How To Look After Your Whole Family’s Teeth

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Looking after your kids is hard enough. But you also need to take care of those twenty little teeth inside their mouths too. Multiply that by three or more kids and you’ve got a lot of teeth to take care of. Your teeth are also very important when it comes to your whole family. Neglect your teeth and you could quickly become too ill to take care of them well.

Starting with your kids teeth, it is a good idea to introduce them to toothbrushing as soon as the first little peg cuts. Gently brushing with a baby toothbrush (usually available from your health visitor), can help ease the pain of teething too. Many health practitioners recommend only a little cooled, boiled water to wet the brush at this age. There is baby formula toothpaste available from the age of one.

Toothpaste contains fluoride that we all need in small doses to protect our teeth. However, if your child swallows the toothpaste, this can lead to an overdose. This can then lead to rotting of the teeth and serious health problems. It’s important to teach your child how to spit out the toothpaste when you start to use it.

Supervised brushing is essential. The best way to tackle it is to let them have a go first. Many young kids end up just chewing the bristles. When you take over, you can see into their mouths clearly so you can make an excellent job of brushing. It might be a good idea to brush your own teeth at the same time to help demonstrate this important skill.

Any leading kid’s dentist will be able to advise on the best products and brushes to use for your child. Take your child to the dentist whenever you can, even for your own check up. This helps take away the fear that can be associated with the dentist’s office. From the age of three or four, the first signs of any decay may be apparent and will need to be treated.

To avoid decay, the whole family should avoid sugars. Beakers and sipping cups that are held against the teeth can cause teeth to rot rapidly. Open cup drinking of water is best. Choose a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruit. However, be aware that fruits contain natural sugars that can also cause decay. Avoid fruit juice, or sucking fruits if possible.

Adults should floss at least once a day. Mouthwash can help prevent gum disease too. Brushing should be gentle but thorough to polish the surfaces of the teeth. Interdental brushing can help remove food trapped between the teeth. Everybody should visit the dentist at least twice a year for a thorough check up.

Whether we are fearful of the dentist ourselves or not, it’s best to approach the subject and the visits in a positive light for our kids. Their teeth are so important. They affect their smile, their happiness and their general health. If we can regularly demonstrate good oral hygiene, then our kids will pick up good habits for life.

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