Is it Time for You to Make a Fresh Start?

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Do you have a feeling that it’s the right time for you to make a fresh start? Do you often feel a little uninspired and bored of life? Maybe you have other issues that you feel are taking over your life and causing problems? Take a look at the following signs. If you can relate to them, it’s definitely time for you to make a fresh start:

You’re Never on Time

If you’re never on time, whether it’s to work or to meetings with friends, this is a sign you could do with a fresh start. It signifies a disassociation with the day, which can scupper the rest of your plans if you’re not careful. If you find yourself being constantly late, then it could be time to change what you’re doing.

You Feel Like You’re Waiting for Something

Do you feel like you’re just waiting for something to happen? Perhaps you feel like something is going to happen to you or should happen to you, but you don’t know what. This means you’re just kind of sat around waiting for it to happen, not doing anything to change your current situation. This isn’t going to change much! You need to be the one to decide how to make a change and go through with it, rather than waiting for the universe to do it’s magic. Don’t get me wrong; the universe does help sometimes (in my opinion), but you still have to make this decision.

Your Days Leave You Feeling Drained

Your days should leave you feeling energized and satisfied – yes, even Mondays. If your days are leaving you feeling drained, for whatever reason, this is a definite sign that you need to make a fresh start.


You Have Mood Swings

Mood swings are a sign that you’re just not in sync with yourself. They can also be caused by drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health problems. One minute you’re up, and the next minute you’re down. You definitely need a fresh start if this is the case! If your mood swings are caused by something serious, like an addiction, you should speak to somebody you trust. Heading to rehab and a facility like A Fresh Start Sober Living might be the way you should make a change. It’s best to visit a doctor if you’re unsure of the cause of your mood swings.

You Always Talk About Change

Talking about change is one thing, but actually doing it is another. You need to make the effort to change. Talking about it isn’t going to do anything. Talking about it does show that you want to make a change, so the next step is to actually do something about it!

How to Make a Fresh Start

So, you’ve made the decision to have a fresh start. How can you go about it?

Take a Break

Take a break from regular life if you can. Go for a weekend away or a holiday to gather your thoughts and come up with a plan. Make sure this break is relaxing and doesn’t involve too much alcohol or partying – ideally, it’ll be pure relaxation.

Decide What Needs to Change

Make a decision on the things that need to change. Perhaps you need a change of scenery, job, or something else altogether? Now you can make a plan to achieve this change.

Stay Positive

Positive thinking is the key to making any kind of fresh start, so don’t allow yourself to be plagued by negative thoughts.

Clean Out Your Living Area

Your living area can impact the way you feel at times, so clean it out. Get rid of anything you don’t use and make it a tranquil place to be.

Get Help

Speak to friends, family member, and professionals about changing your life if you need to. If you need help, don’t be embarrassed to go and get it. A strong support network is essential!

Ready for your fresh start? Get started right away!


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