Expecting Your First Child? The Ultimate Checklist

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In the lead up to your baby being born you have many things on your mind. You should have already begun to baby-proof your home for your new arrival. Next you will need to start buying some essentials for your little bundle of joy. If this baby is your second or third child then, you may be able to recycle some of your old things. If it is your first child then, you have a lot of things that you need to buy. It is vital that you look after your newborn baby’s health in the first few weeks, as this is when your baby will be most vulnerable. Here is a list of things that you must get before your baby arrives. Good luck.

Baby Formulas

If you have decided not to breastfeed then you will need to buy some formulas to feed your baby. There are many different formulas from which to choose. I would suggest opting for an organic formula, which is less likely to have chemicals and additives in it. Many big, brand-name formulas can be detrimental to your baby’s health. Consult with your physician on the best types of baby formula to buy.

Feeding Accessories

You will, of course, need to buy bottles with which to feed your baby. You will also need to buy products that enable you to clean the baby bottles. Sterilizing your babies feeding bottles is of the utmost importance. If you don’t do so, your baby could become sick. Babies have a low immunity to germs, and so everything around them needs to be clean.

Baby Clothes

The rate at which your baby grows during its first few months will astound you. There is no point spending big on expensive baby gear straight away. Buy some clothes that you don’t mind throwing away in a few weeks. Make sure that you have a few different sizes of clothing so that you don’t have to run to the store each time your baby outgrows an outfit. Buy cotton if you can, as this is less irritating for your baby’s skin.

Pushchair And Carrier

When your baby is a month or two old you will likely want to start taking him or her out and about with you. You should invest money in a quality pushchair straight away, as this will last you until your baby is a toddler. Make sure that you buy a comfortable and safe pushchair, as young babies need a lot of support. I’ve always found that a silvercross pushchair does the trick and is adaptable to any baby size. You should also get a baby-carrier that suits your newborn’s size.

Car Seats

It might be a while before your baby can sit up in a car seat. For the first couple of months, you may have to use a carrier to get your baby out with you. When you do buy a car seat make sure, it is one which you can secure to the back seat of your car with ease.

Cot Or Basket

In the first few months of your baby being born, he or she will need to sleep close to you. Buy a small cot or basket that will fit near to your bed. Again, you should not spend a lot of cash on this product as your baby will outgrow it fast. When that happens, you will need to invest money in a solid bedroom cot. It will save you some money to buy a cot that allows you to take its sides off and transforms into a bed. That means that when your baby reaches two or three years old, they can have a bed straight away.

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