Archives for February 2017

Don’t CRY over DIY: Some Tips And Tricks

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The thought of a DIY project, especially around somewhere as important as your own home, can be quite daunting if you’ve never tackled anything bigger than putting up a shelf before. Still, it doesn’t have to be quite so overwhelming. Just think of it as similar to the process of putting up a shelf and following that with repeated, similar, small and manageable tasks. If you’re still unsure where to begin, however, then here are some great tips and tricks for getting started on your very first full-scale DIY project around the home.

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Use the internet.

The beauty of YouTube and other sites on the internet is that tutorials can be more than a series of text-based instructions; now you can see somebody perform a construction task with your own eyes, ensuring that you mimic the procedure as accurately and precisely as humanly possible. There are channels dedicated to DIY, so you could binge one after the other and move through your home, renovating one room after the next; all with the the help of a simple series of videos.

Know your limits.

It’s not always your job to fix the bigger problems around your home, and you probably shouldn’t, either. You most likely have a limited set of skills when it comes to DIY, else you wouldn’t have read this article, and you shouldn’t be tackling areas of your home which require a keen, professional eye to solve. You could consider Foundation Repair DFW, for example, to ensure that the soil beneath your home is sturdy enough to support your house, but you don’t have the expertise to do it alone.

There are certain times that DIY is just not the smart solution for your home, and you have to think about safety above all else. Some aspects of your home will require structural or engineering expertise, and, unless you have that, you shouldn’t be tackling the task by yourself. Just keep the DIY work to design-orientated things or minor “fixes” around the house.

If in doubt, get inspired.

When it comes to matters of interior design around your household, maybe it’s not the prospect of getting stuck in with manual labour which intimidates you, but the prospect of making a poor design decision and struggling to go back on it later. Of course, if it’s the physical construction side of things which you prefer, there’s no harm in looking at magazine and interior design websites for inspiration as to an actual theme or colour style for your room. If you live with friends, a partner or your family, looking to them for input might also be a wise decision. Once you get started, you’ll find that creativity follows more easily as a vision of how the house or that specific room will look at the end of the DIY process starts to form in your head.

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Stick to beginner projects at first.

If you’re still in doubt, keep things simple until you get a feel for how well you cope with DIY builds. Something such as fitting insulation in your attic, for instance, is a meaty DIY task in terms of manual labour, but a very easy one at the same time. A hard day’s work doesn’t always have to be hard on your mind. There are ways to get stuck in with construction without driving yourself insane.

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The Modern Home: Smart, Savvy Housekeeping Tips

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Have you ever wondered how your grandmother kept a spotless home and prepared healthy, nutritious meals made from scratch? And she didn’t have the luxury of a washing machine, dishwasher or tumble dryer. Nevertheless, the kitchen floor was always scrubbed clean, and there was always a cheery welcome and a pot of tea.

We can learn a lot from older generations. Though few us would want to go back to the days of washing by hand and cooking over an open fire, there’s a lot to be said of the routines and methods of that time.

The Art Of Scheduling

Did you ever hear your grandmother talk about wash day? This was the day that the laundry was tackled. All items had to be washed by hand and hung out to dry. And during inclement weather, it was hung around the house on racks and clothes maidens. Most households had an allocated wash day, so everyone knew where they were up to. The same was true regarding household chores and meals. Your parents may have spoken about Friday being fish day or similar. And Tuesdays were for ironing, etc.

The fact was that there was a routine for everything. This was necessary in an era where everything took longer to complete and therefore had to be planned carefully. It’s useful to adopt some of these techniques in our own homes. Allocating a day to do the laundry alerts the household that items have to be put into the washing basket on time. It also helps in terms of planning. The majority of people can load the washing machine and then forget about it until the clothes are washed and spun. They can then be transferred to the dryer.


Scheduling other household chores is also practical. For example, tackling certain rooms on particular days, vacuuming two or three times a week, changing the beds on a Sunday, etc. However, you choose to set up your routine; the idea is that it is broken down into manageable chunks. Everyone knows where they’re up to and it is easy to plan and organize.

Planning in this way is also an economical way of living. Food can be planned over a week and bought during one shopping session. This negates the need to keep on going out to top up grocery items.


In your grandmother’s day, if something broke around the house, someone would know how to fix it. Ornaments and vases were glued together, cupboard doors were repaired, and drawers were sanded until they opened and closed smoothly again. Of course, they didn’t have the same appliances as we have today and so repair work was a little easier. But the make do and mend mentality is a good concept to adopt.


In order to function efficiently, homes need to be well-maintained. This extends to the exterior and garden. A little and often approach is desirable, as it avoids the necessity of spending large tranches of time on DIY, etc. Keep a monthly list of items to check and, if necessary, repair. Keep on top of appliances and enlist an efficient appliance repair service. When washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, etc. break down the whole system grinds to a halt.

Housework can be time-consuming and boring. Few people enjoy cleaning, grocery shopping, and doing the laundry. They would much rather be doing something fun or relaxing. Scheduling chores like your grandmother’s generation, planning weekly tasks and keeping on top of maintenance, help to operate an efficient and organized home. And this leaves plenty of time to do the things you enjoy.

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Floor Cleaning Made Easy With The bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum

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Disclosure- I received a bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum to facilitation my review but all opinions are 100% my own.

bObsweep Pet HairI have 3 cats and 1 lab mix dog and they all shed like CrAzY!!!! The amount of hair on our floor downstairs was crazy. I would sweep and vacuum at least once a day but even more than that. I felt like I couldn’t take a day off or the rolling tumbleweeds of hair would take over. Why did I get 4 pets with black fur in a house with white tiles? What was I thinking?!?!

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Just one of the reasons we needed a bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum!

But I found the answer to my cleaning woes. Meet our newest family member, the bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum or Bob as we affectionately call him. He even came with a birth announcement! How cute! Talk about a company with awesome attention to detail.
birth announcementThe bObsweep PetHair is just one of several models of robotic vacuums that bObsweep makes but I knew with all the pet hair in our house it would be perfect for us. Bob is easy to set up. side brushWhen he arrives you just need to attach his side brush with a single screw. He even comes with a screwdriver. Like I said, bObsweep has great attention to detail. Their customer service is awesome!
customer servicePlug in Bob’s charging station, place the metal plates on his underbelly on top of the nodes on his station, and let him charge himself up. Once he’s all charged up (it takes several hours for a full charge), he’s ready to clean your floors.

bob on charger
The bObsweep PetHair has so many great features:

  • Quieter than the average robot vacuum (he doesn’t even bother my dog!)
  • Cleans on the programmable schedule you set or when you choose to run him
  • Onboard control buttons and remote control
  • 3 Cleaning Modes- Robot (about 80 minutes), Quick Clean (30 minutes), and Touch up (15 minutes)
  • Targeted cleaning with 3 pattern tracks- Spiral Track (spiral in a 5’x5′ spill zone), Waffle Track (6′ x 5′ grid pattern spill zone), and Wall Track (travels along the perimeter of your home)
  • Side brush reaches into small spaces that the main body doesn’t
  • Longest main brush in the industry covers more ground while lifting up more dirt in just a single sweep
  • Sensors in the back and front to help keep Bob from running into objects
  • Built in UV light to kill germs
  • 3 Layer HEPA filtration removes airborne mold, dust, dust mites, and viruses
  • Washable mop attachment to mop while it vacuums
  • Large collection bin (1000 mL) means you’ll be emptying it less often than it’s competitors (unless you have multiple pets that shed A LOT and you’ll be emptying it daily like me)
  • When Bob is done cleaning he automatically searches for his base so he can charge himself for his next job

A few things I learned about Bob…..

bob in actionI was a little worried when I first started watching Bob clean. He doesn’t clean in straight lines like a human would so it took a little getting used to. I was afraid Bob would miss spots. When you first watch Bob cleaning on his automatic cycle (which takes about 80-90 minutes depending on the level of dirt he senses) it seems like he’s just running around your house randomly. He’ll clean part of a room and then leave to clean another room. DON’T WORRY! Bob will come back and finishing the job in each room before his cleaning cycle is done. I promise! Just let Bob do his thing and he’ll get it done!

After having Bob for a few weeks I’ve found a few areas that Bob can’t get into like under the cart that we keep snacks in because it’s only 4 inches off the ground, between the legs of our kitchen chairs because they are narrow, and of course he can’t climb up the steps that lead up to our front door. But this isn’t a problem at all. Right before I have Bob clean my floors I sweep the top landing by my front door and the 3 steps leading down to our 1st floor. I just leave a little pile for Bob to come and pick up. Then every few days I move the snack cart to get under it, pull out the kitchen chairs so Bob can access under the table better, and quickly sweep any nooks and crannies (like between furniture, around the bins that store my dog’s toys, etc.). It takes me about a minute or two to get in these spots and then I can let Bob run and do the rest. It’s so much easier than doing all the work myself and no vacuum would be able to get into those spots on it’s own. I’d much rather take 2 minutes to prep the room for Bob to clean it than to have to do the whole room myself with my regular vacuum.

bob's remoteBob comes with a remote control so my kids and their friends think Bob is a fun new toy. They love to play with him and his remote control. And I love that their playing gets my floor cleaned. Win win!

bob is fun

My daughter’s friend loves to come over and play with Bob!

remote control fun

A cleaning tool that kids will want to use! Yes please!

If you have 2 floors in your house you’ll want to get a second bObsweep PetHair for your other floor. Trust me! I feel like my upstairs is so neglected because while I run Bob daily, I’m not dragging my big vacuum around upstairs as often. I NEED another bObsweep!

If you have an area that you don’t want Bob to go into bObsweep sells a blOck that you can put in the area that you want Bob to ignore. Our office area has lots of things all over and I don’t want Bob getting hurt in there. I have that area blocked off with our garbage can, recycle bin, etc. when I run Bob but I think a blOck will be the perfect solution for us.

Bob has a built-in self navigation system which allows him to clean without hurting himself or damaging your furniture. Bob has several sensors all around his body. His sensors constantly send out Infrared signals to detect objects. Once an object (living or not) is detected, Bob changes his direction and moves away from it. Bob’s rubber-like non-collision bumper allows him to remain free of bumps and scratches if he touches walls, furniture or other obstacles. Bob is so smart that his state-of-the-art infrared sensors (in the front and back of his body) help him literally feel his way around so that he can clean without constantly crashing into things around him.

bob's bellyOn an automatic cycle Bob runs for about 80-90 minutes before he needs to be recharged. Once he’s finished cleaning and is ready to be recharged, he finds his way back to his charging base to charge himself back up which takes a few hours. With the work Bob does in my house, this recharging nap is well earned.

The bObsweep PetHair has a removeable, washable mop pad attachment. You can dampen the pad with water or cleaning products and Bob will mop while he vacuums. He does a light cleaning with his mop attachment but he really doesn’t do a deep mopping with his pad. Personally I prefer to just have Bob vacuum my floor and not mop it. He’s not a substitute for mopping with a mop and bucket but is great for a quick surface level cleaning in between regular mopping.

Make sure to keep all toys, small objects, and ESPECIALLY POWER CORDS off the floor where Bob will be going. My husband plugged in a power screwdriver into a powerstrip on the floor the other day. I didn’t realize and I let Bob run. Before long he ended up in the corner where the cord was and it became wrapped around his wheel. I was so upset. It was then that I realized just how important Bob had become in such a short period of time. I was seriously depressed that we might have “lost” him for good. Thankfully it was pretty easy for my hubby to take Bob’s cover off, remove his wheel, and get the cord untangled. Phew! I wasn’t sure how I was going to live without Bob. Seriously he has really made my life that much easier. We love Bob!

cleaning technology

featuresGet social with bObsweep on FacebookbObsweep on Twitter, and bObsweep on Instagram.

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Boost Your Bones

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Taking care of your bone health now will help you to live a longer, happier life. If you have kids, their future depends on helping to give them the best start in terms of the health of their bones. Here’s what to do to make sure that everyone is healthy for longer…

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Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the best ways you can protect the health of your bones. Calcium is a vital component for bones, and you can find it in green leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and okra. You can also get calcium from soya beans, sardines and pilchards. Dairy products are rich in this vital nutrient, so make sure you drink milk, and eat yoghurts and cheese. Growing children are especially in need of a healthy amount of dairy products in their diet – what you give them between now and the age of eighteen will determine their bone health for life. Find out here why you should all be eating more fruit.

Get plenty of Vitamin D by spending at least a portion of every day outside. Even during the winter months, you can still get this important vitamin by being outdoors for a few minutes every day. As well as protecting your bones, making sure that you get enough Vitamin D from sunlight can also mean that you are less likely to suffer from a low mood or depression. If you’re concerned that you and the kids aren’t getting enough, top up your supplies by eating foods like oily fish such as salmon or mackerel, eggs and breakfast cereals that have been fortified with Vitamin D.

Exercise is vital for looking after your bones. Research has shown that people who exercise regularly have greater bone density than those who don’t. Go for a walk or jog every day, or take the kids to the park and throw a ball around. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you are making your bones, muscles and joints work. Keep moving now, and you’ll still be active well into your old age.

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Achieving a healthy weight means that you are not subjecting your bones to any undue pressure. Being overweight puts a huge strain on the bones and joints, which means that you will be much more likely to suffer fractures or issues like arthritis – especially later in life. Take action to lose the flab, and your body will thank you for it in the future.

Be aware of risk factors for bone thinning or osteoporosis. These include a family history of problems with bone health, premature menopause, and having a history of eating disorders. If you are in any doubt of your risk, or of the current condition of your bones, get advice from so that you can take action.

Don’t wait until you encounter problems before taking steps to protect your bones. Doing all the right things now, including having a good diet and fitness regime and making sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals you need, will save you a lot of hassle and maybe even pain in the future.


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An Impossible Person To Buy For? These Ideas Will Inspire

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Now that the holiday season is behind us we have a full year ahead of other opportunities where gifts may be purchased. Valentine’s day is round the corner, birthdays to think about and then Christmas will be here again before anyone realizes. Many people have someone in their lives who is notoriously difficult to buy for, they may have everything, or just be a little fussy. Whatever the reasons many people will be able to relate to this matter. With that in mind, here are some of the best gift ideas to offer some inspiration in this time of need.

A personalized docking station

Practically everyone these days has a phone and a set of keys to contend with. They may even have items they wear all the time like a watch or a necklace and ring. So a great gift idea is a personalized docking station for all of those things. It provides someone with a place to store those important things that we need with us each day. Plus the station could even be transformed into a charging area. Perfect for a bedside table or the kitchen this could be a unique gift idea that shows thought and consideration for any time of the year.

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Something more unique than a photograph

Giving someone a gift of a photograph is always a nice touch, placing them in frames and editing them up is a great way to do. But some people like to think outside of the box and do things a little different. This is where a custom bobblehead could make the perfect as it takes a personalized gift to a different level. Luckily custom bobbleheads all have 25% off at the moment. Unique gifts can be found online by just doing a little research.

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A gift associated with their favorite drink

Maybe the person loves a particular drink like wine or gin perhaps. Then a gift associated with that could be the way forward. Engraved wine glasses and personalized bottles all make great and alternative gifts for those people who simply have everything.

The latest upgrade of a gadget

It can be hard to think outside of the box when it comes to someone who has everything, so why not look at their existing items? Their smartphone might be due for an upgrade, or they need a new tablet or laptop to name a few items. Sometimes the inspiration is right under your nose.

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Quality time together

The gift of time can often be the most greatly received and appreciated. With busy work schedules and deadlines in daily life, it can be hard to to get quality time with them. So organizing a meal out or time together could be a great gift.

What about something for the home?

Finally, it doesn’t always have to be a gift that is personal to that person. You may find that the perfect option is something to do with home decoration. It might be an ornament or vase for flowers, or it could simply be something that they have had their eye on for some time. People can often think a gift should be for that person, but a gift for the home can be just as much appreciated.


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Helping Your Older Loved Ones Love Life For Longer

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We all care for the older loved ones in our lives. But the truth is that many of us aren’t doing enough for them. Sometimes, it’s easy to miss what we should be doing. You might not even know your parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle has needs that aren’t being fulfilled. But it’s time to find out and to discover if there’s anything else you could be doing to help them.


Be a safe haven for them

The first step to take is that we have to recognize that not all of our loved ones have that confidant they can admit everything to. If you’re worried that your loved one might be bothered by things they’re not talking about, it’s worth helping them open up to you. It can be difficult and awkward to start these conversations, especially if they’re about medical issues. But broaching the subject first, being direct and caring, can help. It’s a good idea to just know the kind of questions you might ask to ensure that they’re okay. It might be mood, it might be physical safety or about any marks of injuries you might suspect they haven’t shared. Be gentle, as establishing trust is essential here. Don’t try to force them into telling you anything, just make it clear you’re trying to help.

Make sure you get active with them

It’s easier to lose the focus on activity and fitness as you grow older. However, just because your loved one is getting later in life doesn’t mean they don’t need exercise. A great way to ensure they’re as active as they should be is to join them. It could be as simple as taking a walk. It’s also important to address any barriers they might have to getting active, too. You could get things like walkers from to remove barriers to mobility or ask their doctor about exercises that might be appropriate for their abilities.


Finding meaningful social connections

The body isn’t the only thing that needs activity. If you want them emotionally happy and mentally active, then they need company. Being there to support them as family is one thing, but it’s a good idea to help them find peer groups through shared interests, too. As makes clear, it’s all too easy to find ourselves isolated as time goes on. We lose touch with peers and we outlive others. We need to take an active stance in fighting that isolation.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Taking responsibility for anyone’s wellbeing is a demanding task. If you have other responsibilities, you shouldn’t be afraid to admit it’s too much to deal with alone. You should consider asking other family members if they can contribute, even if it’s as simple as giving lifts or making meals. Other kinds of support can make things easier for you, too, from emotional support for yourself to allowances that make it easier to care for them financially. Don’t isolate yourself while trying to help others.

As we get older, life gets a bit tougher, and we’re not always prepared to ask for help. So, it’s your responsibility to step up and offer it first. The happiness and health you can help them attain is more than worth it. It’s essential.


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Potholes You’ll Face On The Road To Rural Living

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There’s a lot to love about living in the country. You get peace and quiet, away from the pressures of urban life. There are plenty of places for the children to play where they’re not at risk of being hit by a car. There’s more space than you know what to do with and a general feeling of being part of a tightly knit community. But for all it’s wonders, there’s quite a few issues with living in a rural area too. If you’re thinking about moving to the countryside, you might want to be prepared for some of the problems that you could face.

Seriously? No Signal

It’s almost hard to believe that despite all the tech in the world and the advances there are still places a few miles outside the city where you’ll have no signal at all. You’ll be standing on chairs, climbing on top of the roof and jumping up and down trying to get your phone to work. You’ll be balancing it on top of the door or just throwing it at the wall. It would be great to say that to get signal you just have to choose the best service provider. But the truth is that they are all more or less the same. They all the use the same receptors and if there isn’t one where you live, you’re not going to get any of those precious bars. The good news is that it’s possible to get a signal booster for your home. This will make it a lot more likely that you can actually call someone on your phone.

Theft And Crime

General crime is a lot lower compared to the city for a pretty basic reason. There are less people and therefore less chance of criminals wandering the streets. But theft is still an issue, particularly if you live in a secluded area. There are two ways to deal with this. You can either upgraded your home with the latest security tech such as CCTV cameras. Or you can work as a community to protect your homes. If you can it’s worth attending a council meeting and setting up a neighborhood watch area. That way, you’ll limit the chance of a house being broken into without someone noticing.

Internet Irritations

Can you get high speed internet in rural areas? You can if you look for rural broadband internet in my area online. This will point you in the direction of a company like WaveDirect and they are able to guarantee high speeds for homes in the middle of nowhere. That’s exactly what you want, so don’t just look at the bigger internet providers. It might be the smaller companies that have the solution you need.

Commuting Constantly

Finally, there’s the slightest issue of getting to work. No real way around this one, unfortunately. If you live out in the country you probably will be facing a mind-numbing commute. So, get a playlist together and use it as an opportunity to mentally prepare yourself for the troubles of the working day.


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