Archives for November 2016

Hazardous Materials That Could Be Hiding In Your Old House

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Health and safety regulations have been through quite a rapid transformation in the last few centuries. As beautiful as old houses can be, it’s important to remember that they weren’t built with the same risk assessments in mind as they are now. Consequently, certain materials used then have since been found to be extremely hazardous to human health. Here are some of the dangerous materials that could lurking in your home, and how you can get rid of them.

Lead paint

Before people started realising lead was poisonous it was used in everything, even paint. When ingested, lead can get into the bloodstream and travel to the brain causing intellectual disabilities and behavioural problems as well as headaches and nausea. It is especially dangerous for children, who may decide to curiously put a bit of flaked lead paint in their mouth. When discovered the best cause of actions is to strip all the walls. Thankfully, most properties have already been stripped of lead paint, but there are still some homes out there that remain untouched.

Lead piping

The Victorians used lead pipes to pump water around. Most utility companies have made it their mission to get rid of lead pipes. If a piece of lead flakes off, it can get into the water supply and potentially poison a whole family. If you live in an old house, make sure that it has had its piping replaced.

Old wiring

Most old wiring is still safe to this day, however house with the very first form of wiring – ‘knob and tube’ – should be fixed. Whilst the wires themselves are generally nothing to worry about, the insulation used in knob and tube wiring was primarily rubber, which crumbles over time. Most are now starting to crumble leaving exposed wires that can cause electrocution and fires if not attended to. Other old forms of insulation have also been known to crumble, so its best get an electrician around to check your old home if you haven’t already.


This durable, fire-proof material was hailed as a miracle product when it first came on the market. Unfortunately, it has since been discovered to be incredibly toxic, crumbling asbestos causing small shards that when inhaled can cause deadly lung cancer. There are many companies such as PROAS that specialise in the careful removal of asbestos. If you have a suspicion that you may have some in your property make it an emergency to get it removed.

Pressed wood

Pressed wood was a big fashion statement in the 70s, but has since been found to be highly toxic. Urea formaldehyde – the glue used to press the wood together – has been known to give off poisonous fumes when in hot or humid conditions. These fumes can cause difficulty breathing and asthma attacks, and have been reported to cause cancer in animals. So ditch that pressed wood table!

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Always Get Your Rental Deposit Back By Following These Must-Know Tips

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If you’ve spent a long time living in a rented property, you are probably counting down the days until you can move into a place of your very own. When the day finally comes, you’ll realise that there is no better feeling than getting the keys to a home that is truly yours. It can provide a more stable place for your children to grow up in, and on the whole, it usually works out a lot cheaper too. Owning property is an investment, and this is why people buy at some point during their twenties or early thirties. But before you can start decorating your new pad, you need to do one thing first: and that is move out of your rental property. It sounds relatively simple, but unfortunately, landlords can often be very picky about the condition you leave the house in. Some are even rogue, and will try and take money off your deposit by claiming that internal damages were caused by you (even if they were already there when you moved in). If you’re about to move out of rented property once and for all, here’s how you can ensure that you get your full deposit back.

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Hire the professionals

If you’ve been super careful with your rented house or apartment all year round, it can be really annoying to end up damaging it on the day you move out. A lot of people accidentally damage their properties when they are moving items out of it, especially heavy, bulky items like tables and sofas. This could be knocking over something that came with the house and breaking it, or scraping paint off the walls. In any case, it is always best that you hire Professional Movers who will be able to provide a seamless operation.

Clean like crazy

Even if your rented property was dirty when you arrived (common amongst rogue landlords), you will be expected to clean it when you move out. This may take at least a day to complete, so it’s best that you set aside a couple of days for the move in its entirety. That way, you have one day for packing up your stuff and another for carrying out a deep clean. Don’t leave any stone unturned – clean under beds, clean skirting boards and make a real go of the bathroom and kitchen. It can also be worth replacing anything that’s faulty and relatively inexpensive, such as light bulbs. It might seem trivial, but it’s something your landlord could pull you up on.

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Dispute any unfair claims

In most cases, the landlords will take a certain amount of money off your deposit before giving it back to you. Some of these may be due to general wear and tear. But, if you think you have been swindled out of cash, it’s important to dispute it. Taking an inventory when you originally move in and presenting it at this point can help you fight your corner. If your landlord won’t budge and you are missing a large amount of money, you may want to consider taking the case to a tribunal or to a small claims court.

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The Perils of Motherhood – And How To Get Through Them

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Being a mom is probably the most rewarding job on this earth. But anyone that tell you it’s easy is not being truthful. It is hard work, and it comes with a lot of worry and stress. There are so many pitfalls that you can find yourself in. Luckily there is plenty of advice to help you steer your ship through the choppy waters of motherhood. So if you are feeling in need of a bit of guidance, read on for some help and support.


Time Management

From the time that your baby first comes into the world, your whole life is turned on its head. Once their babies are born a mom’s priorities is swayed towards caring for the little ones, even at the expense of their own self-care. It is a huge life changing event, that forever alters the way that mother deal with time and tasks from that moment on. But how does that fit in with all the other responsibilities of adult life?

Well, this priority shift can cause problems for working moms. As they can find it hard to balance the care and attention of their kids with the demands made of them at work. It can be doubly difficult to fit in things like school meetings and dentist appointment because of their schedule.

Happily small changes can help there. Working moms can appeal to their boss to work flextime. Then you can still do the same number of hours but you won’t have to miss your kids first day at school or their end of term play.


Fitting in seemingly little things like dental appointments can be tricky. You need to ask yourself: is the dentist available when you need them?

If the answer is no, then it might be time to switch to a new provider that offers out of hours appointments in the evenings and at weekends. This will help you get all the vital health issue sorted in the limited time you do have.

Stay at home moms have to struggle with time management tool but in a different way. The expectations on the stay at home mom are high. They are often expected to run an immaculate home, cook all the meals as well as raising the kids. They also have an added sense of burden as people expect them to spend most of their day spending quality time with the kids. As if their other tasks wouldn’t take up a full day, without that!

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A good way of dealing with this is to try and get into a reasonable routine. Then you can divide your time between the kids and the chores. It can even be good for the kids to have some time without your full attention. So they learn to amuse themselves by practicing their reading or playing quietly.


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Another massive issue that mom have to deal with is guilt. That guilt that what they are doing isn’t quite good enough. That they could be a better mom. That maybe they should give up their career and spend all their time at home. Or, that they worry that they are not contributing to the families finances and should go back to work full time. Even though that is not what they want.

Unfortunately, some guilt just comes with the territory. Of course, it doesn’t help either when a group of mothers get into that weird one-upmanship game. So what if little Johnny could count to 10 before he was one? You have to remember that all children develop at their own pace. It is not a race, and it’s certainly not a competition.

So how to deal with mom guilt? Well, it’s a tricky one and what works for one person may not work for another. It is tempting to seek reassurance from our children or spouses, but sometimes this can be counter productive. This is because our sense of self-worth is based on another’s judgment. Of course, usually our kids and spouse will be kind, but not always. So it can be pretty shaky ground.

A combination of self-kindness and clear parenting goals works the best. It is important to set goals, so you know how you will deal with different sort of situations as they arise. For example, your goal may be that you won’t reinforce their bad behavior with attention. The forgiveness comes in because sometimes you’ll slip up and won’t do it. But that is OK. You are only human. As long as you are mostly on track, then you will get to that goal eventually. Meeting your goals will help you see that you are a ‘good mom’ in a way that is defined by you and no one else.

Sleep Time

One of the most major pitfalls for moms is sleeping habits. Have you spoken to anyone with kids that have not had some trouble getting them off to sleep at one time or another? Sleep issues can take many forms. Among others, they can want to get into your bed for comfort when they are young. Or they can refuse to sleep and seem full of energy whenever bedtime rolls around.

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But how can you avoid this pitfall? Well, there are several methods of encouraging good sleep in your kids, and it is often a case of ‘just try it and see.’ If that one doesn’t work, then go onto the next one.

Some moms like to try to the cry it out method. This means they put their kids to bed and when they cry to get up and for attention, instead of responding the parents just them leave. Eventually, they learn that they crying has no effect, so they stop and just go to sleep. Other parents swear by a good bedtime routine including a lavender scented bath and a story. Still, others use technological gadgets to help such a lullaby mobile or Grow Clocks.


Setting rules and reinforcing them consistently is somewhere where it can be easy for any mom to fall down. Most people are pretty good on the rules side. Don’t shout, don’t run, don’t hit your sister, that kind of thing. But it is the consistency that is difficult to implement.

The trouble is that kids won’t respond to rules if they are not consistently reinforced, and that is where being a mom gets hard.

When people dream of being a mother, they don’t tend to think of repeating rules and actioning the consequences. No one likes to be the bad guy. But unfortunately, that is a big part of it. The kids need to know that if they don’t do something that is asked of them that there is a clear, regular system of consequences put in place. You can see this at work best on TV programs such as Supernanny.

In Supernanny, she warns the child of the rule they are breaking. Reminds them again and then implements a consequence. Which is usually spending time in a “cool down zone.”

This provides a way to remove the child from the situation where they are breaking the rule. It also allows them to have to feel and process their emotional response. The child often learns very fast that they can control their emotional response and rejoin the activity that they were doing.

The whole thing is meant to be impersonal, in a good way. It is not the child that is the problem but the behavior and when that behavior ceases they can carry on with what they were doing.

This is a way of dealing with behavior that can take a lot of stress off mom. But it also has the advantage of not endangering the relationship between mother and child. As the child is not cast as ‘bad’ just the behavior.

The Mother – Child Bond

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Something that is a less discussed pitfall of being a mother is that is that it is fraught with change and to a degree loss. From the moment that they are born they are gradually moving away from your protective care out into the big wide world.

Your job is to educate so they can be a successful adult. The problem is that because motherhood requires so much sacrifice, many moms start to see themselves only in that role.

This can create issues when the child go through stages where they are less dependent on their mother.  Such as preadolescence and adolescence. It can be difficult for moms that have worked hard to have a good bond with their child, to start to let them go.

So how can this be avoided? The answer is to a greater or lesser extent depending on your personality and viewpoint sand that of your kids, it can’t. All mom are going to experience some pain and strife as their kids get older and start striking out on their own. The best thing is to be aware of it and know to expect it so you can deal with it easier.

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Laying the groundwork while they are young for a communicative relationship can also help during the rough times. As can the realization that their desire to leave the nest and live in the big wide world is a good thing. As it means that, at least in some way, you have successfully avoided or transversed many of the pitfalls that motherhood can bring.

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Why Your Teeth Are So Yellow, And What To Do About It

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White teeth look great. Yellow teeth? Not so much – well, at least according to the media and the magazines. As a result, many of us want brighter, whiter teeth.

The question, as with all these things, is; what causes tooth yellowing in the first place? Is it just a natural part of life? Or does it have something to do with our lifestyle choices?

According to one major toothpaste manufacturer, the primary cause of tooth yellowing is staining. Tooth enamel on the surface of our teeth is white. Underneath tooth enamel is another substance called dentin. Dentin is brown. If tooth enamel is thick, it blocks out the dentin and makes teeth appear white. If tooth enamel is thin, the brown underneath the enamel discolors the teeth. This has the effect of making teeth look more yellow from the outside.


Given that our smile is one of our best assets, it’d be good if there was something we could do about this. Here are the reasons your teeth are going yellow and what you can do about it.

Reason 1: You’ve Got Yellow Teeth Genes

Not everybody’s DNA produces perfectly white enamel. Some people have genes that instruct their bodies to make enamel with a yellow tinge. This is a pain, but you can do something to fix it. First, of, you can try using whitening toothpaste. These toothpaste contain special ingredients. These ingredients artificially boost the whiteness of teeth, even if they’re yellow underneath. The second option is to use whitening strips. You can get these from the supermarket or use services like Dentist 24 Hourly to find a dentist to do it for you. Dentist treatments are often a lot more effective than whitening kits you buy at the store.

Reason 2: You’re Sick

If you suddenly notice your teeth are discolored, it could be because you’re sick. Some diseases can cause teeth to discolor. If you’ve got cancer, chemotherapy can also cause teeth to lose their whiteness. It’s worth noting, however, that sickness usually results in teeth going more brown than yellow. If your teeth are going brown, regular dental treatment won’t solve the problem. You’ll have to go to the doctors and get the underlying illness sorted out first.

Reason 3: You Take Medication

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There are a couple of medicines that can darken teeth, especially in children and younger adults. Two such medications are antibiotics doxycycline and tetracycline. Tetracycline is often used by people who suffer from acne.

Other drugs can also cause teeth to yellow, besides antibiotics. These include the antihistamine class of medicines. If you suffer from allergies, your medicine could be the reason for why your teeth are losing their whiteness. Drugs for high blood pressure can have an adverse impact on tooth whiteness too.

If you think that your medicine is making your teeth yellow, take a look at the list of side effects. If you’re worried about it, talk to your doctor. Often, they’ll be able to offer you a different combination of medicines that won’t damage your teeth.

Reason 4: You Don’t Bother Brushing Your Teeth

The number one reason why people’s teeth lose their color is because of a lack of oral hygiene. Oral health is essential to stop the buildup of plaque and tartar. Once plaque sets in, it can be tough to remove.

A lack of oral hygiene also means that stains have longer to be incorporated into the tooth enamel. If stains are left, they can work their way into the enamel itself, causing it to discolor. When this happens, it can be very difficult to remove it.


The good news is that the solution is easy. Just brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. If you use a manual toothbrush, brush at a 45-degree angle to the teeth for maximum effect.

Reason 5: You Smoke

Everybody knows that smoking can be very damaging to your health. And everybody knows that it’s the best way to destroy your natural good looks. Smoking makes your hair wiry, skin sallow and teeth brown.

Reason 6: You’re Getting Old

Finally, it’s worth noting that aging itself can cause teeth to brown. The reason for this is that teeth get worn down over the course of a lifetime. The enamel on the surface starts to thin, and the dentin underneath becomes more exposed.

If you’re getting older, you can have your teeth cosmetically whitened with veneers. You can also use one of the many whitening products out there on the market at the moment. Visit your dentist if you’re worried.

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Fin Fun Mermaidens Collection Mermaid Tales- Save With a Special Coupon Code!

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The holidays are coming and if you have mermaid lovers on your gift list, I have the perfect idea for you. The Fin Fun Mermaidens collection features tails based on the beloved Mermaiden Princess characters, each with a unique personality and story, which can be found on the kid-friendly site.

How gorgeous!

My older daughter LOVES all things mermaid. Like most girls, her love for mermaids started with The Little Mermaid. Now that she’s almost a teenager, her favorite show is a show about a group of friends who turn into mermaids. It’s her dream to be a mermaid. Of course she knows that she’ll never turn into a real mermaid but with the Fin Fun tails, she can get pretty close!

For mermaids who desire an entire wardrobe of stylish, eye-catching tails, Fin Fun offers an amazing selection of high-quality mermaid tail designs inspired by the beauty of the sea and nature. The Limited Edition collection combines fantasy with nature’s beauty in spectacular designs that have a shimmery, shiny look and feel.

The patented Fin Fun Monofin (available for separate purchase) provides natural mermaid motion for smooth swimming at the pool, lake or beach. Feet are not strapped in, making removal of the Monofin easy, with just one tug and a kick. The open tail bottom makes it easy to insert and remove the Monofin (required for swimming), while also avoiding trapped air and allowing mermaids to walk on land.

These award-winning Fin Fun products are designed for a realistic mermaid experience that also provides maximum safety, comfort and performance. The premium quality and attention to detail has made them a celebrity favorite, as well as the best-selling mermaid tail brand in the world! More information at

For mermaid fun on land they also offer a blanket tail version.

My readers get to save!
Check out our mermaid tails for sale at to order yours today! Use code USFAMILY16 to save $5 Off Any Order!

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2016 Holiday Party Dresses to Suit Your Shape

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15025568_10153951843761770_5789155681878622275_oOne of the most fun outfits of the year to pick out is your Christmas party dress. Christmas is great for fashion because you can play with looks that would be ‘too much’ the rest of the year, like sequins, full skirts, and rich fabrics like velvet. You also get to accessorize with your most glam pieces, be they killer heels, sparkly bags, or beautiful luxury jewelry like these pieces from Ascot Diamonds.

Shopping for and wearing your party dress is fun, but it can help to have an idea of where to start so you aren’t overwhelmed by all of the fabulous dresses in the stores and online at this time of year. Here are some ideas of party dress trends from 2016 to suit your figure:


If you have a small frame, you could look stylish and festive in one of this season’s patterned sequin mini dresses. Look out for geometric designs overlaid with sequins in metallic colors for a look that is modern and on trend, as well as being a lot of fun to wear.

Pear Shaped

Full skirts are in for Christmas, so look out for tutu styles and skirts with ruffles, feathers and other embellishments in an A line cut that skims over the hips. You may think adding extra volume here is a bad idea, but it actually conceals a bottom heavy figure very well while enhancing the waist. A fitted top emphasizes your smaller parts.


Tall women are among the few body shapes who can pull off one of this season’s hottest trends to its best effect – the midi skirt. Many people shy away from even trying this look because a skirt falling below the knee but above the ankle can be unflattering and shorten legs, but on long legs it can look extremely sophisticated and elegant.

Hourglass Shape

If you have a curvy hourglass figure you want to show off in your party dress, look out for crushed velvet ‘bodycon’ style dresses with a pencil skirt cut. These are sexy and fashionable, as well as having that Christmassy, opulent feel you get from velvet. Look for rich wine or jewel colors and pair with classic heels for a classy yet alluring look you will love.


If you have an athletic or especially straight torso, you can also consider the full skirt option to add some volume and give you a beautiful, feminine look. Another of the styles that is big this Christmas that will look great on you is full length gowns, which when belted can give you extra curves. Backless styles will show off your toned back, and of course, you can mix it up with some of the other trends mentioned here by opting for a long dress in sequin or velvet fabric.

There are gorgeous trends to suit everybody this Christmas, and of course, everybody is different, so if you are in love with a trend other than what is recommended for your shape, just try it on – sometimes unexpected things can look amazing!

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An Efficient And Organized House Sure Makes Life Run Smoothly

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It’s funny how the place where you live and spend most of your time can sometimes feel overwhelming, disorganized and a little bit stressful. We all want our home to be our sanctuary. But with busy schedules, kids and too much work, it’s often the last place we think about organizing. An efficiently run house, however, makes life go a little more smoothly. Here’re some ideas on how to bring more efficiency into your home, so you can sit back and relax as well.
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To make a kitchen great, you don’t have to have a lot of space; you just have to know how to organize it. Invest in good storage such as a full length pull out larder, and you’ll find it much easier to locate things. Before you organize your kitchen, make sure to go through it and purge. Get rid of all the food that is past its sell by date and all the appliances and utensils you just don’t use. There is no point keeping them if they are taking up valuable space. Hang aprons, dish cloths and oven gloves on pegs out of the way. Make sure your kids have a cupboard to put their lunchboxes and snacks in. Keep the things you use every day at eye level and store special occasion items higher up. Make sure to keep like for like items all in one place. So store all your tinfoil, clingfilm and sandwich bags together. And all your baking goods in one place too. Invest in sliding rack shelves for things like pots, pans and colanders. And keep them near the oven. Keep a list on the pantry door of things you are running low or out of.
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Laundry Room

Make sure your laundry room is well stocked and organized. Install shelves for clean folded laundry and for all your washing liquids and fabric softeners. Make sure you are always stocked with extra toilet roll, vacuum bags and detergent. You can buy things such as miele vacuum bags and stain remover in bulk so you never have a mad dash to the shops. Keep three large hampers in your laundry room. Use one for dirty whites, one for dirty colors and one for soccer kits etc. And keep a glass jar for all the loose change you find in pockets before you do the wash.  Also keep a big jar for lost socks. Family members can then search through here to find their missing pair!
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Living Room

It’s a really good idea to try and keep your living room clutter-free as this where most of the family will spend their time. And you can’t relax in clutter. Invest in a large shelving unit and designate different shelves to each family member. A child may want to keep a box of toys on theirs. An adult may want to keep books, and a teenager may keep all their technology on theirs. Make a harsh rule that if it doesn’t go back on the shelf by the end of the day, it goes in the bin. Ouch! But effective! Be brutal with old magazines and papers. Chances are no one is going to read them again, and they just look messy. Hide extra blankets and cushions in a decorative chest that can also be used a piece of furniture. And lastly, consider investing in other multi-functional pieces for your living room. You can get hidden workstations, under seat storage and sliding top coffee tables, all to hide a multitude of ‘mess’.          

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Cook Up A Delicious Kitchen Design In Your Home

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Are you thinking about completing a kitchen renovation this year? Perhaps you are treating yourself before Christmas comes around. You want to create the perfect place to cook that large roast. Or, maybe you are on the precipice of selling. A fantastic kitchen renovation will add about twenty-five percent onto the asking value of your home. Whatever you reason for the renovation, here are suggestions that will help.

Smart Storage

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One of the biggest problems with the kitchen is usually the space. Often, there isn’t enough space to cook comfortably without feeling cramped and stuck in a rut. This is particularly true in smaller homes where the kitchen is completely closed off. To account for this, you need to think about some fantastic storage options. One suggestion would be to attach hangers to the walls. That way, you can hang your cutlery and utensils around you, so they are easy to find and store. It will also save you space and make life easier for you.

You can also consider having specific storage areas for certain items. For instance, if you love your drinks, you can set up a wine cooler. With drawer slides, the bottles can be removed and placed in the cooler effortlessly without any trouble at all. It’s a stylish design choice that is going to make your kitchen a dream come true.

Tech Dreams

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There’s plenty of new tech that you can add to your kitchen. This will make it a better place in your home, particularly if you invest in smart technology. For instance, did you know that you can purchase a smart fridge? It’s true, and with a smart fridge, you’ll be alerted when you’re running low on a particular item. You can even get notifications sent to your phone or tablet while you are away from the house.

You can also look into the possibility of purchasing a heat induction hob. These are fantastic energy savers, and it will make your kitchen look modern. The light-up display changes, depending on what you put on the hob. As well as this, unlike other hobs, only the bottom surface of the pan is heated.

Awesome Designs

modern and comfortable kitchen

modern and comfortable kitchen

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When you’re thinking about the style of your kitchen, you should start with the floor. These days it is fashionable to get one material for the floor covering rather than tiles. A particularly attractive material is marble although this might not fit into your budget. If that’s the case, you can get an aesthetic material that looks like the real deal.

Once you have changed the floor, you can get some new light fixtures. These fixtures will make your floor shine and look stunning. Spotlights are currently in fashion as fixtures for the kitchen. With spotlights, you can frame specific areas of the room.

If you use these ideas, your kitchen is going to look stunning, and you’ll add a lot of value to the home. Once you have upgraded the room, you’ll probably find you want to spend a lot more time cooking up delicious meals.

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When Disaster Strikes: Nursing Your Damaged Home Back To Good Health

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Our homes may be the place where we feel safest, most secure, and protected. But all the locks and alarms in the world can’t stop terrible weather and other disasters from striking. Perhaps more distressing than the damage to the decor is the harm it can do to your mental and emotional health. Fire, vandalism, burglary, flooding, and wind damage can all happen to our properties. What you do next could change how seriously it affects you:


With the holiday period approaching, most of us are pretty wary of the dangers of fire in the home. Faulty electrics, knocked over candles, and poorly discarded cigarettes can all become incredibly destructive. Smoke damage can spread throughout the house. And if a fire takes hold, you could see significant damage. Once the heat is gone, it’s important to get the insurance company to document everything. Then you can decide to wait for their payout or get started with cleaning up and repainting.

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Spray paint is notoriously difficult to remove, but there are products that can make lighter work of it. If the messages left on your property are offensive, chances are they’re illegal in more ways than one. Make sure you file a report and photographic evidence with your local police force. Your DIY skills may come in handy if fencing is kicked down or windows are smashed. However, it may be best to call a professional team to tackle it, especially if you are insured.


Find your home has been broken into can be more distressing than losing the valuables that were stolen. For your own peace of mind, you might choose to make some changes to your home and enjoy a fresh start. Paint the walls, move the furniture around, and invest in new locks. It will help remove reminders of what happened, and you might feel less vulnerable.


When it rains, it can really pour! If a lot of rain falls in a short space of time, your home may become flooded. The trouble is, this water that is rising in your home can be full of bacteria and germs that may be harmful to you and your family. You will likely need to move out while the house is treated to a flood damage cleanup by the professionals. The last thing you need is mold developing.

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Wind Damage

It doesn’t take a tornado to damage your roof and fences. Strong winds can be very destructive. They can blow debris around that may damage your windows too. Once you have identified the damage, it’s important to weatherproof your home again. Use plastic or tarp sheeting to keep the rain out. Board up any windows, and clear any glass away safely. The last thing you want is a sharp shard blowing about in a strong gale. If the roof is damaged, consult a professional roofing expert to confirm it is structurally safe.

Lots of things can go wrong with our houses, but fortunately, such occurrences are rare. Insurance policies usually cover much of the cost of damage when one of the above happens. Make sure you take photos quickly.

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Easy Ways To Ensure Your Teen Stays Safe When Going Out With Friends!

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When your child becomes a teenager, it can lead to troublesome relationships. After all, they believe they are an adult and want more independence. But at the same time, you want to keep them safe as you know the dangers of the world. So when they do want to go out on their own with friends, it can be a hard one for moms. You don’t want to restrict them as they might rebel. And time with their buddies is great to boost their mood and energy levels. However, you need to ensure they stay safe while out without you. Therefore, here are some easy ways to ensure your teen stays safe when going out with friends.


Make sure their phone is fully charged

It’s so important that your teen can call you if they have an issue when they are out with friends. Or if it’s an emergency, they need to be able to call the police. Therefore, you need to ensure they go out with their phone fully charged. That way, you know they can make contact if there is an issue. If their phone battery is rubbish, you might want to look into a portable charger. That way, they can quickly charge their battery and make contact. It also stops them from using the excuse their phone died, so they couldn’t contact you! Also, get them to install some form of Find my Phone app. That way, if they don’t come home, you can find out exactly where they are!

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Arrange transport for them

Your teen is likely to complain if you offer to drop them off at their destination. After all, it’s ‘uncool’ to be seen with their mom! However, it can be too dangerous for your kid to walk to meet their friends on their own. Therefore, to compromise, you should arrange transport for them. There are so many different apps now such as Uber which lets you sort a ride easily for your teen. And it’s ideal for moms as you will know exactly who is picking them up and you can pay before they go. Also, you can read reviews online so that you know your teen is safely getting to their destination. And you can also arrange a lift back, so they don’t end up getting home too late! Failing this, ask a ‘cool’ cousin or aunt to take them, so you know they will get to their destination safely!

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Set a curfew  

You need to make sure you set a clear curfew with your teen so that they know what time to come home. Explain to them what will happen if they don’t come back then. After all, they need to understand it’s a privilege they are going out, so they need to be respectful. And as this article says, some cities have a mandatory curfew for teenagers of a particular age. So explain this to your teen as well, so they know it’s crucial to follow the law!

And make sure you know exactly who they are going to meet. You don’t want it to turn out to be someone your teen has never met before. Therefore, make sure you trust the friends they are meeting and stop them from going unless you are confident your teen is telling the truth.


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