Archives for February 2017

The Future is History

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Welcome to the New Age! It’s the revival of the Old Age. Whilst you may be sat there thinking that this is somewhat of an oxymoron, take into consideration all of the old trends, styles, fads and fashions that are making an appearance again. What your mother may have worn decades ago and is sat unused in her wardrobe could be something that people are paying thousands to be able to get the chance to wear and be ‘in’ for a season.

It’s not just the fashion that’s making a comeback, either – there are certain hobbies, pastimes and activities which are taking the world by storm after previously dying what people assumed to be a certain death. So what can we do now to get back in touch with our history, but revive our future?


Let’s have a throwback to the 60s, shall we? Meditation was all the rage in this groovy era, with hippies sitting down in circles, holding hands and chanting together to reach their inner peace, man. Thankfully it’s taken a turn for the better and meditation is now somewhat more a solitary activity which doesn’t necessarily involve all the chanting, humming and other odd sounds that you wouldn’t feel comfortable doing even alone, nevermind in a room full of people. Head over to Meditative Wisdom for a guide on gathering up the inspiration around you and drawing attention to your inner self rather than the outside world. You don’t need much more than space, calm and quiet to meditate, but there are things that you can use to aid your thinking, such as cushions, beads and necklaces to get you started.


It’s somewhat of a niche, hipster thing to get involved with now – baking. People are experimenting more and more, especially with bread, and what was previously left up to your Granny to do for her own enjoyment on a Sunday afternoon is now taking the world by storm. There are baking championships happening in every major city, and independent stores, bakeries, cafes and restaurants all eager to display their own goods for your consumption. The rise in popularity is probably due to the amount of food channels which are focused solely on the promotion of traditional baking; shows like The Great British Bake Off in the UK were to blame for the sudden increase in baking equipment sales around the country, with every guy thinking he was the new Paul Hollywood.


How many things have you seen popping up on Etsy or similar craft sites which have been hand-knitted or crocheted? There’s something about it – especially crochet, as this is the one thing that machines haven’t been able to master yet. Handmade crocheted garments are a work of art, and are such a therapeutic thing to do. When you’re left with a beautiful product such as a granny square blanket (very in right now) or beautiful shawl to show off, there’s little wonder that this intrinsic hobby is gaining a lot of new, interested and very excitable new followers.

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Should You Treat Your Dog Differently When They Get Old?

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Dogs are amazing creatures. So much so that many often wonder what we did to deserve them! They are loyal, and love us unconditionally no matter what. Anybody with a heart will make sure that they give their dog the attention, exercise, and nourishment that they need. But should you treat your dog differently when they get old?


Changing Their Food

As your dog ages, you may need to change their food to suit their later years. This is because they may not be able to handle food that is as rich as before. Plus, you must remember that although their appetites will usually be the same, they won’t be burning calories as easily. You should probably limit the amount of treats you give them because of this.

Changing Their Exercise Routine

Your dog’s exercise routine may need to change depending on how much energy they have and how mobile they are. Although they definitely still need to get out, and at times may remind you of the pup they once were, making these changes is important for their overall health. It might be better to take them on a couple of shorter walks per day, rather than one long one. You may also need to change your route, depending on how difficult they find it.

Being Sensitive To Sight And Hearing Loss

Some dogs start to experience sight and hearing loss, and many owners don’t realize until it has become pretty severe. A professional like VPP Kotara would recommend  that you are sensitive to this. If they are ignoring you, it’s likely because they don’t hear you. If they jump or get aggressive when you or a stranger touches them, they probably didn’t hear the approach. They might also get anxious because they don’t recognise things outside of the home that they used to.

Helping To Keep Your Dog Warm

Older dogs struggle to regulate their temperature as well as younger dogs. This means you need to make sure they are a nice warm temperature. You may want to put extra blankets and things in their bed, or use a warm (never hot) heating pad beneath their bed. When you go out, depending on just how cold it is, it may also be wise to put a sweater on them.

Grooming Your Dog

Grooming your dog should be done with a little extra care and effort too. They may need more regular nail clippings, as it’s likely they won’t be getting filed naturally as much as before. Brushing them regularly, and being careful with their sensitive skin is also a must.

Dogs reach senior age when they get to around 7. Depending on the size, it may take them a little longer to start showing true signs of aging. Your dog definitely needs a little more TLC when they get older, so that they can enjoy their final years. Make sure you use the tips in this guide, and make a vet appointment if you’re unsure of something!

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When Travel Plans Fall Through

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Going traveling is always exciting, whether you go alone or travel with family or friends. It gives you new experiences and allows you to see the world or just your country. However, there’s one experience that you don’t want to put up with, and that’s having your travel plans canceled or changed. You’ve spent time planning your travels perfectly, but now things won’t go to plan because of a delayed flight or a canceled tour. It can be extremely inconvenient and even upsetting, but it’s also a chance for you to learn something new. If you have to deal with your plans being changed, here’s how you can keep your head.

Rearranging Your Plans

Your first thought is probably what you’re going to do next. When your plans are suddenly canceled, they could be months away, or you might already be in the middle of them. You could be stuck at an airport or traveling toward your destination. Or perhaps you had a vacation planned for the future that is no longer possible. If rearranging your plans is a pressing matter, you need to start coming up with a new plan right away. You might be able to find someone to speak to, either in person or over the phone. An airline representative or travel company rep might be able to help you deal with your issue. Think about what you want or need to do next. Perhaps your next step is to arrange tickets for a new flight, or maybe it’s to find different accommodation.

Covering the Costs

No one expects things to go wrong, but some people prepare for it anyway. However, if you haven’t ensured you have extra funds, you might be wondering how you’re going to pay for your change of plans. In some cases, perhaps you’ll get your money back in time to make new plans. But there are other times when you could be stuck in an airport or somewhere else, and you can’t leave without paying your way out. If you don’t have any spare funds, you’re going to have to get the cash from somewhere. One option is to consider payday loans, which you can apply for online and even using an app with some lenders. You can also ask family members or friends to help you. Or you can use your credit card if you have one.

Staying Calm

It can be very stressful when your travel plans fall through, especially if you’re in the middle of your travels. It’s normal to feel upset and perhaps even panic a bit, but staying calm will help you get things sorted quickly. It might feel like a disaster, but if you take a couple of minutes to think about everything logically, you’ll soon realize that you can sort things out. Take some deep breaths and consider who you can ask for help if you need it.

Find Out Your Rights

It’s always worth knowing your consumer rights if your travel plans fall through. If you experience a cancellation or delay, you might be able to get compensation. Your airline or travel company might be required to offer you another flight, somewhere to stay, or perhaps vouchers for food. If you have travel insurance, you should also check what it covers. You might be able to claim back the money you have to spend.

Work Together

If you’re traveling with a group of people, make sure it’s not left to one of you to sort everything out. You can work as a group to put your heads together and figure out what you’re going to do next. Everyone can have a task so that you can come up with a new plan and carry it out. Be supportive of each other too, so that you can get through it together.

Make the Most of Your Changed Plans

Don’t let your change of plans ruin everything. If it alters the course of your travels, use it as an opportunity to experience something new. Maybe you’ve had to book different accommodation, travel with a different company, or even put your trip off until later in the year. Whatever happens, you can use it as a learning experience. Perhaps you originally intended to do one thing, but you ended up having to try a completely different type of traveling. You might find that you enjoy it more than you expect to.

Changes to your travel plans might be annoying, but you can view them as something positive once you’ve worked out what to do next.

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Growing A Baby? Make Sure To Nurture The Seed!

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Bebe Pregnant Woman Child Pregnant Boy

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There’s a lot of information out there about how to recover after pregnancy. But, what you do during pregnancy is even more important. Not only will your actions have an impact on your health, but they’ll also make a difference to your baby. Being pregnant makes you a vessel for your unborn child. Your body’s resources are being used to make a human! As incredible as that is, it also means that the bad things you put into your body will become part of the process. To ensure you and your baby stay as healthy as possible, these are some steps you should be taking.


Once you get into the in’s and out’s, there are many things you would be better off avoiding when you’re pregnant. To keep things practical, stick to the basics. Instead of doing your own research and getting bogged down in things you can’t do, speak to your doctor or midwife. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t put into your body during pregnancy. The most obvious ones are, of course, smoking and alcohol. You should avoid these, in no uncertain terms, during pregnancy. You won’t only be harming yourself with these; you’ll also be harming your baby. Avoid, too, any food that could carry bacteria, like raw or undercooked eggs. And, make special care that your meat is well-cooked before you eat it!


To keep your baby healthy, it’s important you keep yourself healthy. Of course, mastering a healthy lifestyle is difficult at the best of times. When you’re worried about everything else that comes with pregnancy, it’s easy to let your health slip. Posts like this one on Anoted Life should give you an idea about how to find your way to a healthier life. You may have been putting off getting your health under control, but now is the time to do it!


While it’s important to know what not to eat, you should also take the time to find out what you should be eating. Eating the right things will ensure your baby is strong and healthy. It will also ensure your milk contains everything baby needs! For the most part, good pregnancy eating is no different to a regular balanced diet. Find out what major food groups you need, and make an effort to eat them! Focus, too, on food containing plenty of vitamins. It shouldn’t be necessary to take pregnancy supplements if you’re eating right, but you can if it puts your mind at ease.


Exercise may well be the last thing you want to do when your bump gets bigger. But, it’s important you keep up a routine of regular exercise. This will help you get back into shape faster after the baby is born. It will also help you stay flexible and strengthen your muscles. Don’t get into the habit of sitting back and being inactive. It’s important to keep yourself moving!

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Dog Safety Solved For First-Time Owners

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Getting your first dog can be very exciting indeed. But as well as exciting, it can also be quite a nervous time. That’s because you might find that you have a lot of questions regarding your new pet’s safety and security. This blog post is for all your first-time dog owners out there who are still wondering how you can keep your dog as safe as possible. Here are some common questions that many new owners have, and the all-important answers you need to know!


How Do I Keep My Dog Safe On Walks?

It is absolutely crucial that you take your new pooch out for a walk every day. This will give them a chance to do their business and will make sure they get enough exercise. Ideally, you should train your dog before you allow them off the leash. This will prevent them from running away and starting fights with other dogs. If you take your dog out in the evening, it could be a good idea to get them something bright to wear such as a LED dog leash or fluorescent coat. This way, they will be easily visible, and cars won’t accidently hit them.


What Do I Need To Know About Car Safety?

There are times when you might have to transport your dog in the car. This will probably be the best form of transport if you ever need to take your pet to the vets urgently. There are various steps you can take to ensure that you and your dog can drive safely together. It’s a good idea to take the top off your trunk and let your dog ride in it. You should put up a barrier so that it can’t jump into the back seat. It’s also possible to fit specially adapted cages into your trunk. If you only have a very small dog, you can put a harness on them which will clip into a seat belt. They can then sit on the back seat, and won’t be able to walk around the car.


Are Dogs Safe Around Fireworks?

Dogs have a reputation for being seriously scarred around fireworks. So, it is a very good idea to leave them at home whenever you are heading out to a firework display or other event where you know there will be lots of loud bangs. But what happens when you are at home, and a neighbor starts letting off lots of fireworks at a house party or for new year’s eve? Firstly, make sure that they stay inside. You can also try to distract your dog from the loud noises by putting on the TV or radio. Shutting all your doors and windows and closing your drapes will also help your dog to ignore the fireworks.

Dog safety shouldn’t be something that you push to the back of your mind. Follow these tips, and you should find that your dog rarely becomes anxious or stressed. As you can tell, a safe dog equals a happy dog!

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Put A Sparkle In Your Pooch’s Eye

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Thanks to the accident of evolution, our pooches don’t live as long as we’d like. Whereas lobsters and whales might live for nearly 200 years, man’s best friend is limited to fifteen at the most. As such, owners need to do everything they can to keep their animals healthier and happier for longer. He’s some advice for raising a pooch with a sparkle in its eye.

Neuter Your Pooch

Neutering isn’t just a good idea to prevent your dog from getting pregnant and saddling you with a load of puppies. It’s also a good idea from the dog’s point of view. Spaying or neutering your pet pooch can add years to their lives by preventing things like pyometra, infections of the uterus and even breast cancer.

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Neutering is good for male dogs too. It can help reduce aggressive behavior and protect them against hernias, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.

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Always Vaccinate

For the first few months of a dog’s life, their immune system is boosted by their mother’s milk. It contains all the antibodies they need to stay healthy. But after about the three-month mark, all their mother’s antibodies are used up, and they become susceptible to disease.

As a result, experts recommend that puppies are immediately vaccinated against common doggy diseases, especially distemper and parvovirus as well as rabies. Depending on where you live, your vet might also recommend other forms of treatment, including vaccinations for Lyme diseases and the dreaded kennel cough.

Don’t Go Cheap On Diet

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Just like people, dogs need the right diet to be at their best. Owners who care about their dogs buy quality dog food that meets all of their nutritional requirements. Things like deciding between wet or dry food depend on your circumstances, and they type of breed. You’ll also have to think about how to switch between different kinds of food, as dogs can sometimes be fussy about what they eat. Healthy food helps keep dog’s coats glossy and their cardiovascular system in good working order.

Declare War On Fleas

Many dog owners think that fleas are harmless, if a little annoying. But they do more damage than simply make a dog scratchy. Fleas can be the source of things like anemia, allergies and even tapeworms.


There are lots of flea control products out there on the market. One of these treatments, according to Dog Time, should be applied once per month to make sure that no unsavory insects are living in your dog’s fur coat. Pay particularly close attention in the warmer months, as this is when your dog is most likely to contract a problem.

Prevent Heartworm

Heartworm is a fatal to dogs, and so it’s best that it is prevented before it can do any damage. Top vets recommend that owners give their dogs a monthly dose of Heartgard, a tablet that prevents heartworm from doing damage before it can even get started. If you start noticing that your dog is getting out of breath or doesn’t want to go for a walk, contact your vet immediately.

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Baby On Board: Preparing For The Birth

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When it comes to adding a new addition to your family, there’s a lot that you need to think about. From creating a beautiful nursery to working out the financial side of things, adding to your brood comes with the need for a lot of planning.

One of the most important parts of bringing a new life into the world is planning the birth itself. Until you get pregnant, you don’t realize just how much time and effort goes into planning the perfect birth experience.

From your first doctor’s appointment, you’re told to start planning your birth, to ensure it’s what you want it to be. The question is, what do you need to think about when it comes to planning the perfect birth experience?

Do you have a birth plan?

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The first thing that you need to do is ask yourself whether you have a birth plan in your head. The chances are that you already know what you want the birth to be like, it’s just a case of getting those ideas down on paper. Of course, a birth plan isn’t just about how you want the birth to be; it’s also about the lead up to it. For example, if you have older children, your birth plan should cover who will look after them while you’re at the hospital. As well as who will drive you to the hospital. You also need to consider where you want to give birth – at a hospital or at a birthing unit like the ones that Stand & Deliver Midwifery offers. You need to think about what you want from the birth as well as what will be best for the baby.

How do you want to give birth, naturally or with pain relief?

By far one of the biggest things that moms-to-be umm and err about is whether or not to have pain relief. The problem is that many moms-to-be are stuck between wanting to do what’s best for their baby and what’s best for them. It can be hard knowing whether to opt to have pain relief or not, but try not to stress too much about it. Remember, once you’re in labor you can always change your mind and go another way, it’s just a good idea to give your midwife an idea of how you want the birth to go.

Who will be present at the birth?

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Another thing that you need to think about is who you want present at the birth. Part of making a birth plan is deciding who you want to be at the birth with you – normally you’re allowed two people at a maximum. If you’re not sure who you want with you, don’t worry as you’ve got plenty of time to decide. Try to think about who makes you feel the calmest and most in control, and choose them to come with you.

Preparing for the birth of your new addition isn’t something that you can’t rush, it takes time and thought. You need to ensure that you get everything planned out so that you don’t need to worry that your birth won’t go how you want it to.


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The Internet Is Giving Everything In Your Home A Brain, And It’s A Little Scary

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Given the excitement at technology shows like CES, it would be fair to say that the era of the smart home has arrived in earnest. Yes – you read that correctly: smart home, not smartphone.

It’s all been made possible thanks to the growing ubiquity of WiFi routers in people’s homes. Technologists realized that smart homes didn’t have to have a bunch of new wiring: instead, all they had to have was equipment that connected via the WiFi signal to the rest of the home network.

Interesting, that equipment could be just about anything, and so over the last three or four years, we’ve seen manufacturers trying to put brains into literally everything in our houses, including the toaster.


There’s been a bit of a backlash against this of late. Many smart people in the tech community are asking whether it’s really worth it. Do people really want a toaster that they can switch on from an app on their phone? How helpful is that really when they still have to go to the toaster and put their toast in any way?

The good news is that not all gadgets in the home are pointless. In fact, they can help enormously and make life not only better but more futuristic. Here are some of the smart home gadgets that’ll make a real difference to your life.


Internal CCTV

For years we’ve had webcams attached to our computers. But it’s only been in the last few years that tech companies realized that there was a market for internal CCTV. It turns out that people are interested in the comings and goings inside their homes. Usually, it’s not to catch criminals in the act, but to keep an eye on anxious pets.

One company, called Logi, has developed the Circle, a camera device designed to sit on your desk. One of the cool things about the Circle is that users are able to talk through it via an app on their phone. This means that if you’ve got an anxious dog, you can sooth it by speaking to it and watching it through the Circle. It can also be used to make sure that your cat stays off the furniture and doesn’t scratch it to bits.

Logi is clear that this product isn’t really about security – it’s more about having fun. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used for both purposes. Nothing is creepier that talking to a thief while they’re taking all your stuff.

Another company called Canary take security more seriously. Their idea is to provide one security system that can do everything, rather than connect lots of different devices together in the network. Not only does the system continuously monitor visual feeds, but it also has a bunch of sensors designed to warn homeowners of any unusual activity if it detects movement. There are also onboard air quality and temperature sensors.

Smart Locks

Lock and key have been around since the middle ages. Since then, the underlying technology hasn’t really changed all that much. Yes, keys have gotten harder to copy, and yes, locks have become stronger. But there’s still the fact that your lock has no idea whether it should let you in or not.


This is where smart locks come in. The idea here is to create locks are able to tell the difference between somebody who is allowed to get into the home and someone who isn’t. Not only is safer than having a key that anybody can use, but it’s also more convenient, as pointed out by this August smart lock review. Imagine that you’ve just been shopping and you’re carrying groceries in bags in both arms. To get into your home, you’ll have to drop the bags, fumble around in your pockets for your door key, and then let yourself in. But with smart locks, this isn’t what happens. Instead, you simply approach your front door, and it knows whether or not to let you in, whether that’s because you’ve programmed it to let you in, it’s learned your habits, or you’re wearing a tag.

There are many different smart locks on the market, all with varying levels of integration into your smart home. Prices start at around $100.

The Smart Kettle

If you’re the sort of person who gets annoyed with having to wait for hours for the kettle to boil to make a cup of tea when you’ve just got in from work, then a smart kettle might be what you’re looking for. Smart kettles connect to an app on your phone which you can use to power-on the kettle and get it boiling your water, warming it up for when you get in. Yes, it’s a bit gimmicky, but it might be useful for people who are impatient.

The Smart Switch

The smart switch by companies like Belkin is an ingenious idea. Instead of forcing people to go out and buy things like smart lights, it connects their existing to their WiFi network.

The idea is simple. Users plug an adapter into the plug socket on their wall. This adaptor has another plug socket which they can then use to plug in their favorite lamp. The adapter then sends out a signal to the WiFi and can be told to turn the power on or shut it off, no matter where the owner might be.

Smart Dimmers

When RGB (red-green-blue) lighting came to computers, enthusiasts were thrilled. But now it’s something that has also come to the home, thanks to companies like Philips. Right now, Philips are marketing something they call the Philips Hue starter kit. Essentially, it’s a set of three bulbs and a control panel. The control panel allows you not only to change the brightness of the lights from an app, but it also allows you to change their color too, using different combinations of the inbuilt LED lights.


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What’s more, Philips have taken that little notification light on your smartphone to the next level. There’s an option on the lighting system to have your entire room flash when you get a text. It’s either a dream come true or a nightmare, depending on whether you like notifications or not.

The system is highly scalable, even for the largest homes. You can connect up to 50 lights to a single app.

Connected Smoke Detector

Nest has been making smart home devices since the beginning of the craze. For most of that time, they were making thermostats, but recently they’ve moved into the smoke alarm market.

The company realized that there was a problem with smoke alarms: they’re loud (obviously) and tough to switch off. Nest thought that rather than having to grab a step ladder and poke a button on their underbelly to shut them up, it would be better if users could just switch them off from their smartphones. As such, the Nest smoke alarm can be silenced with a simple tap of your phone screen. Job done.

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Are you running out of room at home?

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This is generally the time of year when people have chance to reflect after the festivities are all over and people look to re-organize around the home and their lifestyles in general. Are you finding that your home feels a lot smaller than it used to?

Perhaps your family has grown, or you have more pets and the house is beginning to feel like the size of a doll-house. New bikes, toys and other bulky items have started to take over and you feel like there is no option but to move into a bigger home? Moving house can be stressful. In fact research shows that moving house can be one of the most stressful events in life.

If you don’t want to have to face the pains of a house move then there are other options you can look into. If your kids are happy at a local school and have friends in the neighborhood then the last thing you will want to do is uproot them.

Lets look at some ways you can create extra space without having to buy a whole new house:

Loft conversion – This has become a very popular and relatively cheap way of increasing the amount of space that you have. Turn that unused loft into another room and you will almost feel like you have moved house.

Extension – If you have the option to extend your property then this could also be a very worthwhile investment, creating a large amount of extra space without the need to uproot the family.

Outdoor Buildings – There are different options that you can look into when it comes to getting an outdoor building. If you have a fair amount of room outdoors then this is a really good option. You can keep it cheap by getting a wooden or plastic shed to store lots of your bulky items in – the BBQ, the bikes, the lawnmower etc. Free up some space by moving your rarely used items outdoors. If you’re looking for something a bit bigger and intend to use the space to work in rather than for storage, have you thought about steel buildings? Durable and strong, if you have enough space you could construct an outside building that is separate to your house but provides a great opportunity for new space.

Have a clear out – Of course, the cheapest and most simple solution is to have a severe clear out. Be totally ruthless when it comes to what you are keeping. If the kids don’t want to let their old toys go even though they aren’t using them, play hardball. Tell them they can’t get any more toys until they have made room for them. That usually does the trick, especially coming up to birthdays! If you started a hobby years ago that you never carried on and you have loads equipment left then get rid. Always go by the motto ‘if you don’t use it, lose it!’

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5 Ways to Pamper Your Family Dog

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Dogs are perhaps the most loyal animals in existence. If you love a dog and give it enough care and protection, they’ll love you back equally as much. This is why a dog makes such a great first pet for children because they can grow alongside each other as child and puppy. As they both grow older, they form an unbreakable bond that will last for a very long time.

So if you want to give your dog the best treatment you possibly can, then here are five simple ways to pamper your puppy or dog.

Feed Them Like Royalty

There’s no better way to say “I love you” to a pet than to feed them with the food available. Feed them the best canned wet dog food available and you’ll see their eyes light up and their faces turn into a cheeky smile as they finish chowing down on a bowl of the good stuff. Expensive canned dog food might cost a bit more than you think, but if you want to treat your pet like royalty then it’s an investment you’ll just have to swallow.

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Comfortable Bedding

Unless your dog has already marked your bed as their territory, getting them a comfortable bed is a great way for them to snuggle up at night and get some good shut-eye. Keep in mind that if your breed of dog grows quite large, you’ll need to get a large bed to accommodate them. Dogs will love their favourite sleeping spots even when they outgrow the area itself, so unless you want your large dog to be sleeping in a small dog bed in the future, make sure you get something big.

The Best Toys

Give your dog something squishy and squeaky to play with and they’ll be entertained for hours. Better yet, why not play with them while they’re prancing around and leaping about? Playing with your dog will solidify the bond that you have, and there’s no better way to do it than to play with squeaky toys and chewable objects that your dog and carry in their mouth. You don’t have to spend too much on toys because dogs tend to wear out their favourite objects after some time, but do keep extras so you don’t have to run out to buy more every few weeks.

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A Visit to the Park

What dog doesn’t love to run around and enjoy the freedom of fresh air and grass beneath their paws? Taking your dog out to the park might seem like a trivial thing to you, but for your dog, it’s like heaven to be able to play, run around, and poop wherever they feel like it. Just make to clean up the mess afterwards and remember to take some balls and other toys so you can play with your dog.

Take a Swim

If you have a backyard pool then make sure you clean it on a regular basis because your dog is going to be diving in on a regular occasion. During the summer when the heat is blazing and your dog is sweating, they will love a dip in a cool swimming pool. If you don’t have a pool, then a little paddling pool in your backyard will suffice as well.

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