Take Action Right Now To Future-Proof Your Home

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When it comes to home renovations, adding value is often one of the main objectives. The idea is that making changes will make it more desirable for future buyers. But what if you don’t intend to sell? What if you intend to retire in your home one day? There are several steps you can take to future-proof your home and ensure it is secure and comfortable for the rest of your life.

  1. Fix The Roof

The first place to begin when you’re future-proofing your home is to fix the roof. The roof is one of the most important parts of your home’s structure. It protects you from the weather and keeps out the elements. If the roof isn’t right, it will have a negative impact on the rest of the property. A reputable contractor for roof replacement will install a roof that lasts for twenty to thirty years.

A new roof will also be efficient in terms of insulation. Less heat will be lost during the winter months, driving down your fuel bills. During the summer it will keep you cooler by keeping the worst of the heat away from the rest of your home. So, it makes long-term sense to get the roof right.

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  1. Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

An eco-friendly home is an efficient home. As it uses less energy, it will save you money on heat, lighting, and electricity. The following are ways you can make your home renovations greener:

  • Install solar panels to provide your electricity. Any excess energy can be sold back to the grid.
  • Use eco-friendly materials for extensions, etc.
  • Install energy-efficient windows and doors.
  • Install an energy-efficient boiler system.
  • If you’re not using the fireplace, block it to avoid losing heat through the roof.
  • Insulate the loft and wall spaces.

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  1. Make It A Smart Home

Smart technology for homes is a growing trend. It is now becoming possible to manage all aspects of your home via a smartphone and apps. This includes everything from lighting and heat to air conditioning and alarm systems.

One of the biggest advantages to smart homes is that it provides you with greater convenience. This is important now, but it will be more so as you get older. And being able to access areas of your home remotely, can help save money in the long-term. For example, if you know you’re going to be delayed a few hours, there’s no reason for your heating to be switched on. With smart technology you can switch off the heating system before arriving home.

Energy-efficiency is another reason to consider making smart changes. Features such as lights switching off when you leave the room will also save you money and make your home more comfortable.

  1. Consider Future Requirements

When making any changes, it is important to consider future requirements. You may not wish to add features like stair lifts right now. But, you may want to ensure that the new staircase you install can accommodate this in the future. Similarly, if you’re working in the garden, think about convenience. Look for ways to reduce the workload in later years.

If you don’t intend to sell your home, keep the future in mind when carrying out renovations. Instead of making changes to add value, make them to increase longevity.

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