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4 Weeks Post Op Gastric Sleeve Surgery- The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful

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4 weeks post op gastric sleeve surgery

I’m 4 weeks post op from gastric sleeve surgery. Physically I am feeling great as far as the surgery is concerned. The recovery was a lot easier than I had thought. I was in pain the first few days but it wasn’t intolerable. Once I was released from the hospital 2 days post op, I only needed the pain meds to sleep the first 2 nights home and that was it. My incision sites were tender for the first 3 weeks but I’m amazed how well I’ve healed. My incisions look great and I’m sure with time they’ll fade even more and be hardly noticeable.

My daughter had a field trip with school to Walt Disney World last week and I wanted to chaperone but didn’t think I would have been up to all that walking. Now I wish I had signed up to go because I totally would have been fine going aside from having to figure out what foods in the park I would have been able to eat. I’ll get more into my eating struggles in a bit. Let’s keep this part the positive section.

I am eating between 500 and 800 calories per day. That includes between 60 and 80 grams of protein and between 5 and 25 carbs. My meals are 2-3 oz and are mostly protein. I’m eating things like eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, salmon, tuna, chicken, ground beef, and steak strips. I was cleared to eat soft, low starch veggies but I’m not really getting to eat the veggies because I’m trying to eat enough protein first.

I have been losing inches all over my body and my clothes are starting to get looser. My jean shorts can be pulled on and off without buttoning them and I had to buy a belt yesterday to keep them up until I buy new clothes. I’m starting to see changes in the mirror and other people are starting to notice, too.

I began to obsess over my weight loss, how many pounds I was losing, etc. so I stopped weighing myself daily and made myself a promise to only weigh myself once a week. I didn’t want to get rid of my scale altogether as I wanted to make sure that what I was eating was keeping me on track. So I’m happy to report that I hit 2 important goals this week. As of today I am down 25 pounds (that is from the preop diet and also the sleeve surgery). With losing 25 pounds I reached the coveted “Onederland”. For those of you who have never been over 200 pounds, “Onederland” is when you get below 200 pounds and in the one hundreds. I am now at 197 pounds. YAY!!!

I am trying to walk 4-5 times a week. I still don’t love it. It’s not a habit yet. I’m not addicted to working out yet. I’m hoping that with time I will enjoy it more. I did great last week and even walked over 4 miles one day. Another good benefit of me walking more is that my daughter has been walking with me and it is helping her be more active and get fit because she is also overweight. But this week my daughter has been home sick and I’ve been tired and achy from my fibromyalgia so we haven’t walked much. Next week will be better.

And the best news…….My endocrinologist had me test my blood sugar a few weeks ago now that I had the surgery and I haven’t had any diabetes meds since before my surgery. I am happy to report that ALL of my blood sugar readings have been in the normal range!!! I am hoping that when I see my endocrinologist next month he will say that I no longer have diabetes. Fingers crossed.


Most people who have gastric sleeve surgery are no longer hungery post op. With so much of the stomach removed much of the hunger hormones are also removed. Unfortunately for me I am still hungry….ALL THE FREAKING TIME! The nutritionist said I’m just “one of the lucky ones”. SIGH! It’s frustrating to say the least.

I am getting in my required 64+ oz of water daily but it’s a slow process. I’m not allowed to drink with a straw ever again (it will cause me to swallow too much air) nor am I allowed carbonated beverages ever again because it can make my sleeve get bigger. Water tastes gross to me now as do many flavors of drink mix so I am still working on finding flavors I can tolerate. But I can only drink 4-5 swallows of any beverage at a time or I get nauseous. So drinking 64 oz is a full time job and I need to make sure I’m drinking all day. I us a free app called Drink Water Reminder that reminds me all day to drink my water and it really helps me stay on track and make sure I get all my fluids in.

I am allowed decaf tea and decaf coffee- I love coffee and tea so I was excited to hear this. BUT post op my tastes have changed (which I have heard is common) and now coffee tastes sour to me. I was a BIG iced coffee drinker preop so it makes me incredibly sad that I no longer enjoy iced coffee. Drinking iced coffee was almost part of my identity so this is a big change to me. I am hoping that my tastes will change back and I will once again be able to enjoy a cup of iced coffee but only time will tell.

Coffee isn’t the only thing that no longer tastes good to me. I used to really enjoy sushi. I can’t have the rice anymore but I can have the fish. I ordered seared ahi tuna last week while out to lunch and it was just blah. No longer enjoying some of my favorite foods because my tastes have changed is another thing I need to get used to. I’m hoping that as time goes by I will be able to enjoy my old favorites or at least find new ones. I want to get to a point where food isn’t ruling my life but I can still enjoy it. I’m not there yet.

I’m follow the doctor’s orders and only taking tiny pinky nail sized bites, chewing 30 seconds per bite, and then putting down my fork for a minute in between each bite. But everything is still getting stuck by the 3rd or 4th bite. It is really frustrating because then I have to wait a few minutes in between each bite to wait for things to go down. It hurts right below my throat near my breastbone. After speaking with my surgeon last night at a support group meeting he is sending me to do a swallow test to make sure everything is ok. He said that I could just be swollen still and things could still be tight but better safe than sorry. Even with my external scars almost healed it still takes 3-6 months for the internal scars to heal so I have a long way to go with that.

I could deal with everything above but what is frustrating me the most is the slow weight loss. Most people with the gastric sleeve lose weight faster than I am. I know in my head that slow weight loss will probably make me more likely to keep the weight off and more likely for my skin to shrink, too, as I lose weight but it’s still frustrating. I have only lost 15 pounds the first month post op since the first 10 were on the preop diet. Many people lose 15 pounds the first WEEK or two so losing it in a month is frustrating. I know that any weight loss is great and I am moving in the right direction but I’m being honest here. I wish I was losing faster. It would make all the other problems “worth it” in a way.

So far my energy is still low from my fibromyalgia. I was hoping that with the surgery, diet change, etc. I would get more energy and less brain fog but that hasn’t happened YET. I’m hopeful that as I lose weight I will eventually get some more energy.


Overall I don’t regret my choice to have gastric sleeve surgery. Even with slower weight loss I keep reminding myself that with the 25 pound weight loss I am more than 25% towards my goal. I would like to get down to 150 at least but ideally 135. That means to get to 135 I needed to lose 87 pounds total. Since I’ve gone from 222 to 197 and lost 25 pounds that means I’ve lost 29% of my goal. I have 62 more pounds to lose so even if I only lose 2 pounds per week I should reach my 135 pound goal in the next 8 months. I got this!

PhotoGrid_1464311451327What a difference a month makes! I wasn’t sure how noticeable my weight loss is until I took 1 month post op pictures in the same shirt that I took my preop pictures in. My stomach is so much smaller and I can see that my face is slimmer, too. I am looking forward to the future and excited to share my journey with you. If anyone has any questions, comments, or just wants to leave me some encouraging words below I would really appreciate it.

Read more about my Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery Journey.

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5 Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms That Nobody Talks About

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Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Or it can be a nightmare. Being pregnant can be quite difficult for some women, and they can develop a number of symptoms throughout the process. We have all heard about morning sickness and food cravings, but these are just the tip of the iceberg in some cases. Here are five more unusual symptoms you could develop during your pregnancy.

Hot flashes

Pregnancy hot flashes and night sweats are quite a common symptom for a woman’s body to develop. They are caused by a drop in estrogen that is similar to women going through the menopause. They can last for a few minutes, an entire day and in some cases continue after the baby has been born. It’s an unpredictable effect of being pregnant and can make expectant mothers very uncomfortable. Especially if they cannot get any cold relief.

Metallic tastes

Pregnant women can often complain about a metallic or sour taste in their mouths. This is usually found in women who suffer from severe morning sickness. Again this is caused by a change or imbalance in the hormone Estrogen, which controls and maintains your sense of taste. Using a strong mouthwash or eating strongly flavored food can usually get rid of the unpleasant taste.

Nasal Congestion

Having a blocked nose is a particularly unusual symptom caused by pregnancy. This is known as rhinitis and causes the mucus membranes inside your nose to swell. It can also be caused by the tiny blood vessel, also located in your nose, swelling due to the extra blood they are carrying. This gives the impression of a cold or allergies developing. This can make it difficult for expectant mothers to breathe through their nasal passages.

More body hair

A thicker head of hair is something every woman wants. During pregnancy women can experience their hair getting much thicker and fuller, but some can also see an increase in facial and body hair. Thankfully both of these can be removed quickly and easily but that doesn’t mean it isn’t embarrassing for pregnant women to deal with. It can make them self-conscious, and they may lose their confidence as a result. This symptom will not become a permanent effect and should stop growing a month or two after the baby has been born.

Larger feet

Swelling feet is something we have all heard about. But women’s feet can grow in both length and width during the pregnancy process. They can increase by a half or even a whole size due to the extra weight gain and the hormone Relaxin. This causes the bones in women’s feet to spread and could cause a growth spurt each time a woman get’s pregnant.

Hopefully, this guide will have provided some insight into possible changes that women’s bodies go through. In no way should these symptoms be feared. They are all temporary, and it’s not guaranteed every woman will get them. Having a beautiful, healthy baby will be worth all of the discomfort and embarrassment anyway.

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What Are The Benefits Of Natural Beauty Products?

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Today, there are many natural health and beauty products on the market, and yet, many people choose to stick to chemical-filled ones. The main problem is that when it comes to natural cosmetics, the only thing that is noticed is the higher cost. Whereas, the health benefits that come with them are often ignored.

As well as the health benefits of swapping to natural products, there are also many other pros to take note of. To help encourage more people to use natural products, here is a guide to the incredible benefits of going green with cosmetics:

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Smell more natural

When it comes to switching to natural beauty products, a major benefit is the effect on the nose. Most chemical-filled products are heavily scented. Often, this is to mask the chemical scent and can be a little overpowering.

The smells of chemical cosmetics can even cause headaches, as they are so strong. Whereas, natural products only smell like the ingredients in them, and so, don’t cause headaches of other problems.


Many conventional beauty products are harmful to the environment because of what’s in them. The more chemicals a product contains, the more damage it will do to the environment.

When cosmetics containing harmful chemicals are made, the fumes and waste material ends up in the air and water, polluting it. Even more of these chemical nasties go down the drain when the products are used, harming the environment once again. Whereas, when natural products are made, there is little damage done to the environment.

Less damage to skin

Cosmetics containing chemicals also cause damage to skin, as well as to the environment. From soreness to redness, products with synthetic ingredients can wreak havoc on skin. As well as causing short-term skin problems, chemicals in beauty products can also cause long-term damage.

However, by switching to natural products, skin soreness and irritation can be prevented. For instance, making the simple change from branded soap to natural goats milk soap, could improve skin health.

Better for health

Many chemicals found in cosmetics have can have all sorts of nasty side effects. This ranges from minor issues, like breakouts, to more serious conditions, like cancer. Studies have shown that various chemical used in beauty products have been linked to cancer, as well as other medical conditions.

Of course, these links refer to long-term use of these chemicals. So by swapping to natural alternatives, the risk of suffering from these conditions becomes much lower.

No parabens

Parabens are used in many conventional beauty products to extend the shelf life of them. However, these chemicals are known to alter the body’s hormones, causing all sorts of nasty side effects. Many of the effects of parabens are still being studied, as scientists are unsure of how serious they can be.

While natural cosmetics might be more expensive to buy, they are more than worth the cost. Conventional products filled with chemicals can have all sorts of nasty side effects. Whereas this isn’t the case with natural alternatives.

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Feeling Low? Check Out Our Top Tips For Picking Yourself Back Up Again

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Everybody has low moments in their lives. For some of us, those moments can last days or even weeks. Some of them are caused by changes in our hormones. Others are brought on by events in our lives. Whatever the cause of your low mood, there are some things you can do to help pick yourself up. Check out our top ten ways to feel a little better today:

Exercise – Getting your heart rate up and keeping it up for at least thirty minutes will cause endorphins to be released. These happy hormones will help you feel good about the hard work you’ve just put in.

Diet – Some foods are known for their ability to make us feel better. Chocolate can be helpful, but binge eating can make you feel worse. Probiotics work quickly to reduce that full feeling in your tummy. A happy tummy can lead to a happy you! Green tea and lots of fruits can also improve your mood quite quickly.

Breathe – Some breathing techniques are thought to offer clarity of thought. If your mind is going haywire, try some cleansing Yoga-style breathing techniques to provide calm and relaxation.

Meditate – Meditation is also thought to be a good way to improve your mood. For those who are struggling to stay calm, meditation can recenter you and provide stillness.

Journal – Writing your feelings down can be very therapeutic. Journaling can help with bereavement during the anger stages. This is because we are reluctant to speak ill of those who have passed on. A private few words on paper that can then be destroyed will help you get that anger out without anyone else finding out.

Cuddles – Big hugs can help you calm down, relax, and improve your mood in just a few seconds. It doesn’t make much difference who you hug either. Comforting physical contact can affect our mood in a positive way. Sometimes a stuffed animal will do!

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Counseling – Talking through what is bothering you is a very healthy way of tackling a low mood. We don’t tend to slump down over just one thing. It takes several issues to knock us down into a grump. According to Idaho Falls Counseling you can make positive changes in your life this way.

Cat – Stroking a cat can have quite a substantial impact on your mood, providing you’re not allergic! The fur is tactile and warm. But it’s the purr the cat offers in reward that can have the best effect. Some studies suggest the frequency of the purr has a profound, positive effect on the brain, lifting your mood instantly.

Music – Not only can listening to music affect our mood but so can making music. If you can play a musical instrument, you can almost forget what was bothering you as you thrash out your favorite pieces.

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Cry – Unbelievably, crying can make you feel better! Sometimes, just letting it all out is a good release.

Some of these might not be a permanent solution to a low mood. But all of them can help pick you up a little today. Feel better.

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Understanding How Cushing’s Disease Affects Your Horse

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It is always a terrible time when your pet or animal is ill. It can feel like a family member is in the hospital. You may feel helpless and depressed. The situation can be even worse if you do not understand what is wrong with your friend.

Cushing’s disease is an illness that affects horses. There is no cure, but it can be managed.

There are many signs that your horse has Cushing’s disease. But the most prevalent symptom is a long fur coat that does not shed. Other signs can include weight loss and fatigue. This can occur even when your horse still has a tremendous appetite for its meals.  Your horse may develop a pot belly or fatty deposits across its body. You may feel its muscle tissue have weakened or notice it has started to sweat a lot.  Many of these symptoms are missed if they occur in the later years of a horse’s life. However, if you do see the signs, it is a good idea to speak to a veterinary professional.

Equine Cushing’s disease is common in smaller breeds. However, it can be found in all horses. Simplified, Cushing’s disease is caused by irregularity in your horse’s hormones. This causes more of a steroid to be released from the pituitary gland in the brain. The impact of the steroid results in the majority of the recognised symptoms.

As we have said, there is no cure for this disease but it can be managed. There is medication available like prascend tablets. These drugs will help reduce the chances of secondary effects like Laminitis. Laminitis can be fatal for horses, and it can cripple their hooves.

Your horse may have Cushing’s disease, but it is not receiving medication. If this is the case, then proper management is essential. You should be checking your horse regularly for cuts, wounds and any sign of infection. Infections may recur due to your horse having a weaker immune system than usual. You should also be keeping special care of your horse’s teeth, cleaning them as often as possible. This will help it’s chances against a nasty infection.

You should also be checking it’s hooves.  Keeping on top of things will help your horse maintain a good lifestyle. Weigh your horse as often as you can and change its diet based on the results. A good, well-balanced diet is essential for a horse with Cushing’s to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Keep up all the usual routines, such as worming and vet visits. Please remember Cushing’s can make your horse more tolerant of pain but more likely to feel tired. Take good care of your animal and always treat it with love and respect.

Cushing’s is a horrible disease, but it will not always lead to you having to say goodbye. Proper care and attention along with medication can help your horse live a long, happy life even after a diagnosis. If you think your Pony or Horse might be displaying symptoms of this disease, please arrange for a visit from a vet.

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Slimming Not Working? Find Out The Best Combo Of Weight Loss Solutions

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If you have been trying to get a better body for a long time, it can be disheartening when you step on the scales to see nothing has changed. There are so many diets and slimming products out there, and it feels like you have tried them all. So what is going wrong?

There are several medical reasons why you are not the shape and size you want to be, so discard these first if they are not ringing true for you. The first is your genetic makeup. Our physical appearance is built into our genes. If your parents and grandparents share a similar shape to you, then you are not likely to change that much. That said, you can improve your muscle tone and physical fitness so keep reading! The second is an underlying condition causing problems that you would know about from other areas of your life. If you are constantly tired and cold, you may have a thyroid problem that could make it more difficult to slim down. If you have any medical conditions consult your GP before attempting to lose weight.

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To bring your weight down to somewhere in the healthy range, you will find the most success by trying a combination of weight loss ideas. If you are not overweight or obese, it is much harder to lose weight, but you can slim down by improving muscle tone. If you increase muscle bulk, you will get heavier and bigger, so don’t panic if this appears to be happening. For a better chance at success than just trying one thing, try a fat burner or diet shake to get you started then move on to combining calorie counting, sleep and activity.

Fat burners: These supplements are designed to increase your metabolism. The best fat burners for women tend to include ingredients to help stabilize your hormones, as well as essential fats. Some people don’t like them because they don’t like feeling warmer, but generally they have been well received. Used in the very short term, they kick start your metabolism to help you see results quicker in the early stages.

Diet shakes: These are complete meals in liquid form containing all the nutrients we need. They can be hard to take, and some people say they feel peculiar on the stomach. These are for short term use, and some can act like a detox.

Calorie counting: Combined with fat checking, reading the labels on your food should become a lifelong habit. Don’t avoid the labels with red bands, but do restrict them as part of a healthy regime.

Sleep: Sleep helps the body heal and works to rid the body of all the rubbish we ate during the day. The closer you can get to 8 hours a night, the more refreshed and revitalized you will feel to tackle the next day and all its physical challenges.

Exercise and activity: Keep your body moving all day by walking to the shops, doing the dusting or ironing while you watch TV, taking an exercise class for muscle tone or a sport, and playing with the kids more. If you are constantly on the go, you will burn more calories. Exercise increases your stamina and fitness levels and improves your circulation.

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Yivas Naturals Women’s Daily Balance- Relief From PMS and Lots More- Giveaway

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Disclaimer- This is a sponsored post and giveaway sponsored by Yiva Naturals.  Cori’s Cozy Corner is being compensated to host this information and giveaway.

yiva_daily_balance_wide (1)
Many women believe that PMS is a natural component of being a woman, but we at Yiva Naturals believe that it is the natural result of an unhealthy uterus. Introducing Women’s Daily Balance, a full-spectrum women’s supplement made from the whole raspberry plant and chasteberry, which tones the uterus muscles and balances hormones. If you experience any of the following symptoms, Daily Balance may be right for you:

Painful Menstrual Cramping
Irregular Cycle
Heavy Blood Flow
Mood Swings
Bloating and Water Retention
Migraine or Bad Headaches
Decreased Libido

Their proprietary blend of Rubus Idaeus (raspberry plant) and chasteberry has been developed over 20 years by their Plant and Solubility Experts, delivering 100% of the beneficial enzymes and compounds. These herbs have been known and used for the treatment of women’s reproductive health. And with a 45 day money back guarantee, and a 20% off coupon code (YIVATODAY20) you have no excuse to put off feeling like yourself once again!!!

Listen to what other women have to say about it:
Because of the success that I have experienced with [Bona Dea], I have recommended a few of my friends
Elizabeth B.
Overnight, we were believers. In fact, just like my friend, we cannot shut up about [it}
Erica E.
We are so grateful for this supplement and for our friend who introduced us to it. We are believers.
Kristen C.
I use it now to assist me with menopause symptoms. [Bona Dea] stops hot flashes in their tracks, calms the anxiety and the “feeling like climbing the wall”…
Taunya R.

 Enter to win one bottle of any of Yivas products:


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Zaycon Foods 40 Pounds of Chicken Breast Product Review!!!!

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Disclosure- I received 40 pounds of chicken as part of the US Family Guide Blogger program to facilitate my review.  I received no other compensation and all opinions are 100% my own.

If you’re looking for farm fresh, natural foods, Zaycon Foods is for you.  Zaycon Foods isn’t a store you can go to.  Instead they have “events” all over the country where you can preorder several different food items including what I received, 40 pounds of chicken breasts.  They also have events for other fresh meats including pork, beef, turkey, and fish as well as well as other fresh products.

The chicken breasts from Zaycon Foods are 100% natural with no hormones or preservatives.  They come farm fresh, not frozen, in one cardboard box that contains 40 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts in it.  Inside each box is 4 plastic bags that each contain 10 pounds of chicken in them.  This is the second time I have ordered chicken from Zaycon and I am always amazed at the size of the chicken breasts.  They are HUGE, beautiful chicken breasts that each weigh about a pound.  They really put all other chicken breasts to shame.  And because they sell it in larger quantities they can offer it at an amazing price.

40 Pound Box of Zaycon Foods Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

Open Box of Zaycon Foods Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

About 10 Pound of Pre-Prepped Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

(Note how there is not much skin, fat, etc. that needs to be trimmed)

There is some prep work involved once you bring your box home.  Each piece comes as a boneless, skinless butterflied breast which means it’s really 2 breast pieces the way they are naturally connected on a chicken.  All you have to do when you get your chicken home is to use a sharp knife to separate the 2 breasts and clean them up a bit.  I don’t like messing with raw chicken usually, but it wasn’t bad at all.

One Whole Chicken Breast

Note: It’s almost as big as my cutting board!

Chicken Breast Cut in Half

About 10 Pounds of Prepped Chicken Breasts

Once my chicken was separated into individual breasts, I portioned it into different Ziploc baggies to store it in my refrigerator and freezer.   I cut some up in dices, some in strips, some in tenders, and some I left whole.  Now when I want to make chicken, I can just reach in my freezer and take out a portion.

40 Pounds of Chicken Breasts Bagged and Ready To Be Frozen

The chicken is some of the most delicious chicken I’ve ever had.  It tastes so fresh.  When I grilled my first batch of chicken breasts I ended up having to cut each one in half horizontally because they are so thick.  Now I have learned to slice the breasts horizontally to make them cook faster.

Ordering from Zaycon Foods was easy.  I signed up for a FREE account, found an event in my area, and ordered a box of chicken.  The day of the event I just just had to show the receipt and I didn’t even have to get out of my car.  They put down a sheet of plastic and loaded the box of chicken right in my trunk!

Zaycon Food’s customers choose the locations that they have their events.  If there is a city that gives a sufficient interest, they will be happy to consider scheduling an event in the area.  Check out their website to see if they have any upcoming events in your area and if they don’t, e-mail them to request an event.  I can’t wait until they come back to my area with beef!!!

Three reasons for buying from Zaycon Foods:
1) Quality: We only sell what we eat ourselves— high-quality, healthy food products
2) Price: Fresh, high-quality retail food products sold for wholesale prices
3) Customer Service: Exceptional service all along the way, from order to reminder to convenient, efficient pickup

Sign up for a FREE account and they will notify you when there is an event in your area.

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Superior Source Brand Vitamin Review and Giveaway

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 Disclosure- I received the products mentioned below and/or compensation as part of the Superior Source Vitamins Brand Ambassador program.  All opinions are 100% my own.

superior source vitamin D
Vitamins are so important but sometimes getting my family to take them can be a challenge.  Then I was introduced to Superior Source Vitamins.  Superior Source Vitamins have MicroLingual® “Under the Tongue Technology” that work FAST.  They dissolve quickly under the tongue and are quickly absorbed by into the body.  My younger daughter can’t swallow pills so this is perfect!  When you swallow supplements, as much as 50% of the potency can be lost in the high acid environment of the stomach.

Vitamin D has recently been in the news and recent studies show how Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin” supports bone and dental health, promotes healthy muscle tone, as well as enhancing a level mood and supporting healthy blood glucose levels.  It is not only safe but also vital for all ages.  Superior Source’s Vitamin D comes in a whole line of strengths for every member of your family.
SSV Vitamin D Family 5-Pack 9.17.13-1

Vitamin D Family Pack

1.   Baby Vitamin D – 200 IU: Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.  Their Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.

2.   Children’s Vitamin D – 400 IU: Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.  Their Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.

3.   Adult Extra Strength Vitamin D – 10,000 IU / 5,000 IU / 1,000 IU: Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.  Their Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.

Based on a review of 21 clinical trials, the  Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) has recommended that the tolerable upper intake level for D3 be increased from 10,000 International Units (IU).  That’s a big jump from the previously recommended 50 micrograms to 250 micrograms per day.  There simply aren’t any adverse effects from higher doses, and many health-promoting benefits to gain from substantial supplementation.
Vitamin D is known for:

  • Supporting bone health and muscle tone*

  • Maintaining a stable mood*

  • Enhancing immune system response*

  • Enhancing absorption of phosphorus, which supports metabolism and energy*

  • Maintaining healthy blood glucose and blood pressure levels already within the normal range*

While Vitamin D can be found in small amounts in milk, fish, liver, and egg yolk, the human body mainly relies on manufacturing it through exposure to sunlight.   With today’s modern diet and lifestyles, it can often be a challenge to get enough vitamin D each day. Some estimates claim as much as 60 percent of northern populations may be vitamin D deficient. With the new upper limit now set by the CRN, consumers are able to make better-informed decisions about appropriate vitamin D products.

As adults age, the natural decline of hormones results in a decline in the body’s ability to regulate mood and maintain healthy muscle and bone. Vitamin D is a great supplement for enhancing all of these processes.*

70% of Children in the United States are Running Short on Vitamin D!

Infants and Children

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 9% of children in the U.S. are “vitamin D deficient”, while 61% are technically running “insufficient”. Researchers have identified several possible risk factors for the nationwide deficiency and insufficiency:

  • Lack of sunshine exposure
  • Poor diet – not enough milk or fish
  • Breast-feeding – breast milk is often low in vitamin D
  • Darker skin – lighter skin tends to produce vitamin D more efficiently

More and more parents are discovering the importance of Vitamin D for enhancing immune system function and supporting development of strong bones, teeth, and muscle. Both infants and young children can benefit from supplementation.*

The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends 400 IU of supplemental vitamin D for breastfed newborns in the first few days of life, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 IU for infants up to two months old. Young children benefit from supplementation that brings their daily intake up to 400 IU. While changes in sun exposure and diet can help, supplementing is the only way to completely ensure that a child is getting enough vitamin D.

As a Superior Source Vitamin Brand Ambassador I received the Superior Source Vitamin D Family Pack to try with my family.  I love that there is a strength for every member of my family.  There is even a strength for babies that I am going to give to my neighbor who has a infant.  The pills are very tiny so my children don’t object to taking them.  They dissolve easily under their tongues and have a slight sweet, milky taste so my children take them easily as part of their morning routine with their breakfast.  As a mom I want as much vitamins and nutrition to go into my family’s body so I really like that Superior Source Vitamins go into the bloodstream so quickly to get right to work in the body.  We are looking forward to trying other Superior Source Vitamins.

Adult potencies from 400 IU to 10,000 IU

: Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for Vitamin D [1]






0–6 months

1,000 IU
(25 mcg)

1,000 IU
(25 mcg)

7–12 months

1,500 IU
(38 mcg)

1,500 IU
(38 mcg)

1–3 years

2,500 IU
(63 mcg)

2,500 IU
(63 mcg)

4–8 years

3,000 IU
(75 mcg)

3,000 IU
(75 mcg)

≥9 years

4,000 IU
(100 mcg)

4,000 IU
(100 mcg)

4,000 IU
(100 mcg)

4,000 IU
(100 mcg)

J.N. Hathcock, A. Shao, R. Vieth, R. Heaney. “Risk assessment for vitamin D.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; January 2007, Volume 85, Pages 6-18.

M. Melamed, J Kumar, P Muntner, F Kaskel, S Hailpern. “Prevalence and Associations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency in Children and Adolescents in the United States: Results from NHANES 2001-2004,” Pediatrics online:

With Superior Source Vitamins everyone’s a “winner”!
Receive a FREE Vitamin D of your choice by “Liking” the 
Superior Source Vitamins Facebook page.
FREE 60-Day Supply of Vitamin D:  Baby 200 IU, Children’s 400 IU or Adult 1,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 IU.
(Just pay $4.95 S&H. One product per household)
SSV Vitamin Gift 4-Pack 9.17.13
Want to try Superior Source Vitamins for yourself?
3 lucky winners will each receive a vitamin gift pack including:

1.   Advanced B-12 – 2,000 mcg: B-12 is essential for top energy levels, heart health and mental clarity. The innovative “under the tongue” MicroLingual® delivery system is designed to make B-12 immediately available for absorption into the bloodstream.

2.   NEW Vitamin C “Tangy” Orange Melts – 500 mg: Superior Source Vitamin C 500 mg utilizes a non-acidic form of C that doesn’t contribute to gastric irritation; and is sugar free. Although each MicroLingual® tablet contains very little sodium (only 1% of the Daily Requirement), it is helpful in offsetting the natural acidity of Vitamin C, creating a smoother, less acidic taste. The sodium in this product differs from common table salt in that it is not combined with chloride like the “salt” most often associated with hypertension. Additionally, Tangy Orange Melts are formulated with a proprietary blend including Acai Berry, Acerola Cherry and Citrus Bioflavonoids. NO sugar added; only sweetened with a little stevia. This is preferable to most “chewable” Vitamin C products that typically are loaded with lots of sugar.

3.   Extra Strength Vitamin D – 5,000 IU: Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Our Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.

4.   Children’s Vitamin D – 400 IU: Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Our Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.
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Sartori Gourmet Cheese Product Review

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Disclosure- I received the cheese samples mentioned below to facilitate my review.  I received no other compensation and all opinions are 100% my own.
Hi, my name is Cori and I’m a cheese-a-holic!  Ok, I might not be THAT bad but I do love cheese.  I would usually turn down dessert for cheese.  I have turned my girls on to my cheese obsession, too.  I always say that I don’t have daughters, I have mice.  We like to go to our local cheese shop to purchase pieces of a few different types of  gourmet cheeses and a nice, warm baguette.  We then sit outside and enjoy our yummy snack.  When I was at the BlogHer convention last month I discovered a wonderful brand of gourmet cheese, Sartori and I knew I had to do a review post on their delicious cheeses.
Sartori is a family owned company that has been making  artisan cheeses since 1939.  They make 3 different varieties of cheeses- Sartori Reserve, Sartori Classic, and Sartori Limited Edition.  All 3 cheese varieties are all certified rBST-free thanks to their patron farmers.  That means that all of their cheese sold at retail are free of added hormones.  As a mom, that is important to me.

sartori cheese varietiesSartori makes many different varieties of cheeses that can be found at many local grocery stores or ordered on their website.  I received Rosemary and Olive Oil Asiago, Chai BellaVitano, Espresso BellaVitano, Montamore, and Extra Aged Fontina cheese to try with my family.  My favorite is the Espresso BellaVitano.  It is hand-rubbed with freshly roasted espresso and the cheese itself is sweet and creamy.  My younger daughter’s favorite is the award winning Rosemary and Olive Oil Asiago cheese.  It has a nutty flavor while the Rosemary and Olive Oil that is hand-rubbed on the outside gives it a savory note, too.  My older daughter’s favorite was the Montamore because it is sweet and creamy.  But let’s not forget the Chai BellaVitano and the Extra Aged Fontina.  The Chai BellaVitano is deliciously exotic with the spiciness of the Chai that is hand-rubbed on the outside of the sweet and creamy BellaVitano.  And the Extra Aged Fontina is another wonderfully delicious cheese by Sartori.  It is creamy with a deep, rich flavor and pairs well with fruits and nuts.  I put it on a baguette with some wet walnuts and it was amazing!
I love that Satori’s cheeses are made fresh using milk from local dairies.  It goes from milk to cheese in a matter of hours.  How’s that for fresh?!?!  They have a regimented milk quality program to ensure the freshest, highest quality milk available.  Many farms have been with Sartori for generations.  It’s not just the cheese that I love about Sartori, it’s the stories behind the company and it’s cheeses.  Sartori knows cheese.  There are currently only 55 Master Cheesemakers which requires a minimum of 10 years as a cheesemaker to even enter the 3 year advanced education program.  Sartori has 4 of those 55 Master Cheesemakers on staff.  In the last 5 years Sartori has won over 140 awards in the most prestigious national and international cheese competitions and after tasting their cheeses I can see why!
You can find Sartori on Facebook and Sartori on Twitter.
Check out these videos to learn more about this amazing 4th generation family owned company:

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