Why Organic Formula for Babies Is Better than Non-Organic: A Guide

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Although tiny, a baby’s brain is an incredibly complex organ that grows rapidly. A baby’s brain doubles in size during the first year of life alone!

With all that growing, it’s vital to nourish your baby’s brain and body the right way. Deciding on the type of formula you want to give your baby can be overwhelming with all the choices on the market.

Even if you know you want to feed your infant organic formula, you may still question why it’s best.

This handy guide will take you through why the organic formula for babies is better than non-organic options.

Organic Formula Ingredients

All baby formula, organic or not, has to adhere to stringent guidelines by the FDA. Because of these guidelines, most labels will look the same when it comes to nutrition facts. However, what could look very different are the types of ingredients a baby formula has in it.

The main goal of the formula is to mimic breastmilk as much as possible. Most organic formulas have cow’s milk as their base ingredient. Goat’s milk and soy are other options that you may find for babies who have a dairy sensitivity.

Breastmilk is sweeter than cow’s milk because it has a high amount of lactose. The lactose ingredient is milk sugar, so formula tastes sweeter with it added. Even though lactose is a pricier sweetener, it is healthier and an excellent element to look for in your formula.

What Organic Formula Doesn’t Have

What’s left out of your formula is almost as important as what’s in it!

The formula must be free of genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled organic. The cows providing the milk for the formula receive heavy scrutiny. They are on an all-organic diet and can’t have any growth hormones in their feed.

Finally, you have to look at the ingredients that come from crops. For those to have the organic label, the farmers can’t use pesticides or chemicals to grow them.

Tips for Choosing an Organic Formula for Babies

Make sure to read all the labels carefully. You want to be sure the best formula fills your baby’s tiny belly. Shop for Hipp Baby Formula if you want a formula with the highest quality ingredients.

When in doubt, contact the formula manufacturer. They can give you the low down on any formula questions you have specific to their brand.

The Bottom Line on Organic Formula

Even though you tend to pay more for organic formula, the benefits outweigh the cost. Organic formula for babies means reducing their exposure to toxins and chemicals. Organic formula, mainly if you only formula feed, can keep your baby healthy.

While many doctors consider breastfeeding the healthiest option for your infant, it’s not always possible. Make sure to feed your youngster organic formula.

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