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Hormones in a Female Body

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Our body is very powerful, yet very sensitive system. Even the slightest changes in our molecular structure can cause us long term issues and sometimes, they can even lead to entire life of drinking medicine and visiting doctor. This is why we need to take care of our body and our vital functions. However, not everything is in our hands. Even if we seclude ourselves in a mountain village, exposed to fresh air and good, healthy food, this does not necessarily mean that we will have a healthy life. Sometimes, even the smallest chemical imbalance can lead to all sorts of problems. Today, most of the women, sooner or later, experience hormonal problems.
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Like most of the other things within our body, hormones are product of organs. In most cases, they are created by various glands. As previously mentioned, you don’t have to get sick to have problems with your hormones. Sometimes, it is enough for gland to stop producing normal amounts of hormone and you will have an issue. Luckily, most of the hormones can be replaced by different medicines which produce a chemical substitute. For example, you can always use things such as nasal spray and sublingual drops from to restore normal level of oxytocin in your body.

These are the most important hormones in a female body.

  • Estrogen – without a doubt, the most important female hormone. During puberty, it helps with development of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Besides that, this is very important hormone for conception. Its levels are greatly increased during pregnancy and it helps the entire process of childbirth. At the same time, estrogen also increases high density cholesterol which decreases overall cholesterol in arteries. It is also important for growth and density of the bones.
  • Progesterone – it is secreted in yellow body of ovaries during ovulation. Under its influence, endometrium changes and it prepares for egg implantation. This is the most important hormone during the pregnancy and it has enormous impact on baby’s health. After the pregnancy, level of this hormone is reduced. Besides childbirth, it can also influence women’s period.
  • Oxytocin – unlike other hormones, which are mainly influencing body and physical processes, this hormone impact mental processes as well as mental well-being of a woman. This hormone is usually referred as bonding hormone and that is precisely what it does. It can impact most of our social interaction, like relationship with our spouse or group behavior, and for woman, it impact bonding with a child. In case that person lacks this hormone, it can lead to depression, anxiety and social seclusion.
  • Prolactin – as its name implies, this hormone has the role of enabling lactation in a female body. Similarly to progesterone, its level are increased during pregnancy and reduced soon afterwards. Besides the fact that it enables lactation, it can also influence female growth and various processes during period.

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Although it is very hard to diagnose hormonal problem by yourself, any issue with above mentioned functions should tell you that you need to visit the doctor and control your hormonal levels.

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How to Gain 15-20 Pounds of Muscle in 3 Months

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Do you want an easy way to gain muscles? Sure you do. Who wouldn’t want a well-built body that attracts prestige, status, and confidence? This power is closer to you now than ever.

In this article, you’ll learn about Sarms, how they can help you and how these compounds differ from anabolic steroids. Read on to find out more.

How Can Sarms Help You?

You can appreciate that endurance and faster recovery are crucial to gym gains. Why? Because better stamina helps you lift heavier and for longer, thus optimizing testosterone and growth hormone secretion. Quick recovery then helps you increase your workout routine’s frequency.

But that fitness dream isn’t possible using the older methods of improving workout performance. And a good diet isn’t enough if you desire faster results and a more aesthetic physique. Luckily, technology has improved to help you achieve your dreams more effortlessly.

Imagine injecting a drug and then getting those benefits in a few weeks. Sarms promise to give you that power. No more wasted energy at the gym or prolonged post-workout soreness, only results without a downside.

In that light, you might wonder…

How Do Sarms Differ From Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids increase your testosterone levels, hence the drug’s popularity in past body-building competitions. However, using those compounds had a massive downside that affected the user’s health for years or sometimes led to death.

Those side effects included acne, prostate cancer, gynecomastia, and liver toxicity. This consequence was because anabolic steroids are non-selective, activating many androgen receptors in the body. And therefore, the sport needed a change, or more people would lose their lives.

Luckily, in the 1990s, 30 years after the bodybuilders started using steroids, Sarms were born.

Scientists developed Sarms to help manage wasting diseases like cachexia and strengthen the elderly. Sarms were different and innovative because they were selective to receptors. Therefore, you’ll get the effects on tissues such as muscles, bones, the brain, etc.

And due to the drug’s effectiveness, gymnasts, bodybuilders, and athletes started using it. Since then, the compounds have made the media generate a lot of controversial stories. As a result, doping agencies in many countries ban these products from many sports categories.

Still, the benefits stand out, and they include…

Benefits of Sarms

Increased Muscle Growth & Strength

Each Sarm category has its effects. Some drugs increase Growth Hormone (GH) levels while others boost your Testosterone levels. And for those who don’t know, those hormones are vital in stimulating muscle growth and promoting recovery.

Growth Hormone

GH increases protein synthesis in the muscles through the amino acid deposition process. This compound also promotes better sleep and an optimal circadian rhythm. Optimizing those factors leads to a never-ending positive feedback loop of gains.

You’ll also strengthen your joints, thus preventing injuries. How? The hormone increases fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition on tendons and ligaments on your joints. You can thus perform heavy lifts without worrying about disabling long-term effects.


Testosterone works by activating androgen receptors which also affects the rate of muscle protein synthesis. This hormone maintains muscle mass, assists in bulking, promotes recovery, and helps people lose weight.

And did you know that testosterone levels affect your libido? Now you do. Optimizing the molecule is key to bedroom performance. Additionally, you wouldn’t want to miss out on testosterone’s mood-enhancing effects and stress tolerance.

This vitality hormone also strengthens your bones and makes you smarter. Testosterone boosts calcium mineral deposition in your bones, thereby reducing fracture risk. And in the brain, the hormone works by increasing cortical thickness and spatial cognition.

RAD-140, LGD-4033, and MK-2866 are the best Sarms for boosting muscle mass and strength gains. Be consistent, and you’ll achieve your fitness goals.

Weight Loss

Sarms that increase Growth Hormone levels accelerate weight loss. Therefore, you no longer have to try another fad diet. Ideal GH levels increase lipase activity, leading to the breakdown of adipose tissue fat and reducing fat deposition. You’ll thus get shredded.

MK-677, Cardarine, Andarine, and Stenabolic are potent Sarms for cutting. However, combine the drugs with a good diet and a thorough workout plan to get the best effects. You can also combine the drugs so you can get the all-rounded strengths of each.


Sarms are the new anabolic steroids, but safer. This innovation can help you build bigger muscles, push through plateaus, and break personal records. The drugs enhance your testosterone and growth hormone levels, helping you get the most from gym workouts.

Writer’s info: We are CBD advertising agency. We’re an elite SEO company in Denver, Colorado. If you need more converting traffic, better leads, and more sales via SEO – don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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Why Organic Formula for Babies Is Better than Non-Organic: A Guide

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Although tiny, a baby’s brain is an incredibly complex organ that grows rapidly. A baby’s brain doubles in size during the first year of life alone!

With all that growing, it’s vital to nourish your baby’s brain and body the right way. Deciding on the type of formula you want to give your baby can be overwhelming with all the choices on the market.

Even if you know you want to feed your infant organic formula, you may still question why it’s best.

This handy guide will take you through why the organic formula for babies is better than non-organic options.

Organic Formula Ingredients

All baby formula, organic or not, has to adhere to stringent guidelines by the FDA. Because of these guidelines, most labels will look the same when it comes to nutrition facts. However, what could look very different are the types of ingredients a baby formula has in it.

The main goal of the formula is to mimic breastmilk as much as possible. Most organic formulas have cow’s milk as their base ingredient. Goat’s milk and soy are other options that you may find for babies who have a dairy sensitivity.

Breastmilk is sweeter than cow’s milk because it has a high amount of lactose. The lactose ingredient is milk sugar, so formula tastes sweeter with it added. Even though lactose is a pricier sweetener, it is healthier and an excellent element to look for in your formula.

What Organic Formula Doesn’t Have

What’s left out of your formula is almost as important as what’s in it!

The formula must be free of genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled organic. The cows providing the milk for the formula receive heavy scrutiny. They are on an all-organic diet and can’t have any growth hormones in their feed.

Finally, you have to look at the ingredients that come from crops. For those to have the organic label, the farmers can’t use pesticides or chemicals to grow them.

Tips for Choosing an Organic Formula for Babies

Make sure to read all the labels carefully. You want to be sure the best formula fills your baby’s tiny belly. Shop for Hipp Baby Formula if you want a formula with the highest quality ingredients.

When in doubt, contact the formula manufacturer. They can give you the low down on any formula questions you have specific to their brand.

The Bottom Line on Organic Formula

Even though you tend to pay more for organic formula, the benefits outweigh the cost. Organic formula for babies means reducing their exposure to toxins and chemicals. Organic formula, mainly if you only formula feed, can keep your baby healthy.

While many doctors consider breastfeeding the healthiest option for your infant, it’s not always possible. Make sure to feed your youngster organic formula.

Did you find our article on organic formula helpful? You’ll love our other articles on parenting. Be sure to check them out today!

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How to Get Fit and Stay Fit

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Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels
Getting fit and staying fit will require a high level of effort and discipline, so this is not going to be another shortcut article that leads you nowhere. If you’re reading this, however, it is a good sign that you are ready to take the steps to improve your fitness and get your health back on track. Well-done!

The steps to fitness may require consistency and discipline, but they are straightforward, and if you use these tips, you will see sure rewards in good time. Here they are:

1. Exercise daily

Daily exercise is recommended for people of most ages with differing levels of intensity recommended for each age class. For a lot of people, a brisk run or long jog will do the trick but if running is not for you, don’t worry, there are lots of other exercises that will give the same benefits.

You may consider cycling, going for a swim (in the summer especially), shadow boxing, or simply playing a competitive sport like tennis or basketball. For people particularly looking to lose weight, more intense cardio exercise is a good idea.

2. Eat right

Whatever your particular goals may be, when it comes to health and fitness, the two most important factors are exercise and diet. If you are trying to lose weight, for example, you will need to avoid an excessive intake of sugar and starchy foods, whereas if your goal is to build muscle, a good intake of protein is recommended. In all cases, moderation is important, and you should remember to eat a balanced diet.

One tip that will help you make the best use of your diet is to keep track of everything that you eat. A second tip would be to boost your exercise and dietary gains with a superfood nourishing supplement. While there are too many bogus supplements out there, FDA certified ones will provide a potent dose of nutrients to improve health and fitness.

3. Stress management

When it comes to health and fitness, stress is a major contributing factor, and probably does not get focused on enough. While the indirect effects of stress on fitness are well-known—for example, heightened feelings of tiredness and a lack of motivation—stress can also have more direct effects through the stimulation of the stress hormone, cortisol, and is often a direct contributor to weight gain.

4. Sleep well

Sleep is a crucial component of healthy living, with seven to nine hours of sleep being the recommended amount for adults. While sleep is important for the normal functioning of the body, it has particular effects on fitness and weight loss. For one, proper rest is required for the body to reap the benefits of exercise. Secondly, insufficient sleep may signal the body to produce stress hormones—in anticipation of a need to conserve energy. Stress hormones like cortisol may promote weight gain in some cases.

With a little dedication, and consistent application of these tips, you can reach your fitness goals. When you do, be sure to keep up these healthy habits!

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The Health Benefits of Having a Dog

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If you think that 2019 might be the year that your family gets a pet, then there are so many reasons why it can be good for families with children. It can help to foster confidence in children, as well as help them to deal with things like anxiety better as well. But did you know that a dog can do wonders for your health too? There are many benefits to getting a dog and it can be so very rewarding. If you need a little more convincing, then here are some of the benefits that come from being a dog owner.image

Heart Health

Having a dog can make your heart feel more full as it is something else in your life to love and care for. But on a practical level, having a dog can actually help to improve the health of your heart. Having a dog companion is related to having low blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels that both play a massive part in your overall health and heart health. When you have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, you are at much lower risk of having a heart attack.

Fitness Levels

One piece of advice for dog owners is that you should get out and about and play with your dog as much as possible. So with that in mind, it shows that keeping active and improving your fitness levels is something that can happen when you have a dog. They will want to be out and about, running around and being played with, so you will need to be doing the same. This kind of activity is great throughout our lives as walking is pretty low impact, but can help us as we age to keep our strength up and keep our muscles and joints working as they should be.

Social Life

It can be harder and harder to get out and meet people, especially as we get older or move to new areas. But with a dog, there are many opportunities to meet other people and be more social. From puppy training classes, to just chatting in the park, there are more reasons to be social when you have a dog. Dog walkers speak to each other out on walks, so it can be a good way to meet local people. All of which can be good for you; your mental health especially.

Reduction in Stress

There is a reason why many people get a pet for therapy, and why therapy pets are a thing. When you spend time with a dog, it can help to reduce your anxiety levels, bring your blood pressure down, and help to make you feel overall more happy, as your happy hormones are increased. It has also been shown that people perform stressful tasks better when they have a dog around them, so it can be a great way to ease tension in your life and be a great way to reduce your stress levels (having a knock-on impact to your health).

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Top Tips For New Moms

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Whether you are having your first baby or welcoming another addition to your family, it’s hard work being a mom – especially now you are going to be looking after your newborn. A lack of sleep, feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed and cranky, will see your mood swings change and hormones soar. It may be hard working bringing home a newborn, and it may be overwhelming at first. However, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy those magical first few months. It’s crucial that you look after yourself and your baby if you want to keep you both in the best of health. Keep these top tips to hand, and you’re sure to enjoy motherhood.

Get the nursery ready

It’s going to be near impossible to get the nursery ready or finish any painting around the house once the baby arrives, so make sure that you take time to get prepped and prepared during your last few weeks of pregnancy. If that isn’t the case, and you are feeling a little lost, then worry not. There are a few quick fixes that you can use. First and foremost, make sure that the heating and lighting is right for your baby – too hot or too cold could cause colds and infections to spread. Next, stock up on diapers, you can never have enough! Finally, make sure that you invest in a crib that supports your baby. Sites such as provide reviews and information to help you choose the best option for you.

Sleep when you can

It might sound obvious, but once you are looking after your newborn, you are going to seriously struggle to get enough shuteye. If you are going to have enough energy to deal with the ups and downs of becoming a mom, then you might want to adopt a different approach to resting. You need to try and opt for quality downtime, over the actual number of hours that you sleep. Try booking a spa day, going for a gentle walk with your baby and even attending a Yoga class to help you rest and have a change of scenery.

Follow your gut

It’s a tough call being a new mom, especially if you don’t have any family or relatives nearby to help lend a hand with childcare. However, make sure that you aren’t too hard on yourself. If you can’t get your baby to settle, or find it hard to leave your baby when they are crying, then trust your gut to choose the right solution for your child. Remember, when it comes to childcare, every infant is different. So, what your mother or female relatives suggest, might not always work.

It’s hard work being a mom, especially if you are a new mom learning how to look after your first baby. However, make sure that you prepare your nursery, catch up on sleep and follow your gut if you have to deal with any tantrums or teething worries. Most importantly, however, make sure you enjoy the magic of motherhood!

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How Teens Grow Into Healthy Adults

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Habits are formed when we’re young, which is why most adults who started smoking or binge drinking at a young age have a more difficult time quitting as they get older. The best way to grow a happy and healthy adult is to start with a healthy and happy teenager. However, this might not be as easy as it sounds; these days, junk food is freely available, and often cheaper than nutritious meals. New gadgets are being released yearly, which means they’re more likely to stay indoors playing with them all weekend. Not to mention the workload that keeps stacking up, and the pressure to get into good schools. It’s easy to see the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle in a teenager’s weight and on their skin. But if they cultivate good habits now, these teenagers could all grow up to be healthy adults.

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Don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs

Everything you do when you’re young can catch up to you when you’re older. Therefore, if you start smoking as a teenager, you’re more likely to have cancer, heart disease, or a stroke as an adult. Binge drinking before you reach the legal drinking age can increase your chances of getting liver disease or developing problems with alcohol. Taking any drugs will impact your health, but they will do more damage if you take them young. You might not want to have these conversations with your kids, but the best way to keep them safe is to encourage dialogue about these taboo topics. Avoiding them altogether means that your child is less likely to seek out help if they have a problem down the road. Don’t shy away from your own history, but make it clear why you don’t want your children to follow in your example. There are plenty of tips for talking to teens about these issues, but you will have to find a method that works for you. Don’t just trust their school to cover these subjects for you; they don’t know your child as well as you do, and you have a better chance of getting through to them.

Safe sex

No parent wants to think about their kids having intercourse, but the truth is that it’s going to happen eventually whether you like it or not. If you want them to avoid any unpleasant surprises like pregnancies or STDs, then you need to sit down with them and have a mature discussion. Most teenagers get confusing second-hand information from their peers or older siblings, so many of them might be grateful for their parents or other trusted adults taking the time to talk about it, even if they might be embarrassed about it at first.  However you bring up the topic of sex and relationships, listen to what your teenager has to say and use this to let the conversation develop. If they talk about STDs then you can both check out information at to learn more. If they mention condoms or birth control pills, then make sure they know why it’s important to use them, where to get them and how to use them. Having this conversation with your teenager won’t give them a green light to have sex, but it will teach them to be smart and safe when the time comes.

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Diet and exercise

Of all the habits that are toughest to form, diet and exercise are at the top of the list, and they are also the most essential. Teenagers require greater amounts of nutrition because this is when they do most of their growing. A healthy diet equals a healthy teenager. However, eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to stuff your face with spinach and lettuce every day (although leafy greens are rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and can reduce the risk of cancer). Cheese, lean meats, and even dark chocolate can all keep you healthy and energized. They’ll also be thrilled to learn that PB&J sandwiches are an acceptable study snack, because peanuts and peanut butter are a good source of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that protects nervous membranes, and thiamin to help the brain and nervous system use glucose for energy.

Keeping fit is not just good for the body, but it can also increase the effectiveness of studying. Exercise creates many chemicals for the brain that help motivation, focus and alertness which are all key to being a good student, especially around exam time and finals. Exercise also decreases stress hormones and chemicals like cortisol that can interfere with learning and overall health. Fortunately, they don’t have to join a gym to get their regular exercise; just encourage your teenager to join a sports club at school by saying it will look good on a college application.

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Plenty of sleep

Parents may wish their children would get out of bed earlier on weekends, but the average teenager actually needs between nine and ten hours of sleep per night to function well in the mornings, particularly during school terms. You can read more about the studies done into teenagers and sleep at to get a better idea of how you can help your child get the sleep they need. There is a link between tiredness and anxiety levels, as emotional stability is improved when you are fully rested. Studies have shown a link between insomnia and depression, as the brain requires plenty of rest to be able to manage emotions correctly. Additionally, sleep is good for teenagers because when you’re dreaming, your brain puts your thoughts and experiences into the right ‘boxes’, so that they can be easily accessed. So, if they’re trying to retain information for a test, getting a good night’s sleep is the best study aid available. Sleep is as important for brain function as water and a good diet, therefore staying up all night to work on a project or finish off an essay isn’t going to do much to help your teen’s grades.  


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Girl Power: Fight The Symptoms Of PMS The Smart Way

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The joy of being a woman knows no bounds, right? The premenstrual syndrome symptoms of aching, crying uncontrollably, binge eating, and bloating make a few days of the month feel like hell on earth, but there is possible respite. While stopping your periods altogether is possible with the use of hormonal intervention, it’s easier to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. If you’re particularly familiar with the monster that is PMS, here are some great ways to get some release.

Enjoy a balanced diet

Eating well throughout the month can really help when it comes to PMS time, especially as it helps to keep blood sugar balanced, but sometimes supplementing your diet in the lead up can help too. Vitamin E supplements, a fish oil capsule, and a whole load of leafy greens are the real lifesavers, and studies have shown people who increased the presence of these nutrients in their diet saw huge improvements. It’s worth a try, anyway!

Try some gentle exercise

Don’t laugh; it really will help. While exercise might be the last thing on your mind when you’re plotting the death of everyone around you, mild exercise can truly help to relieve symptoms. A bit of a workout releases endorphins that act as pain relief, dopamine to help cheer you up, and serotonin to fight feelings of depression and anxiety. A bit of yoga or regular stretching can help to relieve tension in your lower back and abdomen which helps to fight cramps too.

Treat yourself to a massage

If there’s ever a time for a massage, it’s when your body is conspiring against you. You could go DIY and use massage oil to gently rub the top of your thighs, lower back, and abdomen. It helps to relieve cramps, gets the blood moving, and will cheer you up no end. If you feel like you need a little more TLC, book yourself in for a professional massage – you deserve it.

Get some medical help

Sometimes it’s all just a bit too much to self-medicate successfully. In these cases, a GP will discuss your options with you. One option commonly used is to help balance the body’s hormones artificially by using contraception, such as the Yasmin contraceptive pill. As PMS is caused by a conflicting inbalance in the body’s hormones in the lead up to a period, the hormonal pill can really help to put things back on the straight and narrow. Speak to your GP and see what they suggest.

Top tip: avoid caffeine

While taking mild diuretics during a period of PMS can really help lessen the bloating that tends to accompany it, it’s worth being selective about the choice of diuretic you go for. Calcium, vitamins B and C, and potassium are all great for reducing bloating. Caffeine, although a diuretic, will only contribute to feelings of anxiety, so it’s not great for helping with the other symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome can be a really difficult time for women, but it is possible to alleviate symptoms. Just remember to go easy on yourself.


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Can You Tell If You’re Pregnant At Just Two or Three Weeks?

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If you have been trying to get pregnant, it can feel like your life is in an endless loop of four weeks cycles. Between periods, your hope and expectation grows. You cross your fingers every time you go to the bathroom, hoping that your tampons are going to be given a nine-month leave of absence.

It’s a stressful time, with the weight of such high expectations frequently bearing down on you. Most women wait to take a pregnancy test when they have skipped a period or begin experiencing the classic symptoms, such as nausea. However, if you’re in tune with your body, there are a few early signs to look out for.

Sore Nipples or Breasts


This is a classic sign of hormonal changes, and the early stages of pregnancy are among the biggest hormonal imaginable. It can be confusing as these are also signs of an oncoming period. If you feel tenderness, ask yourself if this is normal for you. If it is, then don’t put too much into it. If, however, you don’t frequently have breast tenderness before a period, you never know.

Needing To Pee More Often

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This is just so glamorous already isn’t it? Some of these signs of pregnancy aren’t going to have you at your best. But yep, this is something to look out for. If you have to take more regular trips to the bathroom, then there might be something going on. On the downside, this is also a sign of a UTI, but that will usually be accompanied by agonizing pain. Keep an eye on it.

Nausea and Stomach Upset

As with the soreness mentioned above, changes in hormones can disturb your whole system. If you find yourself having to be persuaded to eat, or experiencing nausea, then something might be afoot. Don’t expect the usual onslaught of morning sickness; these early disturbances are much milder.

Changes In Taste

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This may be in some way linked to the cravings that many pregnant women experience. You may find that you go off foods that you usually love. Some women also describe a metallic taste in their mouth, like they have been swallowing copper coins. If you do experience this for more than a day or two, it’s definitely worth bringing it up with a doctor.

Back Pain


It’s unlikely to be so bad that you need to rest or take medication, but it might just appear in the early stages. As with morning sickness, it’s like a rehearsal of the more severe version that appears in the latter stages. If you find yourself with a little nagging pain in the small of your back, especially if you are not doing strenuous exercise, then it may be a sign.

Tiredness and Fatigue

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Your body is preparing for something huge, so it’s going to be using up a lot of energy. If you’re struggling to get going more than usual or are falling asleep during the day, then this is a key sign. Take especial note if you’re sleepy even if you’ve had a good rest.

If you notice any of the above signs – or, ideally, them in combination – then you might want to try a pregnancy test, just to be sure!


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Having A Healthy Body Without A Gym Membership

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For some people, the gym is a place of fun, or motivation, or even rest and relaxation! However, for others, the gym is something very different indeed. Some people find the environment too stressful. Others don’t want to get fit and exercise in front of other people. Or maybe the membership fee just makes you weak at the knees- and not in a good way!

So, how can you get a healthy body without the gym membership? Well, running is a good start. You don’t need a treadmill to run, of course! Just run in your local area. The right pair of running shoes will protect your feet and spine when running on hard ground. If running isn’t your thing, how about cycling? You’ll need a bike, and a helmet, but that’s pretty much it.

If you feel that you don’t have time to do either of these two things, fit them into your daily routine. How about, instead of driving to work or taking the train, you cycle a few mornings a few? You might not want to run there, and be all sweaty, so how about running home? Take public transport into work in the morning, and then run home again. You will start to see a huge difference to your fitness levels. Over time, you will be able to run or cycle the distance in a faster amount of time. You’ll then be able to do longer distances. The hormones and chemicals our bodies flood with when we exercise are addictive. There is a reason why already fit people love to exercise; because it makes them feel great! You can get this feeling too, but you have to start somewhere.

So, running and cycling takes care of your cardio, but what about your muscles? You can use heavy weight even at home; you don’t need to be in the gym to use them. Start small, and don’t strain your muscles. You should feel a strain in your muscles but you shouldn’t feel pain. This means you are doing too much too soon, and could lead to injury.

Important muscles aren’t just the ones we can see! They are also the ones that we can feel, and that we use everyday (sometimes without even realizing it!) Toned legs and bulging arms might be important to some, but there are other muscles that should be important to you also. Take your pelvic floor, for example. It is these muscles that allows you to keep control of your bladder. Leakage can occur at any age, whether now or in the future, so strengthening this muscles from today will stand you in good stead. Doing five minutes of pelvic floor exercisers, three times a day, every day, should be your basic aim. Or, to take things a bit more seriously, consider investing in a pelvic floor app and exerciser. These prompt and guide you through your exercises, meaning you know exactly what to do- and if you’re doing it right!

As you can see, you can improve your body and make it healthier without a gym membership. You just need a good dose of motivation and hard work. Good luck!

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