Winter Is Snow Joke: Avoid A Meltdown By Repairing These Things Before The Cold Strikes

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It seems like we’ve only just started 2016, but somehow we’re edging closer and closer to the end of the year. Summer is over, autumn is passing fast and winter is on the cards. You should use the time you have left of autumn to prepare for the icy months to come. Make the most of the temperate weather conditions and repair these household items before you end up freezing your fingers as you attempt to fix them mid-December.

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Make sure that whatever source of heating you use is in full working condition. If your boiler is on the blink, get it fixed. If your chimney needs a good sweep out, hire a professional chimney sweep to do a good job for you. If you have a wood burner, make sure that you’re all stocked up with logs to burn. If you have a pellet stove, make sure all is in good order. If not, fix it. Englander pellet stove parts are easy to come by and will have your old stove back in full working order in no time.

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Maybe a small window was put through when one of the kids was playing in the garden. You can turn a blind eye to it now, but when the temperature drops, you’ll know about it. Drafts are bad enough, never mind an extra easy route for the wind to make an entrance into your home. Have any chips, cracks or holes repaired. If you only have single glazing, consider double glazing. This will keep your home warmer and save you money on bills.

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Your Car

Give your car a full checkup. Make sure all of your oils are topped up and the parts are good to go. Always carry extra oil, windscreen wash and a spare tyre in the boot. This will mean you have less time to wait if you need to call out recovery when you have a breakdown. Make sure your car’s heating and any seat warmers are also in good working condition.


Besides all of these repairs, there are plenty of accessories out there to help you keep warm and cosy in your home during the winter months. Here are a few to consider.

Draft Excluders

Draft excluders line the bottom of the doors in your home and, unsurprisingly, stop drafts from reaching you. They come in all sorts of cute designs, so have a look around before purchasing.

Heavy Curtains

Heavy curtains will help to stop heat from escaping through your windows. They will help to insulate your home.

Underfloor Heating

Does this count as an accessory? Underfloor heating is a fairly big purchase but it will keep your feet warm as you make your way downstairs to the kitchen to make a fresh, hot cup of coffee in the mornings.

Jumpers, Socks and Thick Leggings

Sometimes it’s not just about keeping your home warm. It’s about keeping the people in it warm. Layer up. We’re not saying turn all of your heating off and sit in a cold room in full outdoor wear. But be reasonable. Don’t run around your house in swimwear and then wonder why you’re cold. Besides, winter clothes are comfortable. Snuggle up in your favourite jumper, under a cosy little blanket. You’ll be warm in no time.

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