Why Organic Formula for Babies Is Better than Non-Organic: A Guide

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Although tiny, a baby’s brain is an incredibly complex organ that grows rapidly. A baby’s brain doubles in size during the first year of life alone!

With all that growing, it’s vital to nourish your baby’s brain and body the right way. Deciding on the type of formula you want to give your baby can be overwhelming with all the choices on the market.

Even if you know you want to feed your infant organic formula, you may still question why it’s best.

This handy guide will take you through why the organic formula for babies is better than non-organic options.

Organic Formula Ingredients

All baby formula, organic or not, has to adhere to stringent guidelines by the FDA. Because of these guidelines, most labels will look the same when it comes to nutrition facts. However, what could look very different are the types of ingredients a baby formula has in it.

The main goal of the formula is to mimic breastmilk as much as possible. Most organic formulas have cow’s milk as their base ingredient. Goat’s milk and soy are other options that you may find for babies who have a dairy sensitivity.

Breastmilk is sweeter than cow’s milk because it has a high amount of lactose. The lactose ingredient is milk sugar, so formula tastes sweeter with it added. Even though lactose is a pricier sweetener, it is healthier and an excellent element to look for in your formula.

What Organic Formula Doesn’t Have

What’s left out of your formula is almost as important as what’s in it!

The formula must be free of genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled organic. The cows providing the milk for the formula receive heavy scrutiny. They are on an all-organic diet and can’t have any growth hormones in their feed.

Finally, you have to look at the ingredients that come from crops. For those to have the organic label, the farmers can’t use pesticides or chemicals to grow them.

Tips for Choosing an Organic Formula for Babies

Make sure to read all the labels carefully. You want to be sure the best formula fills your baby’s tiny belly. Shop for Hipp Baby Formula if you want a formula with the highest quality ingredients.

When in doubt, contact the formula manufacturer. They can give you the low down on any formula questions you have specific to their brand.

The Bottom Line on Organic Formula

Even though you tend to pay more for organic formula, the benefits outweigh the cost. Organic formula for babies means reducing their exposure to toxins and chemicals. Organic formula, mainly if you only formula feed, can keep your baby healthy.

While many doctors consider breastfeeding the healthiest option for your infant, it’s not always possible. Make sure to feed your youngster organic formula.

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5 Ways to Dispose Waste in an Eco-Friendly Manner

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Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels
Spring cleaning, big remodeling or building projects, or construction projects all generate a lot of waste that must be removed from the site. Manufacturing, retail sales, and service businesses also generate everyday waste that must be removed from the site on a regular basis. Some waste removal methods are easy but wasteful and bad for the environment. Other waste disposal methods are more environmentally friendly.

Taking Care of Building Site and Retail Waste

Roll Off Dumpster rental is one convenient solution for construction and retail waste. The property owner or construction company makes one phone call and has a dumpster of the correct size delivered to their site. When the dumpster is full, another phone call gets it picked up and replaced with an empty dumpster. This is a clean, convenient way to get rid of refuse for a reasonable amount of money and no labor on the business owner’s part. But, all that waste adds up to make a worldwide waste problem, so more effort is needed.

A World Waste Problem

Indiscriminate dumping of all types of waste has caused a worldwide problem with the oceans, beaches, and landfills full of harmful debris. This abundance of waste materials is causing water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution. As more and more ground is used for waste dumps and landfills, that land is no longer usable for housing or food production.

Business owners and homeowners alike can be more efficient with their product use and waste management. There are many waste materials that can be recycled and reused.

They include:

· Wood and lumber can be disposed of separately so they can be re-milled to make new products, ground up to make other building products, and otherwise disposed of in more eco-friendly ways.

· Drywall or sheetrock scraps can be used for wall patches or recycled by being mixed with soil to grow plants. Recycling experts can be consulted about more eco-friendly ways to dispose of drywall materials both new and used.

· Metals including aluminum, copper, and steel can be sent to plants where they are melted down and made into new metal products.

· Concrete and masonry materials can be recycled by being crushed and reused for pavement.

· Clay brick can be cleaned up and reused in building walls and paving, or other construction projects. Bricks have a lifespan of up to 200 years. Glass can be crushed and used for many new products.

· Foodstuffs and vegetable materials can be composted.

· Certain plastics can be ground up and used to make new plastic products.

Business owners and homeowners can ask their waste disposal company about recycling programs they have available. Dumpster rental companies can help educate business owners on separating waste for easier recycling. The best dumpster rental and waste disposal companies are offering more eco-friendly ways to get rid of refuse.

5 eco-friendly ways to dispose of waste include:

· Recycle everything possible including plastic bottles, aluminum cans, batteries, paper products, and more.

· Start composting plant waste for fertilizer and new garden soil.

· Reuse or repurpose items rather than dispose of them after one use or limited use.

· Check into having waste used to create energy. There can be energy plants that use local waste materials as fuel to create electricity.

· Do not put hazardous waste in the dumpster or trash containers with regular waste. Hazardous waste should be properly disposed of by experts.

Talk to the dumpster rental company about their eco-friendly disposal possibilities and programs. These companies are experts at waste management and recycling and they are getting better at eco-friendly waste management every year.

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4 Permanent Dog Attack Injuries That Can Change Your Life Forever

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Photo by Chris F from Pexels
Dog owners must keep their dogs secure. The authorities will often hold an owner accountable when a dog bites someone. When a person experiences a dog bite, they can sometimes suffer lasting damages. This guide informs people about four permanent dog attack injuries that could negatively alter a person’s life forever.

Four Serious Dog Attack Injuries That Cause Permanent Damage

While most dogs are docile creatures, some dogs become aggressive. An aggressive dog is dangerous. When someone is bit by a dog, they need to learn about their legal options for pursuing the owner for damages. The following offers information on four permanent dog bite injuries.

1. Hand and Wrist Function

Serious dog bites often reduce normal hand and wrist function. Dog bites are most common in the hand and wrist areas. When a dog bite punctures the skin deeply enough, nerve damage results. Damage to the nerves will often prevent a person from using their hand and wrist normally.

2. Disfigurement

When damage occurs to the skin, scarring often occurs. Dog bites result in ragged and sometimes deep injuries that cause severe damage. Disfigurement often causes a person to feel self-conscious about their appearance. The buildup of scar tissue can even impede normal function.

3. Psychological Concerns

Getting bitten by a dog is a frightening experience. After a traumatic dog bite, victims often experience a range of emotions. Dog bite victims may deal with PTSD, anxiety, and even depression. Sometimes, these emotions are disabling.

4. Amputations

Amputations may result after a serious dog bite that severs a limb or causes extreme damage. Most often, amputations occur in children. Amputations have a profound impact on a person’s life.

Seeking Medical Care Is Essential

Dog bites have the potential to do significant damage. A dog bite that is deep enough will damage skin, muscle, bone, and supportive tissues. Dog bites also cause serious infections.

Seeking medical care is essential right away. Open wounds need stitching. Prompt medical care will sometimes reduce the recovery time. A doctor will also give the dog bite victim antibiotics to prevent infection.

What Are the Legal Options?

Dog bite victims may hold the owner responsible for the damages their dog caused. Serious dog bites often require legal representation from a lawyer.

Visiting a lawyer allows dog bite victims to learn about their legal rights and options. A lawyer becomes an advocate for a dog bite victim. The lawyer works to hold the dog owner responsible.

Often, dog bite victims sue to recoup their measurable damages. If the victim sues, their lawyer takes over all the steps involved. The lawyer will represent their client fully, working for a fair outcome.

In some states, dog bite victims will find owners may face criminal charges. Dog bite victims must learn as much as possible about the dog bite laws in their state.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment with a Dog Bite Lawyer

No dog bite victim should have to fight a lawsuit without legal help. Although a victim could represent themselves in court, this is unwise. Dog bite victims will find the ignorance of their rights and the law will impede their progress in pursuing a lawsuit.

The statute of limitations limits the time a person has to sue. Filing a lawsuit right away helps injured dog bite victims pursue the fair compensation they deserve.

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What Is Pure Ethanol?

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Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

Ethanol is an organic chemical compound with a C2H5OH chemical formula. It belongs to the ‘alcohols’ group, and it’s the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages.

Also known as ethyl or grain alcohol, pure ethanol contains 95% ethanol and 5% water. It’s a clear liquid with an ethereal odor,78.5 degrees boiling point, and highly flammable.

Pure ethanol can be produced naturally through the fermentation of sugars by yeast or through ethylene hydration. Organic products, including beets and sugarcane, are used during yeast fermentation.

Ethanol produced from both methods is concentrated through fractional distillation to produce 95% or pure ethanol.

Uses Of Pure Ethanol

Pure ethanol has various applications at home, manufacturing industries, fuel, and in medicine;

As An Antiseptic

Pure ethanol is used in antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizers because it is highly effective against bacteria and viruses. According to research, ethanol is effective against Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus bacteria. 

It kills bacteria by denaturing the proteins on their cell walls. The center for disease control recommends 60% ethanol or more for use in hand sanitizers. In addition,60-80% ethanol is effective against Rhinovirus, herpes, and influenza viruses.

In Beauty Products

Methanol or acetone is added to pure ethanol, denatured ethanol. The latter is used in cosmetics and beauty products to improve absorption on the skin. Ethanol is highly volatile, and it evaporates fast, leaving a refreshing feeling on the skin. In addition, it has antibacterial properties, making it ideal for preserving cosmetic and beauty products.

As a Solvent

Pure ethanol dissolves many polar and non-polar compounds. As a result, it makes a great solvent for synthesizing other organic products. Additionally, it’s used in lacquers, paints, varnishes, and cleaning products. Its also incorporated in certain cough syrups and pain medications to dissolve the active ingredients. Besides, ethanol is used in mouthwashes because of its anti-bacterial properties.

In Food Additives

Pure ethanol is generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Thus, it’s used in food additives to enhance colorings and extract aromas and flavors. Its also used as a preservative in croissants and pizza crusts. However, the levels should not exceed 2%.

In Beverages

Ethanol manufactured through yeast fermentation is used in alcoholic beverages, including wines, beers, and gins. Thus, it’s the main ingredient responsible for causing intoxication in these beverages.

As a Preservative

Pure ethanol is used in laboratories to preserve biological specimens. Its also used to prevent the deterioration of cosmetic products. In addition, it added to croissants and pizzas to prevent bacterial degradation.

As a Fuel Additive

Pure ethanol is added to gasoline to improve its octane ratings and prevent engine knocking. The mixture contains 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol, commonly known as E10. Ethanol is cleaner than gasoline, and it prevents toxic emissions by oxygenating the fuel.

Pure Ethanol Safety

Ethanol is highly flammable. Thus, you should not use it on an open flame. Even though ethanol is generally recognized as safe, (GRAS) consuming it can lead to severe poisoning or death. Thus, it should only be consumed in beverages. Inhalation of ethanol can cause severe poisoning accompanied by headaches and cough.

Accidental skin exposure can cause severe skin irritation. Thus, wash it off with warm soapy water and rinse with clean water. Seek medical intervention if the irritation continues. Ensure to use the protective gear, including safety goggles, face shield, rubber gloves, and overall. If you accidentally inhale ethanol, move to a well-ventilated room and seek medical intervention.

If you accidentally splash ethanol into your eyes, flush it out with clean water and seek medical help. And if you accidentally ingest it, do not attempt to induce vomiting. Instead, seek immediate medical help.


Pure ethanol has a 95% concentration. Its made by ethylene hydration or yeast fermentation and has various applications at home and in manufacturing industries. For instance, it’s used in alcoholic beverages, food additives, antiseptics, and fuel additives. Pure ethanol is also used as a preservative in beauty products and for preserving biological specimens in laboratories. Furthermore, its added to gasoline to improve its octane ratings.

Although pure ethanol is generally recognized as safe, it’s only safe for consumption in alcoholic beverages. It can also cause skin irritation when accidentally exposed to human skin. Thus, ensure to use protective gear when using ethanol to prevent accidental spillages and ingestion.

About the writer: Nikolay Stoyanov is an SEO expert who’s been working in the SEO industry since 2007. Nik is the founder of CBD Advertising Agency and helps CBD companies grow their organic traffic via marijuana SEO.

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5 Ways Computer Workstations on Wheels Are Reshaping the Healthcare Industry

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These days, healthcare workers employed in hospitals have a lot on their plates. Despite the many stresses faced by doctors, nurses, and aids, these experts are still heading to work every day to provide the best possible patient care. Purchasing managers can help healthcare workers maintain efficiency and improve patient outcomes by looking into the ways that computer workstations on wheels are reshaping the healthcare industry.

1. Improved Data Accuracy

With a point of care computing cart, healthcare workers can collect and organize patient data right at the bedside or in the exam room. Nurses always record relevant information in patient charts, but if they must leave the room to use a stationary workstation or, even worse, wait for a shared computer to become available, there’s far more room for error. When hospitals switch to workstations on wheels, nurses and other healthcare providers no longer have to make multiple trips to shared, centralized workstations, which can reduce reporting errors and improve data accuracy.

2. On-Hand Equipment and Supplies

Many models of mobile workstations also give healthcare providers access to the supplies and equipment required to provide excellent patient care. Though some are designed to contain only computers, most models built for hospital settings also feature storage drawers for supplies. Since nurses checking on patients and recording data will have easy, immediate access to all kinds of supplies, they’ll be able to save time and improve the efficiency of care.

3. Reduced Chances of Cross-Contamination

Even in well-maintained, exceptionally clean hospitals, cross contamination can pose a serious risk to vulnerable patients. Each year, almost two million U.S. patients develop infections in healthcare facilities. Assigning each nurse a mobile workstation that’s designed to be kept on the floor and sanitized frequently can reduce the chances of cross contamination and infection, especially if staff members are trained to sanitize the carts after each use.

4. Increased Efficiency of Patient Care

Workstations on wheels can improve the efficiency of patient care in a few key ways.

  • Doctors and nurses making rounds won’t have to make repeated trips to centralized workstations to find patient information.
  • The risk of error when retrieving patient data or communicating it between doctors and nurses is lower when hospitals provide mobile workstations.
  • Communication between providers and patients is more efficient when doctors and nurses can view all of the patient’s information from the bedside.

5. Increased Patient Engagement

Even though some states have placed restrictions on how many patients each nurse can take on a shift, there are currently no federal guidelines regarding staffing ratios. As a result, some nurses in busy hospitals are forced to care for many patients per shift, making it difficult to devote sufficient time to each of them. The improvements in efficiency that come along with making the switch to mobile workstations can give otherwise overworked nurses extra time to spend getting to know the patients and encouraging them to play an active role in their care.

Quality Is Key

For hospitals that are ready to make the switch to workstations on wheels, quality is the key. Choose workstations that are designed specifically for hospitals and other medical facilities, and consider buying models that feature storage space for frequently used supplies. The improvements in staff efficiency and patient care will more than make up for the investment.

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Pros and Cons to Renting a Party Bus for a Wedding

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Weddings, parties, and other festivities might require you to travel from one point to another. Weddings for instance have you traveling from maybe a church or other venue to your reception area. Instead of hiring multiple vehicles and having a procession, you can hire a few party buses and enjoy the occasion as you travel to your destination in a group. It is usually more fun to travel in this manner. You not only get to interact more, but you also get to travel in more comfort as compared to private small vehicles. You can always find Party Bus Rent at various sites online and book yours in advance of your coming event. These buses though have both their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of them.


Luxury Rides

Party busses are designed to give you the utmost luxury. They are fitted with luxury and comfy couches, carpeted floors, flat-screen televisions, satellites, and colorful lights among others. You will get that party or disco feeling while on a bus in motion. You get to enjoy cool music from top-class music systems in these busses and also get to party and relax while traveling to your destination. You can even sleep in the bus if you get tired of partying or when traveling overnight.

Professional Service

A party bus service provides you with professional drivers. These drivers are well trained, and will never drive while intoxicated. They also have a good knowledge of the country, so all you need is to provide them with your destination, and then enjoy the ride. Having professional drivers takes away the need you have to drive, and allows you to interact more with your family and friends. You get to have a stress-free and seamless wedding experience.

It is Safer and Easier

Instead of having a procession of vehicles heading to your wedding reception, you can simply hire a few busses to ferry everyone to your destination since the busses can carry more people as compared to small vehicles. It is cheaper, easier and safer to have your guests travel together. There are no instances of some guests taking wrong turns and getting lost. You also get to save a lot of time that would have been spent trying to direct everyone to your preferred destination. You also reduce or eliminate the chances of having among your guests some rowdy guests who might interfere with the occasion by turning up drunk and disorderly.

They are Flexible

Party buses are flexible. If your reception is far from your church, you can easily make stops and take pictures as you travel. It is easy to have a road trip taking several days and involve all of your guests. After you arrive at your reception area, you do need to have another set up for drinks and food since you can prepare all that in the buses. Some services will provide you with professional chefs at your request.

There are barely any disadvantages with these buses, apart from a few glitches that you can avoid most of the time. Here are some downsides to these buses.

They are Costly

The cost of hiring party buses is a bit on the higher side. However, if you compare them to using or hiring several small vehicles, then the lower this cost to some extent. Since buses carry more people, this cost can be shared among your friends. The shared amenities also reduce the cost of hiring.

Can be Unmanageable

Party buses carry a lot of people. In case of a wedding procession, you will need at least one or two responsible people in every bus to control your guests in each bus. There are times that guests can get too drunk and make a mess of the entire occasion. It is a bit challenging to control and manage adults, but you can set strict rules for the occasion to have everyone take responsibility.

Challenges with Children

Weddings also involve children. Since you will have to travel with them, it can be a challenge having them in buses in which adults indulge in drinking alcohol. You may have to hire extra buses to ferry children with the supervision of a few adults. The extra buses can be an added cost. However, you can have the children travel in the same buses as the adults, but have a strict code of conduct to ensure that the children are not exposed to things they are not supposed to be exposed to.

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When Can You Safely Return to Physical Activity After Breast Augmentation?

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Breast augmentation is a popular surgical procedure among women. Many women have this procedure carried out after pregnancy, and the recovery process is easier than ever. When a woman is considering getting breast implants, it is essential she learns as much as possible about the procedure and what to expect during the recovery process. Being prepared make the process of recovery much less stressful for a woman.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation involves increasing the size of the breasts. A woman may have fat transferred from one part of her body to her breasts. There are also implants that can be used to increase a woman’s breast size. Women can go from a small cup size to many sizes larger, depending on their desired outcome and their body’s natural shape. Those who are interested in Breast Augmentation Near Me need to continue reading.

When Can Women Return to Normal Activity After Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a serious surgery that should not be taken lightly. Women need to be aware of what they can expect from the recovery process so they will know when they can get back to a normal level of activity. The following offers information on when most women can go back to doing those physical activities they enjoy.


Most women will be able to return to swimming around three weeks after their breast surgery. By then, the incisions have healed and the swelling has gone down. It is important to dry the incisions carefully and remove the wet swimsuit as soon as possible after swimming.


Walking is one of the best things a woman can do after her surgery, but intense exercise should be avoided for the first couple of months. A woman should not participate in cardio or another intense exercise for at least six to eight weeks. It is important she gets a release from her doctor before begining an exercise program.


Flying is not dangerous after a breast augmentation because there is little physical activity. To ensure there are no problems, it is wise to wait at least a week before taking a flight after surgery.


Most women will be able to go back to work after one to two weeks. It is essential women follow the instructions of their doctor and avoid any activities that could cause problems, such as heavy lifting. It is important women discuss their job roles with their doctor before returning to work. A woman may be instructed to only do light duty at first.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

While many women start to feel better after the first week, it takes around six weeks for a woman to make a full recovery after breast surgery. During recovery, a woman will need to ensure she does not lift any heavy objects and avoids intensive exercise.

As a woman recovers, her new breast shape will begin to show. In the beginning, swelling and bruising are common, but these typically begin to heal quickly.

Discover More Information Today

Women who want to improve the size and appearance of their breasts may seek breast augmentation surgery. Increasing her cup size gives a woman greater confidence.

First, a woman needs to learn if she is a good candidate for breast augmentation. With a consultation appointment, a woman will learn about the procedure and what she can expect through the recovery process.

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Hiding Power Cords In The Middle of Your House

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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
A familiar conundrum for a lot of people is how to hide wires in houses that have furniture in the way. Even in places where it is possible to get the furniture out of the way what do you do with the cords that connect to lamps and other accessories? Here are some options to consider to hide these cables properly.


Because furniture occupies most of your living area, it can be very useful in helping you hide cables. Use two-sided tape or clips to attach cords to furniture legs and underneath the furniture. If the cables are too short, you can avoid doing this by moving the appliances to the other side of your furniture. However, if that is not possible, then the tape and clips should work.

Also, consider whether you can move fixtures such as lamps to sit on other pieces of furniture. For example, if you have a console table, you can move your lamp there so the wires are hidden behind the console table.

Area Rugs

Many homes have area rugs for decorative purposes. If you have area rugs in your home, they can be a convenient place to hide cords. Because hiding cords under a rug can be perceived as a fire hazard, it is very important that you ensure the cords and the outlets they are connected to are new or function properly. It is also important to check that the wire is of a high enough quality and is rated for the application you intend for it.

To ensure the cables do not become a tripping hazard, try to hide them under rugs in areas where there is little traffic. To make this possible, you might have to extend the wires a bit. For this, you will need high-quality wire that can handle the appliances connected to the other end. You can purchase the right wire for this application at reputable electrical wholesalers like powerpointelectrics.co.uk, which stock different types of wires and electrical accessories for residential use.

Outlets in the Floor

Putting the outlets directly on the floor closer to where they are needed is a solution that can work in some homes. If you feel like it would work for you, you can install the outlets yourself. However, if you do not have the skills, it is always better to call a certified and licenced electrician to do it for you. An electrician will also ensure the outlet sits well and flush on the floor, so it does not become a problem in the future.

Other Ideas

 Some people use code splitters to plug two appliances into one outlet. Just ensure these appliances do not draw too much power. You can use rubber cord covers to weigh the wires down. You can then cover them with laminate or contact paper that resembles your floor to make them disappear.

Cables can be an eyesore, especially when they contrast the floor or carpet too much. Fortunately, there are several ways you can hide them, so they remain functional but also out of sight.

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Three Industry Sectors with Great Future Employment Prospects

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
In the modern age, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job that offers lifelong career certainty. Indeed, industry experts suggest the current generation of school leavers will change jobs every 3-4 years in the future due to a mix of changing market pressures and the seemingly incessant march of technology.

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning now playing an increasingly important role in firms of all sizes in all sectors, employment analysts suggest we may see some roles simply disappear and speculate that many other jobs of the future have yet to be invented.

However, while it’s certainly true that technology is transforming the work landscape, there are still some roles where machines simply can’t compete with the human touch and intervention. If you’re looking for a job that could offer career stability in the years ahead, check below for three professions that recruitment experts suggest will be safe in the future. 

Take Up a Career in Plumbing

Machines are great at performing mundane, repetitive tasks – things like accounting, payroll and automated emails – however, when it comes to a job like plumbing where inspection, assessment and finding bespoke solutions to problems is concerned, we’re a long way off the day when a robot will be able to replicate a human.

Also, robots currently lack the problem-solving skills required to find ad hoc solutions to problems plus the physical dexterity required to handle tools and work in small enclosed spaces, meaning plumbing is one career that should remain safe from advancing tech.

To get started in plumbing, check online for courses or take a plumbing apprenticeship like those offered at https://www.abcksmo.org/training/plumbing-program/.

Work in the Care Sector

While computers and software are making huge inroads in the medical industry with pioneering discoveries and treatments, they still lack the empathy required to administer care to patients. Despite the fact tech is often used to help doctors and nurses diagnose problems, when it comes to making important choices that could mean the difference between life and death, humans are a long way ahead.

Jobs in the care sector encompass a huge diversity of roles – everything from therapy for the elderly to more front-line roles working as a nurse or doctor – with each offering high levels of job satisfaction (caring roles frequently feature in top-10 lists of most rewarding jobs).

With such a diversity of jobs, each has its own requirements for entry. Check online to see what qualifications and experience you’ll need for the role that interests you most.

Train to Work in IT

Rather than fighting against the march of tech, why not consider getting on board and embracing the computer and IT revolution? The saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them” and there’s little doubt that training for a career in the IT sector will open doors and offer great employment opportunities and security in the years to come. As mentioned earlier, most industry experts suggest many of the future jobs related to tech have yet to be invented so getting a foot in the door early will earn you invaluable experience now that will be of huge benefit in the future.

The IT sector is massively diverse so check online for a job that interests you to get a better idea of entry requirements.

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Plan Your Family Friendly Wedding Day

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Photo by Studio Negarin from Pexels
Once upon a time, most families had the same origin story. Two young people would meet, fall in love, and get married—or their marriage would be arranged by their parents as a way of making mutually beneficial connections. Once the couple was married, they would start living together and have children.

These days, however, many couples are choosing to cohabit and have kids together before they tie the knot. If you are a parent and are now planning your wedding, read on for some suggestions on how to make this special day suitable for the whole family.

Consider the Menu

When it comes to planning your wedding reception meal, you may be feeling ready for a break from chicken nuggets, chips, fish fingers, or whatever your family’s go-to mid-week dinner is, and keen to plan a more extravagant, gourmet menu. If your children are picky eaters, however, you and your partner might want to consider some fun catering station options, as the last thing you will want to be doing on your wedding day is spend the whole meal trying to convince your kids to eat something. A pasta bar, a popcorn machine, and an ice cream sundae station, for example, will keep your kids both fed and entertained while the parents concentrate on making memories.


Consider the Transport

The most traditional wedding day transport arrangement involves the bride and her father traveling to the wedding location together in one car, and the groom and his best man making their own way separately. After the wedding, the bride and groom would travel together to their new house or their honeymoon in their getaway car, complete with its bunch of noisy cans and ‘just married’ sign on the back.

You and your partner, however, may want to travel to your wedding and reception locations together and may see no need to arrange alternative transport for your kids. Traveling to your wedding as a family unit doesn’t have to mean renouncing your dream of a classy, vintage wedding car, however. The 1961 Austin, for example, can quite easily accommodate four people even within a relatively small space, thanks to its characteristic sideways engine. This makes it perfect for two spouses-to-be, a child and the driver. Just make sure that the wedding dress skirt doesn’t take up the entire back seat!

Consider the Schedule

When planning your wedding day schedule, keep in mind that most kids have shorter attention spans than adults and tend to become tired more quickly, and need to go to bed much earlier. As well as making sure that you have plenty of coloring books, picture books and toys on hand to keep your little ones entertained throughout the day, consider hiring a children’s entertainer for an hour or so during the reception, perhaps just after the meal, when kids will have had to sit through first a ceremony and then a lengthy dinner and are bound to become restless. If your trusted babysitter can double-up as an entertainer, you’ve hit gold: once the entertainment slot is over, they can take your children home and put them to bed while you and your new spouse hit the dance floor.

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