Archives for January 2015

Sick Day Survival For Mom And The Kids

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Kids are usually full of smiles and energy. They love nothing better than running around and causing mischief! Maybe this is why when they are sick, it is easily noticeable for us as parents to pick up on. There might be subtle changes in a child who is coming down with something. Usually, a loss of appetite and less energy are the first tell-tell signs that your child might be feeling under the weather. It is usually around this time of year, just after the Christmas period that our immune systems start to suffer.

After a quick trip to the doctors to get your poorly child checked out, you’ll probably want to keep them home from school for a day or two until they recover. As long as it’s nothing too serious, your kids will probably be quite happy curling up on a cozy sofa with a blanket. But boredom tends to set in pretty quickly and having your kids at home can be full of ups and downs. Check out some tips below to help things run smoothly.

Keeping warm and getting rest

Finding the perfect balance between keeping your child warm and cozy, without them overheating can be difficult. You should regularly check their temperature and ensure that they have plenty of layers.  Clothing or blankets can be removed as their temperature fluctuates. Curling up on the sofa with some comfy cushions and their favorite toy can sometimes be the best possible option for any unwell child.

Plenty of fluids

Keep your child hydrated when they are feeling under the weather. Kids can easily forget to drink enough, so it is up to us as responsible parents to keep them hydrated. Water is the best possible option but if your child refuses to drink water, you could try them on healthy juices. Gentle reminders here and there will help your child to drink enough without feeling pressured.


Small and light meals

When you child is ill, their appetite usually suffers as a result. Try dry crackers or dry toast. Or toast with a very small amount of spread. Soup is a real lifesaver on sick days. You can make your own soup, and you’ll know exactly what has gone into it. This is a good time to ask your child what they really feel like eating.  As long as it is something sensible (as opposed to a McDonalds or something unhealthy!) try to work with them and serve what they feel like eating.

Easy entertainment

When your child is under the weather, you can go a little bit easier on the parental controls. A little extra TV time or time on their favorite game isn’t going to hurt on this occasion. Find a Pet Rescue Saga walkthru or one for a game of their choice and allow your child to spend a little time getting engrossed in a game. This will help take their mind off of things. A good supply of DVD’s and their favorite TV shows is also a great idea. Sometimes your child may just want to nap throughout the day and having something comforting on in the background will encourage them just to be still and rest. This is how they will build their energy back up.

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When To Share Your Grief Or Anger

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Sometimes life is swimming along with everything going nicely as it should. Then it throws us a curveball, and suddenly we are in turmoil, not knowing which way to turn. It can be something physically traumatic, or emotionally destabilizing that throws us off track. How each person deals with it is unique to them. We are all different and cannot be expected to react in the same way to the same things.

If something has happened to you to cause upheaval, sometimes you need space and time to sit back and take stock. Often we don’t have time to stop and realize how much we have been affected by what has happened. There are many reasons this occurs. You may be distracted and busy dealing with other details of life. You may be deliberately avoiding the issues because they are upsetting you so deeply. It is possible you cannot accept the reality or seriousness of what has occurred yet, and it will just take some time for it to sink in.

Grief and bereavement often cause the latter. Someone can be taken out of our lives so quickly and suddenly that the mind has a tough time believing it can be true. If you or a loved one feels your reaction to a death is not quite right, see your doctor about seeking some counselling. You can talk through events to help them sink in. It will give you a chance to deal with your grief in the best way for you.

5492925793_c608a19679_zThis picture is sourced from Flickr

Our reactions to events can cause psychological problems that last a lifetime. A simple bang or loud noise can instill fear in us that affects how we cope with similar sounds. Have a look online for a CBT therapist in Denver or your closest city. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy allows you time to talk about problem but tries to help you change your behavior, reactions and attitudes toward it.

Phobias and anxiety are very easy to create and very difficult to get rid of again. Sometimes, the best you can hope for is to learn coping mechanisms for the problems. Some therapists believe that a single event cannot cause damage to your emotional or psychological well-being. Instead, they suggest that three or more things were mounting pressure prior to the event. The event was the trigger for your reaction but not the sole cause. Whether or not your parents were involved remains to be seen after some counselling or therapy sessions.

Even if you are just feeling blue for a while, it may be worth chatting to someone. This can help you make up your own mind whether you need professional intervention like medication or therapy. A good support network of friends and family are essential to good mental health so try to keep loved ones around you. If you do find pressures mounting and you are stressed, try to take a break before something else goes wrong to overload you. Prevention is much easier and far better, than cure.

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Gorton's Blogger GiveawayDisclosure- I received coupons for free products to facilitate my review but all opinions are 100% my own.
gorton's tilapia
This year I have decided that enough is enough.  I need to lose weight and get healthy.  That is one of the reasons I was so excited when I heard about Gorton’s Grilled and Gorton’s Simply Bake lines of seafood.  They are perfectly portion controlled which is great for me because I am just learning again what a good portion size should be.  Plus they are low in calories and fat.  The baked varieties are around 120 calories per serving while the grilled ones are only 80 calories!gorton's simply bakeI tried both the salmon and tilapia Simply Bakes and both were equally delicious.  I love that I can grab one out of the freeze and in about 30 minutes have a healthy dinner without having to mess around in the kitchen.  The fish cooks right in it’s own pouch to seal in the juices and there is enough sauce inside to drizzle over whatever you’re having with it.  I love using the extra sauce in the pouch to flavor my rice and veggies.  I was most impressed that the fish came out moist and delicious and not dried out like other frozen fish I have tried.  Of course some nights I get more creative and put the salmon on my salad or make other creations with the fish.  I really want to try to make a fish tacos this week with the grilled tilapia.  Just look at these yummy ideas from Gorton’s.  Just start with their prepackaged fish and let your imagination run free:
GrilledSalmonBurger_GORTONS GrilledSalmonFrittata_GORTONS GrilledSalmonNachos_GORTONS GrilledSalmonWrapTzatziki_GORTONS GF_GrilledTacos_GORTONS GrilledTilapiaBroccoliPenne_GORTONS

Want to try Gorton’s for yourself?

Grab your Gorton’s coupon here!


Gorton’s has teamed up with for the 30-Day Realistic Resolution challenge.  Sign up for FREE to receive daily tips and easy ways to stick to your resolutions.  I signed up for the SparkPeople community and it is such a wealth of information, helpful tips, encouragement, and so much more including meal plans to make losing weight and making healthy lifestyle changes even easier.

Sign up for the 30-Day Realistic Resolution Challenge on or using the SparkPeople app (available on iTunes Store or Google Play).

Make sure to enter the Gorton’s Eat Smarter Sweepstakes
Like/Follow Gorton’s on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram and hashtag #RealisticResolution!

Want to win your own Gorton’s and SparkPeople gift pack?

One (1) lucky winner will win 2 full-value product coupons, an insulated tote, the SparkPeople cookbook, the Spark book and the SparkPeople Boot Camp DVD!!!

Here’s what you need to do to ENTER –

First of all – you must follow my blog – The giveaways I host are for my wonderful readers. To be considered a Cori’s Cozy Corner reader, you must receive my once daily email.  This is not considered an entry, but rather a requirement in order to enter any of my giveaways.  🙂 I do verify that you subscribe to my e-mail at the time of the winner drawing.   You can sign up for my once daily email easily by entering your e-mail address right here:

Once you are a Cori’s Cozy Corner reader via email you can continue on to the Entry Form Below. Good luck!

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My Favorite Ways to De-stress

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Life with kids is stressful, we all know this. Heck, life without kids is stressful. Life is just stressful in general! We can’t let stress just get the better of us, and that’s why I thought I’d share my favorite ways to de-stress with you. You might find them helpful when you’re having a bad day!

Taking a Long, Hot Bath

I love taking a long hot bath at the end of a stressful day. I make sure I fill it with my favorite bubble bath, salts, and sometimes even a colorful bath bomb to top it all off. This makes the bath look extremely pretty! If I really want to relax, I’ll light some tealights and play a little relaxation music. It’s all I can do not to fall asleep!

Reading a Fiction Book

Reading is a great way to take your mind off things, especially fiction books. With an amazing fiction book, I can pick it up and instantly be transported to another world! Getting lost in a good book, on a comfy chair, fire on and a hot drink is definitely one of the best ways to de-stress.

Listening to Meditation Music

I don’t meditate, per se, but I find that the relaxing meditation music can be a huge help. When things begin to feel like they’re getting on top of me, I play some music and take some deep breaths. I also make sure I remind myself just how much worse things could be.

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Let’s say I’ve had the week from hell, and I don’t think any long bath or book could snap me out of it. I usually go for a stress relief acupuncture session! It’s not self harm, I promise. I thought that too before I looked for more information. You can barely feel the needles, but they help to release all of that pent up stress.

Seeing my Friends and Family

As long as it’s not my friends and family who have made me stressed, I love going to see them for a gossip and a hot drink. Sometimes even a cake if one of us has been cooking! Spending just an hour with them catching up is all I need to turn my mood around.

Going for a Walk

Any form of exercise is fabulous for stress relief, but my favorite is walking. I make sure I power walk so I’m having a great workout, but I make sure to breathe in the fresh air and appreciate the scenery too. You could exercise in the gym, but I much prefer the great outdoors for an even bigger burst of endorphins. If I’m particularly stressed one day, I might do a boxercise class too. There’s nothing like punching something to help yourself relax!

There you have it; when I’m stressed I just pick something from the list above to make myself feel better. I bet they’ll help you in a big way too. Do you have any suggestions to add? Leave a comment; I’d love to hear them!


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Bladder Leakage is No Laughing Matter #Underwareness #DropYourPants

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Disclosure- Thanks to Depend for sponsoring today’s discussion!
bladder leakage

Did you know that there are 65 MILLION people that suffer from bladder leakage?

Growing up I never understood why my mother had to go to the bathroom so often, especially if she had been laughing or sneezing.  Then I had children of my own.  Pee a little when laughing too much?  Check!  Pee a little when sneezing?  Check!  While I only suffer from light bladder leakage myself, I had no idea just how many others out there also have some bladder leakage!  Look at these shocking facts:

More people with bladder leakage are in their 20’s than their 80’s! 
The average age of someone with bladder leakage is only 52! 
More people with bladder leakage are 50 or younger than 60 or older! 

bladder leakage3Truth be told, when I used to hear the word Depend, I used to think of big, bulky adult diapers for people in their 80’s and 90’s.  That was before I found out just how many men and women my age have bladder leakage and need to wear absorbent underwear .  I also didn’t realize that Depend provides a variety of discreet products that help people regain their freedom and get their lives back.  Totally not what I had imagined but that is probably why Depend started this campaign in the first place.  What an eye opener!

Depend Real Fit for Men and Silhouette for Women briefs: Look, fit and feel like real underwear and feature a cloth-like fabric for a sleek, ultra-smooth fit.

Depend Underwear with Fit-Flex protection: Features more Lycra stands for a smooth and comfortable close-to-the-body fit.

free depend sample GRAB A FREE SAMPLE

Want to try Depend for you or a loved one?  You can claim your free samples today by visiting the Depend landing page and clicking on the “Get a Sample” button located at the top right-hand side of the screen. Then, select which sample you would like to receive and wait for them to arrive.

Help Raise Underwareness and Money

Right now Depend has a social campaign called Drop Your Pants for Underwareness. Depend will be donate $1, up to $3 million, over the next three years to charities that advance the research, education and awareness of bladder leakage for:

-Every pant drop, photo and video shared Using #Underwareness and #DropYourPants
-Every personal video made about what Underwareness means to you that is uploaded to YouTube and tagged #Underwareness and #DropYourPants


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How I Make Shopping So Much Easier

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I used to find shopping a real chore. It used to take much longer, and by the end of the trip I’d be pulling my hair out. Not anymore! One day I decided I’d had enough, did my research, and changed the way I do my shopping for the better. Take a look at my tips and see if they can help you!

I Make a List Before I Go

I always make a list before I go shopping. You can’t expect to remember every single thing you need. If you don’t make a list, you’ll usually go home having forgotten an important ingredient. Going without a list also used to encourage me to buy lots of things I didn’t even need; some of which would be wasted by the end of the week. I make sure I know what I’m running out of during the week and add it to the list as I go.

I Never Go Shopping Hungry

I always make sure I have a snack before I go shopping. I’ve gone hungry before, and science is right; I wanted to buy every tasty looking morsel that I saw! I overspent, and I ended up having to give some food to my friend because we just had too much of it. I always keep an apple in my bag in case a hunger pang comes on while I’m in the store.

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I Give Myself a Budget and Stick to It

I now have a shopping budget that I stick to each week. I don’t even go out of my way to spend it all; I see how little of it I can spend, and then simply top up my budget when It’s time to go again next week. This works really well and I save a ton of money. I also make sure I used any coupons or vouchers to get even more money knocked off.

I Don’t Buy ‘Special Offers’

Special offers are there to tempt you to buy things you wouldn’t normally buy. This is the exact reason I don’t even look at them! If I don’t need it, I’m not looking at it, no matter how cheap it is. This usually means I’m in and out of the store in no time!

I Make the Kids Think of it as a Game

When I have to go with the kids, I no longer have to take a sedative beforehand. I know how to control them when we’re shopping now. They help me to get the items I need, and we think of it as a game. With my little helpers, shopping is always easier!

I Try to Give the Store Feedback

Giving a store feedback can encourage them to make changes you think would help your overall shopping experience. This site talks about the survey, for instance. If something bothers you, or even if you want to praise the store, find a way to let them know.

I Occasionally Shop Online

Shopping online is great if you’re short on time and you don’t care about browsing in person. I only do this occasionally though, as sometimes shopping is a nice excuse for me and the kids to get out of the house!

Where have you been going wrong? Let me know what tip you’ll use off this list in the comments!



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The Essential Ten-Minute Beauty Routine Every Woman Should Know

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As a mom, you know how difficult it can be to have any time to yourself. You want to look fabulous, but finding the time to do your hair and makeup can feel like mission impossible. Every busy mom knows that the kids come first, but what about you? Could you spare just ten minutes each morning to make yourself look fantastic? You might think that you need hours to get ready and look great, but you don’t. Here is the essential ten-minute beauty routine every woman should know.

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Natural volume hair (three minutes)

This year full hair is going to be a massive trend. For busy ladies, that is excellent news. You can add volume to your hair in as little as three minutes, and then you are ready. When you are drying your hair, flip your head forwards and dry your locks from underneath your neck. Use a cold setting on your hairdryer so that you don’t scorch your hair. You should also consider using some hairspray to keep your locks looking large and beautiful. When you flip your head back over, you should neaten up the top of your hair with a small comb.

Quick vitamin boost (two minutes)

Sometimes, you don’t have time to get all the vitamins that you need. The problem with that is that your skin and hair will start to look dull if you lack vitamins. Never fear, there is a super quick trick that will help you. Each morning, apply some vitamin C serum to your face. The serum will boost your vitamin levels and help your skin to look healthy. When you are using the formula, ensure that you work it into your skin using a circular motion.

Bright, glistening eyes (one minute)

If you have not got enough sleep, your eyes will show it. If you have dark circles under your eyes, you need to fix them as soon as possible. Use a peach tone concealer to hide any dark shadows you might have. You should then use a white eyeliner along your water line so that you look wide awake. The good news is that white eyeliner is super fashionable this year, and so you will look excellent.

Fresh, clear skin (two minutes)

Who doesn’t want clean, clear skin? When you have to look after children, your skin care routine might be the last thing on your mind. First, splash your face with cool water after washing. That will help to make your skin look clean and bright. Next, use a pale foundation on your face. I would suggest using a tone, which is a little lighter than your natural skin color. You should finish by applying a darker foundation to complete the look.

Full lips (one minute)

If you want full lips, there is an easy way to fake it. For this step, you will need two colors of lipstick. Use the darker color on the outside of your lips. You can also use lip-liner for this step. Next, fill in the center of your lips with a slightly lighter color. Blend this lipstick outwards towards the edge of your lips. This technique only takes a minute and should create a 3D effect.

Sweet scents (one minute)

When people meet you, they notice what perfume you have on and whether they like it or not. Rather than dousing yourself in perfume, you should put it in strategic places. For example, you should dab perfume on the palms of your hands, behind your ears and on your neck. These are places that will be most effective. Splashing on some sweet scents only takes a minute but will make you feel ready to face the world.

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Behind the Desk of Agent Carter #AgentCarter #ABCTVEvent

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behind the scenes of agent carter

Photo Credit: ABC

Quiet on the set!  I’m going to take you on a behind the scenes look at the making of ABC’s new show Marvel’s Agent Carter.
Did you catch the premiere of Agent Carter last week on ABC?  It is an amazing new Marvel show starting Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter.  Agent Carter is working for the covert SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve).  She must balance doing administrative work and going on secret missions for Howard Stark all while trying to navigate life as a single woman in America, in the wake of losing the love of her life – Steve Rogers.  In November I had the chance to go behind the scenes to learn more about how this show is made.

Costume Designs of Agent Carter

agent carter costumes

Photo Credit: ABC

Let’s talk about the costumes on the show.  Agent Carter is set in the 1940’s and the costumes are AMAZING!  I just love this era of clothing.  It was a privilege to meet Costume Designer Giovanna “Gigi” Ottobre-Melton who designs the costumes for Agent Carter.

Gigi is an Emmy award winning costume designer whose work spans the entertainment industry; from feature films to television including series such as TNT’s “Mob City,” CBS’ “Numbers,” NBC’s “My Name Is Earl,”  WB’s “Jack & Bobby,” CBS’ “The Handler,” and the NBC series “Providence,” for which she won an Emmy for costume design.

Peggy Carter Wardrobe

Photo Credit: ABC

Here Gigi was showing us some of the clothing and idea boards that were used to create the costumes for Agent Carter.  We learned all about “hero” outfits (the first time you see the costume on set) as well as costumes that are made to be torn, get “blood” on them, etc.  The costumes come from a variety of places such as prop houses and second hand stores and many of the shirts are custom made.  They try to keep the costumes, including the fabrics used, as authentic to the time period as possible.  Many of the costumes need to be rebuilt from the inside to keep the integrity of the vintage looks.  Gigi went on to describe color palettes and the extensive research that goes into making each outfit be exactly like what would be worn during that time period down to the undergarments.  I was most amazed that they use about 85 costumes per episode.  For many of the costumes there are multiple sets in case something happens to one of the outfits they can switch it with an identical match.  There are so many things that go into costume design for a period show such as Agent Carter that you just don’t think about and that is part of the magic that Gigi and her team create.

Touring the Agent Carter Set

Closed set Quiet Please

Photo Credit: ABC

We then were given a tour of the Agent Carter set by Executive Producers and Showrunners Tara Butters & Michele Fazekas.

agent carter diner

Photo Credit: ABC

It was a live set so we got to see actors actually on set getting ready to do their parts in a scene that was taking place in the diner that you’ll probably recognize from last week’s episodes.  Everything was so realistic, especially the (fake) half eaten food on some of the tables like you would see in a real diner.  There was such attention to detail in every part of the set.

Photo Credit: ABC

Photo Credit: ABC

SSR filing cabinet

Photo Credit: ABC

It was so exciting being on the set which was built from the ground up and based on real offices from the 1940’s.  The furniture is vintage from the 1940’s and either bought or rented but some items such as the maps had to be created just for the show.

Photo Credit: ABC

Photo Credit: ABC

Cori SSR Agent Carter

Photo Credit: ABC

Here I am sitting at Agent Carter’s desk!  All of the props down to the stamps and pencils are just like an office would have had in the 1940’s!  We all got a little giggle as we walked around and read some of the papers on the desk that wouldn’t be seen close up enough for cameras to pick up what was written.

SSR logo group

Photo Credit: ABC

Posing in front of the SSR sign!

Hayley Atwell Group Agent Carter

Photo Credit: ABC

Meeting the beautiful Hayley Atwell aka Agent Carter!

Hayley Atwell was so sweet and poised!  I love her accent and could listen to her talk forever!  She told us how she had trained in basic stage fighting and combat for her role and how she accidentally kicked a stuntman.  Oops!  We asked Hayley about her 1940’s wardrobe for Agent Carter which is tailored for her like it would have been in the 1940’s:

Shopping in a mall you can pick a nice dress and try it on and it doesn’t fit quite right and it leaves you feeling deflated. But when you have well fitting clothes that are tailored for you, that flatter you, it gives you such a lift. The main thing is learning to wear the clothes rather than the clothes wearing you.

group ssr

Photo Credit: ABC

Standing at attention waiting for our next assignment from the SSR!

Watch Agent Carter Tuesday nights at 9:00 pm EST on ABC!

@AgentCarterTV on Twitter #AgentCarter
Agent Carter Facebook Page
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AgentCarter on Google+  

Disclosure- I have been provided an all expense paid trip to Los Angeles for the Big Hero 6 movie premiere and ABC TV Event in exchange for coverage of these events.  All opinions are 100% my own.   Thank you so much Disney and ABC TV! 

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The Essential Guide To Looking After Your Throat

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The vast majority of people are blissfully unaware of the variety of medical conditions that can affect the throat. You need to be very careful to ensure you always look after that area of your body properly. There are lots of different infections and viruses that could lead to cancer if they are left untreated. While it might be a little embarrassing for you to visit the doctor with a throat issue, it’s vital that you seek a medical assessment. That is especially the case if you have a cough or issue for more than a couple of weeks. Even if you think there is nothing seriously wrong, it is better to be safe than sorry, right?

Here are just some of the conditions you need to watch out for…

  • Thrush
  • Tumors
  • HPV
  • Bacterial infections
  • Mono
  • Cancer

With all that in mind, you must start looking after your throat properly. Too much alcohol or cigarette smoke can increase the chances of those conditions developing inside your body.

Swill your throat with mouthwash twice each day

You might think this is an obvious step, but you would not believe the amount of people who still fail to use mouthwash after brushing their teeth. Toothpaste contains antibacterial ingredients that assist your throat. However, they are not as good as the ones found in standard mouthwash solutions. While Sensodyne is not used to treat any specific issues, products of that nature are known to work well in preventing problems before they manifest.

Stop smoking right now

Like it or not, cigarette smoke is the number one cause of throat related cancers in the world today. Stopping now could drastically improve your prospects. Just be warned that beating the addiction can be very tough. For that reason, you should speak with your doctor and find the best quitting aids for you. Don’t say nobody has ever told you how to stop coughing. Tobacco is a dangerous substance that should not be on sale. One day it will be banned, so you might as well give it up now.

Attend your dentist appointments

Making sure you don’t miss your dentist appointments is the best way to keep your teeth in good health. It is also a brilliant means of spotting throat issues before they become serious. Dentists look in the mouths of many patients every day. They are the ones best placed to identify when there is something wrong. Indeed, your doctor may refuse to assess you and tell you to book a dentist’s appointment as soon as possible. Even the experts know that dentists have the best training for that sort of thing.

So long as you take note of all the advice we’ve just given, you should be in a position to limit the chances of throat conditions causing negative effects in your life. Unfortunately, there is no way of predicting who will develop throat cancer, and even the healthiest people are at risk. However, the last thing you want to do is encourage such a disorder, right?

We wish you the best of health for 2015!


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How to Make Your Family Home a Cozy Space

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Everyone loves the feel of having a real cozy home. But, this can be a difficult takes if you are unsure as to where to start. The winter can make our homes feel cold and uninviting. With this in mind, it’s time to take control of you coziness.

There are simple and cost-effective easy to make your family home a cozy space.

You can add keen touches to make your home more inviting. Cosmetic changes are perfect for making your home more appealing and comfortable. Or, you can install more practical features for more comfortable home living.

Picking the Right Furniture

When it comes to making your home a cozier place to be, you need to think about furniture. What aspects of your home could be made more inviting? Installing cuddle chairs and huge plush sofas can make a world of difference to your home. Add bean bags, reading corners and dark furniture for a more lived in look. These simple home touches can transform your home from a cold space to a homely living area. What’s more, the kids will love it too.

How’s Your Heating?

Heating can be expensive. During the bitter winter months, we don’t want to turn it off. But, you can make sure that your home is a beacon of heat without spending a fortune. Make sure that your boilers are well maintained and service. Look at upgrading your heating if your current system is old and nonfunctional; consider updating to LG heat pumps. Not only will you feel the immediate environmental benefits, but your bills will be cheaper too.

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Lighting Solutions

The importance of quality lighting cannot be stressed enough. Add ‘layers’ of light to your home. Think about feature lights and lamps. This adds a warm feel to your room, without it being too bright. The key to making lighting work is to add lots of different lighting systems. Dimmer switches, table lamps, feature lights and spotlights can all work together to create an unusual look in your home. Simply illuminate your room with which light you feel like adopting that day.

Consider Using Fabrics

Many of us have been blown away by wooden and tiled floors. But, these can be freezing in the home. While you may need a clean, easy floor if you have the kids in tow, you may need to consider the use of fabrics and textiles in your living space. Add large rugs that compliments with your overall interior design. But, be sure to add thick shag piles to make your home look warmer and more inviting. Consider the use of heavy drapes during the winter. Not only do these make a stylish addition to the home, but they also trap in heat. Add fur throws or chunky knit blankets to your chairs and sofas. This adds texture to a room. But, they are perfect adornments for snuggling up underneath.


The perfect, family home means re-thinking your current living space. If your home feels cold, think about how stylish interiors can change the overall look.

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