Survived The Terrible Twos? Here’s How To Tackle The Troublesome Threes

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Kids can drive you mad! One minute you’re laughing uncontrollably at the cute things they just said or did. The next minute, your blood is boiling as they’re destroying your house. The terrible twos are called terrible because they really can be awful at times. You can’t reason with a child so young, and communication is very much one way until their speech develops more. But you may be in for even more challenges as they turn three. Here are 5 of the biggest:

Toilet Training

Some children reach their third birthday still using diapers. That’s nothing to do with bad parenting or intelligence. It’s common. Potty training doesn’t often go smoothly without a little help and patience. If your little one is ready, why not have a look at to help you prepare for what’s coming next. Toilet training may be less messy and quicker to complete for children who are a little older when they start.

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Climbing And Running

By the age of three, your child will have mastered walking unaided. In fact, your next big concern will be getting them to slow down. Running and jumping are a favorite pastime for kids this age. Tripping over their feet is still common at this age so there may be a few grazed knees to worry about. But your little one is getting bigger. It’s time to reduce carrying when he’s tired. Instead, encourage him firmly to keep walking. Their stamina will increase quickly, and the buggy can be retired. If your little one is climbing over the cot bars, it’s definitely time for a bed, for safety sake.

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Imitation is a huge part of learning for your three-year-old. You’ll find him using slang and colloquialisms you didn’t know you had! Swear words will now be memorized and repeated, much to your embarrassment if you slip up. The best part of turning three is that the clarity of his language is much better. You can understand him more, and his sentence structure is improving every day. He may even be recognizing numbers and letters on the streets, sounding them out for you. You can find apps to help with this at

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Your three-year-old will soon be keen to make the most of ride-on toys like scooters, bicycles, and trikes. These all help him develop his gross motor skills and control his balance. However, until they’ve made a mistake, they won’t know how to avoid them. Be prepared for a few bumps and bruises. Use helmets and knee pads wherever appropriate. You will need to supervise this kind of play closely.

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Personal Care

As well as learning to use the toilet, your child will soon be managing wiping and hand washing by himself. Dressing and undressing are also a part of his personal care that he will want to master before he turns four. Buttons, zippers, and velcro straps are the best things for him to learn to do for himself. All develop his fine motor skills.

Parenting isn’t an easy job. But it’s not easy being three either. Your child needs you more than ever, but maybe in a different way to when he was a baby. Patience and support are your greatest gifts.

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