Archives for May 2017

Timing Your Loan To Perfection

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Borrowing money from someone else is never a nice way to get things paid for. A lot of people don’t like to take out loans or finance on items because it can make them look bad. Some people don’t like to do it simply out of principle. But, the main reason for avoiding loans is the trouble that can come with them. It’s very well-documented that failing to pay off your debt can lead to big trouble. And, a lot of people know this. But, you don’t have to avoid loans just to escape this issue. Instead, it can all be about timing. To help you out, this post will be going through a couple of ways that you can plan your borrowing needs to match your circumstances.

Patience is key to all finance. It can take many years for you to get a grasp of how money works. And, during this time, everything is quite stressful. This is especially true when it comes to borrowing, too. A lot of people panic when they find themselves in need of money. It can seem like payday loans are the only option. But, this is rarely the case. By living on the essentials and just and just getting by; it’s easy to save enough money to afford a bigger loan. And, it enables you to plan for times you will need funding shortly. This will allow you to get a bigger and more secure loan; without the negatives of something short-term.

Further planning of your money can make timing your loans even easier; especially if you have existing ones. Knowing when you will need money will always allow you to go for secure loans over short-term ones. And, so, you should always be thinking about the future with your money. Try and plan for the next five to ten years. This will give you a good idea of when you will need big injections of cash. With this knowledge, you can start to research when you can refinance your car loan or mortgage. These sorts of loans are much less risky than other ones. And, they are ones that you are likely to have already. Most banks and lending organisations will be more inclined to approach something like this over a fresh loan.

Taking these steps with your money will lead to much greater financial security. Your loans have to be timed well; otherwise, you could need to borrow money again in the future. Or, you could find that you take too many loans and can’t pay them back. It’s not uncommon for people to lose things like their house or their car when they fail to pay back debt. So, it’s worth putting in the right amount of effort to complete these steps. Most people fail to think about their loans like this. So, you should stand out from the crowd and do things differently.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to start thinking more before you borrow money. Taking out loans and borrowing money can actually be beneficial to you; if it’s done right. So, it’s well worth the effort.

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Cozy on a Budget

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Your home should be more than just the place where your bed is – it should be a retreat away from the rest of the world where you can put your feet up, relax and unwind after a busy day of working, running errands and looking after the kids. This is something that can only be achieved if your home is as comfortable and cozy as it is possible for a home to be.

Creating a cozy home might seem like a massive undertaking, especially if your property is currently feeling a bit clinical and unloved, but there are actually a lot of very small, affordable things you can do to give your home more warmth and make it a more comfy place to be, on a budget. Here are some cozy on a budget ideas to get you started:

Lots of Layers

One of the easiest and most affordable ways of making your home feel cozier is by simply adding lots of layers to your space. Adding rugs to your floors, blankets to your couch and lots of pillows, cushions, and blankets to your beds will make the whole place feel all warm and snuggly, so much so that you simply won’t want to leave in the morning.

Paint with Warm Colors

A quick fix to instantly lift your home from cold and clinical to warm and inviting is to do away with cool-colored walls and replace them with paint that is warm and inviting. Ideally, you should go for muted shades of brown, yellow, orange or even cream if you want to inject some real warmth into any room.

The Right Curtains

Most people don’t think too much about the curtains they use, but they can make all the difference to the look and feel of a room. Dark curtains are particularly good at creating a cozy atmosphere, especially if they are thick, lined and textured, but curtains in lighter colors can also add to the warmth of rooms where the window is south-facing. So, it’s just a matter of going around your home and working out which curtains will work best in which rooms.

Better Bedding

The bedroom is perhaps the most important place to make cozier simply because it is the place where you go to relax, sleep and rejuvenate after a long day. Luckily, making the bedroom cozier can be as simple as changing your bedding. Instead of putting up with uncomfortable, scratchy sheets, invest in a good cotton set, and instead of an uncomfortable man-made comforter, go for a down version. Finish off with comforter cover that features a cute and inviting pattern and your bedroom will instantly be more comfortable than it was just a few minutes before.

Don’t Leave Out the Lighting

Lighting is more important than many people gift it credit for. Sure, we all know that lighting is important for enabling us to go about our daily lives when the sun sets, but few people realize just how much the right kind of lighting can set the mood.

If you want to create a cozy, inviting ambiance in your home, I would recommend installing dimmer switches, so that you can always use the lighting to set the tone for what you are doing and avoid being exposed to harsh lighting, which can make it more difficult to relax.

I would also suggest that you invest in lots of candles. The soft, warm lighting that they give off is great for changing the mood in any room to one of relaxation, romance or coziness. If you buy scented candles, then choosing soothing aromas like chamomile and lavender, can make the experience of candle light even better than it was before.

Think About Flowers

Adding flowers to the home is a great way to add color, beauty, and warmth to a home. Houses that have lots of fresh flowers dotted around the place just feel more pleasant to be in. Of course, if you want something more economical, going for long-lasting houseplants, instead is also a great way to up your home’s coziness factor and you’ll also benefit from their air purifying properties too.

Create a Quiet Corner

If you live in a busy family home, finding a quiet nook or corner where you can relax is a great way to make, the place feel cozier. This can be as simple as placing a comfy, easy chair in the corner of the living room, or if you have the space, it could mean transforming a spare room into a relaxation room complete with your favorite books, furniture, and relaxing music. You could even transform a shed or summerhouse into a cozy nook if that’s a possibility.

A Log Burner

This will eat up a bit more of your budget than the other things on the list, but if your property is conducive to installing a proper log burning fire, there are few things I can think of that would be better at creating a warm, cozy atmosphere, especially in winter, when the family can gather round the fire, toast marshmallows and tell spooky stories. It really is one of the best things you can do to make your home feel comfier and it’ll probably save you money on utilities in the long term anyway!

Give Your Home a Soul

Of course, if you want your home to be really cozy and inviting, you should fill it with the objects that you really love and which bring personality to your home. A really basic way to do this is by adding feature wallpaper to as many rooms of the home as possible, on just one or two walls. You could also fill the place with personal family photos for a quick injection of soul.

If you have a slightly bigger budget, investing in beautiful artworks you love, trinkets that say something about your personality or a few quirky pieces of antique furniture will help to give your home a more welcoming personality that will ensure that you really, truly love the place.


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Is Your Garden Ready For Summer?

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The days are getting longer, gardens are getting greener, and the weather’s getting warmer. Now that we’re right on the edge of summer, your garden is really about to come into its own. With the sun out, it’s going to form an extension of your home: a little more space where you can entertain guests and relax with your family. If your garden has started looking pretty poor over the bulk of the year, here are a few effective ways to refresh it.

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Start Planting Wisely

Around this time of year, plants are going to be shooting up rapidly, and it’s easy for a garden to become overgrown in no time at all. With this in mind, a wise planting scheme can pay off massively. Low-maintenance, Mediterranean herbs such as sage, thyme and rosemary are all great in hot climates, and can survive for long periods of time without needing any watering. They also come in handy in the kitchen, of course! Other low-maintenance plants such as spiky yuccas and hebes will thrive with dry soil and a lot of sun.

Create an Entertainment Area

Obviously, you don’t want to let the summer pass you by without making the most of it with barbecues and other opportunities for entertaining your friends and family. If the space you usually use for this is looking really worn out, one of the best ways to spruce it up is laying new paving. A big, contoured patio with contemporary design sensibilities can totally transform even the roughest-looking gardens. Obviously, the summer isn’t going to be here forever, but you can still add some temporary features to make the most of it, like an easy-to-assemble gazebo or an inflatable pool with seats.

Let There Be Light

We’ve all had times where we’ve enjoyed relaxing in a comfortable garden long into the night, but this can be tough if you’re finding it hard to see your hand in front of your face! There are a range of garden lighting options you can choose from, ranging from little solar lamps to garish floodlights. Smaller solar lights can be positioned almost anywhere in the garden, and will create a low, ambient glow. This makes it easy to accent certain areas of the garden and outline garden pathways. However, if you were planning to light up a fairly large area for entertaining guests, they can quickly become expensive.

Leave Room for Nature

Birds, bees and butterflies all have a part to play in the landscape and ambiance of a garden, so leave at least a little room for them in your green patch. Try incorporating a more varied planting scheme with a fair concentration of nectar-giving flowers and plants. Butterflies in particular love cottage garden plants such as honey suckle, Sweet William, and buddleia. Birds, on the other hand, will go wherever there’s food, water and shelter, so start attracting them with feeders, baths and houses. After setting up a few of these simple features, your garden will be brimming with life.


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Mouthing Off About Your Oral Health

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‘Smile!’. It’s one of the words that gets said during a photo or even if you look the slightest bit sad, but it’s something that strikes fear in the hearts of those who are self-conscious about their oral and dental health. Your mouth is one of the biggest focal points on your face. You eat, speak, kiss and laugh with your mouth and due to it being used constantly, you need to take care of it. It’s not just your teeth, either. Your oral health encompasses your tongue, your gums and your breath. If you are worrying about your teeth being discolored, you first have to figure out the reason why your teeth have changed from white to yellow or brown before you can fix it. Most people make a mistake in thinking that if you brush your teeth every day, your oral health will be in tip top shape. This isn’t the case and understanding how to keep your mouth healthy is important!

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Open any magazine, and you’ll see celebrities splashed across the pages with brilliantly white teeth and perfectly pink gums. You rarely see news articles about the halitosis of celebrities. When you have an army of nutritionists, doctors and dentists at your disposal, it’s very easy to have a beautiful smile and perfectly healthy gums. You were taught from a young age to brush twice a day, floss after meals and rinse with mouthwash to keep those gums healthy. Hopefully, you’ve been keeping that routine up and going but even if you do, you can still end up with oral issues. So, how can you take steps at home to keep your mouth in the best shape it can be?

Visit the dentist. It’s one of the most documented fears, but the dentist is not someone to be afraid of. The fear of the dentist usually comes from the lack of control and the vulnerability of opening your mouth and having someone touch your teeth, which can be sensitive. Some don’t attend the dentist due to the cost. Dentistry can be very expensive and if your insurance doesn’t cover you for treatment then you likely won’t spend the money to get your teeth checked out. Spending time with your dentist will help you identify trauma in the mouth and gums. Diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis are common in the gums and can be managed and reversed but if you aren’t attending the dentist, you’ll find it to be irreversible.

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Visit the hygienist. Not quite the same as visiting a dentist, but the hygienist is the person who will scale and polish your teeth. This is to ensure plaque isn’t overtaking your teeth and making your gums recede, which is very common in women after pregnancy and as you age. They are specially trained in gum diseases and if you are afraid of your dentist or hygienist, you can have an appointment with sedation to relax you. In extreme circumstances, you can be put to sleep for a dental appointment so that you don’t panic. Your hygienist isn’t just going to clean out your teeth and gums, but they can educate you on your overall oral hygiene and help you to make good choices about how you manage your health.

Change your habits. It’s obvious that everything you eat and drink goes into your mouth. What you may not think about is how your daily habits impact your teeth. Sugar is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to decay in your teeth. Fizzy beverages are always fun to drink, but the citric and phosphoric acid that gives it that edge is making your enamel softer. By swapping your daily fizzy drink habit to just water, you can stave off tooth decay and cavities. Sugar is fuel for bacteria in your teeth and gums and the way to avoid any decay is purely to brush and floss after every meal. Smoking is another habit that is going to affect your teeth, gums and tongue in a big way. Nicotine and tar leave your pearly whites more a murky yellow and they also eat the surface of the gum. Switching your smoking habit for is a good way to start improving your oral health and also tastes far better. Tobacco can lead to oral cancers so instead of lighting up, find ways to occupy your hands.

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The right tools. You need the right tools for the job when it comes to teeth brushing, and many people don’t understand that their toothbrush may not be right for them. Your brush should last you up to three months, and after that you should be binning it and buying a new one. You cannot use a toothbrush for longer, as the bristles will grind right down and not be effective in cleaning any longer. Soft bristles are the best thing for your teeth, as they are easier on your gums and will still clean your teeth. Blunted bristles will not clean your teeth in the way you need them to be cleaned. If you can invest in an electric toothbrush, do so for definite. You need to use the best tools for the job, else you will find that your brushing is futile. While you’re at it, you should ensure that you use interdental brushes such as these ones so that you can get between the teeth where flossing may not.

Flossing does matter. It may seem icky, but getting between your teeth with floss after meals should be one of the most important parts of your oral routine. It’s a chore, it’s boring but it’s effective. Floss reaches right into the spaces that the bristles of your toothbrush cannot get to and you can get rid of particles of food that otherwise would sit and breed bacteria into your teeth. Carry floss with you at work or outside the house rather than just in the house, as you’ll be eating meals when you’re away from your bathroom sink. You may not be able to brush after every single meal, but you can definitely floss!

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Got milk? You should! Foods that are rich in calcium, like milk, cheese and yoghurt are important for your overall health, but more so for your dental health. Calcium, as you know, is important for your bone health. You can take calcium supplements if you’re not a fan of milk or you are dairy intolerant, and vitamin D is also important for your teeth.

Clean your tongue. Your teeth and gums are always in the forefront of your mind but your tongue should always be considered. Mouth ulcers and cancers are always present on your tongue and cleaning the surface of your tongue daily using a professional tongue cleaner is key. There are countless bacteria that lives on your tongue and these can contribute to bad breath. Curing halitosis is going to be so much more than popping a few minty Tic-Tac. You need to get rid of the bacteria on your tongue to help. Going further back, if you have tonsils that are pitted and scarred from throat issues, bacteria can gather in there very easily. These then form stones which are unsightly and give your breath a bad smell.

Mouthwash matters. You can buy any flavour of mouthwash on the shelves of the local supermarket, but you can buy therapeutic ones that help to fight plaque, prevent gum disease and kill tartar and bacteria in your mouth. These mouthwashes should be used at least twice a day and not after brushing, as the toothpaste coats your teeth. Try and rinse first and brush on waking and before sleeping.

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Your oral health is so much more than teeth brushing. Watching your sugary habits won’t just impact your dental health, but will help your overall wellbeing and weight. Coffee, red wine and chocolate are all things that can stain your teeth easily and if you can avoid bad habits that can impact your oral health, you should. Having good oral hygiene isn’t just going to be a physically good thing, but mentally. Your confidence and self-esteem can be deeply rooted in your smile and if you aren’t confident about your smile then fixing the issue is going to make the difference. Not many people know that gum disease can be linked to heart health, but if you do your research you can see the wellbeing of those teeth in your mouth is going to have a domino effect on the rest of your body.

The mouth is the window into what is going on in your body, but if you don’t take care of it, you’re going to be susceptible to diseases and oral cancers later on. Taking care of your gums isn’t just cosmetic, it’s important. Don’t neglect your teeth.


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Putting Your Money Where Your Mind Is

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A lot of people love the idea of getting into investment to start earning some extra money on the side. Of course, this dream is a grand one. And, it would be great to be able to have some more dough laying around. But, unfortunately, most people don’t get to realise these dreams. Instead, they are condemned to a life of confusion when it comes to investments. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. Instead, you just have to do some work. To help you out, this post will be going through three different types of investment to show you how you can make some fast money.

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This first option can come with a lot of risks. And, the sort of risk you experience is one that could lose you everything. So, you have to be careful. Stocks are a great way to get into investment. You have to be willing to learn a little bit about the market you decide to get into. But, once you do, you’ll be able to start making money faster than ever before. There are loads of tools to help you with this sort of money making. The best options are apps that you can get for your phone, which will offer great advice and guidance when you first start out. You should always split your investments into multiple options when there’s a lot of risks. This lowers the overall risk that you will lose everything.

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This next option isn’t as risky; but, it comes with a lot of work. A lot of people looking to invest like the idea of getting into the property game. But, for most, this can be an expensive place to get your foot in. But, there’s a way to make some fast money without having to invest a huge amount. Buying a run-down house, doing it up, and selling it has been a staple of investors for many years. Of course, you will have to do some research about this. Look at pages like Flipping Houses 101 rehabbing to give yourself an idea of what to expect from this. There are companies out there that can help you with this. And, they will be your best bet when you first start out. This will mean getting less profit. But, you will still get something out of it. And, it will give you the experience you need to do it yourself.

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This last option involves little risk and not so much work. But, you will have to do some initial research. Websites like eBay and Amazon have made it really easy for small businesses to sell their good online. It enables you to buy good from a country like China, where they will be cheaper than at home. And, then you can sell them at a slightly inflated price. This sort of business almost runs itself; with the only input being shipping the goods.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to start trying to find ways to make some money on the side of what you make in normal life. A lot of people don’t consider this sort of work to get some extra income. But, they’re all great ways to supplement your needs.

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Don’t Get Stressed When You’re Trying for a Baby

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When you’ve been trying for a baby, and you’re sick of seeing that negative sign on your pregnancy tests, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of frantic trying, followed by periods of stress and finally disappointment. This is not unusual, and it is perfectly understandable, but it is also likely to be contributing to the problem.

It is much easier to conceive if you are as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Obviously, this is easier said than done, but if you’re currently trying to conceive instead of getting stressed, try these things instead:

Keep a Journal

When you’re stressed out, anxious and depressed, one thing that can really help you to overcome your feelings and get back to a more positive state of mind is writing your innermost feelings down in a journal. The simple act of putting pen to paper can

Help you to understand and deal with your issues in much the same way that seeing a therapist can, and it can certainly help you to stop ruminating over those intrusive negative thoughts that keep you up at night, so give it a try.

Seek Support

Talking to other people who understand what you’re going through, and who can offer you support is a great way to get things off your chest and released some of the pressure you’ve been under. If there are no appropriate support groups in your area, and you don’t have any friends or family members who know exactly what you’re going through, try the internet – there are many lovely, supportive women online who will help you through this issue in a kind and caring way, so that you know you are not alone.

Try TTC Tools

Trying to Conceive tools are as much of a godsend to people who are looking to conceive as affordable fertility treatment. They enable you to track your menstrual cycle so that you can concentrate on having sex when you’re most likely to conceive. Knowing when you’re most fertile can really take the pressure off you and your partner and allow you to relax a bit during the rest of the month.

Spend Some Time Outdoors

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Many women who are having a hard time conceiving lock themselves away from the outside world because they simply can’t stand to see all the happy families and pregnant women in their neighborhood. They aren’t being spiteful or envious – they just find it hard to see the very thing that they want most in the world. This is understandable, but isolating yourself and not spending enough time outdoors will only lead to more stress and depression. Being outdoors, surrounded by nature, breathing in fresh air is one of the best ways to de-stress and once you’ve tried it, you’ll feel much better about the world.

Think Positive

Being told to think positive when you’re having a tough time rarely goes down well, but the people who are encouraging you to do just that are probably right. Sure, telling yourself that you’re going to get pregnant soon might not make it happen, but saying the opposite will only make you more down and that will lead to more frantic efforts to conceive. The stress that comes from that will make it more difficult to get pregnant, and it will become one big vicious circle that you can’t break out of. So, be gentle with yourself, try to be positive and keep at it.


Not only is exercise one of the best forms of stress relief, but the healthier your body (and mind) the easier it will be to conceive, especially if you have a little weight to lose. You’ll probably be tired when you’re trying to conceive, but fitting in even just 30 minutes of exercise a day will make all the difference.

Have Fun

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Even though you’re going to be concentrating your efforts in the bedroom on making a baby, you should still take the time to have fun. Take the pressure off and just have sex for the sheer pleasure of doing so once in awhile. Go on dates and enjoy each other’s company too. It’ll make all the difference.

Take a Break

If you or your partner are really having a tough time coping, it is sometimes is better to take a break from your schedule for a little while. If you’re stressed out, things are unlikely to happen anyway, and with just a few days break, you’ll both come back with a new sense of optimism and a relaxed body that is more conducive to conceiving.

Good luck. I hope that you get the news you’ve been longing for soon!


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How to Ensure Your Cats are Healthy & Happy

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Keeping our cats healthy and happy is essential for all you cat lovers. However it’s not always easy to know the best minerals, vitamins and food to feed your cats. Keeping your cats happy and stimulated is also an area that can be shrouded in mystery so today we are sharing the top essential tips to ensure your beloved cats are strong, happy and well looked after.

Don’t Scrimp on Cat Food

First things first, you must all be mindful of the food you are feeding our cats and not just grab the cheapest tins on the shelf. Researching the cat food brands that are supported by extensive research to ensure your cats are eating properly is the best place to start.

Vitamins & Minerals

In addition to the food you are feeding your cats you also need to consider the vitamin supplements that are important to keeping their bodies strong and active. Water soluble vitamins are a good place to start when looking at what’s available on the market. They are easy to feed to your cat and kind to their system. B vitamins are great for maintaining a great immune system and Vitamin C is great for strength and vitality. Other recommended water-soluble vitamins are choline, folic acid, and biotin.

Iron is a mineral that needs to be approached with caution as too much can cause problems. If your cat is iron deficient however it can suffer from many ailments so it’s worth checking this out with your vet. Parasites are also a risk for cats with low levels of iron so you need to stay on top of this.

Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chloride are also minerals that are important for cats, so have a look into the different cat supplements available.


Interacting with your cats is one of the most important things you can do to keep them feeling happy, safe and loved. Playing with your cats makes sure that not only are you stimulating your pets, but you are having some all important bonding time.

Avoid dangerous toys like string, plastic bags and small items that they can choke on. There are so many great little toys that will have your cat happily playing on your lap, so have a look for the best Cat Supplies – or – Cat Accessories to see what’s out there

Creating the Ideal Feline Environment

Making your home as cat friendly as possible is one of the best things you can do to ensure your cat is happy and safe. Investing in cat flaps so they can come and go as they please and creating cosy beds for them are all little touches to make sure you are making your home as cosy as possible for your feline friends.

Cats are incredibly clean animals so making sure litter trays are cleaned out daily will keep them happy and keep your home looking and smelling clean and fresh.

Cats love looking out of windows and out into the great outdoors, so think about making one of your window sills a special place for your cat to relax and take in the view. Putting a cushion down in front of the window will create a soothing and relaxing space for your cat.

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