Top Tips For Keeping Your Driveway In Good Condition

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Many homeowners make the mistake of thinking that by opting for an asphalt concrete driveway they won’t have to do anything to it for years. Yes, a concrete driveway is fairly low-maintenance, but that doesn’t mean that it needs no care at all.

Believe it or not, no driveway material is 100 percent maintenance free. This is especially true if you want your driveway to last for more than a few years. If you want to ensure that your driveway lasts for years, here’s what you need to do:

Paving_stone_drivewayCredit for image

Clean your driveway

At least once or twice a year, give your driveway a clean. If you want to ensure that your drive lasts for years and stays looking good, cleaning it on a regular basis is a must. How often you need to clean your driveway will depend on the weather.

If you live in an area prone to rain, you may find that mud and debris regularly ends up on your driveway. If, however, you live in a dry area, you may find that your driveway stays clean for months at a time. The amount that you will need to clean your drive will depend on the weather and how quickly it gets dirty.

Seal your drive

Most driveway experts suggest resealing your drive at least every two years to ensure that it stays in good condition. If you notice that the finish of your driveway is starting to wear away sooner than this, it’s a good idea to reseal it.

While you could seal your driveway yourself, it’s a much better idea to get a professional to do it for you. Have a look online for local driveway sealcoating services and contact them to get a quote.

Clean up spills immediately

At some point or another, your car will leak oil or gas onto your driveway. When this happens, it’s crucial that you remove these stains as soon as you can, as otherwise they could cause permanent damage.

If you notice a stain too late, and it’s left a mark on your driveway, don’t panic. Most stains can be easily removed with a pressure washer, so if you notice an old mark, try not to stress.

Don’t spill deicer

Did you know that deicer can damage your driveway? The chemicals in it can cause damage to the surface of your driveway, they do this by attacking the concrete’s compounds. If you do spill deicer, all you need to do is ensure that you wash it off of your drive immediately, so that it doesn’t have time to cause any damage.

If you spill deicer on your driveway and don’t wash it off, it will start to erode it. This damage can be hard to undo and could lead to you have to pay out for a whole new driveway. So when it comes to using a deicer, make sure to be incredibly careful.

If you want to keep your driveway in tip top condition, all you need to do is follow these useful tips.


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