How to Have a Better Night’s Sleep

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219530983_d2039757f0_zPedro Ribeiro Simoes

Do you find that you often wake up feeling tireder than when you went to bed? A lot of people don’t think about the comfort of their bedroom and sleeping environment enough. If you struggle to get a comfortable night’s sleep, it might be time for you to look at your sleeping arrangements. When something isn’t going well, you should look at what might be wrong and how you can change it. Your poor sleep quality could be down to your bed or your bedding, your bedroom or even a health problem. Try making some of these changes to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Check for Health Problems

Many people are kept awake at night by a health issue, whether it’s theirs or a problem for the person they share their bed with. Snoring is a common issue that keeps people and their partners awake, which can be caused by several different things. Other sleep conditions include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and insomnia. If you suspect your problems sleeping are due to a health problem, you should visit your doctor so they can help you find a solution.

Examine Your Bed

It could be your bed that’s keeping you awake or stopping you getting a comfortable night of sleep. You might think that your bed is adequate, but it could be your mattress, pillow or even bedcovers that are making your sleep uncomfortable. You don’t want a mattress that’s too soft or too firm, so you may need to rethink the one you use. A medium-firm mattress if perfect for most people, but for extra comfort you could consider using a memory foam mattress. Your pillow is important too, and you should make sure it supports your head and neck. What sort of pillow you use depends on your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, it should be thinner but with extra height in the bottom, to support your neck. You need a firmer pillow if you sleep on your side, and a thin, almost flat one if you sleep on your stomach.

Adjust Your Bedroom Temperature

The wider environment of your room is vital to how well you sleep too. Perhaps your room is too warm or too cold for you to fall into a deep sleep. You don’t have to adjust the temperature by turning the heating up if you can’t afford to. Warmer pajamas, such as thermal layers, and extra blankets can keep you warmer. Look at the humidity in your room too, to make sure it’s not too dry or too moist.

Change Your Sleeping Position

You might get a better night’s sleep if you change your sleeping position. It can be hard to do this as you probably naturally rest in one place. But if you experience pain in your back or you snore at night, changing your position could help. If you have back pain, sleeping on your back or side is better than on your stomach. But it’s best not to sleep on your back if you’re a snorer because it could obstruct your airways.


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