The Right Way To Show Your Kids The Great Outdoors

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Now that we’re getting into August, a lot of parents are scrambling to make the most of the remaining summer. If your kids are part of that generation who are determined to experience the world through a screen, then you may want to show them what the great outdoors is all about. Your first camping trip with your kids can be wonderful, but you need to put some time into planning. Here are some important tips to take with you.

Annual_Kids_Fishing_Day_at_Natural_Tunnel_State_Park_(8691672511)_(2)Image: Wikimedia

First of all, try to keep it simple. When you were young, you may have gone camping and fishing all the time, and still retain everything you know about it. However, your kids are likely a different story. To make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone involved, I recommend that you don’t do anything too ambitious. Choose a camp ground which isn’t too far from home, with all the nearby facilities you could need if things go wrong. If you really wanted to guarantee their comfort on the trip, then you may even want to buy a motorhome from a lot like RV Center. You may have a vision of getting into some real wilderness miles from any civilization. While this could also be a great trip, it’s better to build your kids up to it in baby steps!

When you make it out to your spot, be sure to get your kids involved. If you’re a parent, then you’re certain to be familiar with that tired, drawn-out whinge of “I’m bored!”. Without the constant stimulus from their smartphones and tablets, it’s fairly likely that you’re going to hear this at some point during the trip. The idea is to spark a life-long love of camping and the outdoors in your children, right? I know it may feel slightly nerve-wracking, but getting your kids involved in everything is the best way to do this. Show them how to pitch a tent, find the best firewood, and generally get their bearings at a new campsite. If your kids are old enough, you may even want to get them in on building a great fire and cooking over it.

Finally, plan some activities. Again, most kids aren’t happy with simply sitting around a campfire, soaking in nature and getting away from it all. However, you can still make the great outdoors exciting for them by planning some fun activities throughout your trip. If your kids are particularly crafty or creative, then bring some yarn down, find some good sticks, and make a Mexican god’s eye. Tell some campfire stories, just make sure you don’t give them any nightmares! During the day, do some of the traditional outdoors things like fishing or swimming. If you’re not camping on too tight of a budget, you might want to hire a canoe or some kayaks from places like Up a Creek. Even if all you do is capsize, you’re sure to have some fun!

Tech can do some amazing things, but it’s still possible to show your kids how beautiful the great outdoors is!


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