Put A Sparkle In Your Pooch’s Eye

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Thanks to the accident of evolution, our pooches don’t live as long as we’d like. Whereas lobsters and whales might live for nearly 200 years, man’s best friend is limited to fifteen at the most. As such, owners need to do everything they can to keep their animals healthier and happier for longer. He’s some advice for raising a pooch with a sparkle in its eye.

Neuter Your Pooch

Neutering isn’t just a good idea to prevent your dog from getting pregnant and saddling you with a load of puppies. It’s also a good idea from the dog’s point of view. Spaying or neutering your pet pooch can add years to their lives by preventing things like pyometra, infections of the uterus and even breast cancer.

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Neutering is good for male dogs too. It can help reduce aggressive behavior and protect them against hernias, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.

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Always Vaccinate

For the first few months of a dog’s life, their immune system is boosted by their mother’s milk. It contains all the antibodies they need to stay healthy. But after about the three-month mark, all their mother’s antibodies are used up, and they become susceptible to disease.

As a result, experts recommend that puppies are immediately vaccinated against common doggy diseases, especially distemper and parvovirus as well as rabies. Depending on where you live, your vet might also recommend other forms of treatment, including vaccinations for Lyme diseases and the dreaded kennel cough.

Don’t Go Cheap On Diet

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Just like people, dogs need the right diet to be at their best. Owners who care about their dogs buy quality dog food that meets all of their nutritional requirements. Things like deciding between wet or dry food depend on your circumstances, and they type of breed. You’ll also have to think about how to switch between different kinds of food, as dogs can sometimes be fussy about what they eat. Healthy food helps keep dog’s coats glossy and their cardiovascular system in good working order.

Declare War On Fleas

Many dog owners think that fleas are harmless, if a little annoying. But they do more damage than simply make a dog scratchy. Fleas can be the source of things like anemia, allergies and even tapeworms.


There are lots of flea control products out there on the market. One of these treatments, according to Dog Time, should be applied once per month to make sure that no unsavory insects are living in your dog’s fur coat. Pay particularly close attention in the warmer months, as this is when your dog is most likely to contract a problem.

Prevent Heartworm

Heartworm is a fatal to dogs, and so it’s best that it is prevented before it can do any damage. Top vets recommend that owners give their dogs a monthly dose of Heartgard, a tablet that prevents heartworm from doing damage before it can even get started. If you start noticing that your dog is getting out of breath or doesn’t want to go for a walk, contact your vet immediately.

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