heavy side of the scale again.  

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Is It Safe To Eat Out?

Going to a restaurant when you are on a diet can turn into a real nightmare, especially if you feel guilty about eating out. In reality, you need to keep an open mind and look out for the safest options in the menu. You’ll be surprised what is considered safe. As a rule of a thumb, fish and grilled poultry are high in protein and low in fat. Additionally, you can also find plenty of vegetarian options that are low in fat too. In other words, you can safely look for yummy restaurant deals online: Eating out does not mean eating badly. The important here is to pick carb-friendly options so that you can enjoy your evening without feeling guilty about your choice.

Should You Skip Dessert?

Dessert or no dessert that is the question, as Hamlet would say if he were on a diet. Here’s a clue for you: Dessert is not a bad thing per se. Too much of it and too often can ruin your waistline. But you can enjoy a cupcake once in a while, especially if it’s a special occasion, such as a birthday or a garden party. The problem with sugary desserts is that they are addictive. However, if you choose to limit yourself to only one slice or one biscuit, you can still enjoy the party like everybody else. After all, it’s no fun to skip dessert when everyone is having a cupcake.

Does Healthy Means Tasty Too?

Going on a diet means that you need to change your eating habits. That means less sugar, less fat and less processed food. But that doesn’t mean less taste. You can find plenty of healthy recipes that are simply delicious. However, if you’ve been addicted to junk food in the past, you need to educate your taste buds to new foods, such as more vegetables and nuts. Don’t give up if you find healthy food dull at first. Your taste buds will need a few weeks to clear up the layers left by additives and high sugar.

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Have Fun With Your Food

There’s no reason to fear comfort food if you know how to manage it. Food is never the enemy. It’s the way you think about it that can create weight gain patterns. You should allow yourself a treat once in a while especially if you want to avoid desperate craving moments when you feel like eating everything in the house. The 80/20 rule is a good basis to keep in mind. If you eat healthy food 80% of the time, you can lighten up your rules over the weekend, for example.

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Family Friendly: The World’s Best Places To Raise Your Children

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As soon as you become a parent, you worry about your children endlessly. There isn’t a moment of the day that you’re not wondering how they are, fretting about some potential danger or showing concern for their wellbeing. So it isn’t surprising that so many of us feel a little stuck when it comes to choosing a place to locate their family. You want what’s best for your little ones and this entails so many different things. Crime rates, proximity to traffic and main roads, local education institution’s ratings, extracurricular activities available in the local area. The list goes on and on. The community that you choose to live in while your children grow up can have all sorts of effects on their behaviour, attitude, safety and interests. It is also going to be a place that you stick around in for a long time, perhaps until they leave for college or get a home of their own. So it needs to be perfect. So whether you’re planning on starting a family or are thinking of relocating your current one, here are some of the best places in the world for them to grow up in.

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America is the land of opportunity. With so many different states, it can be difficult to decide which would be the most family-friendly. As you can guess, all states will have their pros and cons but some tend to continuously come up trumps when it comes to raising little ones. Here are a few of our favourites.

Rockville, MD

Maryland might not have been at the top of your list of potential family property hotspots, but it should be. Rockville has now featured three times in a row in the 100 best places to live list. Its main advantage for families with young children? It’s astounding public education system. MCPS is the largest school district in the state and all 25 of the MCPS high schools rank in the top 11% of high schools in America. Pretty impressive, right? Obviously, you want your kids to have a brilliant education, as this sets them up with the foundations from which they can build their careers which will determine their quality of living as adults themselves. With the district boasting an impressive 89% graduation pass rate, your little one should do fine. What’s more? All of these schools have optional language programs, meaning that your child could become bilingual or perhaps even trilingual if they show talent. As for the local area? It has all of the amenities that any growing family could want, amazing public transport services, renowned health care systems and over 1,000 acres of parkland for your children to play and exercise in. With this great reputation, however, comes great demand. A home in this area isn’t going to come cheap, with the average property costing much more than average and the average income of individuals living in the area more than double the national average.

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The UK may not be as large as the USA, but it has just as much diversity and opportunity. It could prove to be the perfect place to raise your family. The British NHS is a free health care service that is available to all of the nation’s citizens. This is hugely beneficial, as you never know when the worst might happen. Britain allows its nationals with brilliant service that won’t leave them saddled with a lifetime of debt. On top of this, there are plenty of job opportunities and some of the world’s best higher education systems.


Surprisingly, a poll has revealed that the best place to raise a family in the UK is Newcastle, located in the North of England. A survey conducted by analysed six categories to determine the best place for raising kids: the number of outstanding schools in the area, access to parks, job availability, burglary rates, house prices and average income. Newcastle topped the polls! The city is extremely affordable to live in, with the average property costing £160,000. Compared to the UK’s average of £230,000, this is extremely cheap. In comparison to the average London property, which will put you back about £483,000, it’s a steal!

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Malaysia lies in Southeast Asia and would give your family an entirely new way of looking at the world. A change of culture could do everyone good! It makes children wiser and allows them to see things from different perspectives. The national language is also Malaysian, which means that your children will likely become bilingual. This is an excellent life skill and children who can fluently speak more than one language tend to be more successful later down the line, as employers target those who can communicate internationally.

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia’s capital and is also the region’s largest city. It may be urban but this thriving home to over 1.3 million people will welcome you and your family with open arms. Not only do you have all of the benefits of the Western world, but you get to raise your children in one of the most multicultural locations possible. You won’t be short of work opportunities in this major city, so whatever specialism or interest you may have, there’s more than likely going to be something available. This will allow you to comfortably support your family, even with Kuala Lumpur’s relatively high living costs. Finding property in the area is relatively simple too. You are unlikely to need permission from the FIC (Foreign Investment Committee), so the process, if handled correctly, will be fast and painless. From bungalows, to semi-detached properties, terraced homes or detached houses, there will be something large enough to accommodate any size of family, which is impressive for such a large city.


If Kuala Lumpur isn’t ticking all of your boxes, try out Penang. It has numerous educational institutes that will see your child receive some of the best lessons available, from kindergarten right through to college. It also has plenty of job opportunities, being home to endless thriving small businesses, as well as major corporations. So regardless of the environment, you want to work in, Penang is likely to have something that is perfect for you and your partner. The region also has plenty of brilliant schools.

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The Key Home Upgrades To Consider For A Better Quality Of Life

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When it comes to our homes, we all want to be able to live in a place that is not only somewhere we love taste wise, but also that we feel comfortable. There can be many different factors that make up that feeling of comfort. Whether it’s a safe environment and local area, the right levels of heating and warmth, or even just somewhere that you feel like you can be yourself, it’s important that your home can add to your quality of life, rather than take away from it. But, it’s not always easy to know how to achieve that.

Whether you’ve just moved into a new place, or you’re looking to take on some DIY to get your current place up to scratch, you should aim to focus on comfort and quality during the entire process. To get from one end of the scale to another is often a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. If you really want to ensure that your home enhances your quality of life, there are a range of key home upgrades that can make it happen. So, take a look as some of these suggestions and see if any of them will work to boost your comfort levels at home.

Extend Your Property

When you lack room in your home, it can affect both your comfort levels and your overall quality of life. So, one of the first home upgrades to consider would be

to get additional space by extending your property. You should definitely consider the cost of this, but if you have the budget available, it could definitely make a lot of improvements to your home life.

Rearrange Your Rooms

If you have plenty of space and you’re still not comfortable, you may want to think about rearranging your rooms around. It may be the case that you’re not using each space to its potential. But, by creating better functions for each room, you could be able to get a lot more use out of them all and enjoy better comfort levels.

Redo The Decor

Sometimes, it’s just the design that is all wrong. You could have enough space and utilize it well, but if the decor is not right if can really affect your standard of living. So, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re working with the right colors, themes, and even styles. If you want your home to look and feel perfect for you, you’re going to have to nail the decor.


Upgrade Your Lighting

It may seem strange at first, but when you realize the difference that light can make to a space, it becomes more logical. Because when the lighting in your home sucks, it can seriously affect the way that you feel when you’re there. Just think about it. The brighter or lighter a space is, the better it feels. Dark rooms can often be depressing. So, if you can’t do anything about the natural light, work on upgrading the lighting you have around the home to make a difference.

Upgrade Your Water System

Closely related to light is heat. And we all know that the temperature of your home is crucial. If you want to ensure that your home is warm enough all year round, it could be worth looking into upgrading your system. Be sure to consider the best tankless water heaters for the job too. Then, you will have heating and hot water available right away, and these systems can often be more energy efficient too.

Remodel Your Kitchen

If there’s one space in your home that can often make or break how you feel about it, it’s the kitchen. Being the heart of the home and somewhere that you spend a lot of time, it’s important that you’re in love with the overall look and feel. So, why not remodel? But, be sure to understand what it is that you’re getting into before you start.

Change Your Suite

From kitchens to bathrooms – they all matter. Maybe the reason that you’re not feeling comfortable at home is that your bathroom is all wrong. It might sound silly, but having a space to bathe in, clean yourself, and even pamper in can be really good for you. So, why not take your master bath and change the suite so something that you’re going to like a whole lot more? It simple switch could really lift your spirits.


Go For Better Storage Solutions

Sometimes, it’s not down to the look of your home, but they way you treat it. It’s well-known that a cluttered home can cause chaos. Not only is it dangerous, but it will mess with your mind too. So, to help you declutter, you’re going to want to opt for better storage solutions. This could be as simple as heading to Walmart and buying new storage, or building options into your home. Either way, go with the decision that’s going to benefit your quality of life.

Convert An Unused Space

While on the subject of space, let’s think about how you use it. One of the main reasons for why you don’t feel comfortable could be because you feel cramped or crowded (hello clutter!). So, why not think about converting an unused space into your home and using it for a proper purpose? Whether you want to turn your attic into storage, use your basement as an additional living space, or transform your garage into a tranquil haven, you may find that your comfort levels change when the space does.

Check Over Your Air Conditioning Unit

When you live in a hotter climate, you’re going to want to make sure that your air conditioning system is on point. Like your heating system, this can make or break the way you feel about your home. Dealing with your air conditioning unit is one of the most important forms of home maintenance to keep on top of. So be sure to check it over, change the filters, and know when it’s time for an upgrade.


Get A Techie Home Hub

Sometimes, all you really want from your home is for it to be itself, but better. That’s where a smart home hub will come in. These beauties can hook up everything from your heating system to your garage door so that you can control everything from one place – often a smartphone or tablet. So, if you want to make some of the most boring home jobs easier, like turning on the oven or shutting the blinds, get smart about it.

Invest In Your Priorities

It’s also important to remember that your personal comfort levels are only going to be influenced by the things that matter to you. So you’re going to want to make sure that the home upgrades you invest in are in-line with your priorities. If you like food or entertaining, you’re going to want to invest in a good dining space – both inside and out. Or maybe movies are your thing? Then a sweet home cinema could be the home upgrade you need.

Get To Work In The Garden

Then you’ve also got to remember to think about the outside too. Because sometimes, it’s your outside spaces that matter the most. There are so many ways that you can beautify your garden on a budget, so start to get some ideas together. You might find that a gorgeous garden is all it takes to boost your quality of life.


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Attic Conversion Ideas: What Will You Do With The Extra Space?

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Lots of families choose to convert their attics every single year. It’s a wonderful method for adding more space to your home and increasing the value. However, you need to make a decision regarding what you plan to do with the new room. Some suggestions on this page should inspire you. Still, you don’t have to select any of the ideas mentioned here today. The purpose of this post is just to point you in the right direction. You should always consult your family and work out the best option together. Also, just bear in mind that you’re probably going to need at least $15,000 to complete the job to legal standards.

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A home office

If any member of your family works from home, you might consider turning the attic into a functional office. There are many benefits to selecting that idea. Firstly, the person working in the room is not going to get disturbed by other individuals in the house. They can complete their tasks in privacy with virtual silence if they insulate the attic properly. Of course, you will have to pay electricians to run power into the new space. However, you’ll have to do that, regardless of your plans. You will also have to apply for planning permission in most instances whatever you decide to do.

A playroom for the kids

Maybe your children’s bedrooms are quite small, and you want them to have more space. Well, you might like the idea of turning your attic into a playroom for them. They can keep all their favorite toys and games up there. You could even install a large screen TV if your kids enjoy using their Sony PlayStation or XBox. Add some comfy sofas, and your little ones will have somewhere cool to invite their friends over for the weekend. You could even hang some disco lights from the ceiling if you want to use the space for birthday parties, etc. The possibilities are endless.

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A cinema or recording studio

If you’re quite an ambitious person, you might like the idea of turning your attic into a theater or recording studio. Individuals who do that will have to make sure their roof is 100% secure and leak-free. According to experts like Elevated Roofing, any damage to the tiles could result in significant issues in the future. The last thing you need is for all that expensive electrical equipment to break due to rainwater. You’ll also have to think about using superior insulation and soundproofing techniques if one of these ideas seems suitable. You’ll probably make a lot of noise up there, and you don’t want to disturb your neighbors.

Whatever you decide to do, the ideas in this article should have given you some inspiration. You can accomplish almost anything if you have the right levels of motivation and funding. So, now is the time to make a decision and create a plan. You should call professionals in advance to obtain some quotes so you can work out how much the job will cost. It’s also sensible to contact real estate agents and find out how much value the conversion could add to your property.

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Important Tips on How to Take Care of a Large Breed Dog

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Owning a dog is one thing but owning a big dog is an entirely different challenge. Not all canines are created equally and the largest dogs require a level of care that many owners find surprising and even a little intimidating.

Big Dogs Need Large Spaces

This tip seems like a no-brainer, but many owners underestimate the space required to raise a large breed dog. You don’t need a ten-acre farm, but a ten by ten patio is not going to cut it.  Big dogs need room to roam, or at least be able to run for short distances. Most are not the most graceful of athletes, especially when young, so make sure they have plenty of runway to get up to speed.

Many owners successfully raise large dogs in smaller spaces by taking advantage of public areas such as parks to make sure their pet gets the exercise it needs. Dog parks are the best option as they provide an off-leash environment and plenty of opportunity for socialization.

Size matters when raising a large dog. Everything for your dog should be appropriately sized. Otherwise, you won’t necessarily get the intended results. This includes dog beds, toys, leashes, and other accessories. It is especially important to properly size training aids such as dog muzzles to ensure your pet can learn new behaviors safely.

Large Dogs Respond Well to Positive Reinforcement Training

One mistake many owners make with large breeds is assuming their training must be more physical due to the size of the animal. This is not true. Large breeds tend to be very sensitive and may develop resentment when the trainer is too firm. A gentle touch and positive reinforcement will reap far greater rewards.

The most important component to training large breeds is early familiarity. When your dog is still a puppy, spend time just playfully wrestling and touching your pet’s paws, belly, and face. Acclimating your dog to being touched in these areas will make veterinarian and grooming visits much more pleasant for years to come.

Walking a large breed dog who pulls hard on the leash is not fun. Start your leash training early and be consistent in your expectations. Most dogs can be taught to heel by eighteen months if worked with on a weekly basis. Incorporate other basic skills into your regimen such as sitting and staying on command.  The result will be a much more pleasant and controlled experience when your dog is in public or confronting visitors to your home.

Health Concerns Specific to Large Breeds

Although they appear robust and powerful, many large breeds produce fragile animals with significant health problems. Most issues can be addressed through proper diet and exercise, but some contribute to the lack of longevity which plagues many of the largest types of dogs.

Bloat can occur in any breed, but it is more common with larger dogs. Bloat is an internal build-up of gas resulting in a distended stomach and abdomen.  Bloat is serious. It has been known to be fatal and strikes rapidly.

Bloat is caused by:

  • Overeating
  • Eating too fast and swallowing air
  • Strenuous exercise soon after eating

Most dogs that suffer from bloat are deep chested, more than seven years old, and have a history of bloat in their family. Bloat triggers also include anxiety and poor coping skills, poor diet, and reactions to certain medications.

Joint health is a major concern with large dogs.  Most big breeds are susceptible to issues with their joints including hip dysplasia. To prevent such problems from occurring, care must be taken with large breed dogs from the time they are puppies to prevent injury. Do not exercise your larger dog on hard surfaces until fully mature and do not encourage leaping from heights such as tables or pickup beds.

Big dogs also suffer from more instances of heart disease than smaller breeds. It is thought that almost 10% of all large dogs die from heart failure, particularly Canine Congestive Heart Failure. This is why it is of particular importance that large breeds remain at a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

What to Feed a Large Dog

A large breed dog is different than an obese dog. If you allow your large breed dog to become overweight, you are taking years off your pet’s life. Large breed dogs are susceptible to joint disease and heart problems.  Neither of these things is helped by obesity.

When a large breed dog is young, it will require a lot of calories. Large dogs grow quickly and eat massive amounts of food. But, soon enough this intake slows as the dog stops growing and becomes less active. Monitoring this change in metabolism is critical to maintaining the health of your dog.  Often owners fail to notice when their pet slows down and do not adjust their portions accordingly.

Once your dog is mature, the number of calories consumed will depend heavily on activity level. But, the quality of the food should not change. Dogs do best with food composed of natural protein sources with little filler. Once a dog begins to age, many quality dog foods carry a line designed specifically for older dogs which include supplements to promote continued joint health.

Exercise and Activity Will Keep Your Large Dog Healthy

Many large breed dogs do not receive enough exercise; as a result the quality and length of their life suffers. Large dogs need daily exercise to thrive.

As puppies, large dogs have a tremendous amount of energy. They will require several short walks every day. As your dog grows older, these needs will change. Walking once each day will suffice for exercise.  Elderly large dogs still benefit from daily exercise, despite their low activity levels. Even a short walk at a slow pace is better than no exercise.

Large dogs are amazing to own. They are capable of fierce loyalty and can be incredible companions.  But as with all breeds, large dogs have special needs due to their size and breeding history. Knowing what to expect and what to will arm you with the information you need to raise a healthy large dog you can enjoy for years to come.

Author Bio:

Anna Smith resides in beautiful Santa Monica, CA, where she works as a Pet Nutrition Expert in a leading retail pet store. She is responsible for nutritional strategies for different breeds and development of new products on the market in compliance with Association of American Feed Control Officials. Anna’s passions are education about proven methods and best practices in the industry and her dog Max, who is always well-fed. She also helps curate contents for


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Shake It Off: Dealing With Negative And Hurtful People As An Adult

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When we’re children, we tend to think of grown-ups as being wise, clever and kind. Surely they all adhere to the same standards, live in similar houses and think the same way? As you get older, you tend to look at adults as children who grew up, and aren’t simply adults who are static in time. People grow and learn, and sometimes this means that they don’t turn out for the better. Sometimes, people have bad weeks or periods of sustained depression that have adverse effects on how they behave around people.

As an adult, the ‘bully’ phenomena doesn’t really go away. It’s likely you’ve seen some workplace bullying on your university course, in your place of work, or another environment. It could even occur in the school playground between parents while the schoolchildren are being taught the problems with bullying in class. People aren’t guaranteed to behave better with age. Your child might ask you: “How do you handle bullies, teasers and meanies?” You might feel at a loss for words when you realize that you don’t know how to deal with them yourself in your daily life. What does improve though, is how you might learn to deal with it.

This article will help you navigate the tough waters of being an adult, and coming into contact with the unscrupulous sort that we all encounter once in awhile.

Assess Your Friendship Group

The best part of being an adult is that you can cut fake friendships at the root, and this includes pretty much everyone who isn’t dedicated to supporting you, and you them when needs be. Of course, don’t cut out your friendship groups if they are critical of you in your best interests. A good friend isn’t afraid to call you out when you’re acting negatively or making a silly decision, but as a friend, they should make sure that they continue this discussion instead of just blanket blaming you.

Having a tight-knit group of friends allows you to weed out the negative people from your life, and become happier in your support network. As you get older, friends become much less about quantity and much more about quality – this extends to all aspects of the exchange. Having one, two or three friends solely isn’t something to be ashamed of, as long as you’re working to your best to sustain the relationship. If you genuinely enjoy hanging around each other, this should happen naturally. The best friendships are never forced.

Be Supportive

Support and be supported by the genuine links you have around you. Finding ‘your tribe’ and becoming close-knit with them will introduce you to more like-minded people and as a result increase your circle of friendship to the point where people you don’t gel with can be duly ignored.

Respect Yourself

If you encounter a negative or toxic person at work or anywhere else that forces you to experience repeat contact with them, respecting yourself enough to ignore their baiting is enough to help you show them that some boundaries cannot be crossed. Immediately acting in your best interests, and not the interests that will ‘appease’ the bully, will make the bully know that you are not to be trifled with. Bullies enjoy picking on the weak, and so if they know you aren’t weak, they’re unlikely to come for you.

Self-respect can be developed in some ways and requires constant work. Exercise, meditation, being competent in your responsibilities and keeping a strong, balanced perspective on life can make you feel much less inclined to feel weak around a potential bully who’s sole purpose is to look for weakness. If you’re a parent, remember, you’ve already done the hardest job a human being can do. What can this silly person at work do to you?

Hold yourself to the highest standard, and you’re sure to navigate the situation well.

Do What Makes You Happy

If you’re focused on the things in your life that you actually take enjoyment from, you’re much less likely to be worried about the people who come into your life to try and cause chaos. Usually, people who are unfulfilled are the prime targets for these people, because they know that they are easily manipulated. As a person who is steadfast in enjoying what they themselves want to experience, you’re much less likely to invite these people in your life, because they bring no value to it.


Ignoring is largely your best tactic. These people are looking for problems to feed off of, hurt feelings to extract and widen of their own accord. Remember, some people are actually wired this way. Sociopaths and psychopaths are both dysfunctional personality types that do exist, and depending on your chosen career, you might be more exposed to them than other people.

For example, the high flying stock markets and high executive positions in large corporations are usually playgrounds for psychopaths, because the rules of running a corporation demands a certain ruthlessness and singular vision. This doesn’t mean you should change careers to best avoid these people, but you should just be aware of the type of people you can come across and that you might have to deal with them more regularly than most people. Ignoring them is a good starting point.

Focus On Your Own Love

If you have sources of genuine love in your life, either from family members, a spouse, a boyfriend/girlfriend or any other form of love that’s not so easily defined, you’re much more likely to be defensive of your side of the exchange. This is because you are already getting all you need from other people.

Be Comfortable In Your Skin

Everyone has flaws, and everyone has insecurities. It is a normal part of being a human. However, having these insecurities turned against you is one of the major and preferred tactics of any bully. However, why should you let someone else define you? If they cross that line, let them know in no uncertain terms about it, and also let it go immediately.

Worrying about what someone who isn’t worth your time thinks of you is a fast way to accept what they say is true. Also, don’t waste your time in hate. If you do, they have won the entire exchange, because you are carrying that person with you, both mentally and emotionally. They will have already nested inside your psyche, and that’s the opposite of what they should be. Remember, if you don’t respect them, there is zero reason to think of them.

Accept The Flaws Of Other People

Noone is perfect. You have just been unfortunate to come into contact with someone who might have more flaws than those you have encountered in the past. But at the same time, try and look at it with a sort of ‘whole perspective.’ If there were no ‘nasty’ people in the world, you wouldn’t know you were nice. So in essence, you are intrinsically reliant on the bad people to understand your place in the world, and to define what you mean by ‘being a good person.’ Without this full spectrum of individuals, the world would be a less complete place.

Accept You Have Your Own Flaws

However, there’s no need for you to get all high and mighty about noticing the flaws in other people. Remember, you most likely have plenty to contend with yourself. No human being is perfect, and worrying about the flaws in another person can blind you to the flaws in yourself. In fact, it’s likely that in some point of your life, you have been hurtful to another person, and given them reason to doubt themselves, either indirectly or directly.

This is just part of being a human. Living a good life doesn’t come with its own instruction manual, and as a young child, teenager and adult the process of becoming a person means that you’re undoubtedly going to make mistakes at some point or another.

Stick Up For Yourself

The most important part of this list is condensed into this last heading. Stick up for yourself. Bullies are usually weak people. Strong people don’t bully. Bullies desire the path of least resistance. Remember, they are bullying to feel strong within themselves. If you let them know just how pathetic that attempt is through your action, they are much less likely to try their idiocy with you again. You’ll hear many tidbits of advice from all corners of the internet telling you to ‘turn the other cheek’ and to ‘forget about the whole thing,’ but if it’s a real, sustained bullying attempt taken on by a bully, then you have no other option but to approach the situation directly.

There’s no shame in sticking up for yourself. You just need to be wise about it. Fighting is NEVER encouraged, but a stern word is always effective. If you are in a situation in which you worry for your safety, immediately call the police, or let the relevant authorities at your workplace know about it.

Get as many people aware of the situation as you can, and don’t bury your head in the sand.

Remember, you never, never, never deserve to experience bullying, no matter how low your self-esteem might be that week. Always, always, always take action.

Teach all of these considerations to your children, and you will both be all the stronger for it.


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Why Your Windows Could Be Ruining Your Home Decor

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If you’ve looked at your home decor recently and wondered why it just isn’t looking the way it should, there are a number of issues that could be at play. However, most don’t consider that their windows could very well be the culprit that is ruining the look of their home. Here’s why!

Your Dressings Leave A Lot To Be Desired
Whether you use blinds or drapes is unimportant. If your dressings leave a lot to be desired, you can bet that your windows won’t do anything for your home decor. The right window dressings can brighten up a space and add personality. Make the most of them!

You Aren’t Taking Proper Care Of Them
Are you really looking after your windows? If you’re not cleaning them regularly and checking them over for issues, you could be in big trouble. Neglected windows can let water into your home and even allow mold to grow. This puts your family at risk!

They’re Not Letting Enough Light In
Natural light will make the home feel like a fresh, spacious place. It can also have many health benefits and make you feel more positive when at home as a result. This is why people can feel gloomier in winter – as they aren’t getting enough natural light! Take a look at your windows and figure out whether they’re letting enough light in. Some windows are more frame than glass. If you want more natural light, it may be time to invest in a new window. The infographic below can help you!

look at these Window Options

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Coping With an Elderly Loved One’s Declining Health

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Although it’s a subject that few people enjoy talking about, it’s never a bad idea to be prepared for when you’re finally placed in this difficult situation. Let’s face it, people get old every day and our health continues to decline. Eventually, you’re going to be tasked with the job of taking care of loved ones as they grow old and lose the ability to be independent. It’s a journey that takes a great amount of care and attention, filled with difficult times and depressing moments that no one wants to experience. Unfortunately, it’s part of our duty to take care of those that looked after us when we were young, but here are a few ways to help you cope with the difficult situation you’ve been put in.

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Take it one step at a time

As soon as you receive the news that an elderly loved one is suffering a debilitating condition, life can suddenly seize up and start moving in slow motion. There are a lot of things to consider and keep in mind and, as a result, you might find yourself overwhelmed with responsibilities. The most important thing to keep in mind is that declining health doesn’t happen all at once. There are probably signs that have lead to this revelation, and you need to detect these signs as early as possible so that you can start preparing for the inevitable. Don’t rush it and don’t do too many things at a time. Start small by helping your elderly loved ones perform basic tasks, and make sure you don’t completely strip them of their independence or else the shock could cause depression and other issues.

Seeking advice and help

Taking care of an elderly loved one shouldn’t be a burden on a single person. This article titled “Assisted Living Near Me – Pricing, Reviews, and More” is perfect for anyone looking for some assistance in taking care of their family members. You should always look for a carer if possible, or perhaps ask relatives and friends to help you. You can’t let the declining health of a family member affect your career or your lifestyle, and to prevent that you need to have reliable people in your corner ready to help. You need to support them both physically and also mentally. Emotional support is always welcome for those with declining health, and simply being in constant contact with people can do wonders for their state of mind, be it in person, over the phone or even through the internet.

Adjusting the home for their needs

If the loved one in question still has some independence, then you might be able to assist by installing handrails or stairlifts in the home to help them remain independent. Not only does this free up your own time, but it also gives them the confidence to continue living life how they see it. These can be costly, but it’s a small price to pay to give someone the motivation to continue being themselves. Offering someone their independence back is a wonderful gift, and if all it takes is a couple of handrails or devices in the home, then it’s worth every penny.

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Awareness goes a long way

Caring for someone with declining health comes with a lot of responsibility. For instance, you’ll need to learn about their condition and how to deal with any possible complications. You’ll need to remind them of their medication, you’ll have to take them to hospital occasionally and you might even get a call during work telling you that they’ve been rushed to a hospital. It’s a painful and stressful time, but as long as you’re aware of the possibilities that can happen and accept them, then you’ll feel far less stressed. Accept that your elderly loved ones will need assistance, accept you’ll have to spend many hours researching so that you understand their condition, and be ready to leave your friends or workplace in an instant to rush over and look after them.

Some final words

Taking care of an elderly loved one is difficult, especially if their health is rapidly declining. However, it’s important not to overburden yourself with responsibilities and learn to ask for help, be it from a professional carer or just a couple of friends. Make changes so they can remain independent, but make sure you’re not building your life around their complications. No one wants to feel like they’re holding back others with their problems, so don’t neglect to take care of your own health as well.

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