Archives for September 2020

Caught Yourself Touching Your Face Again? These 4 Tricks Will Help You Stop the Bad Habit and Prevent Acne Outbreaks

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Beauty and health professionals keep telling patients not to touch their faces, but this is a habit deeply rooted in everyone’s psyche and very hard to avoid. Constant face touching could lead to acne and other facial skin problems. But, now there is even more reason to stop touching your face during daily activities, and that is the COVID-19 pandemic. One way to protect yourself from this dangerous disease is washing your hands often, stop touching your faces, and wearing protective masks.

 Face Touching is a Habit That Is Ingrained and Hard to Break

Studies by behavioral psychologists and medical professionals have shown that people touch their faces as many as three times per minute, or up to hundreds or thousands of times in a day. So, how does a person curb such an ingrained habit? Face touching can contribute to germs and viruses spreading and making their way inside patients’ bodies through the eyes, nose, or mouth. The coronavirus is spread by droplets from people coughing, sneezing, or talking that float through the air to be inhaled by another person. It also lands on surfaces that people touch and then to their faces.

What is Face Touching?

Face touching involves habits like nose-picking, sucking fingers, biting nails, brushing the hair out of your face, taking glasses on or off or adjusting them, or scratching an itch. Being told not to touch your face does little to help anyone stop this habit because it is subconscious. However, a person can try hard to reduce the number of times they touch their faces.

People can purchase skin products that fight the acne that may be present from face touching. The people over at Renee Rouleau have acne treatment products to order online. They also have detox products and other products to keep faces healthy and attractive.

Breaking the Face Touching Habit

There are ways a person can reduce the times they touch their faces and also try to limit the damage from touching their faces.  Four tricks that are proven to make a difference include:

1. Counting the times you touch your face. Studies show people who use devices or even paper and pen to count every time they touch their faces reduce the behavior as long as they continue counting. This is a method that must be continued for the long term. Touching is a subconscious habit, and counting makes people more aware of what they are doing.

2. Take steps to eliminate the main reasons for touching the face, such as taking care of the facial skin so it does not itch, controlling hair better with good hair cuts, or tying or pinning it away from the face. Get those glasses properly fitted so they do not need to be adjusted as often. When a person needs to touch their face, they should use a clean tissue to avoid direct hand contact.

3. Pretend that the hands are dirty and will mark the face or wear a scented lotion or perfume on the hands that will increase awareness of the hand approaching the face. In addition, follow medical advice on protection from the pandemic, wash your hands often, and use hand wipes or spray sanitizer every time an object or surface is touched.

4. Wear a face mask to protect others from the wearer’s contaminants and to protect each person from airborne viruses. The face mask will also be a reminder not to touch the face and a barrier between the hands and the face. This only works if people are not constantly adjusting the mask.

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3 Things You Should Know About Owning a Cat

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Cats can make for excellent pets, particularly for people who might not be around the house full time to care for them. This is because even though you and your cat can develop a special bond, they can generally function independently throughout the day and look after themselves. That being said, there are a few things that you will be responsible for as a cat owner.

If you are thinking about adopting a cat or have recently done so, you will want to make sure that your new feline friend has the best care imaginable so that they can live a long and happy life. However, since they tend to do things on their own terms, there might be a few things that you aren’t aware of when it comes to the care and attention they need.

1. Preventative Care

Even though your pet cat isn’t able to tell you precisely what they need in terms of their healthcare, there are a few things that you will need to do to ensure they can be as healthy as possible. The health of your cat is going to depend greatly on your ability to provide him or her with the preventative care they need.

When you adopt a cat, you should obtain their current vaccination records. If your new cat is a young kitten, you will need to schedule them in for their first few rounds of vaccinations to make sure they are protected against common illnesses like cat flu and feline enteritis.

Even if your cat is an indoor one, he or she will still need to receive the right preventative medical care, including flea and tick prevention. Cat Pet Wellness Clinics can be incredibly helpful in pointing you in the right direction regarding the preventative care that your cat will need from you.

2. They Need Routine Exercise

Unlike with a dog, you won’t need to leash your cat up and take him for a walk each day. That being said, your feline friend will still need to engage in routine exercise to make sure that they stay fit and healthy. You should purchase some toys that your cat can play with and some that you can use to engage your cat in active play. Laser pointers are quite popular with cat owners. Just be sure that you use one responsibly and avoid pointing it directly in your cat’s eyes.

3. Cats Have Boundaries

It is important to remember that cats have boundaries when it comes to physical contact and interactions with people. If you are planning on adopting a cat, you should learn the best ways to approach one and study up on the physical cues that cats give to indicate discomfort. You will also find that different cats have different tolerance levels for human interaction. You will only make your pet unhappy if you try to force interaction on them. Instead, learn to take their lead and respect their boundaries.

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Fostering the Potential Within: 7 Ways to Inspire Your Child for Greatness

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Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

Fostering the Potential Within: 7 Ways to Inspire Your Child for Greatness

As parents, we want to do everything in our power to inspire our children to reach their full potential. What that full potential looks like is different for every child, but the ways parents inspire their children are nearly universal. Here we’ll take a look at seven easy ways parents can empower their children to reach greatness.

Fostering Academic Success

Helping children achieve academic success is one of the easiest and most powerful ways parents can foster greatness in those children. Three easy ways parents can do this include:

·        Enrolling Children in Afterschool Programs. When children receive homework help and supplemental learning experiences that their schools may not offer, they’re more successful in all areas of their education. For example, offers programs designed to help children overcome opportunity gaps such as lack of access to art, music, and STEM activities in their schools.

·        Demonstrating the Value of Education in the Home. Parents who value education demonstrate it in the way they talk, act, and support their children’s academic success. This, in turn, creates kids who consider doing well in school an important goal.

·        Understanding Different Learning Styles and Interests: There are seven unique types of learners. Children who feel supported in the unique ways they learn, and in the things they want to learn about, achieve higher academic success than those who do not.

Developing Good Character

According to Parents, instilling good character traits in children helps them succeed in school and later in life. Two easy ways parents can do this is by:

·        Teaching Confidence. Children who are given opportunity to fail at tasks, and then persevere and ultimately succeed in those same tasks, learn how to work through frustration. This skill gives them confidence, which reduces fears and increases success when faced with new educational challenges.

·        Teaching Empathy and Kindness. When children develop empathy and kindness, they’re better able to build relationships with teachers and other students. These relationships aide in academic success, as well as promote good mental health, that further aids academic success.

Creating Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Children who feel good physically and emotionally are better able to focus on school and other educational opportunities. It’s hard to concentrate when you’re tired, for example. In an article promoting healthy lifestyle habits in children, The University of Michigan explains that, when healthy habits are learned early in life, they’re likely to become lifelong habits. Two ways parents can help their children create healthy habits include:

·        Establishing Family Breakfasts. There are lots of documented benefits of eating together as a family. One of the simplest, most overlooked of these benefits is that thinking is easier when you aren’t hungry. Eating breakfast together at the same time each morning demonstrates this simple, good habit to children and gives their brains the energy needed to succeed in school.

·        Establishing Set Sleep Patterns. Like family meals times, studies have shown the benefits of creating set sleeping patterns. For children, one of the biggest benefits of going to bed and getting up at the same times each day is that their bodies thrive on these patterns. Children who easily fall asleep and stay asleep are more alert during the day, which tends to increase academic success.

There are hundreds of ways parents can foster the potential in their children. These are just seven examples of ways parents can help their children achieve academic success in their early years. These early academic successes give children a solid foundation for academic success throughout their lifetimes and, maybe, even academic greatness in adulthood.

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