14 Superfruits that Should Be Part of Your Diet

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Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels
Super-foods are foods that contain a much greater than average level of various critical nutrients. We may hear more about superfood spices or seeds, but there are plenty of “superfruits” as well. Here are 14 superfruits that should be part of your diet. We’ll also take the time to explain why these fruits are considered superfruits.


Figs are more than a sweet treat. They provide a fair dose of fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. They also help to regulate our blood sugar level. You’ll see these benefits whether you eat them fresh or dried. If you aren’t fond of figs, consider consuming cherries instead. They’ve been shown to promote healthy blood sugar levels, too.


Not only are cherries delicious but they are full of great nutrients as well. Cherries get their rich red color from anthocyanin, an antioxidant that has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels while having some anti-inflammatory properties, too. As a matter of fact, a recent study that was performed by the University of Michigan found that lab rats who were fed cherries showed reduced levels of two markers associated with blood vessel inflammation. They also showed significant drops in cholesterol and weight as well.


Lingonberries are rich in antioxidants. Their high level of plant polyphenols fights inflammation in the body. They have a number of other beneficial naturally occurring compounds. If you can’t find lingonberries or acquired a taste for them, a good alternative is cranberries. The flavonoids in cranberries give them their very high antioxidant activity, boosting their cardioprotection.


Cocoa powder can be good for you. The antioxidants in cocoa are good for you. The natural stimulants in cocoa enhance concentration, while cocoa is well known for its ability to improve mood. Just don’t use this as an excuse to eat too much chocolate loaded down with sugar.

Noni Fruit

The Noni is an evergreen tree found in the Pacific Rim. Historically, it was used to make clothing and for medicinal purposes. The noni fruit is rich in potassium and antioxidants. However, noni has a number of other advantages. It reduces inflammation in the body and bad cholesterol levels. Noni facilitates the production of nitric oxide, which can help burn excess fat, regulate sleep patterns, improve lung function, and improve blood circulation among other things. If you have trouble finding noni fruit in the store or getting enough of it in your diet, supplements like Nitro FX contains a blend of concentrated noni fruit. If you want to learn more about it and its benefits, you can check it out at www.kyaniteamabundance.com.


Consumption of blueberries has been linked to a reduced risk of dementia. Their antioxidants and other ingredients may also help the body ward off cancer. They have been proven to improve memory and overall brain health. They aren’t nearly as expensive as acai berries or goji berries and they taste much better than cranberries. If you want to increase your intake, simply add them to muffins, ice cream or pancakes.


If you want something that will fill you as well as give you some of that good glucose you need to fire up your neurons, look no further than the banana. Bananas are rich in potassium, which can have a lowering effect on blood pressure. They are also full of resistant starch, which is a healthy carb that will keep you satiated for long periods of time while boosting your metabolism.


The kiwifruit is a natural digestive aid. Eating this fruit is a natural way to find relief from irritable bowel syndrome. Kiwifruit contains actindain, a substance that helps the body break down protein faster and more effectively than normal. You can eat kiwi raw, mix it in with smoothies, or throw pieces into desserts like yogurt. And don’t forget to add some to your fruit salads.


Beetroot is a natural detoxifier. On top of that, it contains a large number of multiple nutrients. Beetroot juice stimulates the growth of red blood cells and improves overall blood circulation.


Lemons are a natural source of vitamin C, which acts as a powerful antioxidant. Since vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient, your body can’t store it up for future use, so you need to consume significant amounts of it each day. Lemon has also been shown to improve skin quality, prevent kidney stones, and aid digestion among other things.


Cantaloupes are also your friend if you want supple and healthy-looking skin. The skin health benefits of cantaloupe can be attributed to its rich vitamin A content, which also gives it exfoliant qualities by boosting cell reproduction.


Very few people think of grapes when talking about superfruits, but they do have some essential nutrients that can very beneficial. One of these nutrients is resveratrol, an antioxidant which promotes better heart health. And an extract found in grape seeds has also been shown to slow down the progression of Alzheimer in mice, which could be promising for the future.


Watermelon contains the same lycopene, a carotenoid pigment, as tomatoes. It tastes good without you adding any extra sugar. And the juicy fruit is refreshing. You can throw watermelon chunks along with other berries on this list into the blender to make superfruit smoothies.


Avocados are also a great source of nutrients and are packed with essential fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Avocados have been shown to significantly reduce LDL levels and increase the amount of good cholesterol in your system. The good fats that are found in avocados also help with the absorption of other nutrients as well, like lycopene and beta-carotene, for instance, which are both essential for cardiovascular health.


Superfruits range from exotic foreign fruits locals have known about for years to familiar fruits the average person didn’t know could be this good for them. Try to integrate as much of these superfruits into your daily routine if you want to really enjoy their benefits.

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The Best Ways To Look Out For Your Health

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Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels
Looking after your health can have many positive impacts, including generally improving your quality of life. The hardest part of adopting a healthy lifestyle may simply be figuring out what the best possible options for making the switch are. This article is here to provide you with a comprehensive list of everything you need to know to make this happen. First, you must watch over your eating habits, as it will impact both your physical and mental health. Moreover, staying fit, and doing regular physical exercise, is the next natural step in the progression towards improving overall health.

Keep in mind that stress is your health’s worst enemy, so you will have to practice relaxing whenever you can. At the same time, you must avoid the temptation to fall into a life of addiction, and even visit your family doctor regularly to ensure that you are still completely well. Spending time with friends and family will also undoubtedly have an effect on your overall mood and wellbeing. Don’t forget that splurging on yourself ever-so-often is another good tip to follow in order to turn those gray days right side up. Last but not least, setting personal goals will help you better stay on track, the importance of sleep can never go underestimated and you may even want to research alternative and holistic ways to boost your overall health.

Food habits

What you eat is the number one determining factor for your immediate physical and mental health. Maintaining a healthy body weight, and thus reducing your chances of getting sick and suffering from future diseases will only be achieved if you eat a well-balanced diet every single day. To make it easier to remember what you can and cannot consume, simply make a mental note to eat the rainbow! This means that you should eat your purple and green vegetables, red fruit, and so on, as you get the picture. Remember that the worst possible thing you can do to your health is to go on a diet where you stop eating, as your body functions will diminish, and your mind will lose its sharpness.

Physical wellbeing

Similarly important to watching what you eat, you must look out for your physical wellbeing by exercising as often as you can and trying to be more active as a result of it. You should not over-do this step, and you do not need to spend a lot of money to get fit either. Your fitness routine options could include going for morning walks or runs, taking the stairs whenever possible, exercising within your living room and so on. In the process, you will be improving your strength and stamina as well as your energy, blood flow and so no. Keep in mind that physical activity benefits are both short and long-term, and should thus become a part of your routine sooner rather than later.

Relaxing and de-stressing

The reality is, you can easily become stressed several times during a single day. Why? Work can sometimes get hectic, and you may even get into arguments with friends and family members that will inevitably give you anxiety after the fact. You need to adopt relaxing practices, and everyone does something different that works for them. One option is to practice breathing, step away from a certain situation and go into a new room or environment for a brief amount of time, listen to some music and so on. These types of solutions will help improve your mood and thus get you back on track to being a happy person.

Avoiding addictions

Depending on what the people you spend your time with the most are like, your decision to pick up addictions will be affected. These primarily include drugs and alcohol, but once you become dependent on them, their influence on you will be harder to get rid of. The very best thing you can do is to avoid them altogether to avoid falling into a negative cycle. The second option is to receive the appropriate addiction treatment and visit a rehab center if you have fallen victim to the bad habits. Depending on the type of illicit drug you may be struggling with, whether it’s an everyday painkiller or something else, there will be a different treatment option offered to you, and you can view here for more information on the topic. Remember, only an expert knows how to help you properly detoxify so that you do not become worse from the withdrawal symptoms.

Visiting your family doctor

Do you remember the saying – an apple a day keeps the doctor away? No matter how much you watch over your food habits, you still need to make a point of visiting your family doctor for regular check-ups. A good rule of thumb to follow is to go at any point when you feel your health is not at its the best. That being said, you cannot always tell if you are getting sick right away, especially if the symptoms take a while to form. A blood test, on the other hand, will always be able to tell you if there is something wrong. Make a point of visiting a doctor at least once a year to make sure you are healthy, even if you feel that you are.

Spending time with friends and family

Most people enjoy spending time with friends and family – it improves overall mood and shapes how you pass your free time. These are the individuals that affect the type of person you become, your likes and dislikes. Plus, you can also rest assured that your mental health is benefitting from the company around you. You may even find that your overall creativity is influenced, as speaking with people generally tends to have this type of effect.

Splurge on yourself

Spending an extra sum of money, especially on days where everything goes wrong, is a good way to give your mood a pick-me-up and thus improve your mental health. Everyone needs a spa day or to treat themselves to something nice, whether that involves a dinner or purchasing certain clothing. As long as you do not go overboard with this step, it is something that will always help put a smile on your face.

Setting goals

Looking out for your health is a process, and one of the best ways to maintain it is by setting goals for yourself. If needed, write your steps down, either on a piece of paper or on your mobile device, in order to efficiently monitor what you will do that particular week to boost both your physical and mental wellbeing. Your routine will also be easier to follow when you wake up in the morning to a notification on your phone that you are working out that day, or when you see the sticky note on your fridge with the same advice.

Sleeping enough

It does not matter how many other steps you follow in taking care of your health if you do not sleep enough. Sleep is the brain’s laundry cycle, and it helps prepare you for the next day. When you go to bed, your brain is working towards storing your memories, and your mental sharpness will be greatly influenced by the amount of rest you get. Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so you should do your best to achieve this by adopting a sleep routine and thus going to bed and waking up at the same time every single morning.

Holistic approaches

A holistic approach to health takes into consideration not only the wellbeing of your mind and body but the spirit as well. These are often not methods recommended by your family doctor to feel better, though they work very well for some people depending on their personalities and lifestyle. One common example of this is meditation. This pastime is designed to help people regulate their breathing and control the chaos within their mind, and thus become more relaxed as a result of it. Yet another example is the use of acupuncture to relieve pain, and although it is something that is not rooted in modern science, it offers many people exactly the healing that they need.

Looking out for your health and wellbeing is one of the most crucial things you can do in your life. The benefits of doing so will last with you until old age, and some may even argue that you will live longer as a result of it. Plus, adopting the lifestyle will lead you to become a role model that others look to when they want to make the healthy switch in their everyday routine. It’s not as hard as you may think to look out for your wellbeing, as you can simply start off small and grow into other habits. By no means do you need to get acupuncture done on your first day of a stomach-ache, but you can start to set up a food routine and thus watch what you eat while practicing your ability to better relax. When you take that initial step to look after yourself, you are already improving the type of life choices you are making and will be reaping the benefits of doing so for years.

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4 Things You Should Know About Sun Safety this Summer

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Nothing will ruin the summer mood faster than sun damage. Before you have your fun in the sun this season, make sure you’ve done your sun safety research! Just keep reading; you’ll be an expert in five minutes.


We all know that the sun’s Ultraviolet rays are damaging, but we rarely talk about why. The sun is so strong that it emits radioactivity, in slightly different frequencies. There are two crucial types of UV rays that deal different levels of damage to our skin: UVA and UVB.

UVB rays penetrate close to the skin’s surface. They’re the ones giving you sunburns, freckles, and moles. Most sunscreens focus on protecting against UVB rays alone, without consideration for UVA damage. UVA rays penetrate deeper into the dermis, and are stronger and more damaging long-term. They cause premature aging and wrinkles, and can ultimately lead to various types of skin cancer. Both types of UV rays should be mindfully addressed. You just have to know how to read your sunscreen bottle—and don the appropriate SPF clothing.


It’s not all about SPF! SPF (sun protection factor) only protects against UVB rays, and will block the rays differently depending on the sunscreen’s active ingredients. To make matters more confusing, even the numbers probably don’t mean what you think they mean. The SPF number dictates how long a person’s skin will take to begin turning red, as well as what percentage of UVB rays it blocks. A sunscreen labeled “SPF 30” will reasonably protect you for 2-3 hours, and blocks about 97% of UVB rays. SPF 45 will block about 98%; experts generally say there’s not usually a need to go any higher than 45, and that instead you reapply a lower SPF every 2 hours or so.

So, how do you know if your sunscreen protects against UVA rays? Conventionally, if the two keywords “broad spectrum” were on your bottle, that meant the sunscreen had vague UVA protection. It’s currently becoming more and more common to see a new metric to indicate UVA protection, in addition to SPF levels. The trend started in Japan, but is now a global metric labeled as a PA value (protection grade of UVA rays). The amount of protection is indicated by plus signs, so PA+ will have some UVA protection, while PA+++ will have more.

At the very least, you should be using a sunscreen that protects from both UVA and UVB rays. A great middle-ground to aim for would be “broad spectrum, SPF 30,” but having a specific PA value is even better.

Chemical vs Mineral Ingredients

With many aspects of life, there is often a healthy solution and a cheap solution. The sunscreen world is no different. The price of your sunscreen is mostly influenced by its active ingredients, and whether they block the sun’s rays chemically or physically.

Most sunscreens under $30 rely on chemicals to block the sun, the most common of which are oxybenzone and octinoxate. These chemicals are so damaging to the ocean and marine life, that the state of Hawaii has recently banned sunscreens containing them. Just think, what might these chemicals be doing to our faces and bodies if they are so toxic to the ocean?

It goes without saying that we strongly recommend a sunscreen without oxybenzone. Ditching the chemicals means the sunscreen uses natural mineral ingredients to block the sun with a physical barrier. The most common active mineral ingredients are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, both of which protect against UVA and UVB at the same time. Mineral sunscreens are better for your skin, better for our oceans, and they reduce your risk of skin cancer. Need I say any more?

Don’t Forget your Hair and Nails!

Finding the right sunscreen isn’t the only important sun safety lesson. At a minimum, too much UVA exposure to your nails can turn them yellow. At a maximum, you can actually get skin cancer under them (it will look like a brown line from the bed to the tip). The simplest fix is to keep your nails painted throughout the summer, and always make sure to give your hands a good slathering whenever you’re reapplying sunscreen.

As for your hair, be aware of the exposure you’re getting. We all want those light and sun-kissed highlights. Just make sure that you’re using a quality conditioner (look for keywords like “sun protection” or “damage repair”). This is especially vital if you have professionally colored hair. Too much sun exposure can turn lightened hair brassy and orange without proper maintenance. Listen, just keep a ball cap in your purse or something. Work smart, not hard, you know?

Be proactive and intentional about your time in the sun, and you’ll find yourself enjoying the rays more than ever. Soak up the sun all you want, just wear high-quality sunscreen, and maybe get a manicure.


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Habits That Promote A Healthy Mind, Body & Soul

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There’s nothing worse than feeling miserable each day and not having the energy you need to get you through your busy schedule. What will help you not only survive but thrive in a fast-paced world is to adjust your habits so you’re nurturing your mind, body, and soul.

Now is the time to stop wishing your situation were different and actually take action to change your ways. In addition, become aware of what excuses you’re telling yourself that are keeping you from reaching your wellness goals. Be mindful of your behaviors and what you’re doing each day that’s holding you back from living a healthier lifestyle.

Fitting in Daily Workouts

One habit you should definitely get on board with sooner rather than later is to workout daily. Exercise and movement are great for improving your mind, body, and soul and lifting your mood. Your clothes will start to fit better, you’ll have more zest for life, and you won’t need to depend on caffeine to get you through your day. Mix it up and keep your sweat sessions interesting by going to the gym one day, running outside another and taking a hike on the weekends. What will help you, even more, is if you set exercise and weight loss goals and then monitor and track your progress.

Cooking at Home

Eating out at restaurants is not only causing you to spend more money, but it’s also likely that you’re taking in more calories than you truly need at each sitting. Restaurants tend to serve large portions, and the meals usually contain more fat and unhealthy ingredients. Start cooking for yourself at home as a way to promote a healthy mind, body, and soul. The art of cooking is a mindful activity and will also likely make you feel calm and relaxed. You might find you enjoy it and want to do more of it on a regular basis after cooking up a few healthy and delicious dishes.

Learning how to Properly Manage Your Money

When you’re financially stable you simply feel better, you worry less, and you certainly have more confidence. Learn how to properly manage your money and notice how your life improves overall. This skill includes you knowing what to do when you’re in a bind and need cash fast. You can check out useful resources online that will guide you to a list of solutions that will help you through your difficult times. Stop losing sleep at night about how you’re going to cover your unexpected medical or home expenses and start problem-solving your way to brighter days ahead.

Clearing Your Mind

Another habit that promotes a healthy mind, body, and soul is to clear your head on a regular basis. You can do this by practicing meditation, yoga and simply sitting in silence and reflecting about your current state of affairs and your future. You’re going to feel more in control and less stressed when you take time to clear your mind and keep your negative thoughts to a minimum. A racing mind will quickly make you feel anxious, and you won’t be able to perform to the best of your ability at your job or attend to your loved ones and run a smooth household.

. Mindfulness can be practiced in even moments you may think are too small. For example, take the time to practice this relaxing art while making your cup of coffee in the morning. Open your senses and take five minutes to notice your environment, the process of pouring the hot water into the cup. Notice how your hands warm while holding the cup and the smell of the coffee. Why not treat yourself to luxury coffee to truly treat yourself? Ancient + Brave creates beautiful coffee with advanced nutritional formulas, which can enhance your wellbeing both mentally and physically.

Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to having a healthy mind, body, and soul, so this is one area you want to pay attention to in your daily life. Use an app to track your shuteye and make sure you’re getting enough of it each night. Stay off your electronics in the evening hours and participate in a relaxing activity instead such as going for a walk, reading a book or spending time with your spouse. Without a proper amount of sleep, you’ll be dragging yourself through your schedule and not be a very pleasant person to be around. Try to go to bed and wake up about the same time each day including on the weekends to help get yourself into a decent sleep schedule.

Practicing Work-Life Balance

Think about how much time you’re spending at the office versus at home and try to cut back where you’re spending the majority of your time to help balance out your days. Practice work-life balance by setting boundaries both at work and in your home and learning how to properly manage your time. You’ll be a happier and healthier person when you’re not spreading yourself too thin or trying to take on too many responsibilities at once. Find a routine that works for you and then try your best to stick with it and not give in to the temptation of working long hours and missing important family obligations.

Keeping Your Emotions in Control

Achieving emotional intelligence is one habit that is sure to promote a healthy mind, body, and soul. Letting your feelings get the best of you is setting you up to fail and likely embarrass yourself at some point. Work hard to keep your emotions in control and not let people or situations provoke you into acting out or saying words you’ll later regret. Train your brain in your downtime so that when you’re faced with a heated situation, you’re able to keep your cool or walk away. Avoid reacting immediately and instead, give yourself a minute to digest whatever is happening in front of you before you respond or act. Learn what your emotional triggers are and what to avoid that’s likely to set you off or put you in a bad mood.


Use these tips as a way for you to gain clarity and promote a healthy mind, body, and soul in your life. You’ll start to feel better and won’t experience as much stress or angst when going about your daily routine. Habits are difficult to change so remain patient with yourself as you begin to adjust and alter your behaviors. You’ll eventually notice how much better you feel as time passes and you likely won’t have any desire to go back to your old ways.

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6 Incredible Health Benefits of a Home Spa Treatment

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Photo Credit- Copyright:minervastock

Do you seriously need to be convinced that having a spa in your own home is a good thing?

Very well.

There’s nothing better than enjoying a warm spa treatment at the end of a long, stressful day at work. Sure, you could always visit a local spa, but why not use your own backyard and have a custom spa built there by companies such as So Cal Custom Pools and Spas?

A spa is the ideal way to treat ourselves, it’s true. But did you know that a spa has numerous health benefits. Numerous studies have shown that spa can help alleviate different conditions such as cardiovascular issues, insomnia, high blood pressure and chronic stress.

In this article, we’ll list the most compelling health benefits of having a spa in your own home.

It Helps Ease Stress

The stress we have to put up with every day can cause a number of issues including headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal issues, soreness and fatigue. Thankfully, a single spa treatment is enough to alleviate most of that stress and the symptoms it causes.

While just sitting in the hot water helps relieve the pressure in your joints and muscles, the therapeutic massage you can enjoy thanks to the hot tub jets releases endorphin, the hormone of joy, which acts as our body’s natural painkiller.

It Can Improve Cardiovascular Health

Getting a deep, long bath soaked in water up to the neck can give a tremendous boost to your cardiovascular system. Since water puts more pressure on the body. The cardiovascular system reciprocates by increasing the volume, meaning your heart works harder. This type of heart workout can help keep it healthy and more efficient.

It Can Cure Insomnia

In most cases, insomnia is caused by stress and as we’ve already covered, spa can help you get rid of it efficiently. Apart from that, it’s well known that hot water promotes relaxation, which is just what you need when you can’t fall asleep. The heat of the water increases your body temperature, and in turn relaxes your muscles. This makes it much easier to fall asleep and have a quality sleep too.

Spa Promotes Weight Loss

Numerous studies have shown that overweight patients lost around 3.5 pounds without modifying their diet or going through strict exercise regimes. Even though it seems impossible, the secret is in the hot water massaging your muscles, mimicking the effects of exercising.

Helps Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Similarly, due to the fact that a spa treatment can simulate the effects of an exercise, type 2 diabetes patients can use this to lower their blood sugar levels. If you soak in a hot tub for around half an hour, six days a week, your blood sugar levels can drop up to staggering 13%, according to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine.

It Can Alleviate the Symptoms of Arthritis

Anyone with arthritis knows how unbearable the symptoms of this condition are. According to the Arthritis Research Campaign, using a hot tub is one of the best ways to alleviate the pain in the joints caused by arthritis. Soaking in hot water can relax the muscles, reduce joint stiffness and help with their regular workouts and everyday activities.

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Tips To Take Care Of Your Kids Health

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Children and health are two inseparable factors according to parents, as the most prime concern in life is to raise children’s healthy. Maintaining kid’s health properly is the foremost challenge of motherhood. Health is a habit! Yes, one cannot lead a healthy life overnight. It has to be inculcated as a lifetime habit with good eating, sleeping and exercising. Children’s health largely depends on their immune system; therefore parents can focus on boosting their immune system in order to maintaining a healthy physique for their kids. Developing immunity at young age is easily possible, because as they grow by, exposure to anti-immune properties becomes high! Listed below are some of the tips in order to take good care of your kid’s health.

No Stress Lifestyle

Children who are blessed to have an absolute stress free life have proven to have a healthy and happy life. Schools, extracurricular activities and the societal pressures start to impose stress even on budding minds. This definitely hinders the healthy life of young children, which has to be taken care of by the parents. A happy child and a happy childhood is the best secret to live a healthy life.

Creating a healthy routine in children can be easier when the entire family follows the same. So, make sure to bring any good habit as a family routine instead of just imposing the same only on children. A healthy routine might include a healthy eating, hygiene habits, reading time, proper sleeping time, a good pillow, mattress, standard wake up time. Well, you can explore Sidesleeperreviews.Com if you wish to buy the best pillow or mattress for your kid.

Good Eating Habits

Through advertisements and supermarket displays, children get exposed to all junk foods at a very early age these days. Therefore, implanting good eating habits and healthy food choices to children from the beginning will help maintain healthy life. Parents become role models in tuning the eating habits of young children, so create a healthy food time routine at home, which includes all the family members, will help nurturing a proper eating habit in children. Mothers are the pillow of comfort for children, so any good habit or structured behaviour starts from a mother. A family that eats at least one meal together with the whole family finds it easy to raise good eating habits in children.

Staying Hydrated

Generally, children do not know the importance of staying hydrated to stay healthy. Giving individual water bottles to children right in the morning and monitoring their liquid intakes is important, especially during summers. Fresh fruit juices, vegetable juices and water can be alternated with each other at different times of the day. Better not to introduce aerated drinks for growing children, rather than stopping them from using, better to eliminate.

Shop Healthy

Healthy shopping will easily encourage healthy eating habits in children, as shopping is all about the fascination for kids. Always involve children in buying fruits and vegetables and other healthy food choices.

Well, how much ever a child eats healthy, the secret to a healthy lifestyle is to involve in various physical activities such as cycling, swimming and other activities of their choice. A good work out yields a healthy eating time and a sound sleep time, which are the secrets of living healthy. Parents must not just dictate, but lead to make children follow healthy living practice!

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Fun Activities to Keep Your Mind Active

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Doing the same job day in, day out, can become extremely monotonous, and it can seem as though your mind having to be less active to achieve your daily tasks. If you are struggling to be as stimulated in other areas of your life too, over time, it could lead to reduced cognitive function later in life. Keeping your mind active is also important so that you can have a better quality of life in the present, as well as preventing you from forgetting where you left your keys 20 times a day. Here are a few activities you can do to keep your mind stimulated, without having to take too much time out of your day.

Take a class

It is important to keep learning at all times. Whether you want to read up on a new area of your job, learn a completely new language or study college-level physics, if your brain is regularly required to processes and store new information, it will help to keep your mind sharp. You may feel that you might not have enough time to fit in extra studies on top of work or other commitments, but as this is something you are just doing in your spare time, you can fit in studying where ever possible, as you don’t have a committed deadline.

Play an instrument

By playing an instrument, you have to access several areas of your brain at once. From memory recall to auditory and visual centers of the brain, playing an instrument truly requires you to think. You don’t have to become a perfect musician, but just simply reading and interacting with the music can be a very effective brain stimulator.

Strategy games

Strategy games require problem-solving and forward-thinking, and those are skills which you can never get enough of because they are needed for every aspect of daily life. There are some board games which were made for this exact purpose, such as Scrabble or chess, and these types of games also require you to outsmart an opponent. Alternatively, if you are looking for a task which also requires teamwork, then you could try something like the Boston Escape Room.

Try new things

Staying in a regular routine might make life a little easier, but it doesn’t help your brain to keep active. Trying new things stimulates new areas of the brain, as your mind is forced to process a lot of new information. There is no limit on what you can try, from new foods to taking your daily walk in a new area. Whatever you choose to do, it will still require a lot of mental stimulation, and it won’t even feel like you are actively working.

Read regularly

Reading is a great activity to keep your mind active. It doesn’t matter so much what you read, just that you are fully engaged in the book. It keeps the visual areas of the brain active, as well as the short and long-term memory, and this is an activity which you can easily just spend 20 minutes doing each evening, without having to disrupt your night.

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Simple Tips For Living A Healthy Lifestyle

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Life is complicated and full of lessons, but that does not mean that it cannot be fun. Living your life to the fullest might seem like a distant dream, considering the great number of challenges and stressors that you have to deal with on a daily basis. When it comes to living a better life, you need to understand that you won’t be able to make significant changes overnight. There are unpredictable situations that get in the way of your happiness, but you can’t let those bad happenings get to you.

No matter what kind of challenge life throws at you, remember that there is a solution to every problem. Sometimes all you need to do is take a step at a time and stop trying to be a perfectionist. Other times, it is about learning how to deal with certain situations.

Sleep Deep

If you are tired, there is a high chance that you won’t be able to function at your full capacity. For that matter, you need to make sure that you get a decent sleep each night. Sleep is critical for people because it prepares them for another day. No matter how busy you are or how important some tasks are, you have to take make sleep a priority. Even if you can’t sleep, make a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Over time, you’ll get used to this routine and see a real difference in your life.

Stress Less

Stress is a major factor that causes people to have a miserable life. Financial problems, toxic relationships or a stressful job take a toll on your happiness. Everyone is experiencing stress these days. However, there are simple ways of taking stress down a notch. If you are going through a bad period at work, sometimes it might be a good idea to leave your job and consider settlement agreements. Unfortunately, a lot of people experience discrimination, victimization or harassment at work, and this agreement takes some weight off your shoulders if you are particularly struggling.

Nurture Yourself

Instead of helping other people, it might be a good idea to make a priority of helping yourself. People often forget to take care of themselves, and over time that fact takes a toll on their overall mood and health. There are many great ways of nurturing yourself, yet the best way of doing that is definitely by finding an activity that you enjoy doing. It could be reading a book so that you can nurture your mind, taking a walk in the park for your mind and body or getting a sweet treat.

Slow Down

It is totally fine to say no every now and them. There are people who like to do as much as they can in their day, but that is not great for them. Even though it is good to be productive, by slowing down, you are able to enjoy little pleasures of life. If you take a little more time to complete some tasks, or if you take an extra day to visit something in your holiday, you’ll become a better person with a more enjoyable life.

Life is full of wonders that most people can’t see simply because they may be preoccupied with day to day stresses and strains. The key to remember is to not let stress and negative news get to you. Have this philosophy and your life will change for the better.

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Despite what we sing along to pop and rock lyrics about wanting to die young, we all want to live longer than that and probably into our sunset years. It is safe to say a good number of us want longevity.

Health and genetics play a big role in our how long you live and how well you age. For instance, coming for a lineage where most people live into their 80s puts you in good stead live longer since your genes have proven to be resistant to diseases. Of course, you can’t just rely on genetics alone, you have to eat and live healthy.

Here are tips to help you live longer.

Take it easy with the alcohol

As the debate rages on whether alcohol is actually beneficial to health or not, with a recent study suggesting that even one drink a day could short your life expectancy, one thing is for sure: excessive alcohol consumption is a health risk.

Excessive drinking puts you at risk of developing hypertension and a host of other cardiovascular conditions, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and sexual impotence.

Quit smoking

Smoking shortens your lifespan and has been linked with several cancers include lung and throat cancers. Worse still, smokers are at a much higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes than non-smokers and developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is often fatal.


Exercise is beneficial to both your mental and physical health.

Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and alleviates stress to keep your brain healthy and mental diseases like memory loss at bay. Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, commonly known as the feel-good hormone, which elevates a person’s moods and reduces stress and helps you sleep better at night.

The benefits of exercise to the body are numerous: exercise improves metabolism which is needed to maintain a healthy body weight and improve digestion.

Exercise burns fat and stimulates the production of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the good cholesterol, which is important in keeping the heart healthy. Physical activity also strengthens muscles and bones and wards off arthritis and osteoporosis.

Check Workoutbox.Com for a fitness plan that is suitable for your needs and fitness goals.

Eat healthy

A balanced diet is important if you want to add years to your life. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water if you want to live longer.

Avoid junk food which have little nutritional value but pack a lot of calories and fats which might clog your arteries and put you at risk of suffering a heart attack.

Avoid processed foods, many of which have preservatives that have been linked to cancer.

Ensure your meals have the essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy and keep the effects of aging at bay.

Have friends

Have a strong social network is essential in living a fulfilling life as well as living longer. Having friends to share your good and bad days with reduces stress and chances of developing depressions. Feeling loved and cared for improves immunity and prevents one from engaging in risky behavior.

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3 Tips For a Healthy Mind

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The importance of mental health and the challenges that some people have in this area are being recognized more today than, perhaps, any time in human history.  No longer is society viewing mental health conditions as something people should be able to just ‘shake off’ or a condition that afflicts only the weak or vulnerable.

We’re also becoming more aware of brain related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia that tend to have the effect of robbing the person of who they are.  With such awareness, and perhaps first hand experience of such conditions we’re all looking for ways to optimise our mental health and brain function.

It’s important to remember that everyone has the occasional moment of forgetfulness, where they might go upstairs but then can’t quite remember why.  These memory lapses can occur at any age, yet interestingly, we associate this forgetfulness with aging yet aging alone does not make someone forgetful – it’s usually a slippery slope of cognitive decline due to an organic disorder, brain injury or underlying neurological illness.

According to Harvard University, a number of studies have shown that you can reduce the risk of dementia with some basic habits:

  • staying physically active
  • getting enough sleep
  • not smoking
  • having good social connections
  • limiting alcohol to one drink a day
  • eating a balanced diet low in saturated and trans fats.

In addition to these basic health habits, you might want to consider the following prophylactic suggestions that are all scientifically proven to slow down cognitive decline and/or avoid it all together.


There are a number of supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba and certain oils (e.g. Omega 3, 6 and 9) that are well known for keeping the brain (and in particular one’s memory) functioning healthily.  Equally important is that you keep yourself hydrated, as your brain’s composition is predominantly water – which is why people often feel so hazy in their head after too many drinks the night before.


This might seem like a no brainer, but managing stress, is absolutely essential to your mental health.  Indeed, many people end up having to visit a cardiologist due to the damaging psychological effects of stress.  

Think of it this way, each time you have a particularly stressful incident that puts your psyche through emotional stress – this creates physiological stress in your body that can take its toll over time.  Indeed, you can see the effects of long term stress on people’s faces and bodies. If you want to have optimal mental health you need to find a way to manage your stress.


There are a lot of ways you can keep your brain active, and the saying “use it or lose it” couldn’t be more true.  There are app based games such as Peak that are developed to stimulate a variety of brain performance attributes such as mental agility and memory.  That said, doing a simple crossword can be just as effective in terms of keeping the mind active.

The other consideration is that anytime you learn something new and expand your mind, the brain is like a muscle in that it gets stronger the more you use it.  Learning a language, for instance, is a great way to holistically train your brain.

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