Sneak Peek at Disney’s New Short FEAST #Feast #BigHero6 #BigHero6Event

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This looks so adorable!  I can’t wait to see it when I head to Los Angeles next week to attend the red carpet premiere of Big Hero 6.  Keep an eye out for that post coming later this week.

“Feast,” a new short from first-time director Patrick Osborne (head of animation for “Paperman”) and Walt Disney Animation Studios, is the story of one man’s love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share.  I get chills just posting about this because if you recall a few years ago I met Kristina Reed, who was the producer for Paperman as well as this new Disney short. 


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Paperman Review and Interview #DISNEYMOVIESEVENT

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During my recent trip to Los Angeles I was treated to an advanced screening of Paperman, a new movie short that can be seen before Wreck-It Ralph.  It’s been a while since Disney has put a movie short before one of their feature films but Paperman is a perfect edition to Disney movie shorts.  This movie packs quite an emotional punch is just 7 minutes.   It is the story of a lonely single man who makes a brief connection with a beautiful woman in the train station.

Even without words, the images and musical scores pull you in and you can immediately feel what the characters feel.  As cliche as it sounds, I laughed, I cried!  Paperman is groundbreaking because it features hand drawn animation merged with computer generated graphics which makes for a truly stunning cinematic masterpiece.

We next see the man as he sits at his desk at work thinking of his encounter when he sees the woman across the way in another skyscraper.  Longing to get her attention and armed with nothing but the papers on his desk, he does everything he can to try to reconnect with her.  Could she be the one?

Could he be the one?  You’ll have to see the movie to see what happens next.  Paperman really gets you thinking about the connections we make with others even if for just a moment.  I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and this movie spoke to that.  Don’t miss seeing Paperman.

We also had the honor of speaking with the producer of Paperman, Kristina Reed, to find out all about the making of Paperman.  Here’s a little bit of what we learned:

Director John Kahrs began thinking about the basic idea for Paperman back in the early 1990s when he lived in New York City and commuted 38 miles each way to his job in Westchester County.  He lived in New York City and everyday he’d be traveling through Grand Central Station as a single guy in his 20’s. There were scores of people moving through the train stations and yet he kept thinking to himself, “Why am I not having a more happy life?  I’m a single guy in New York City.  I should be on top of the world.  And yet I feel really rather lonely.”  Every once in a while, he’d make a connection with somebody, eye contact in the station and think,”Is that the girl of my dreams?”  And then she’d be gone.
At the time movies were either hand drawn or CG (computer generated).  But then the creative minds at Disney began to wonder, “Is there some new place we can go visually that– that no studio has gone before?”  And it was decided to merge both techniques.  First they CG animators would create the scene.   They they would go in and erase the character’s features.  And flatten the image so that it didn’t look volumetric and CG anymore.  It looks almost like they just did it in flat black and white.   Then one of the hand drawn artists comes in and design how the lines are gonna work. They decide there’s going to be a very thick pen going down the right side of that airplane and thinner ones on the left.   Both Kristina and John who had come from more of a CG background were amazed by the ability that line artists have to put expression just in a single line.  Just how by lifting a lip up a little bit or turning an eye, there’s so much expression that can be conveyed.   And when you’re trying to do that in the CG world it’s really, really hard.   So once the features are hand drawn back in they  figure out the paint and decide where the highlights, etc. are going to be.
It is very tedious and basically double work to do it this way. But when you see the shot in the film it’s a magical moment.
It took about 14 months from start to finish to create this 7 minute short.  Many people had a hand in making it but there was just a small main core of people working on it.  The hand drawn team and the CG team were not able to work on the project at the same time due to availability issues.  Since Paperman is a small project, finding time to work on it came in between bigger projects.  Kristina mentioned that she would like the two teams to work more closely if they do a project like this again.

Make sure to check out Paperman, in theaters now!
Disclosure: Thank you to Disney who paid for transportation, food, and accommodations for this event.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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Wreck-It Ralph Disney Animation Studio Experience- #DisneyMoviesEvent #WreckItRalph

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Last month I had the honor of being part of a special group of bloggers who went on a special tour of Disney Animation Studios to learn all about how Wreck-It Ralph was created and so much more.

It was an amazing day and I have so much to share with you.

First I was given the cutest press pass ever!  I mean how cute is Vanellope Von Schweetz?!?!
Then were were ushered into the screening room where Wreck-It Ralph was introduced to us by Director Rich Moore and Producer Clark Spencer.  It was such an amazing experience to gain insights about a movie right from the people who created it.  I love how the Director, Rich Moore said that “Movies are never finished.  We  just release them.”   I’ll be posting more from our interview session with Rich Moore and Clark Spencer soon so check back.
So back to the movie.  It was phenomenal!  The version we saw was a screening version so it wasn’t 100% complete.  There were scenes that weren’t completely finished being animated and parts did not have the final music scores and sounds with them, and yet I LOVED every minute of it!  It was amazing to see a movie in several stages of development to really see what goes into making a movie.  I can’t wait to see the final version and I am excited that I will be taking my family to a sneak preview locally this week.  I know my children and husband are going to love it as much as I do.  It comes out in theaters on November 2nd so be sure to take your whole family!  I will be sharing my review of the movie in the upcoming weeks so make sure to check it out.

After the movie we were divided into 2 groups.  One group had an interview session with Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore and Producer Clark Spencer while the second group went into another screening room to meet Producer Kristina Reed and see a screening of the movie short, Paperman.   After our session was done the groups switched.  I will be posting more about Paperman and our interview sessions soon, but again I loved being able to put a faces to the movies.  I always used to get up as soon as the movie credits rolled and gave little thought or consideration to all those names scrolling by.  After meeting with so many amazingly talented people at Disney Animation Studios and realizing just how many people it takes to create a movie, I will never look at that list of names as just a list of names again.  Each one of those names is of someone who had a hand in the magic of making that movie.   And there are MANY, MANY individual people and teams who work on each movie.
It’s not ALL work at the Disney Animation Studios.  The team for each movie that is in development works in their own “pod” area that is themed based on that movie to give the team the feeling of the movie.  
The Wreck-It Ralph “pod” was complete with classic video games.  
I even got to try my hand at playing an actual Wreck-It Ralph game.  I can’t wait until they come out with the version for Wii.  My kids are already asking me to add it to their holiday/birthday list.
 I just love this piece of Wreck-It Ralph artwork. 
Check out how many different “versions” of Ralph were considered.Wreck It Ralph

Wreck It RalphIt must be easy to be inspired working in such a creative atmosphere!

It didn’t take long for inspiration to hit me among all the candy they had out for our Sugar Rush race car building competition.  Look at all the amazing cars my fellow bloggers and I created:
I’m a little embarrassed to show you my sad looking car but in my defense I made it to have a steering wheel that really turned and wheels that really spun on axles.  I was going for function over style.  LOLWreck It RalphCan you imagine having all this candy on your wall at work in the name of “research”?

Next we were treated to 3 special learning sessions.   I started with an animated acting demo with Art Director, Mike Gabriel and Visual Development Artist,  Lorelay Bove.  They told us just how much research goes into making a movie.  One of the worlds of the Wreck-It Ralph takes place in a game made with lots of candy.  They art department actual went on field trips to candy stores to research what candy styles would look best and they choose the colors for those scenes based on colors found in Japanese candies.  Imagine going on a candy field trip for your job!  YUM!
When it was time to decide how to create the buildings for the Sugar Rush parts of the movie, the artists went on a trip to Lorelay’s hometown in Spain to take pictures of some of the beautiful architecture to get ideas.  The art department also went to visit an automobile factory to learn how cars are made because they needed to create a candy car factory for the movie.  Nothing was left to chance or taken for granted.  Everything was researched, researched, researched.  And then the photos were studied again and again to see how the light reflects on certain parts of the building or how a character’s hair would sit.  Every little detail is scrutinized and the designs go through MANY redesigns over a period of years before it gets to the final movie.  It’s not all fun and games but all of those “research trips” sound like fun.
Wreck It Ralph
My next session was a Drawing Demo with Head of Animation on Wreck-It Ralph, Renato dos Anjos and Animator, Kira Lehtomaki.  Kira Lehtomaki showed us how scenes are created using the computer.  Each scene goes through many changes before it reaches the final movie.  One 30 second clip can take weeks to create.  I was interested to learn that the animators actually videotape themselves acting out scenes so they can play them back and see how the animation should look.  Then Renato dos Anjos gave us a fun lesson on how to make Wreck-It Ralph’s hands and Vanellope Von Schweetz.  It was fun learning how to draw but as you can see from my drawing above, I’ll be sticking to blogging. 😉

Shhhh, sneak peek…….For the third session we went to the recording studio to learn how they add the voices to the movies and we even got to create our own voice over.  More on that in a few days when I will share the video of me making the voice over clip and the actual finished clip.  No, I won’t be in the actual movie BUT this was pretty cool nonetheless.  
After our sessions we all met up and went to the Disney store on site to make some purchases.  I won’t say what I got because my daughters read my blog and I got them some presents that I am not telling them about.  😉
We finished our fun filled day outside in Disney’s own Walk of Fame.
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Wreck-It Ralph comes to theaters November 2nd, 2012.

Disclosure: Thank you to Disney who paid for transportation, food, and accommodations for this event.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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