How to Gain 15-20 Pounds of Muscle in 3 Months

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Do you want an easy way to gain muscles? Sure you do. Who wouldn’t want a well-built body that attracts prestige, status, and confidence? This power is closer to you now than ever.

In this article, you’ll learn about Sarms, how they can help you and how these compounds differ from anabolic steroids. Read on to find out more.

How Can Sarms Help You?

You can appreciate that endurance and faster recovery are crucial to gym gains. Why? Because better stamina helps you lift heavier and for longer, thus optimizing testosterone and growth hormone secretion. Quick recovery then helps you increase your workout routine’s frequency.

But that fitness dream isn’t possible using the older methods of improving workout performance. And a good diet isn’t enough if you desire faster results and a more aesthetic physique. Luckily, technology has improved to help you achieve your dreams more effortlessly.

Imagine injecting a drug and then getting those benefits in a few weeks. Sarms promise to give you that power. No more wasted energy at the gym or prolonged post-workout soreness, only results without a downside.

In that light, you might wonder…

How Do Sarms Differ From Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids increase your testosterone levels, hence the drug’s popularity in past body-building competitions. However, using those compounds had a massive downside that affected the user’s health for years or sometimes led to death.

Those side effects included acne, prostate cancer, gynecomastia, and liver toxicity. This consequence was because anabolic steroids are non-selective, activating many androgen receptors in the body. And therefore, the sport needed a change, or more people would lose their lives.

Luckily, in the 1990s, 30 years after the bodybuilders started using steroids, Sarms were born.

Scientists developed Sarms to help manage wasting diseases like cachexia and strengthen the elderly. Sarms were different and innovative because they were selective to receptors. Therefore, you’ll get the effects on tissues such as muscles, bones, the brain, etc.

And due to the drug’s effectiveness, gymnasts, bodybuilders, and athletes started using it. Since then, the compounds have made the media generate a lot of controversial stories. As a result, doping agencies in many countries ban these products from many sports categories.

Still, the benefits stand out, and they include…

Benefits of Sarms

Increased Muscle Growth & Strength

Each Sarm category has its effects. Some drugs increase Growth Hormone (GH) levels while others boost your Testosterone levels. And for those who don’t know, those hormones are vital in stimulating muscle growth and promoting recovery.

Growth Hormone

GH increases protein synthesis in the muscles through the amino acid deposition process. This compound also promotes better sleep and an optimal circadian rhythm. Optimizing those factors leads to a never-ending positive feedback loop of gains.

You’ll also strengthen your joints, thus preventing injuries. How? The hormone increases fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition on tendons and ligaments on your joints. You can thus perform heavy lifts without worrying about disabling long-term effects.


Testosterone works by activating androgen receptors which also affects the rate of muscle protein synthesis. This hormone maintains muscle mass, assists in bulking, promotes recovery, and helps people lose weight.

And did you know that testosterone levels affect your libido? Now you do. Optimizing the molecule is key to bedroom performance. Additionally, you wouldn’t want to miss out on testosterone’s mood-enhancing effects and stress tolerance.

This vitality hormone also strengthens your bones and makes you smarter. Testosterone boosts calcium mineral deposition in your bones, thereby reducing fracture risk. And in the brain, the hormone works by increasing cortical thickness and spatial cognition.

RAD-140, LGD-4033, and MK-2866 are the best Sarms for boosting muscle mass and strength gains. Be consistent, and you’ll achieve your fitness goals.

Weight Loss

Sarms that increase Growth Hormone levels accelerate weight loss. Therefore, you no longer have to try another fad diet. Ideal GH levels increase lipase activity, leading to the breakdown of adipose tissue fat and reducing fat deposition. You’ll thus get shredded.

MK-677, Cardarine, Andarine, and Stenabolic are potent Sarms for cutting. However, combine the drugs with a good diet and a thorough workout plan to get the best effects. You can also combine the drugs so you can get the all-rounded strengths of each.


Sarms are the new anabolic steroids, but safer. This innovation can help you build bigger muscles, push through plateaus, and break personal records. The drugs enhance your testosterone and growth hormone levels, helping you get the most from gym workouts.

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