My Bumpy Road to Feeling Better #RoadtoRecovery #Fibromyalgia #AdrenalFatigue

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adrenal fatigueThis post is a long time coming.  I can’t remember the last time I had energy.  I have been complaining to doctors for YEARS, well over a decade, that I am just too tired for my age.  I saw several doctors in my late 20’s and they all said the same thing, lose a little weight, exercise, and you’ll feel better.  But even when I did lose weight and exercise, I was still EXHAUSTED all the time and my whole body ached.  As I went through my 30’s I had the same primary doctor.  He also dismissed my concerns but I had been made to think it was in my head so many times that I figured I was going to have to live like this forever.  I became increasingly depressed.  The more depressed I became, the more tired I became.  I saw psychiatrists who prescribed antidepressants to help with the depression but I still didn’t feel like I should.  I talked to therapist after therapist which helped with the depression but still I knew something wasn’t right.

A few years ago I took charge of my health.  I researched various medical conditions that sounded like how I was feeling and I stumbled upon Fibromyalgia.  Exhaustion- CHECK!  Aches and pains- CHECK!  Mental fog- CHECK!  And the list goes on.  Armed with information I went to my primary doctor and asked him if what I had was Fibromyalgia and he agreed with me that I was suffering from Fibromyalgia.  I went to a rheumatologist who confirmed my Fibromyalgia diagnosis and over the course of several months put me on a laundry list of meds- Cymbalta, Vyvanse, Nuvigil, Xyrem, and Lyrica.  You would think that with everything I was taking I would feel better but I didn’t.

As my 40th birthday approached I made 2014 the year that I would get my life back.  I had spent most of 2013 exhausted, sleeping on the couch, and basically checked out of life.  I did what I could to give my girls what they needed but I know that I wasn’t being the mom they needed.  I would wake up to help get them off to school and then sleep until it was time to pick them up from school.  I’d come home with them, they would have a snack, relax, and start their homework.  Some nights I was too tired to make dinner or help them with their homework so I would just sleep on the couch as they did their work.  I am blessed to have 2 daughters who do well in school so they didn’t need me for much of their homework but I still felt guilty.  Plus I knew they wanted to get outside to play with me, or do arts and crafts with me, or even cook dinner with me.  They know about my illness and are very understanding about it, but I felt like I was failing them, failing my husband, and failing myself.

In January of this year I found a new primary doctor who I adore.  She listened to my concerns and ran lots of tests.  She said that if I wasn’t feeling on top of the world with all the meds I was taking that I wasn’t taking the right meds.  In addition to Fibromyalgia she diagnosed me with diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid problems, and severe adrenal fatigue.  That was a wake-up call for sure.  But for the first time in forever I had hope.  My new doctor had a plan.  She put me on medications to control my diabetes and thyroid issues and slowly I’ve been able to ween off of most of my other meds.  We discovered that the root of my problem wasn’t just the Fibromyalgia, but the adrenal fatigue.  What I love about my new doctor is that she supports the use of alternative treatments in conjunction with conventional medicine.  And that began my healing journey and my love of essential oils………

Keep an eye out for my next post about my healing journey…..coming soon……


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How Much Preservatives Are In YOUR Favorite French Fries?

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french friesOne of my daughter’s friends did her science fair project on how fast French Fries get old, moldy, and rotten.  The pictures on the left of the image above are part of her project and show what Wendy’s fries, McDonald’s fries, and homemade fries looked like after 6 days.  You can already see Wendy’s fries and the homemade fries starting to rot.  I was volunteering in my daughter’s class the other day and the children were taking their projects home after having been in the classroom for over a month (making the fries about 2 months old) and I just had to take this picture.  The Wendy’s fries actually started eating through the baggie and the homemade fries were also pretty rotten.  But look at the McDonald’s French fries.  They look almost the same as they did 2 months earlier.  CRAZY!  How much preservatives are in them?!?!

I shouldn’t be eating any fried, greasy foods but I certainly won’t be eating another McDonald’s French fry again!!!!

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I Wish You Could See What Is Hidden

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fibromyalgiaHaving a “hidden” illness can be very frustrating.  I have Fibromyalgia and it has taken a while for even my family to understand.  It is hard for everyone around me because I look “healthy”.  They can’t see the pain I am in or the exhaustion I feel on a daily basis.  Even my husband took a long time to understand even a little bit how I feel.  I can almost handle the daily aches and pains, but for me the exhaustion is the worst.  Some days I can’t even get out of bed.  My doctor also said I have severe adrenal fatigue and a few other disorders which also compounding the situation.  But from the outside I look “normal”.  Only a few of my close friends really know what I am going through.  The other parents at my girls school must think I am a flake when I sometimes have to cancel volunteering because I am just too exhausted or in too much pain.  I do what I can, when  I can, but some days it takes everything out of me just to do the regular daily things I need to do for my family.  I don’t want pity.  It’s not about that.  I just wish people could see what is hidden without me having to say something.  It would be nice if everyone just understood and was a little more patient with me.  There are days when I do feel great and I will be able to give 110% but on those days when I can’t give 10%, I say a silent prayer that those around me will have patience.

The good news is that I started seeing a new primary doctor who has switched some of my medications.  I am also eating healthier and using alternative treatments such as essential oils and I am starting to feel some relief.  I will keep updating on my health and hopefully one day I will feel “normal”.

For all of those that suffer from a “hidden” illness, you are not alone.  To all of you who are healthy, please remember those of us who are not.  Be patient with others no matter what you think you know about them.  There might be things hidden inside of them that they, too, wish you could see so please be patient and kind to everyone.

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Thanks For the Free Car Wash Douchebag!

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road rage

My family and I were on the highway yesterday on our way to meet with my in laws for Mother’s Day.  Hubby didn’t see the car in the far left lane and accidentally cut him off a little.  He waved to apologize and then moved back over to get out of the other driver’s way. Apparently that wasn’t good enough because the other driver cut back into our lane, slowed down in front of us, and proceeded to spray our car with his windshield wipers.  Why oh why do some drivers have to be such passive aggressive douchebags?  It’s no wonder there are so many accidents caused by road rage.  I was proud of my husband for just staying where he was and not engaging the other driver.  Instead we enjoyed the free car wash until the other driver either ran out of windshield wiper fluid or perhaps he got tired of being a douchebag and drove off.  So either way, thanks for the free car wash douchebag!

photo credit: reynolds.james.e via photopincc


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Getting a Little “Me Time” Without The Guilt

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The May edition of the South Florida Parenting Magazine is live.  There are lots of great articles in it including several about being a mom in honor of Mother’s Day.  One article that really caught my eye was titled “Are You at the Top of Your Priority List” by Gladys Diaz.  Gladys talks about how it is so important that as mothers we make the time for self-care every day.  “Practicing self-care is the only way that we mothers can ensure that we have the patience, energy, and ability to care for the people we love.  She compares it to running your car when the “low fuel” light comes on.  You can run the car for a while with the low fuel light on but eventually the car will run out of gas and it will lead to a whole lot of new problems.  To make sure that our “love tank” is always full, Ms. Diaz suggests several things:
1. Make a list of the things you enjoy doing
2. Plan to do 2-3 things for yourself everyday
3. Lose the guilt

You can read more about what Gladys suggests in her article in the May edition of the South Florida Parenting Magazine .

me timeIt’s not always easy to get in much needed “me time” when you are a busy mom.  One of my resolutions this year is to get myself in better shape and take better care of myself and my health.  (Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about my children.  Another of my resolutions is to spend more quality time with them but that is a whole other post.)  Many of us are so busy taking care of our children, managing our homes, taking care of our husbands, working (inside or outside our homes), and doing so many other things for everyone else that we don’t take care of ourselves.  Often when we do, we feel guilty for leaving our children or we can’t seem to find a way to get in some “me time”.
Don’t worry, girlfriend!  You’re a great mother, wife, sister, aunt, grandmother, or whatever other title you have and you deserve to get a little “me time” every now and then.  I’ve asked my readers, other bloggers, and my friends to tell me ways they are able to get a little “me time” and I’ve added some of my own ideas, too.  How do you get me time?  Let me know and I might just add it to my list!
Take a hot bath
Put on a DVD for your kids and read a book
Go to the salon and get a new hairdo or hair color
Put on your favorite song and sing, sing, sing.  Bonus if doing so embarrasses your children.
Explore a hobby you have been interested in.
Find a local class, online class, or just learn how online.
Trade babysitting with a friend.  One week take your kids and hers for an hour or two and the next time have her take all the kids. Sara M.- I often get my mani or pedi during my lunch break! It’s right across the street from my office, and it’s actually quite relaxing knowing that’s MY hour to take care of me!
Stefany T.- Me time for me is at night when everyone goes to bed. It isn’t always the best time but it works. I like to read a book, watch a movie on my tablet, or play around on the computer. It seems that is the only time I can truly get time alone. 🙂  Besides that, a simple shower where I don’t have people beating down the door can be a good time for me to relax. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal but with 3 kids and one bathroom, this is a major accomplishment! (
Shower with a radio on and sing, sing, sing!
Lisa K.- When the older kids are in school and A is home fron morning kindergarten,  he rests in my room after lunch. That’s also my rest time to relax and watch tv or play on Facebook.  I don’t take calls or do any housework during that time,  and I make sure to watch nonsense shows where I don’t have to think.
Lisa K.-  I have trouble sleeping so getting up early is never an option for me. I do set my alarm for 15-20 minutes before I need to wake the kids and bring my phone into the bathroom each morning.  They’re usually up before me anyway, but if they don’t know I’m up, I can sit in peace & check my emails and Facebook before starting the craziness of each day. Schedule me time!  Add it to your calendar, set a reminder, etc.  Even if it is just a simple 10 minute break with some quiet time.
Shelly M.- I wake up about an hour before everyone else to get in a little exercise, coffee and a shower. Sometimes I can even read a bit!
Amanda D.-  I set my alarm for 5:20am weekday. I go to the gym with my neighbor (our workout is only half an hour). When I get back, I shower, walk the dog, and still have about 30 minutes to myself before everyone else has to get up. Not only do I get my workout in, I’m up without the craziness, keeps me sane!
Jenn P.- To echo what so many said, a shower and even though I don’t like it: grocery shopping. However, lately it’s been going upstairs to fold and put away laundry while the kids stay downstairs with my husband. It’s quiet time for me and the task goes so much faster!
Emily S.- Grocery shopping. I leave the kids at home with my husband and I go grocery shopping. It’s practically a vacation.
Jim M.- A bathroom door that locks. And a book.
Jennifer E.-  Thursday night is my adult tap class night.  It’s so much fun to have picked back up something I left behind so many years ago. It’s really therapeutic,too, because you really don’t have a second during that hour to think about anything else!
Marie D.-  Facials, reading in bed when the kids are asleep, naps on weekends. I learned a long time ago that it can’t just be time alone, it has to be time that gives something back.
Mica F.-  Bubble baths! Even if its not till the kiddos go to sleep at night. Shut the door, turn the lights on low or off and use candles. A half hour to an hour bubble bath soothes my nerves at end if a long day!

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Dear Annoying Stray Facial Hair That I Only Discover AFTER I Leave The House…..

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English: A variety of tweezers, including poin...

English: A variety of tweezers, including pointed, flat-tipped and slanted. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dear Annoying Stray Facial Hair That I Only Discover AFTER I Leave The House,

I know that as we age, as women we start to grow annoying facial hair.  First it is a stray hair that grows a little lower than where your sideburns are.  Then you get that one lonely hair on your chin.  But those hairs must get lonely because the next thing you know, they have friends.  So we’re left to pluck or shave them.  But they come back.  It becomes a daily struggle to keep the jungle from growing into a 5 o’clock shadow.  I’ve come to terms with this battle.  I will pluck, shave, and electrocute you little buggers.  But PLEASE don’t show up AFTER I leave the house for the day.  I don’t like finding you when I am on my way to a big event.  I don’t like looking in the mirror on my car’s sun visor and seeing you taunting me on my way to lunch with friends.  But if you do show up after I leave the house, I now have a pair of tweezers in my glove compartment.  You WILL BE vanquished!!!


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She Will Be Missed

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I know I have been scarce the last few weeks.  My Grandmother (my Mother’s Mother) was in hospice and then passed away last Monday.  She was 94 years old and lived a good life for most of it but it was still hard seeing her go.  The last week of her life was especially hard on my family.  She was brought to hospice and the doctors and nurses thought she would only life a day or so.  But just like in life, my grandmother was a fighter.  She fought on for several days longer.  We spend several days keeping vigil at her bedside.  Watching her take a breath and then not taking another one for several seconds.  Each time wondering if that was her last breath.  It was so hard to watch her struggle to breath for several days but the only comfort to us was that she didn’t seem to be in any pain and she was not coherent by the end.  It was hard to let her go but it was such a relief that she was no longer struggling when she finally passed.  My mother and stepfather were in the room with her when she passed and my sister and I arrived back at the hospital shortly after to say our last goodbyes.  (We had just left the hospital about an hour before.)  My grandmother was very loved my her whole family, including her daughter, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters.  It was such a blessing to have 4 generations of girls for 8 years and we will always cherish that time with her.

Rest in Peace, Mamie!

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Giving The Gift Of Sleep

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Disclosure- The items mentioned below were generously donated by the companies mentioned to assist with my gift of sleep surprise gift to my neighbors for this post.  I received no compensation for this post except the joy that giving to others brings.
gift of sleep3
I already mentioned in this post that I was selected to be a part of an amazing campaign to “give the gift of sleep” to a baby/family in my community.  My first thought was to surprise my next door neighbors.  They have a 9 month old daughter and the husband works off shore most of the month and is only home 8 days at a time.  This leaves his wife to take care of their baby by herself most of the month.  She works from home but as their daughter gets older and more mobile, it has gotten harder to work, get things done around the house, etc.  I knew she could use a little break and I was excited to surprise them both with goodies.

I began to brainstorm ideas of what to give them.  I thought about getting them new sheets for their bed but I didn’t know what size bed they had and I couldn’t get them pajamas because I didn’t know their sizes.  Then I decided to get them a couples massage and include a candle and some body sprays and lotions in the gift basket.   As I planned this gift, I decided that I wanted to “give the gift of sleep” to as many people as I could.  I came up with the idea to donate pajamas to a local women’s shelter but I knew that pajamas would be expensive.  Instead of spending the gift card for things for my neighbor’s gift, I contacted several companies to see if I could get things donated.  This way I could use the entire gift card for my pajama donation and still be able to treat my neighbors.
gift of sleep4
I contacted Bath and Body Works and they loved my idea.  They generously donated a large candle and aromatherapy sleep body mist and aromatherapy sleep body lotion to give to my neighbors.  When I first contacted them I wasn’t even thinking about actual aromatherapy sleep products, I was just thinking of their regular lines of products so I was so excited when I opened the package and saw how perfect the sleep body lotion and sleep spray mist were.
I found out that GoldenTouch Therapy offers a two hour couples massage class!  So instead of just sending them to get a one time massage, they could learn to give each other a massage.  Perfect!  Much better to teach them to fish then just give them a fish as the old expression goes.  I contacted GoldenTouch Therapy and they generously offered me a certificate for a free couples massage class to give to my neighbors.  Now the total amount on the gift card was free to buy pajamas and I could still surprise my neighbors with the gift of sleep, too.
gift of sleep
I created coupons for 1 hour of playing with their daughter so my neighbor could work or relax as well as a coupon for a night of babysitting from us.  I also purchased a comfortable blanket and a laundry basket to put it all in.  I wrapped up all the presents and waited until my neighbor came back in town to deliver their “gift of sleep”.  They were so surprised by everything.  It turns out that they were just discussing the night before that they wanted to take a couples massage class and they needed a laundry basket so the whole present was perfect.  Giving to others is really the best gift for yourself.  There is nothing more heartwarming than knowing you are helping someone else.  And truth be told the gift of playing with their daughter and babysitting is as much for us as it is for them.  My girls love playing with her and so do I.
gift of sleep2
Want to win the gift of sleep?
Enter here!

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T-Shirt Roses and a Housewarming Gift Idea

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housewarming gift
I wanted to thank everyone who gave me some great ideas for the housewarming gift for my new neighbors who are having a party tomorrow.  It came out so pretty that I wanted to share it with you.  I found the “basket” at Big Lots on clearance.  It is really a planter and looks pretty so hopefully they will be able to use it again.  I wanted to get a little something for all of them- 2 parents, a 7 month old, and a dog.  I bought the dog a tennis ball rope toy that I had Cooper pick out for his new friend.  I went with what one of my readers suggested and bought the parents this Mosaic Stepping Stone Kit.  I am going to include a note in there about making their daughter’s hand print in it so they will know why I bought it.  And my favorite part of deciding on this gift……shopping for baby clothes!

My girls and I went to The Children’s Place to pick out an outfit or two for their baby.  We picked out 3 adorable dresses that were on clearance and matching headbands to go with them since they didn’t have matching shoes or socks.  Then my daughters decided that they each wanted to pick out a t-shirt for the baby because there were a bunch on clearance.  My 9 year old found one that had princesses on it but it didn’t have a clearance sticker on it so I had her scan it.  It was only $.99!!!  And that’s when the scanning frenzy began.  My girls scanned every baby t-shirt on the clearance rack and found a bunch in various sizes.  I decided to buy her t-shirts in her size and several sizes up that she will grow into.  For $.99 each it was hard to pass up and I must admit I got caught up in the baby size cuteness.  I just hope that my neighbors don’t think I am totally crazy for getting so much for their daughter but I couldn’t help myself.  At least I had a coupon!
t-shirt rose collage
I decided that instead of using cellophane to wrap the basket I bought an inexpensive curtain panel at Big Lots.  It just looked so much nicer than using cellophane.  I put the Mosaic Stepping Stone Kit inside and all the hangers that came with the clothes in the back of the basket on the bottom behind the stepping stone kit.  I added tissue paper to cover the hangers and tissue paper in front of the stepping stone kit to build up the base to add the other items.  I put the dog toy in front of the stepping stone kit and then came up with the idea to make a bouquet out of the t-shirts.  It was really easy to make.  I folded each t-shirt in half lengthwise and then I rolled them from the bottom up forming what looks like a rosebud.  Use the center fold side for the rose, not the sleeve side for a smooth look.  I tied them together with a ribbon to form a bouquet, added them to the basket, and placed one headband on each side.  Then I folded the 3 dresses and added those to the back of the basket.
T-shirt Roses
I laid out the curtain panel and put the basket in the middle of it.  I pulled the panel up around the basket and closed it by wrapping a headband around it.  I didn’t pill the panel all the way through the headband to create a pretty “poof” in front and then draped the excess curtain panel around the basket.  Viola!  I hope they like it!
creative gift wrap

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Done For The Day

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Woman Stretching in Bed with a Man Sleeping Beside Her
I know what I am about to say is a generalization and  doesn’t hold true for all men and women but I am sure many can relate.
At night when I get tired I want to just go to sleep but there are usually 101 things I need to do or should I say I feel that I need to do.  I know this is common for many women.  Unlike our male counterparts, we don’t just get tired and decide to go to sleep.  Sometimes hubby falls asleep before our girls even do.  When he is tired, that’s it.  He’s done for the day and he falls asleep.  Sometimes he even falls asleep on the couch and I have to get him up to bed.  I never do that.  Most women don’t do that.  We try to push forward and get as much done as we can.  As women we make school lunches, we write notes to teachers, we do dishes, we clean the dinner table, we make sure our kids put their homework in their backpacks, we make sure the pets are taken care of, we make sure the litter box was scooped, we make sure toys were put away, we make sure the lights are turned off, we make sure our children are tucked safely in bed, we plan and think about the following day, and most of us do so much more on the way upstairs before we get into bed.  That’s not even including washing our faces, our facial products routines, and all of our other nightly rituals.

But I have made a promise to myself.  Tomorrow is a new day.  When I am done for the day I will really be DONE FOR THE DAY.  Taking care of our pets, making school lunches, and other things like that can be done earlier in the day by my children.  I can take care of writing notes to teachers and other things like that before dinner.  And anything else will just wait until the next day.  The dishes will still be there in the morning.   Life WILL go on.  The world will not stop turning.  And I will get more sleep so I will be more well rested for a new day with my family making me a much happier mommy.

Who wants to join me on being DONE FOR THE DAY when our minds and bodies are done for the day?

TIP~ I keep a notepad on my night table for my nightly “BRAIN DUMP” as I call it.  If I remember something that I need to do, I don’t have to get out of bed, I just write it down so I can forget about it until the morning.  My BRAIN DUMPS help a lot!

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