Summer Is Coming! Here’s How To Have The Perfect Family BBQ

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You’ve probably had dozens of barbecues before, and they’re usually great, or average. The warm weather can quickly drain your energy, the food gets hard to cook and relaxing inside becomes more and more appealing.

That being said, barbecues are a great way for you and your family to get some outdoor time, while enjoying a delicious meal. Summer is the best time of the year for them, and it’s important to make the most of the warm weather. You know it’ll be gone as quick as it arrives!

So, with the warmer weather just around the corner, here’s your checklist to throwing the perfect family barbecue. Have a read down this post when you’re planning things, to make sure you don’t miss a trick!

The cooking


Sure, you could run down to the store and pick up one of those cheap disposable barbecues, or you could do things right. Think about the cost of buying multiple disposable ones each year; it can add up! Plus, they’re just annoying to light and setup. They have no protection against the breeze, and that can put your fire out as quickly as it got started.

Think about what you need to do to enjoy a barbecue. You need to cook quickly, before the warm weather disappears. You and your family also don’t want to be sat out in the sun too long, for obvious reasons. Cooking and eating fast is key here.

You also need to cook lots of food at once, so everyone gets fed. Don’t let one of your family members go hungry while everyone else munches down! That would be extremely unfair.

So, how do you combine both these issues into one solution? The answer is a full, proper barbecue – as big as you can get. That being said, you don’t want something too confusing. Ease of use is key when it comes to your enjoyment of the occasion.

You should be looking at full sized outdoor grills, that can cook a lot of food and are quick to get going. Most modern grills possess these traits in spades – you could read this review of the Kamado Joe Classic Grill to see what I mean.

You want to start with a clean, well-oiled grill, so the food does not stick. Scrub it with a grill brush then with some vegetable or olive oil. Don’t flip the meat constantly, either. Once will do. You risk not letting it cook thoroughly if you’re constantly moving it.

The food


When you’re planning the food, think variety. You have to have a bit of everything so you can appeal to everyone’s tastes. Start with the meat. Burgers and sausages are good staples, and think kebabs, steaks and drumsticks too. Make sure you buy a good mix of spicy, and non-spicy. Not everyone is partial to that taste!

You should also keep an eye on those side dishes. A burger in a bun is fine, but it’s the sides that make it special. Think couscous, garlic bread or potato salad. Don’t overdo the sides, though. Keep them minimal and put focus on the meats.

Next, you need to factor in some desserts. This is a perfect time to bake together as a family to produce some buns or cakes. Again, like the sides, you don’t want to overdo it. Meat is expensive, and desserts and sides will fill people up before they can finish it! Keep it simple. Fairy cakes, ice cream and fruit would be good choices for you.

Don’t forget your vegetarian family members, either! Be careful if you’re cooking meat and Quorn on the same barbecue. You could possibly buy a small disposable, just to cook the vegetarian food separately.

Lastly, there are your drinks! You’ll want to buy in some cheap water, cola and lemonade; they’re staples of any gathering, especially a summer one. The adults will perhaps want some beer in a cooler, or maybe an alcoholic punch would be a good idea? Sangria is rather easy for you to make, and is a tasty treat that will go down well.

The entertainment


Your perfect family barbecue won’t be complete without some form of entertainment! Obviously, you don’t want to be spending a lot, but it’s quite easy to keep people occupied while the food cooks.

Perhaps you could choose a party theme. This will extend to your food, and to your decor. It must be a theme that goes perfectly with an outdoor setting. Hawaiian, surf or sports would be good choices in this situation. Consider playing dress-up, or wearing masks.

Then, you should build a basic music playlist. This should be all-inclusive, and not too distracting. Think relaxing dance songs, and maybe some acoustic tunes. You shouldn’t just factor yourself in; think of your family’s tastes!

Next, because your barbecue will be based outdoors (hopefully!), cook up some outdoor games and activities. The kids will be occupied with some sports equipment, like a football, tennis ball or badminton rackets. As for the adults, card and trivia games would be good for you to include, which can be played once the food is over.

You should also consider putting on a water fight, weather permitting. Be sure to store plenty of spare towels for guests, and ask people before you drop water on their head! You could build a slip n’ slide, buy in hundreds of water bombs, or get some cheap plastic toy guns. This will make the day more memorable and fun for the kids, and give the adults something to laugh at!

The result

If you followed this post, then congratulations! You’ve created an awesome family barbecue, and a lot of family memories. And that’s the most important thing you can do this summer. Your family is the most precious part of your life, and enjoying your time with them is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

So make the most of that warm sun, and enjoy a wonderful meal to boot! Leave a comment down below with your own barbecue tips, tricks and memories.

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