Archives for August 2017

Don’t Let Your Home Show Its Age

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A home that looks old and behind the times can be a serious problem. On the most basic level, it might just cause you to feel embarrassed. After all, when you have guests over to your home, you want them to be impressed by your design choices and the layout. That’s just not going to happen if your home looks like it’s stuck in the nineties or even the eighties. It can also be an issue if you’re hoping to get the house ready for sale.  

When people sell their home, many assume that buyers will be interested in the land and the building rather than the design of the property. After all, most of the features that make up that design will be removed during the move. While this might be true, buyers are often swayed by the design of a home. Don’t forget, that when you sell a property, you’re really selling them a dream. You’re showing them that this is a place that they would love to live. It’s hard to do that if you can’t show your home offers the modern luxuries from a contemporary design.

To make sure your home doesn’t look outdated, it’s worth looking at the design possibilities that could be aging your home, revealing the blemishes and wear and tear of the years.

Weird Word Art

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You might remember back in 2000 word art around the home was all the rage. You’d find it on shelves in the kitchen and jutting out of the walls in the hallway. It might have said things like ‘Welcome Home’ or simply ‘Eat’ if it was in the kitchen. It’s perhaps difficult to understand how this was ever viewed as stylish but it certainly isn’t anymore. These days, you’re far better to leave the walls of your home bare if the alternative is to have intrusive word art.

Of course, if you still love this decor possibility, forget the big bulky lettering. Instead, invest in wall decals. These fit beautifully into a minimalistic design and can still convey whatever you want your home to say. You can even get stylish lettering that is a tad more subtle and just as artistic.

Big Beds

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There was certainly a time when bigger meant better in the world of beds. Stylish beds were often high off the floor, included phrases like ‘four poster’ in the description and were as large as they could be for ultimate levels of comfort. But things have changed, and beds like this or sleigh beds stick out in a modern design like a sore thumb. They will always age a room and ensure that your home looks at least a few decades behind the time.

Instead, you should be opting for a bed that is low to the ground and might not have a board at the bottom of the bed. It certainly shouldn’t have towering pillars at each corner and instead should be feature that doesn’t draw attention. By doing this, you’ll find that your bedroom looks like the perfect place for a good night of rest in the modern age.

Fitted Bathrooms

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Do you still have a bathroom that is fitted to the walls with no possibility of moving things around and making the most of the available space? In the past, it made sense to have your bath fitted in one place, your shower in another and the sink attached to the wall. But technology and architecture has evolved, and it’s no longer necessary to do this to hide the pipes and plumbing. Instead, you can have a freestanding tub and still keep your bathroom clear of piping. All the best freestanding bathtubs can be completely separate from the rest of the room and some homeowners even use it as the centerpiece. You might find you want to do the same when you discover some of the incredible designs available.

Or, how about a floating sink. There’s no need for a large trunk underneath your sink anymore. Instead, it can be fitted to the wall like a shelf with nothing underneath it. This looks tremendous and will certainly take a few years of the age of your bathroom.

Hanging Lights

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Hanging lights once again intrude into a room rather than complementing the surrounding aesthetic. As such, they are another feature that doesn’t fit into the modern home. Instead of hanging lights, you should consider purchasing fitted in spotlights. Simple yet stylish, these spotlights are also the perfect way to bring out areas of a room that  you want people to focus on.

As you can see, there are a variety of stylistic choices that can age your home. But once you recognize the issues, they are certainly easy to correct.

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A Picture Perfect Day: Overcoming 7 Common Wedding Day Problems

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There’ll be few days more important in your lifetime than your wedding day. This is when you declare your everlasting love for your partner before all your friends and family and get to enjoy a proper knees-up party with you and your wife/husband at the centre of attention. However, while we can cross our fingers and hope for the best that the day will go off as planned, it’s always worth remembering that the course of love never did run smooth. Below, we take a look at seven common wedding problems – and how you can overcome them.


Second Thoughts

The anxiety of the wedding can cause people to have second thoughts about the entire marriage, which in turn causes more stress! However, there’s a big difference between last minute jitters and having genuine second thoughts. You’ll have been planning your special day for months; it’s normal that, as the day approaches, you’re beginning to think more and more about whether it’s all worth it. If you’ve made it to the run up to the wedding without having doubts about your choice of partner, then it’s all because of the stress of the day. Once the day begins, all those anxieties will melt away.

Rainy Days

There aren’t too many picture perfect wedding days that have a backdrop of rain. But unfortunately, the weather is indifferent to your hopes and dreams for your wedding day, and everything else, for that matter. If you wake up and there are dark clouds gathering overhead, then make sure you have a Plan B for your reception if it’s due to take place outside. A gazebo that makes sure the dance floor isn’t affected by the weather will change everything, and umbrellas can make an awesome prop! For everything else, it’s all about having a devil may care attitude: the rain will not dampen the romance of the day.

Looking Your Best

Yes, we know that the day is about declaring your love for your partner…but it’s also about looking your absolute best for those all important wedding photos. Alas, a bad hair day, dental injury, or last minute dress issue can compromise your confidence to look great in the photographs. Be prepared. With a list of local dentists that provides emergency dental care and the phone number of a hairdresser, you can make sure you can rectify any last minute problems before a single photo has been snapped. A ‘dress emergency kit’ that has the supplies you need to sew any clothing problems or remove stains will also give you peace of mind that you’ll look your best.  

Ready to Dance

People getting married – brides in particular – stress about how well their shoes are going to match their outfit, forgetting that they also need to ensure they’re comfortable! You’ll be on your feet more or less all day: during the ceremony, meeting guests, and then when you’re throwing out those awesome dance moves. Have a backup pair of shoes, one that you know you can stand in for hours on end, in your bag at the wedding.

Confused Guests

You’ll know exactly how the day is going to go, but your guests? There’ll only have a vague idea. What might be obvious to you will be a mystery to your guests, so make sure everyone knows the running order of the day. Letting them know when the caterers will be serving dinner and speeches will be made will ensure nobody has to miss the important parts of the day – and will make for an all-around more cohesive day.

Waiting Guests

And talking of guests, let’s not keep them waiting. In the history of weddings, there has never been a bride who has arrived on time. Account for this lost time in your planning. If things are getting out of hand, have a group of people you can call to take care of the details that you won’t have time for.

Too Much of a Party

Now, for most people, the highlight of any wedding is the party. Unfortunately, people get so excited about the party that they sometimes lose a bit of self-control and indulge themselves a bit too much. In the wrong hands, an open bar can be a very dangerous thing! You don’t want to monitor how much people drink, but have a trusted friend or family member make sure things stay respectable.

You can’t account for every wedding problem, but there’s a solution for most everything if you anticipate what might go wrong in advance.


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Maxing Out Home Entertainment For Family Fun

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What’s a home to you? Is it a place of safety? Is it warmth and comfort? A home is many things to many different people across the world – and with the more money you have to inject into that home, the more things you can mold it into. A den for your hobbies, a workshop for your interests, or a hub of entertainment. It’s that last point we will focus on today – because a home full to the brim with entertainment is a good place to be. It’s time to take home entertainment, within the home, to the limits and start having more fun!

Firstly, let’s talk music. Everybody loves a bit of music. We can go analog through record players, or digital through modern connections – either way, it doesn’t matter much. If you want to play tunes throughout your house, Bluetooth speaker systems that link through the main rooms (bathroom, lounge and kitchen – maybe outside as well?) are a really good investment. The best looking speakers are the roof implanted ones, but this takes a lot of work. Corner speakers are a great investment, ones that you can setup simply by putting in a battery and drilling it into the apex of the wall. A professional installment is costly, but will no doubt look better on your walls. As for playback – the main hub speaker is needed for digital devices – you can hook this up to your phone or Spotify easily. CD players and record players can also be played through Bluetooth systems, so dust off that old collection of LP’s!

Disk Stereo Turntable Vinyl Record Player


Most of the entertainment we consume is through visual means, and sometimes this means that a TV hanging on the wall isn’t good enough, not for us – nor the films that we are watching. If you’re aiming high, you might want to find out how to build the home theater of your dreams, but also think about the tech you’ll need to boost your films and games.

4K TV has been ‘in’ for a while now. HDR technology paired with 4K means that TV and games are going to look better than ever. You might not need a 4K set right now, but it’s good to protect against the future, so you aren’t spending over and over again. Mostly, media players are going to be digital – we are moving away from discs, especially DVD’s and we are moving away from Blu Ray players. We may have a 4K disc soon, but it’s likely that so-called ‘SuperHD’ will be mainly kept on digital platforms like Netflix. Entertainment computers with Kodi can also keep track of your digital apps – a single place for Amazon, Youtube and Netflix. Gaming is moving forward as well – with the PS4 Pro and The Xbox One X taking games into the future.


It will cost you, but maxing out your entertainment in the home is a great idea to bring your family together and to have more fun in the home – just don’t become a couch potato!


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What To Do When You Can’t Afford Medical Care

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Need medical care but can’t afford it? No-one should have to forgo treatment because of the costs. Whilst medical care is becoming more expensive, new options are constantly becoming available that are making it easier to finance for. Here are just a few options for those struggling with the costs.

Take out a personal loan

Taking out a loan is an easy way managing large medical bills, paying them off over a longer period in smaller amounts. There are all kinds of places where you can go to find a lender. Peer-to-peer lending sites such as Lending Club are a good place to find low interest loans. Hiring a loan broker may also allow you to find a cheap loan. For a loan with no interest at all, it may even be beneficial to ask family or an employer – whilst many of us don’t like asking those around us for money, people may be more sympathetic when the cause is your health.

Use a credit card

It could be worth taking out a credit card simply so that you can pay off big unforeseen expenses like medical care. If you don’t think you can be trusted with a credit card, a specialist CareCredit card could be the answer. These can only be used on medical expenses. You may also be able to take out a short term financing option in which no interest is charged.

Consider using an advocate

If you’re on a low income or unemployment benefits, you may be eligible to use an advocate. Medical advocates specialise mainly in getting treatment for people that can’t offer consent themselves, however they also help to offer medical care to those less fortunate. By negotiating with medical centres and researching into different treatment methods, they may be able to find you an affordable solution.

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Know your legal rights

In some cases, you may be eligible for a personal injury lawsuit. This could involve a car accident or a work related injury. In these cases you may be able to claim compensation with the help of a solicitor that could help you pay for treatment. In this case of paying off the loan or credit for someone who has died, there are also legal rights to explore. A wrongful death lawyer may be able to claim money for any fatal malpractice. Some lenders may be able to be negotiated with meanwhile in the case of an unpayable loan due to death, either knocking off the interest or allowing you to pay in smaller instalments over more time.

Take preventative action with medical insurance

The best way to prevent high medical bills is to take out insurance. Insurance schemes are now becoming more customisable, allowing you to lower your rates by only including certain types of treatment in your plan. You then have the option of deductibles, health FSAs and other financing methods that could help make medical costs more manageable.


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The Confusing Case Of Kitty Care

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Cats are incredible creatures. Seemingly effortlessly, these animals can scale walls, jump much more than their own height, and survive falls from great heights. Along with this, a lot of people find cats to be able to generate a good bond with their owners. Altogether, this makes for an excellent pet which can surprise you well into their later life. But, looking after this sort of animal can often be a challenge. To help you out with this, this post will be going through some of the key areas you should consider when thinking about your cat’s well being. A lot of people ignore this area, leaving their pets to live their lives. But, this isn’t always what’s best for them.

  • A Good Personality

Cats are incredibly emotional creatures, like most mammals. This is one of the key reasons people enjoy them so much as pets, as they are able to reflect very similar emotions to the ones we feel. Having a mind so complex can come with some issues, though. During their formative years, a lot of their personality will be built around the way they feel. If they are unhappy or scared all the time, it will be likely to make them aggressive. But, with the right treatment, they should be able to be handled with ease. A lot of veteran cat owners will tell you that the best way to produce a well-mannered cat is through bothering them as a kitten. Playing with them, giving them attention, and generally annoying them can help you to develop a very tolerant animal.

  • A Happy State Of Mind

Of course, a large part of any animal’s personality will be dictated by their state of mind. Most people aren’t aware of how their environment can affect their pets. If arguments are a regular thing in your home, your cat will likely be very high-strung, resulting in bad tempers. But, if you have a happy household, your cat will be happy, too. Factors like litter boxes can also impact your cat’s state of mind if they aren’t cleaned properly. Intentionally scaring or worrying your cat is also something to avoid, as it will usually negatively impact their mind.

  • A Healthy Body

Finally, it’s time to think about medical health, instead of mental health, as this is another important area to consider. Most pet owners will take their animals to see a vet at least once every six months. This gives you a chance to make sure your pet is healthy, without relying on a medical issue as your warning. Along with this, you should also consider purchasing regular flea meds for cats, as this sort of parasite can make a cat’s life hell. This will help you to make sure that your cat is always as healthy as possible, helping to keep them nice and happy.

Hopefully, this post will give you a good idea of what should be done to keep your pet cat healthy and happy. Not a lot of people put this sort of effort in with their pets. But, in the long run, you could be making their life a lot better for just a little work.

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Do You Understand The Health Complications That Come With These Common Habits?

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We all know that we need to have good levels of health and wellness. But it’s safe to say, that we don’t always know the best ways to go about getting them. One minute, we feel as if we’ve nailed a healthy routine, then something pops up to put a stop to all that and we’re back to square one again. So, it seems, the best way to stay healthy and avoid health problems is to keep things simple. When you stay simple, your health is easier to stay on top of.

But how do we go about doing that? One of the best ways is education. By knowing more about your health and how everyday things in life can affect it, you’ll be able to do your best at keeping poor health at bay. Because it’s often a lot of our most common habits that can be harming up the most. Learn to keep these in check, and you should find yourself with better health and wellness levels.

Eating Junk Food

A lot of junk food can taste good. And when you get yourself into the habit of eating it, you always want it more. But junk and fast food isn’t always the best nutritional choice for your health. In fact, it can often bring on a lot of health complications later on in life. Junk food can be high in saturated or trans fats, as well as salt. This can lead to high blood pressure to start with, as well as obesity.

Being Overweight

If becoming addicted to eating junk food and putting a strain on your organs wasn’t enough, overindulging in food can make you overweight. There are serious health risks linked to obesity. Heart problems including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure and even problems with your breathing are all related to obesity. Plus, when your body is carrying too much weight, you can also put a strain on your joints and suffer from mobility issues.



During the summer when the weather is warmer, there’s nothing quite like heading out into the sun for a daily dose of vitamin D. But, persistent sunbathing can have detrimental effects on your health. We all know the risks of skin cancer that come with being out in the sun, so wearing sunscreen is a must, but that’s not all. Excessive sun exposure can age your skin prematurely, give you sun spots (also known as age spots), and create irreversible damage. So think twice about worshipping the sun if you want to care for your skin.


Then there’s smoking to think about too. It’s easier said than done when you decide to quit, but smoking brings on a myriad of health problems alongside the huge risk of cancer. Yes, you can get a range of lung diseases, but smoking also increases your risk of heart disease and suffering from a stroke, affects fertility, bone health, and can induce premature aging. But by quitting, you can reduce your health risks dramatically over time.


Drinking alcohol in moderation won’t overly harm your health on average. However, excessive drinking can be related to a large number of health problems. Again, it’s linked to a high blood pressure and a higher risk of heart disease, liver disease, stroke and a range of cancers too. If you are struggling to stop, medical assistance from somewhere The Recovery Village could be what you need. Stopping or significantly reducing your alcohol consumption can often dramatically improve your health and reduce further risks.


Getting Stressed

Stress is something that we all suffer with from time to time. It’s not something that we always see as bad for our health, just simply an annoyance. But high levels of stress can significantly damage your health. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is released when we are stressed, or even scared or worried. And it’s this chemical that can provide long term damage to the body. Not only can both cortisol and stress lead to mental health problems and depression, but it can also cause digestive issues and weight problems, and have detrimental effects on your vital organs too.

Staying Switched On

Closely related to the last point is the negative impacts of being connected to tech all of the time. When you are forever staring at a screen or engaging with some kind of technology, it can impact upon your health. You can bring on stress by being connected to the world all of the time, suffer from a bad back or sore eyes, and even cause issues in your relationships too. So take a break!


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Unique Ways to Decorate Your Walls

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If you’re sick and tired of the same old white walls or painfully fashionable floral wallpapers that everyone seems to have in their home. It might be time to try something different; something that your neighbors won’t have already thought of.

Here are some rather unique and unusual ways to decorate your interior walls:

Design Your Own Wallpaper

If you like wallpaper. But you don’t like the fact that the stuff you can buy at the store is so samey, why not design and print your own wallpaper? There are numerous companies online that will allow you to do this, and it means you can really be creative with your home décor. You could use your children’s artwork, favorite photos or your own sketches to create something totally unique to you.

Peel and Stick Wood Planks

If you like the warm and cozy country look, peel and stick barn wood planks could be the perfect solution for you. Not only are they very affordable, and every easy to apply to the wall, but you can use them to create interesting patterns and designs above and beyond the typically wooden wall cladding you see in so many homes.

Fill Them with Fabric

Not many people think of covering their walls with fabric rather than wallpaper or paint, but it’s a brilliant way to create a unique look that none of your friends will have in their homes. All you have to do is find a fabric you like, order a lot of it and then starch it. Once it’s starch, it will remain smooth, and you can use the starch to roll the fabric onto the walls. You might have to use a few thumbtacks to hold it place while it’s wet, but once it’s dried, it will be stuck fast and, more importantly, it’ll look fantastic.

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Wow ‘Em with Washi Tape

If you’re looking for a unique wall solution which is affordable and easy to achieve, look no further than washi tape. This origami paper inspired tape comes in a vast array of colors and styles, making it perfect for children’s rooms, and it can be used to create pretty striped walls in very little time. You literally just stick the tape to the walls, and you’re done.

If stripes aren’t your thing, you can use the tape to create all manner of interesting designs, providing you have a little bit of artistic ability, anyway!


Speaking of origami, a good way to spice up a plain white wall is by creating lots of origami flowers, birds or animals and then sticking them to the wall. If you want a subtle look, you can just add a few to one corner, or if you want something with more of a wow factor, you can create a whole feature wall of your own origami creations!

I hope this has inspired you to think outside the box when decorating your home. Walls don’t have to be bland, and they don’t have to be just like everyone else’s – you just have to be brave enough to break the mold and do something different!


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Flatten Your Belly Fast

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Do you want a flat belly, but does the thought of doing thousands of crunches and sit-ups alongside a really strict diet not exactly motivate you to action? Don’t worry. Although cleaning up your diet a little and doing more exercise is certainly a good idea, and will surely get you a flat belly in the fullness of time, there are a number of quick fixes that can give you a flatter belly fast! Here are the most effective:

Straighten Up

There is nothing that will give you a flatter stomach faster than simply adjusting your posture so that you’re standing perfectly straight. You can appear around 5 pounds thinner simply by straightening your back. Try it now, I guarantee you’ll look better – when you’re standing up at least!

Avoid ‘Bloating Foods’

If you want your stomach to look flat in a flash, you need to avoid the kinds of foods that bloat you. These will be different for everyone, but some foods that commonly cause the stomach to bloat include:






As well as avoiding the foods that make you bloat, you should actively fight bloating by drinking Skinny Tea and apple cider vinegar or eating other bloat-busters like lemon and fennel seeds. In a matter of days, if not hours, you should notice a difference.

Dress Appropriately

Dressing right can also help your stomach to appear flatter than it really is. By avoiding fabrics that highlight the fact you have a bit of a tummy, such as lycra and light knits, and opting for woven fabrics like silk, cotton, and wool, you can create a slimming effect, which will draw attention away from the belly and give you the appearance of a flatter stomach.

Cut Down on Refined Carbs

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Cutting down on refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains is a great way to get rid of belly fat according to a study from Pennsylvania State University. In fact, participants who did just that, were able to shed double the amount of belly fat than those who continued to eat refined carbs. So, although this method might not be quite as fast as the others, if you’re looking for a permanent change, it could be the way to go.

Eat Slowly

If you tend to wolf down your food, you could be making yourself look bigger in the belly area than you actually are because when you eat fast, you tend to swallow a lot of excess air, which can cause a bloating effect. Not only that, but fast eaters tend to have bigger appetites, adding to the belly problem too. So, slow down, savor your food and pretty soon you’ll notice that you have a flatter belly.

Although many of the tips above are very effective, most are only quick fixes, and if you want to see a permanent change to the shape and size of your belly, there’s no getting around it – you are going to have to change your lifestyle and put in a little hard work. It’ll be worth it when you can rock a bikini with confidence, though!


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Budget Tips Creating a Child’s Dream Bedroom

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Detail of a teenager bedroom with desk, bed, shelf, and yellow wall

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You will no doubt have the mindset that you’ll do anything for your child, and that includes creating a bedroom of their dreams. Sadly, you are sometimes restricted by a tight budget, and matching the imagination of your kid can prove to be tricky as a result. While it might place restrictions on certain furnishings and features you can buy, a little bit of imagination of your own means that developing a wonderland for youngsters is still very much possible. So if you are currently in the position of decorating a child’s bedroom on a budget, read on for some tips on how to realise those dreams.

Focus on their interests

First of all, it is important that you take on board your child’s interests before proceeding with styling their room. For instance, if they have a passion for space, animals or all-things Disney, base the design of the rooms on these topics. Not only will it cater to their tastes, but it is also a great starting point if you’re struggling with where to start when decorating the room.

Revitalise the walls

One of the biggest – and most inexpensive – ways to add character to a room is by focusing on the walls. Obviously, adding paint or wallpaper is a relatively simple way to reflect your youngster’s favourite colours and/or interests, while also supplying plenty of character and a welcoming ambience. Alongside this, you also have the potential to add some wall features – sticking to the budget guidelines, think of things like a homemade collage or framed posters.

Add new flooring

Like the walls, targeting the floors is one way to add a large impression to a child’s room. This doesn’t mean you have to completely rip up the flooring and start again, either. After all, that could eat into your budget significantly. In fact, merely placing a rug on the floor can help to add an extra layer and tie the room’s decoration together in a subtle yet impactful fashion.

Change up the bed

If you already have a bed frame and mattress in place, that will help with keeping your outlay down. Although if the mattress could do with being replaced, do it – ultimately, comfort is more important than any design elements. Also, a duvet cover – whether it is just a simple, colourful cover or one that boasts popular licenced characters – is an ideal way to inject personality without needing to spend much money. The Threel online shop has a selection of affordable, charming duvet covers available for example.

Brighten up with curtains

For crafting a child’s room, the inclusion of a rug is not the only way to add a small feature to produce a sizeable effect. Bright curtains will help add character to the room, and if they match the duvet design – which you will find in certain cases – it will ensure the room isn’t too much of a mishmash of colours and styles. Oh, and not to mention that changing the curtains is super easy to do!


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