Home Maintenance Tips To Live By

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It’s time for some home maintenance! No, don’t argue, it is. You know if you think about it, you’ve been slacking in keeping your house spick and span. I think the problem with home maintenance is that people tend to simplify it. They think as long as they keep their house neat and tidy, they’re all good. But, there is a lot more to think about than whether you are vacuuming and polishing each week. Actually, there’s quite a lot that can go wrong with your home and that’s why I think you need these tips.

Tip One: Know What You’re Maintaining

Many people think that all home maintenance is the same. Well, that’s just not true. For instance, I have got hardwood floors in a couple of my rooms and you can’t treat those like plain old carpet. They require a lot of special maintenance and frankly a great deal of care. In fact, I seem to recall the decorator saying I wasn’t supposed to walk on them for a few weeks or months after they were laid down! That definitely didn’t happen. But the fact is they do require maintenance to get rid of the marks, the mess and yes the scratches. If you wear shoes around the house and you have wood floors, examine them carefully, you’ll be amazed by the damage you’ve done!

Of course, some people have homes that need special maintenance. For instance, my friend owns a country log cabin and guess what? To maintain it, she’s got to get special supplies because the typical maintenance items aren’t enough. Log home maintenance requires extensive work and carefully bought materials. You often won’t find these in your average store.

Tip Two: Some Jobs Are Too Big

There are certain jobs that you should never try, I don’t care how much DIY skill you think you have. I refer to these jobs as “Ouch, oh sugar” tasks, because that’s exactly what I say when they go wrong. Actually, sugar is usually replaced with a far more explicit word. The jobs that fit into this category are anything that if they go wrong could cause you pain or damage your home. For instance, I know I’m soon going to be thinking about putting an extension on my house. While I might try my hand at building parts of it there is no way I’m messing around with rerouting the electricity. That job is being left to the professionals.

Tip 3: Blogs Are Your Friend

When it comes to DIY, blogs like mine and others around the internet are exceptionally useful. I’m not tooting my own horn here, but I can tell you a few things about how to repair your home. For instance, I can offer you some great painting tips. Or, I can tell you how to fix a leaking tap. You simply switch the water valve off and put a bucket under the U in the pipe. This is found under the sink. Then unscrew the two big, white cogs. After that take the U out and replace the washer that has probably been worn out. Or, on rare occasions, replace the entire U.

You see, you can use my advice and others to ensure you are maintaining your home with just a little input from friendly blogs. Have fun.

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