Awesome Ways To Volunteer At Your Kid’s School

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Lots of parents want to help their children at school however they can. For most, that means encouraging them to do their homework and stepping in whenever they need any help with it. Keeping in contact with the child’s teacher can also help parents to keep in touch with their child’s education and iron out any issues that may arise.

But do you want to do even more to help your child at school? Well, you will be happy to hear that there is something you could do that would not only help your own child but also help the other pupils as well as some teachers! You just need to volunteer!

Not sure how you can volunteer at your local school? Here are some opens that most schools try to get parent volunteers to fill.

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Lunchtime Supervisors

Everyone needs a break, even teachers! Because of this, most schools try to get volunteers to help supervise the children at lunch times and other break times. Then the teachers can grab some lunch and relax for an hour before they have to start afternoon lessons. It is incredibly easy to be a lunchtime supervisor, all you really need to do is watch the children while they are playing in the playground. You may also be required to organize the children before they go into the canteen for their lunch. If any child has an accident, you will need to be on hand to help them however necessary. Because of this, you may be required to take CPR classes and other first-aid training. Don’t worry about the cost of this, the school should cover all expenses. Once you are trained in health and safety, you should also be able to help out in a few other different parts of the school day, such as sports lessons.

Listen To Children Read

Many schools now have time set aside in the day for children to read to themselves. For young children, who are still learning to read, this time is often spent reading out loud to a teacher or teaching assistant. However, there are currently schools that are experiencing staff shortages. As a result, these schools need to find volunteers who will sit and listen to children read during these lessons. If your school is looking for volunteers, why not think about joining? It is very easy to carry out these types of roles as you just need to listen to children and help them with any pronunciation or reading issues.  

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Sports Day Supervisors

Even though sports day occurs just once a year, it can often be a struggle for schools to find suitable volunteers to help supervise children. That’s often because most parents work full-time jobs and can’t spare the time to help out. However, if you can, you will find that it is a very rewarding experience. You might be asked to help set up events before the day itself or to help run the events and activities on the actual day. If you do help out on the day, you will be expected to organize the kids and ensure that everything runs smoothly without any accidents!

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Field Trip Supervisors

Most schools also look for volunteer supervisors when they take the kids on field trips. If you are lucky, you might be able to go on international trips with the school! While you are on a field trip, you will probably be responsible for one small group of pupils. You will need to ensure that they are safe at all times and that they carry out any tasks and small assignments that they need to do during the trip. You will also need to make sure that no one goes missing, and that everyone turns up for transport on time. As the pupils on the field trip are representing the entire school in a different community, they will need to be ambassadors for the school. And that means you should ensure that they are well-behaved and polite at all times, as any poorly behaved pupils will give off a bad impression of the school. If you travel on an international school trip, then you might have to stay in accommodation with some pupils so that they are supervised at all times.

As you can see, there are a lot of different things you can help your kid’s school out with. Not only are they very rewardable, but you might also find them enjoyable as well! There will also be other ways you can volunteer at a school – you can always get in touch and ask them what types of volunteers they are currently looking for.

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