Archives for July 2015

Vital DIY Bits and Bobs

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As a homeowner, you’re going to need to have plenty of DIY skills and experience. You need to make sure you take into account the DIY bits and pieces that need doing. There are plenty of things you can do that will improve the home and help develop important DIY skills for future life.

Have a look at the ideas on this post, and see how many of them you can apply to your own home. Many of these will benefit the property, and some will just help you develop and improve your skills.

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Feng Shui

The arrangement of your furniture can have a huge impact on the look and feel of your room. You need to think about the feng shui in your living room, and how that is going to benefit the rest of the property. For one thing, it’s important to get as much space as possible in the room. So rearranging furniture is a perfect way of doing this. Have a think about the different feng shui elements you might like to try out.

Fix the Locks

A small but significant DIY job you could try would be to fix the locks in the home. Of course, the main front door lock may require a locksmith. But all the internal locks you can set about fixing yourself. This is an important job that needs to be done and will give you valuable skills you can use to develop your DIY. Make sure you do a thorough job before you move on to anything else. This is something you should be able to have a go at easily right now.

Check the Plumbing

One of the most important areas of the home is the plumbing. This is how you get water throughout the property. So it’s vital that the pipes all work properly, and the plumbing goes the way it’s supposed to. Of you discover any big problems with your plumbing you need to call experts like Custom Services. Bear in mind this is an essential part of a running, thriving home. If you have plumbing problems and you try to tackle them yourself you’re in danger of exacerbating the problem.


All homes can benefit from an extension, and yours is no different. You need to think about any sorts of extension that might benefit the property. You could think about putting in a conservatory, or adding another room. This is going to add considerable value to your home as well as creating a functional and practical space to enjoy. Of course, you may well need planning permission to do certain extensions. Check this out first before you start spending any money.

When it comes to DIY bits and pieces to do around the home, you’re almost spoilt for choice. There’s plenty you can do that will improve the home in the long and short term. In terms of the right sort of DIY to choose, you need pick the things that most need to be done around the house.

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5 Secrets To Instantly Improve Your Appearance

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Looking good is an important part of modern society, and can improve your life in many different ways. Most importantly, though, it makes you feel good too.

Unsurprisingly, millions of us seek a better appearance. Many of us spend far too much time and money searching for the perfect solution. There isn’t one. However, you can improve your look dramatically in just a few simple steps.

Some of these steps can be completed in a matter of minutes. Some take a little longer. All of them are easy, though. Best of all, they don’t require weeks of starvation. Enjoy.

Improve Your Smile

Your smile says a lot about you and is one of the first things that anybody will ever notice. Consequently, it is a key contributor to your overall confidence. If you know there is a problem with your mouth, then it will impact the way you interact with others. In turn, that can elicit a far less attractive persona.

A lot of people will jump straight to teeth whitening, which is fine. However, those nasty looking fillings are often the most unappealing aspect of your smile. This can be rectified quickly with safe mercury filling removal, and will instantly improve that grin.

The Right Eyewear

Millions of people around the world wear glasses or contact lenses. It isn’t a big deal. What is important, though, is that you have found the right eyewear to suit your face.

A change of glasses can dramatically change your facial appearance. There are plenty of online resources to find the best pair for you and your look. Alternatively, you can always seek the advice of the receptionist in your local opticians. Or take a friend with you.

Get The Blood Pumping

Ever noticed how your body looks better and more toned after a solid workout? If you are in need of instant improvements to your body’s appearance, then a quick workout might be just the answer.

The improvements won’t be long lasting, but it will make you feel better for the short-term. Sometimes that’s all we need.

Treat Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it needs to be treated well. Good skin care can promote a whole host of benefits, but aesthetic appearance is one of the biggest.

There are many measures that can be taken to promote long-term improvements. However, if you are looking for a quick fix, then you should use an exfoliating cleanser followed by the right makeup application.


If you’ve not been sleeping well, people will notice. It’s easy to spot someone that hasn’t got their 40 winks, and tiredness doesn’t look attractive. Sorry to break it to you.

A good night’s sleep will bring plenty of benefits to your bodily functions. Nonetheless, an improved appearance is the most obvious reward. You’re supposed to get roughly eight hours of sleep per night, which should tell you just how important it is to your health and look.

Don’t let it pass you by.

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The Things Every Homeowner Dreads

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Anyone who owns a home has plenty to worry about. There are lots of things that can go wrong and you need to know how to minimise the risks associated with owning a home.

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Fires devastate homes. Not only can they destroy your home, but fires kill people too. They’re probably the worst of all the bad things that can go wrong in your home. That means you have to be sensible and take all the necessary steps to prevent them.

It’s not too difficult to limit the consequences of a fire though. Firstly, introduce a few fire alarms, testing them regularly and changing the batteries. You should also have a plan in place if a fire were to break out. Know where to go and how to leave the building.


The idea of having our home invaded by pests is not the nicest thought in the world. Some people find it so difficult to handle that they have to move out of the property until the problem is sorted out. It’s something that happens a lot.

If you have an infestation, you need to have a look at the full extent of the problem first. Then, you should contact a pest control agency and let them take control of the situation. It’s not usually a good idea to try and solve the problem by yourself.

Falling Prices

No homeowner wants to see the price of their house fall. It can have a negative effect on your finances, and it’s incredibly worrying too. For the vast majority of us, our main asset is our house, so we want its value to be high.

The nightmare situation for homeowners is being stuck in negative equity. This is when the price of your home falls below the amount of money you paid for it. It essentially means that you’re at a loss rather than a profit.


If you can’t pay the repayments that are due on your home, you might find yourself in a tricky situation. In the worst case scenario, your mortgage lender could try to foreclose the home, meaning that they’ll take possession of it, and you’ll be kicked out.

It’s not easy to repossess a property though. And if a lender tries to do it to you, you should fight it until the end. A lot of lenders can be bullying and intimidating, but if you stand up against them, you might be able to claim victory.

Structural Damage

Repairing structural damage can be very difficult and, therefore, very expensive. The structure of your home is its foundation and basis. So, if there’s a problem with it, the whole home could be in danger if the problem isn’t solved.

So, how do you spot structural damage? Sometimes, it can be obvious. For example, if the house appears to be sloping on one side, you’ve got a problem. Some cracks can be hidden though, so have a structural engineer look at the property if you have any worries.

These are the main problems that homeowners face; now you need to focus on trying to avoid them!

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Saving Money vs. Making Money

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Whether you choose to save your money or invest it to make more money probably depends on what type of person you are. If you like taking risks, you’re more likely to try to make more money. But if you’re the kind of person that is happy with your lot and doesn’t like to take risks, you’ll probably make sure the money you already have is safe.

But if you’re not sure which one of these two options is right for you, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option below.

Saving Money

Saving money is, of course, the safe option. There are worse things you can do with your money than put it into a savings account. It’ll be perfectly secure there, and you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the money is safe. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any downsides to saving money.

For a start, that amount of money isn’t going down, but it isn’t going up either. Nowadays, you won’t find many savings accounts that offer very favourable interest rates. So, that means you’ll leave it there for years, and it will only grow by a tiny, and pretty insignificant, amount. There’s also no fun or risk involved. Some may see this as a good thing, but investing is a lot of fun.

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Making Money

To make money, you have to invest it. Of course, there are lots of different ways in which you can invest your money. You might want to invest in stocks and shares. This is incredibly risky though. It’s possible that you’ll put all your money into shares, and they all drop in price. Then most of that money will be lost unless the share price recovers.

The rewards of investing in the right place are huge though. And right now, the safest place in which to invest is property. The rental boom means that landlords can make huge sums of money now if they offer properties that are stylish, safe and secure. You could even build up a portfolio of properties. If you do this, visit They’ll look after your portfolio and make sure your properties are kept in order.

There are lots of other options for investing that can bring you just as much success though. You could invest in gold or forex. No matter what you choose to invest in though, you need to know what you’re doing and be as prepared as possible.


Which of the two options is best is hard to say. If you’re happy with the amount of money you currently have and you’re not interesting in risking it, you should save all the money you can. But investing can be a much greater option for a lot of people.

For example, if you only have a relatively small amount of money, and you’re not worried about the risks that come with investing, you should go for it. If you get it right, you could make a lot of money.


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Top 5 Signs You’re Getting Older And What To Do About Them

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Taking care of our looks is what makes us feminine and beautiful. It has a huge impact on our mental and emotional health too. Our friends notice when something is wrong. It may be our hair needs combing, or the makeup didn’t get applied this morning. These are warning signs to our friends that something isn’t right in our world. Perhaps it’s just a hangover or missing the wake-up alarm!

Life does sometimes get in the way of a good beauty routine. As we get older and have other life responsibilities how we look may matter a little less. However, getting older has another awful side effect on how we look. Signs of aging include yellowed teeth, wrinkles, saggy skin, weight gain and poor complexion. Here are some handy tips to beat those  five signs as they start to creep up on you:

  1. Teeth – Teeth weaken and yellow the older we get. Start to protect them now with a really good hygiene plan. Floss and brush at least twice a day. Try to avoid staining foods and drinks like curries and coffees. Take care of your enamel with a good toothpaste designed to protect and enforce it. Keep away from fizzy water and pop drinks.
  2. Wrinkles – Our faces are the most important part of our look. We spend a lot of money on beauty products each year to keep our skin looking fresh and youthful. From our mid-twenties, wrinkles will try to become more visible. A good moisturizer keeps them at bay for a little while. Wrinkles may remain prominent without botox or treatment from somewhere like YMD Eye & Face. Crows feet and lines between the eyebrows are the biggest problems.
  3. Saggy Skin – Bat wings, tummy rolls, and flabby thighs are just some of the signs of getting older. Elasticity in our skin starts to reduce from our mid-twenties. Keep the skin moisturized and drink plenty of water. Exercises to tone muscles can help reduce the visual effect of saggy skin. Saggy skin is particularly problematic if you have lost a lot of weight. Try not to let weight fluctuate rapidly.
  4. Weight Gain – This is usually a big problem after pregnancy. Having a baby changes your body shape permanently but it also changes your daily routines. If you’re thinking about having children, get into a good exercise routine you can keep up even with kids in tow. Your tummy will be prone to storing more fat than before, and you may find convenience food easier to fall back on. Take care to consider a good diet in advance of family planning.

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5. Complexion – Age changes our skin texture. It dries and thickens, and circulation is reduced. Diet and exercise help improve these problems. Most importantly, choose skincare products relevant to your age as you get older. Steer clear of those blemish control products. They’re just too harsh on older skin.

Aging is so hard on our looks! Fortunately, we can battle against it for many years yet. Looking good is important, so take care of your body from the inside out to maintain your looks. Choose from cosmetic treatments or preventative measures to look good for decades to come.

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Anjolee Jewelry Review

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anjolee Disclosure- I received a sterling silver and CZ custom ring to facilitate my review.  All opinions are 100% my own.


I’m not into fashion, never have been.  I don’t own any belts, only have a few pairs of shoes.  But one thing I do love it jewelry.  As a little girl I’d love to play with my grandmother’s and mother’s jewelry and now my own daughters share in my love of all things bling.  When my husband and I were shopping for my wedding set I wish I knew about Anjolee, my new favorite website for beautiful, customized jewelry.

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P1240707 (1024x768)On the Anjolee website all of their pieces can be customized according to preference of metal type, diamond size, diamond/gemstone quality, and length/size. No running around from store to store.  They sell top quality diamond and gemstone jewelry that they manufacture themselves so there is no middle man which brings savings to you.  They also offer a great selection of gemstone jewelry with choice of several birthstones. It’s fun to play around on the Anjolee website and create a custom piece.  They even have a 360 degree rotation view so you can see what your piece will look like from every angle.

P1240675 (1024x768)When I was asked to review a piece of jewelry from Anjolee I jumped at the chance.  I choose the Five Across Diamond Band and it is gorgeous.  The ring I received for the sake of this review is sterling silver and CZ, but it is just as beautiful as the real thing.  Speaking of the real thing, when you purchase jewelry from Anjolee you can also purchase a replica of your piece in sterling silver and CZ to wear when you don’t want to be wearing your real diamonds- like on vacation, while swimming, at the gym, etc.  I love this idea!

DSC_0047 (1024x681)More information from the Anjolee website:

Anjolee is one of the largest diamond jewelry manufacturer in the United States – All jewelry items
on the website are manufactured by Anjolee, which gives us the ability to provide our customers the best
customer service and fast delivery. We produce only high end diamond jewelry and have a great selection
of diamond bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, and bridal jewelry.

Best Prices – Our customers have the opportunity to buy directly from Anjolee with prices below retail.
We work on low margins in order to give our customers the best value for their order while maintaining
the highest quality standards in the jewelry industry.

Innovative Jewelry Customization Process – Anjolee is the only jewelry website with
a unique customization system which gives you the ability to custom-build all of our jewelry designs
based on taste and budget. We offer 7 types of metal, various total carat weights, diamond quality
and size, for each jewelry item on our website.

Highest Quality Jewelry Products – Buying from Anjolee ensures you get the best value possible.
We employ the highest quality of manufacturing standards in the industry at manufacturer direct pricing.
Many of our products are exclusive designs that can only be found at Anjolee.

High Resolution Images and 360 Rotation View 
 Anjolee offers high resolution pictures and 360
degree views of all jewelry items on the website. View each jewelry item in white or yellow gold and
click the 360 rotation button to see the item in extreme detail. That provides our customers the ability
to examine each jewelry item very carefully before making a purchase.

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P1240713 (1024x768)Anjolee also sells gorgeous necklaces, pendants, earrings, and bracelets on their site as well. Watch the video below to see some of the beautiful pieces:

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An Easy Guide To Revamping Your Home

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Creating the perfect home for the family to grow is one of the most important life aims of any homeowner. However, every property needs a little TLC from time to time as we look to move forward with the times.

Upgrading the home can be a daunting task, particularly if you aren’t overly confident with DIY tasks. It doesn’t have to be mission impossible, though, and you can work your magic without major skill or expense.

Here are three ways to transform your home with minimal fuss.


Most people think it takes a major change to transform your home. The truth is that you can probably give your property a completely new look simply by arranging things properly.

We’re all guilty of accumulating unnecessary items over the years. Getting rid of that clutter will make an instant improvement to your home. You will be surprised with just how much extra space you’ll create.

In addition to the extra space, a well organised home looks cleaner and brighter too. If you want a cheap and easy way to improve your home quickly, then this is one of the best options available.

Comfortable Furniture

A house is your castle and you need to feel comfortable in it. Quality furniture is a must if you want your property to genuinely feel like home.

There are two pieces of furniture that should rank top of your priorities. Firstly, you spend eight hours a night in bed so you should be sure to have one that’s fit for a king. Likewise, if your current sofa doesn’t take off the edge after a long day’s work, then this needs addressing. Look into lounges for sale as an instant way to revamp your home.

Furniture isn’t just functional, it is also the centerpiece of a room. Investing in a suitable solution will kill two birds with one stone. Don’t underestimate their importance.

Appreciate The Garden

If you’re lucky enough to own one, then the garden is truly one of the best areas of the whole property. It is the perfect place to bring up your children in a safe, active environment. Moreover, it serves as a great location for entertaining friends in the evening.

The garden is a relatively easy area to design too. A simple decking installation will instantly improve the aesthetic of yours. In fact, it almost creates another separate area by dividing the grass and wooded areas.

Planting a few flowers will make it look more beautiful and this is another fantastic way of introducing your children to nature. It has to be better than them sitting on their computer games all day. Best of all, though, it will create a much better feeling around the home. Even if it’s just something nice to look at through the window.

Final Word

Freshening up your home shouldn’t be a chore. It should be exciting. The best way to keep it that way is to make it simple. Small, noticeable changes can make just as much of a difference as the grand gestures.

Just make sure that every upgrade is one for the better.

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5 Big DIY Jobs You’ve Got To Try

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When it comes to the larger DIY jobs, you need to prepare yourself. No half-hearted measures here. You need to go all in. It’s win or lose. A big DIY job needs preparation and concentration. With all that said, you might be a little lost as to what a big DIY job even is. Think of it like this, it’s something you would have formerly called someone in to do for you. Here are a couple DIY jobs you didn’t know you could do yourself.

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Replacing A Window

It’s not easy, but it can be done. For the first step depends entirely on if the window pane is broken. If it is, it should slip out of the mooring between either side of the frame easily. If it isn’t, you’ll have to remove one side of the frame to ease it out.

In both instances, you’ll have to remove one side of the frame to slot a new pane back in. So don’t think just because the window is broken you’ll have an easier job.

Place the pane back onto the frame and secure it properly from both sides.

Remodelling A Bathroom

If you’ve got a fairly old house or are just looking for a change, remodelling your bathroom can be a nice improvement. Before you even start thinking about taking a hammer to anything, you have to be prepared. There will be a lot of waste parts as you refit everything from the toilet to the taps.

You’ll have to get mini skips to place all the waste into. Not only does it give you a place to store it, but it’ll also give you an easy way to dispose of it later.

Fitting something like a sink is a fairly extensive and advanced DIY job in itself. Not only do you have to hook it into the plumbing system, but you also need to fit it properly to the wall.

Extending A Room

Extending a room includes a DIYer’s greatest dream. To knock a wall through. Don’t go picking up the sledgehammer immediately though. Not all rooms can be extended, and you need to be aware of which walls are load bearing or not. It’s best to get a professional in at least to check that part.

After that, you can start swinging.

Fitting A Light

While perfectly easy to do, many people will shy away from dealing with anything electrical. So long as you put the wires into the places they need to go; you should be fine. It has to be said though, make sure the electric is turned off at the fuse box before you do anything.

It may not end well if you forget that part.

Replacing A Floorboard

Just as long as the board you are replacing the old one with is the right size, there’s no worry about doing this. Just remove the old board and fit in the new one. You may have to nail it down or use adhesive to keep it there though.


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Tackling Clutter With A Professional Organizer

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Disclosure- Michelle Worthington, Professional Organizer of Worthy Spaces provided me with some of her services to facilitate my post.  All opinions are 100% my own.

Tackling ClutterThis post is a long time coming because it has been one of the hardest ones for me to write.  I’ve been putting it off because I was embarrassed.  You see I have been too embarrassed to show what the inside of my house used to look like before I called a local South Florida Professional Organizer, Michelle Worthington of Worthy Spaces.  When things were at it’s worst in my house I was so overwhelmed with the clutter.  I know it effected me on such a personal level.  I was depressed and anxious whenever I was in my house.  It was hard to get motivated or get anything done because I would look around and just see a disaster.  With my fibromyalgia, I am exhausted all the time.  It is very hard to get anything done myself when it comes to cleaning.  And when I am tired I am certainly not motivated to declutter.  One day I finally hit rock bottom and knew I had to do something. It took a lot to swallow my pride and call a professional organizer but I knew it was best for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of my family who had to live in our cluttered house.

I didn’t know professional organizers existed for people like me.  I thought that professional organizers just worked with people like I had seen on Hoarders.  I had no idea that professional organizers can help people with all levels of clutter or people who just need help getting organized.  Professional organizers don’t just deal with garbage and clutter, they also deal with helping their clients use their spaces more efficiently.  They can help people pack, unpack, and so much more.  Professional Organizers can also help businesses set up or organize their spaces to function better.

Michelle and I met by chance a few years ago but I think it was fate honestly.  She told me all about what she did as a professional organizer but it took me several years to actually bite the bullet, get over my nerves of someone from the outside seeing my house, and call her.  Making that initial call was a little scary.  I wasn’t sure if Michelle would judge me or if she would even be able to help my craziness.  Within a minute of talking to Michelle, she really calmed me.  She reassured me that everything I was going through was totally normal.  We all think that everyone else has perfect houses behind closed doors but Michelle insisted that having clutter and getting behind in keeping things neat and organized, especially with an autoimmune disorder and 2 kids, is very common.  We set a date for Michelle to come assess my house and get started helping me to get it decluttered and organized.

I was really nervous and I canceled several times before I even let Michelle come over because I was so embarrassed at how my house looked. It was such a disaster.  There was clutter everywhere and not a horizontal surface that wasn’t covered with stuff.  Right before Michelle was about to knock on my door, my anxiety level was through the roof.  What would she think of my house? Would she be able to help?  Would she think I was the biggest slob she had ever seen?  But I knew things had to change.

I had no idea what to expect when Michelle came over.  I was as nervous as I was excited.  Michelle assured me that she had seen it all but of course in my mind I thought, “No way, my house has to be the messiest she had ever seen.”  We hadn’t had a cleaning person over in at least a year because there was too much to “clean and declutter” before I could even let a cleaning person in my front door.

Michelle walked through my front door and was instantly reassuring.  I felt so calm and at ease with Michelle.  She was so comforting and told me that it wasn’t my fault and everything I was feeling was totally normal.  As we walked through my house and I showed her all the nooks and crannies she took some notes and started getting ideas on how we could get the clutter under control.  I say we because I was part of the process.  She was there to help and make suggestions but I was in control of deciding what changes we made and what things we got rid of.

Once Michelle and I went over her ideas we both got to work.  I wanted to be a part of the process but clients can choose to let Michelle work by herself, too.  Michelle made sure to show me EVERY little thing she was putting in the garbage to make sure she had my approval.  Things that could be donated were separated and bagged up for donation.  We put on some tunes and the afternoon flew by.  Michelle and I got so much done.  She really helped me decide what I wanted to keep and what I needed to let go of and donate or throw away.  The whole process was actually kind of fun and I had such a feeling of accomplishment.  We had lots of laughs and chatted the day away as we worked.  Michelle gave me lots of guidance and tips as we went along.  She was so comforting.  I can’t say that enough.  By the end and even now I can hear Michelle in my head when I go to put something where it doesn’t belong, when I try to decide if I should purchase something or decide if I should keep something.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and my house didn’t get cluttered in a day so of course my whole house wasn’t organized in just a few hours but after only 1 day it was noticeably better.  When my husband came home he was surprised how much we had gotten done.  It took 2 days for Michelle and me to get most of my house in order and a third day for us to tackle our garage with my husband.  There are still a few areas that we still need to tackle (like the top of our closet) but it is a work in progress.  When Michelle left I kept on asking myself “Why did I wait so long?” as do most of her clients.

One of the most important things I took away from having Michelle here is that Professional Organizers are not be judgmental and do not make their clients get rid of stuff.  Everything was on MY TERMS and what I was comfortable with. If there were things that my husband or I weren’t ready to get rid of then Michelle didn’t push us.  Plus everything is confidential.  We have a mutual friend and Michelle (just like any other professional organizer) would never tell our mutual friend or anyone else that she knows me professionally because she’s worked in my house.  The whole experience was amazing and I loved that I was able to donate and pass a lot of items on to charities so people can put them to use.  You can tell that Michelle truly loves what she does as do so many other organizers.  Anyone can say they are a professional organizer but make sure they are really a professional with the NAPO- The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) which has about 4,000 professional organizers and almost 40 chapters across the United States.

Here are the before and after photos of my house.  Please don’t judge. 😉

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Here are some tips from Michelle:


How Michelle Worthington got started:  The Amanda’s TV show really opened my eyes to the profession of Professional Organizing.  It helped to show people in need of help … outside of what I had only seen on “Hoarders” and “Clean House”.   Amanda and her team were very polished and professional – I was excited to see more about a possible industry and how broad the client base and needs truly are.   I started googling and reading books to find out more about the profession and worked up the courage to make a call to a local professional organizer.   She invited me to an upcoming NAPO South Florida meeting… I went … I loved it and decided to go for it.

What Michelle does:  Simply put … I help people.   I enjoy residential organizing – I am honored to be invited into people’s homes and to help them work through their clutter or chronic disorganization issues.  I help with all sorts of projects including paperwork, home offices, closets, kitchens, playrooms, whole home organization just to name a few type of projects.  Having a corporate background I am also able to do small business or corporate organizing projects.


Mention this post and Michelle will take $25 off your first sessions booked!!!

Interested in getting organized, ridding your life of lost items and wasted time, and overall being increasingly productive?

  • Why hire a professional organizer? Like a coach, a professional organizer provides the motivation, support, encouragement, and direction necessary when getting and staying organized.
  • How can I find a professional organizer? Finding a professional organizer is no different than choosing any other service professional. The “right choice ” for you will be a professional organizer who has the expertise, skill set, and personality that best suit you and your goals.  If you are in South Florida, please check out Michelle Worthington of Worthy Spaces.  You won’t regret it.  No matter who you choose, make sure it is someone you feel comfortable and I highly suggest finding someone who is a member of the NAPO.
  • What can a professional organizer help you do?  With the help of a professional organizer in your home or office, one can: accomplish more at work and home, meet important deadlines, find things faster, gain control of surroundings, reduce clutter, create streamlined processes, improve your quality of life, and reduce stress.

Even if your space isn’t as cluttered as mine was I highly recommend hiring a professional organizer to help you get organized.  You’ll be glad you did!

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What Pet Should You Get For Your Kids?

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4596904100_8045c62f14_zThere will come a time when your little ones start asking you for a pet. Most children tend to adore animals, and so it is no wonder that they will want to get one for the home. Of course, not all pets suit all households, and so you need to pick one that you can manage. There are loads of unusual pets out there, but you might want to start off with something quite common. Before you make your decision, you need to think about your current lifestyle. Some pets take loads of time to care for, whereas others are low maintenance. Let’s take a look at some of the pets you might consider.


Of course, the most popular family pet is probably a dog. These animals are loyal and child-friendly, but they take a whole lot of your time. If you already have a busy schedule, you might find it difficult to care for a puppy the way you should. If your family already has quite an active lifestyle, though, a dog might fit right into your home. For example, if you already enjoy family days out in the country, this pet would be ideal for you.


Cats take less attention than dogs. If you get a kitty, you will notice that it comes and goes as it pleases. That means that you don’t need to worry about taking it for walks or anything like that. There is still quite a lot that goes into cat care, though, and so you should keep that in mind when you first get one. You will need to make sure that they get all the right vaccinations and medical attention they need. Many children like kittens, and so this pet is always a family favorite.


If you already have a hectic lifestyle, you need an animal that is low maintenance. In that case, there is nothing better than getting a fish (or a few fish) for your home. Before you get your pet, you should get all the aquarium supplies you need. Children enjoy watching fish as they swim around a tank, which means that they could have hours of entertainment. You should remember to clean out the tank on a regular basis. After all, your pets need in a clean environment where they can swim all day long.


These little critters are perfect if you have a small home but still want a furry pet. Before you get a hamster, you need to decide what species you want. Little hamsters can be tricky to keep safe. That is because they find it easy to escape from cages. Look at some of the most popular breeds before you choose one. If you have small children, you need to watch them when they play with the hamster. Sometimes, these creatures can bite and they have super sharp teeth. Again, you will need to clean out the cage at least once a week.


If you have a large yard space, a group of rabbits could be an excellent addition to your home. You can get large rabbit runs for the outdoor area, which means that they will have loads of space to roam. These animals are always popular with children as they are fluffy and cute. Again, there are different breeds of rabbit you should consider. If you only have a small garden, a dwarf rabbit might be the right choice for you. Whereas if the yard is large, you should get an American breed.

I hope my guide helps you pick the right pet for your home. After all, there is nothing better than welcoming a new member of the family!

Credit: Tambako The Jaguar


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