Archives for March 2018

Winding Down After A Hard Day

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Life can become very taxing now and again, and a lot of the time we end up stressing ourselves to the point of breaking. If you want to instil better habits into your life this year, you will want to look at how to wind down at the end of the day. Allowing ourselves to relax is crucial to our sleep; and in turn it is also important for our health.

Leave work at work

The most important thing you need to do when you are packing up the office at the end of the day is leave everything there. Never take work home with you even if you feel like you have to. Work is for working and home is for relaxing. If you start to bring things home your mind and body won’t be able to relax properly, and this can cause many issues for you. Make sure that when you come home at the end of the day, you bring only relaxation with you.

Make a calming atmosphere

When you get home from a long day the best thing you can do is create a relaxing atmosphere. You can dim the lights, light some candles and then open up a bottle of wine. Make sure you have the perfect atmosphere to enjoy your time at home and spend time with the people you love the most.

Play games

If you fancy lightening up your night without wearing yourself out completely: a great choice is to play some games on your phone such as monkeybingo games or even a video game. It will keep your mind fairly active but will also give you the chance to do something more fun.

Have a cuppa

Herbal tea is the most relaxing drink there is, and you can make yourself a calming cup of mint tea to wind down after a stressful day. It is a perfect way to keep you warm, cosy and to reduce your stress.

Have a bath

There’s nothing which is much more relaxing than a soak in the bathtub. You can take some time away from technology, the kids and give yourself a chance to clear your mind. It will be a perfect way to get in a pamper session and catch up with your favourite book.

Cook comforting food

Some people actually find the act of cooking incredibly relaxing, and if you are one of these people then there is nothing better to do than cook yourself and your family a big pot of chilli or something comforting, listen to some music and have a catch up with your family.

Practice yoga

If you struggle with relaxing your body as well as your mind after a stressful day; the best thing you can possibly do is to practice some simple yogas stretches. This will allow you to clear your mind, reduce stress and to increase your body’s flexibility. It will help with your sleeping pattern and can even improve concentration if you practice it every single day.

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7 Reasons Kids Love Origami

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Craft is always a hit with children. Therefore, if you are a parent or teacher and want to add something new to the schedule then consider getting some supplies, learning some crafts, and then teaching them to the kids. They are likely to love it, and the reasons below will tell you why.

The Sense Of Accomplishment

Some arts and crafts are hard work and children will have to put in the effort to accomplish the correct outcome. Of course, upon doing so, they will be granted a real sense of accomplishment. This feeling will help motivate them to take on further projects. Setting a project that has a net result will also help children feel empowered. Being able to take a few objects abd turn it into something personal, original, and special to them will give them a sense of pride and achievement.


Ever notice how kids love doing puzzle books and similar activities? Solving problems is inherently rewarding, which is why kids get such pleasure out of certain crafts. There is an element of challenge involved. Being able to work out the next step in a set of instructions takes focus, and will fully engage the child’s mind.


Activities that encourage cooperation are always more enjoyable. Children often need to help each other complete more complicated craft activities. This teamwork element helps develop bonds between kids, as well as the teacher/parents present.

Fun Designs

What kid doesn’t love designing a piece of art, or craft, around their favorite animal? The same hold tries for a variety of other designs. The main part of the kid’s fun is seeing their creation slowly come to life throughout the series of steps. Getting inspiration for various designs and patterns can make a craft session just a little more organised. For more craft ideas about origami in particular, a fun, and easy craft to set up, check out Origami Way.

Crafts Don’t have to Be A Kids’ Activity

Kids often want to copy adults and do the kinds of activities that they do. Some art or craft doesn’t necessarily feel like a typical children’s activity to them due to the effort involved. Depending on what activity it is, even adults may find parts difficult. For this reason, children may feel like they are venturing into the adult realm.

Decorating At The End

Once the hard work is done regarding the craft you chose, the fun begins. Children love to decorate their finished craft. Whatever they plan to add, it is a decision they can make themselves, to make their craft personal to them.

It Offers A Break From The Normal Routine

Kids get bored with the same old activities and schedule, and having a crafts session is a great way to relieve the monotony. If a craft is being done at school, then the kids will have something physical that they can take home and show their parents. It can also serve as a decoration for their bedroom.

There are many benefits of spending some time with your kids on an arts and crafts project. Next time you are stuck for an activity to do, consider trying something new and getting creative.

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Could Your Home Be Killing You? How To Make Your House Healthier

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How does your home environment affect your health and wellbeing?

Many of us have a goal to improve our health and in doing so, we rightly tend to examine our eating habits, our exercise regimes and other factors such as stress in our lives for personal relationships or our jobs. Far fewer of us consider all the ways in which our homes may be contributing.

Where we live is where we spend a majority of our time, so it’s not an area of our lives we should neglect. The ways in which the home environment can affect us are really quite diverse – they range from the efficacy of our cleaning routines to taking active steps to eliminate toxins. These factors can impact both on our day-to-day wellbeing and on the management of longer-term health concerns.

Home should be a safe haven, but many of us take it for granted that they are that way, when in fact there could be factors that need addressing urgently. Retreating from the rest of our busy lives into our homes is a given, so don’t underestimate how much of an impact the state of this environment has a bearing on our overall health.

If your home is unclean, unsafe or otherwise unconsidered, it can have serious consequences, especially if you aren’t in the best of health to begin with. Everyone’s home situation is different, and there will always be some factors that are unfortunately outside of your personal control – but there are things you can, and should be doing to make a difference where you can.

A few simple steps can really help to combat a whole host of issues, and here are some of the easiest fixes going to make your home a healthy, happy place to stay:

Invest in an Air Purifier

Figures from MIT in the U.S show that air pollution causes about 200,00 early deaths a year – a staggering number. And the problem is only increasing as urban sprawl brings with it more complications. But although there’s not much you can do about outside conditions, you can control the air quality in your home, although it’s something very few of us consider.

With studies linking air quality to negative effects on pregnant women, asthma, autism and even pre-term births, it’s something well worth addressing. On a daily basis, we breathe in everything from toxic chemicals in household paints to cleaning products and all manner of dust and allergens.

The type of purifier you need depends on your own circumstances. Those in small apartments may benefit from ionising air cleaners. These devices generate negative air ions, which attract dust, allergens and other positively charged airborne particles and lock them in. Studies have linked the use of the to the alleviation of symptoms of depression. However, they are only effective in smaller spaces.

Another alternative is having a HEPA filter installed in your home’s HVAC system. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air, and they can remove 99.9% of particles above a certain size. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, they can be massively helpful, but remember that the filter needs changing every three months in order to remain effective. If your home doesn’t have a forced-air system, you can purchase a portable air cleaner with a replaceable HEPA filter.

Keep It Clean – Not Chemical

It goes without saying that a healthy home is a clean one – but many of us could do with revisiting our cleaning habits to improve our health. There are many aspects to consider, so start with a thorough review of your current weekly cleaning regime. Split it out into daily, weekly and bigger occasional jobs, and remember to include the cleaning of appliances that clean other things – such as your dishwasher or washing machine.

Try to avoid chemical-based cleaners that contain toxic elements and aggravate delicate immune systems. The standard household cleaner contains more than 60 toxic chemicals. Great, sanitary results can be achieved using natural solutions such as white vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice, and are much kinder to your health and to the planet.

Also, if you like to burn candles, make sure that you steer away from petroleum-based paraffin wax candles, as these emit hazardous chemicals that can be linked to asthma, allergies and even cancer. 100 per cent soy candles or other vegetable-based waxes can help to reduce the harmful chemicals released into your home environment.

Another factor in cleanliness is reducing the waste that you produce and looking at how that rubbish is accumulated, stored and how often it’s collected. Waste needs to be disposed of in a manner that is as efficient and environmentally-conscious as possible. Temporary conditions such as home renovations, or season garden clearances can mean that the standard curb side collection isn’t sufficient, so consider arranging a Same-Day Rubbish Removal service if you have additional needs.

Clutter and waste around the house are not only trip hazards and attractors of harmful bacteria galore, but cluttered homes trigger a constant, low-level stress that is detrimental to everyday health.

Make Light of It

Light pollution, especially for those of us who live in cities, is a huge issue. Not only does it have an impact on wildlife and energy resources, but also about our health and our mental state -but how do you deal effectively with something so insidious and all-pervading?

If you’re constantly exposed to artificial light it can interfere with your sleep quality, a fundamental pillar of good health, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions. It can even interfere with your metabolism. Start with the basics – by making sure that lights are not switched on when you don’t need them. Timer plugs can help with this by shutting off the power after a certain time that you set. If you have outdoor lighting, make sure it’s on motion sensor detectors so that it’s not left on unnecessarily – this has the other positive effect of slashing your monthly utility bills.

In your bedroom, make sure that you fit blackout blinds or curtains to keep out unwanted light and ensure that you get a peaceful and restorative night’s sleep. You can also try an eye mask if you live with others and need to compromise, or for when you travel. Also get into the habit of banning electronic devices from the room where you sleep. The particular type of blue light they emit blocks the brain from producing melatonin – the hormone that signals to the body that it’s time to sleep – so they are highly disruptive to your sleep cycle and mental wellbeing.

Tackle Your Food and Water

Many of us have considered carefully the links between good nutrition and health, and make changes to our diet to accommodate this, such as ‘eating a rainbow’ each day or introducing superfoods. But did you know what how you store your food is almost as important as what you’re eating?

If you keep leftovers in plastic containers, toxins from these plastics (called BPA) can leach into the food, causing hormonal imbalances and even possibly cancer. Eliminate these problems by switching to airtight lidded glass containers, which are chemically inert, and also recyclable. Similarly, Teflon coating used on non-stick cookware can expose household members to toxic polymers released as fumes from the synthetic polymers used to create the non-stick coating. Using cast iron or stainless steel is a much healthier option.

Your water source is also an important concern. Instead of using tap water direct from the sink, consider investing in a water filter to protect you and your family from contamination. Even though our water is filtered by our water companies, it still contains contaminants -which can include lead, chlorine, E.coli and pesticides. That is a definite consideration if you’re drinking that water and washing your food in it.

With filters, you can opt for a filter jug that sits in your refrigerator, a portable water bottle with replaceable charcoal filter discs or a filter that attached directly to your tap.

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Add Some Greenery

The humble houseplant can really have an impact on your home environment – more than just a part of the décor, they become a health necessity when you realise their benefits. Indoor plants purify our air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Greenery in the home can also have a calming mental effect by keeping us connected to nature.

If you aren’t great at keeping houseplants alive, got for hardy varieties that need little maintenance, such cacti, spider plants and rubber plants, or a ficus. Then there are plants that reverse the usual process by releasing carbon dioxide at night – so if you are going to keep them in your bedroom, make sure it’s an orchid or a succulent that continues to release oxygen at night.

Turning your home into the safe space it was always meant to be doesn’t have to be labour intensive – with some simple attention to detail, you can transform it into a less harmful environment that will fully support your mental and physical wellbeing.


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How Your Home Can Help Others

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Your home is more than just a house. It’s a shelter, a haven of peace, a warm bubble of happiness. Home is the place where you feel safe, the place where you can relax and be yourself, the place where you are loved. It’s no wonder that the saying insists that home is where the heart belongs. But, for some homeowners, home is not just their special place, it’s a place that is special to others too. Indeed, your home can help others to overcome the difficulties of their lives, whether it is stress, financial issues, or even family or health related. Your home does have to provide shelter only to you, but you can extend its protective roof to stop the metaphorical rain from falling onto the head of those around you too. Your home can be the light at the end of a tunnel for someone who is feels lost and confused.

pexels-photo-914890Invite a friend who needs support

Declutter and donate

Do you sometimes feel a little cramped in your own home? That’s precisely what spring cleaning is about! Now is the best time to go through your home and run an in-depth decluttering process. Over the winter, it’s not uncommon to accumulate items you don’t need, such as seasonal home decor, unused lighting elements from chandeliers to lamps – they are a popular purchase when the sunlight is at its lowest in winter – and maybe that DVD player you got for Christmas but haven’t used yet. But if you can’t use them, maybe someone else can. That’s the idea behind, an organization that helps the public to fight off poverty housing issues. Your donation can help change a life.

furniture, retro, old, wooden chairs, stacked, street

furniture, retro, old, wooden chairs, stacked, street

Your furniture can help people

Make your friends and relatives feel at home

Do you have a friend who is going through a rough patch? Sometimes a change of decor can help them to focus their mind and find a way out of their issues. Or if it doesn’t, it can provide the break they need to recharge their batteries. You can choose to invite them to spend a few days with you. Make your home comfortable for your guest. You don’t need much to make it work. Creating positive feelings in the house, with bright decorative items for instance. A friendly home can help someone to find their balance again.

Offer a room to those who need help

kitten-1517534_640Want to foster kittens?  

Welcoming a friend is one thing, how about giving shelter to a child? There are nearly 400,000 children in the foster care system in the U.S. These children need someone to look after them during a difficult time, whether they’re dealing with abusive parents or whether they can’t stay with their family for another reason. If you have a bedroom to offer and a lot of patience and attention, you could become a foster parent and change their lives. If you are not confident about your parenting skills, how about becoming a foster for You can foster an animal that is yet too young to be adopted, an animal that needs medical attention before it can be given to adoption or even a future mother-to-be.

In conclusion, your home is more than a house. It’s a hope bringer for others.


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Great Grooming For Good Boys

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It’s important that you take good care of your dog and ensure that it is regularly groomed. This can help it stay healthy throughout its life, but it also means that it will look extra cute! Thankfully, dog grooming isn’t too difficult, and you should be able to do most of it yourself.

Has your little pup been a good boy and is now ready for a makeover? Here are some great grooming tips.

If In Doubt, Take To A Groomer

The more grooming that you do, the easier it will get. Eventually, you could become quite the pro when it comes to styling your dog! However, when you are just starting out, there might be some jobs that you might not be so confident about doing yourself, such as trimming the pooch’s nails. If there is ever anything that are unsure of, such as this, it’s always worth taking your dog to a dog grooming company who can take care of it for you. They might even be able to give you some tips for taking care of your dog’s grooming needs at home.


Check For Ticks

Ideally, you should be brushing your dog every couple of days. If they have particularly long hair, such as breeds like Afghan Hounds or Pyrenean Shepherds, then you need to be sure to brush them every day so that their fair doesn’t get too matted. While you are brushing, it is really important that you check for ticks. These are little insects that attach themselves to the skin and feed off the dog’s blood. They can pass diseases between animals so should be removed as soon as you spot them. Make sure that you kill the tick by squeezing it or burning it once removed as they can also attach themselves to humans and cause Lyme disease.

Always Use Dog Products

If you ever run out of dog shampoo, don’t ever be tempted to use your own. This will be a lot stronger than dog shampoo and could cause your pup to suffer from some irritations. So, if you ever run out of shampoo for your pooch, you will have to wait to bathe them until you get some more. If they are particularly dirty, you can always rinse them down with water to try and remove excess dirt for the time being.


Distract Them With Bath Toys

Do you find that your dog gets a bit too excited at bathtime and they can be very hard to handle? There’s one way around this – you just need to put some toys in the bath with them so that there is something to distract them with. It’s a good idea to give them some toys that they can chew so that they aren’t so mouthy with you and try to nip you while you’re bathing them.

Once you get the hang of your dog’s grooming, you will find that the two of you can have a lot of fun in the bath. Plus, your dog will look fantastic at the end of it!

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Ways to Help Manage Your Dogs Stress Levels

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Having a dog comes with a lot of responsibilities. Ensuring they are well fed and looked after are the main priorities, but being able to understand your dog’s needs is essential to providing them with the best life possible. Here are a few ways to help de-stress your dog.

Understanding Their Needs

The first step to take to help de-stress your dog is understanding their needs and knowing what situations can trigger their stress and anxiety. Loud noises and being around other dogs can put pressure on your dog, so taking the time to analyze what your dog can and cannot handle will help in avoiding any added stress. Your dog may display signs of stress in a variety of ways, such as excessive barking or being more aggressive. Understanding your dog’s behavior and body language will help you identify how they are feeling.

Calming Your Dog

Being on hand when your dog is showing signs of stress and fear can help in calming them down. Knowing the best way to calm your dog will determine how your dog reacts. Speaking in an upbeat voice can help put your dog at ease and give them the reassurance they need. Your actions and words can have an enormous impact on your dog, especially as they are likely to follow your every command. Also, your dog may find situations more stressful than you. Being patient and understanding will help reassure your dog.


Regular exercise for your dog can not only benefit their physical health but also help work off any anxiety or stress they are facing. Taking your dog on long walks in the morning and evening will tire out your dog and allow it to rest. Just like with humans, exercise releases endorphins which can boost your dog’s mind, relieve their stress and keep them happy. There are many different exercises for your dog that can keep them active, as well as those that you can join in with.


Leaving your dog for lengthy periods of time can leave your dog feeling stressed and anxious. However, leaving their favorite toys around the home to play with will help keep your dog mentally stimulated and help reduce any worries they are having. Also, if you are taking your dog on trips out, bringing toys with you will give them a sense of familiarity and help keep them calm.

Giving Structure

Keeping a routine will help give your dog the structure they need and reduce levels of stress. Having designated times for meals, playtime, and exercise will help keep your dog calm and stability. If you do not implement a structure to your dog’s day, this can not only elevate stress and anxiety but also cause unruly behavior. Websites like can give you more guidance and help for your dog, ensuring you have all the tools needed to keep your dog healthy and happy.

If you would like more information on ways to help de-stress your dog, make sure that you look at specialist websites online, where you will be able to get the guidance and help you need.




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Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Trailer

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inifinty warI CAN’T WAIT! OMG OMG OMG! Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War looks so good! So many favorite Marvel characters in one movie. The poster is like a big game of I-spy! I don’t think I’m going to catch my breath the whole time!
Check out the latest trailer:

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AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR opens in theaters everywhere on April 27th!

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How to Prepare for Getting a Kitten

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Getting a kitten is a very exciting time. You may feel as though a kitten is going to be great for the kids it will be a welcome addition to your family as well. A lot of people don’t know this, but you do really need to prepare your home before you go out and bring home your furry friend. This is because there could be a huge range of hazards around the home that you might not even be aware of, so it helps to get these sorted out beforehand.

Curious Creatures

Cats are notoriously curious, to the point where they can wreak havoc on your home. They will play with absolutely anything they can find so it helps to look around your home to see if there are any blind fixtures or curtain tie-backs that could pose as a strangling hazard. If you want to avoid this issue then cut the cords or undo the knot so that the string isn’t looped on the blinds, or keep your tie-backs hooked on a loop so that they don’t dangle down. Some companies are actually selling strangle-free blinds now as they do pose as a risk to children, so it is well worth looking into these before you bring your kitten home. Elastic bands, paper clips and other small items can also be hazardous to kittens, so make sure that you put these away in a drawer. Remember that cats can be acrobats and that they can easily jump to higher shelves.



If you have household chemicals then you should know that these are incredibly toxic to cats. Pesticides, car fluids and even cleaning products can be very dangerous to your cat. The worst thing about this is that some car fluids can taste very sweet so your cat may be tempted to lick them up if they are spilt anywhere. If you are unable to dispose of these chemicals, put them somewhere the cat can’t go. This can include a locked cupboard or it could include putting them in the garage.

Toxic Plants

There are some plants that are incredibly toxic to cats. You would probably think that cats would know this and avoid them, but that isn’t the case at all. Cats are curious and they will nibble on just about anything, especially plants. For this reason, you need to make sure that you avoid having toxic plants in your home altogether. This can include lilies, irises and ivy as well. If you can’t get rid of the plants for whatever reason then try and hang them higher from the ground and watch out for any hanging or falling leaves as well, as these can be just as toxic to your furry friend.


Cat Beds

When you make a bed for your cat, you can easily keep them off your furniture and if this is your goal then it is very easy for you to make this happen. If you have furniture around the home and if you don’t want your cat jumping on any of it then you may need to have a bed in every single room that you have, even if it is just a pillow or even a folded up blanket. Cats like to sleep in places that are higher up, so consider having them on the windowsill or on top of a set of drawers.


You should always make sure that your cat has a collar. Some people see cat collars as being dangerous because they can get them caught on trees and even branches. If you want to avoid this then try and have a collar that is elasticated. This will protect your cat and it will also help you to keep them safe as well. It also helps to have a tag on your pet’s collar as well, so that you can have your phone number and even your vet’s phone number as well.


In some areas, it is a legal requirement for you to have your pet microchipped. When you do have your cat microchipped, this is a very small device that is placed underneath the cat’s skin. If something was to happen to your cat, the microchip would contain all of your details and it will also give you the chance to find your cat if they ever get lost or if something happens to them when they are out on their travels. Microchipping is a great way for you to protect your cat if they don’t have a collar as well, so make sure that you keep that in mind.


Buy Everything you Need

The next thing that you need to do is make sure that you have plenty of cat litter and you also need to make sure that they have plenty of food and water as well. You will want to have a separate container for their food and water, and you should also take note that stainless steel is by far the easiest thing for you to clean. If you are getting your cat or kitten from a shelter then it is worth asking them what food they are being fed at the moment and you can also ask them about their cat litter as well. Some cats don’t like to have feeding bowls that touch their whiskers either, purely because of how sensitive they are so consider going for a really shallow feeding bowl to begin with to see how your cat or kitten likes it.

It also helps for you to buy plenty of toys as well because kittens are incredibly playful and they are always going to be on the lookout for things to mess around with. The more you give them to play with, the less likely they are to cause mischief around the home and this is something that you really do need to stay focused on. Luckily cat toys are very affordable to buy and they are also very easy to find. Catnip is great and it can really help to get your cats interested in a new toy as well.


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What’s Missing To Make Your Home Truly Cozy?

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Who doesn’t want to be as comfortable as possible in their own home? If you find that you are somehow not managing to achieve this particular aim, it can be for a number of reasons, and you might need to approach it from a few angles at once in order to get it right. As it happens, there are a few especially common areas to look at in this respect, and that is what we are going to do in today’s post. With that in mind, take a look at the following ideas if you want to make your home a much more comfortable and cosy place to live in no time at all.

A Comfortable Bed

For most people, the bed is the most important place of all for gaining cosiness in the home. As long as you know you have a comfortable bed to go to at night, you can be sure of feeling happier about the home in general, and when you’re sleeping in particular. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your bed’s comfort levels. For a start, consider getting Amish quilts or something similar to add some extra plumpness – but you should also think about the actual mattress and whether or not it is as good as it could be. You can also improve its comfortability by making sure that the whole room is comfortable, something which a lot of people forget about. Do all of these, and you will have a much cosier time in your home at night.

Communal Areas

Just as important as the beds are the communal areas, even if you actually live alone. The living room and so on are especially vital if you want your home to be cosy, as they are your best opportunity to introduce as many comfortable elements into her home as you like. The basics – choosing a sofa you can enjoy comfortable, utilizing cushions and so on – are an important part of this, but so too is ensuring that you are including elements which you find personally comfortable for you. You need to make the space yours if you want to be comfortable in it, and this is something that is commonly overlooked. Yet it is hugely important if you want to be comfortable.

Warmth & Light

It’s not just about the objects in the rooms – you also need to pay attention to the warmth and light levels as well. If you get this just right, it can really affect your ability to be comfortable in the home, and make your home much cosier much faster too. The truly cosy home is the one which is warm and has the right amount of light as well, so make sure you do not overlook these essential qualities and elements if you want to be as cosy as possible in the home. Get this right, and you will find it5 makes a huge difference in the long run. Remember this if you are struggling to be zoy in your home.

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How to Keep Your Dog More Active

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Keeping your dog active is very important for their health. It also serves multiple purposes because dogs require stimulation to keep them mentally challenged and enjoying life. Playing games with them also helps make you feel young again because it may have been a few years since you played simple games with anyone other than your kids if you have them.

Here are several ways to play around with your dog to keep them busy.

Wear Them Out with Tug O ’War

Playing tug of war with your dog will give them a chance to get a workout by doing battle with their owner in a non-aggressive manner. It may at first appear with the bearing of teeth that they’re being aggressive, but actually they’re just focused on gripping the rope toy when pitted against you.

Be aware of your surroundings because sometimes they wrestle the toy free and it can go swinging around (or flying across the air). So don’t play tug o’ war in the living room with your big screen TV nearby unless you’re prepared to replace it real soon! Dogs who get to play this game improve their confidence and are better mannered.  Learn some other great games that teach them better manners by checking out

Teaching Fido to Fetch & Drop into the Toy Bin

Dogs love to play fetch and sometimes they can be taught to drop the toy on demand. What you want to do is extend the usefulness of this activity by teaching them to return their toys to their toy bin when they’re finished with them.

Create a new command to teach them to collect their toy and drop it into their toy bin. Keeping their toys all in the same place makes it easier for them to find them and for you to put a lid on the box when it’s not playtime yet. They can get a sense of new found confidence when they manage to return toys to their rightful place and get a small treat for doing so.

“Which Hand is the Treat In?” Game

Playing the “Which Hand is the Treat In?” game is a fun one for inquisitive dogs because they love being teased and trying to find out what is going on. It helps to develop their sense of smell in isolating where things are. You can rub the treat all over one hand and place it inside a closed fist of your other hand to completely confuse them. This will teach your dog not to give up when failing to find the treat the first time out. This way they also learn that smells don’t always lead directly to the target. Developing your dog’s sense of smell is important for advance warning about intruders in the home, so it’s a useful game as well as enjoyable too.

Playing games with your dog to keep them more stimulated both mentally and physically is necessary for their development. Staying healthy for longer is helped when they are challenged rather than left to sit around inactive. Only small lap dogs that are used to being indoors with elderly people should expect to be less active.

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