Make Your Home A Safer Place

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It is easy to take our home safety for granted, especially when we just get used to living with things the way they are. But if you have small children or even elderly relatives and friends visiting it pays to give your home a safety check every so often. Doing so could help you avoid any nasty accidents. It can also be a good idea to get the tools out and check that everything is doing its job and working as it should. Make a list of items that might need replacing or fixing.

Check your smoke alarms.

Smoke alarms should be fitted in the kitchen and the hallway. You will need to install one upstairs as well. Check that existing alarms have good batteries by pressing the test button. Replace any batteries that are worn or disconnected. It can be a good idea to reacquaint everyone in the house with your fire drill.

Get gas appliances serviced

If you have gas for cooking or heating, you should have these appliances tested for wear and even possible leaks. Your heating system should be serviced by a qualified engineer. A certificate of safety should be signed off.

Check your property for any potential hazards.

Make sure that your floors are all sealed and there are no nails or screws coming loose. Even a small nail or screw head can cause a nasty cut on a bare foot. Check that doors and windows shut and operate properly and smoothly. Doors that are heavy and prone to banging could well trap fingers. It might be worthwhile fitting a soft brake on these.

Fit child locks on kitchen cupboard doors.

These are a brilliant DIY fix and nice and easy to do if you are prepared with the right tools. Child locks prevent small fingers and even cheeky pets from getting into cupboards.If you can, remove anything potentially hazardous or dangerous to a lockable space. Check that sharp knives aren’t accessible. It can be a good idea to have these on a knife magnet far out of reach.

Test out any fire extinguishers and replace as necessary. Make sure that you know how to use the equipment.

Check your electricals.

It can be a good idea to make sure that your sockets are not overloaded. Reacquaint yourself with tips to avoid electrical accidents in the home. Make sure that all wiring is safe and secure. Fit dummy plugs into unused sockets.

Stair safety.

Stair gates can be a real help in knowing that small ones are safe no matter where you are in the house. Make sure that your banisters are sturdy and easy to hold onto.Reinforce where necessary.

Windows and glass.

It can be worthwhile checking older style windows and doors to see if they are made from safety glass. Glass doors are particularly dangerous and should have something to mark them out in case anyone walks into them. Older glass doors should be replaced.

Emergency Supplies

Most recommendations stipulate that a house should have at least three days worth of emergency supplies. Check the dates on foodstuffs and drinking water.Make sure that you have fresh batteries for torches as well as a supply of candles. Check your first aid kit is up to date.

There is only so much you can do, but having done your best you will at least know that you have minimized any risk.


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