Moms: How To Get Your Bodies Back Post-Pregnancy

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Giving birth is such an incredible experience, and your body has done such a fantastic job. But going through all the physical changes associated with pregnancy and giving birth can leave some women feeling that they have lost their former figure. Fortunately, there are things you can try that many women have found effective at restoring their confidence in the way they look.

  • Post-pregnancy surgical fixes

Many Mom’s find that the most effective way to get their body back after giving birth is through cosmetic surgery. Certain clinics have a range of mommy makeover treatments including breast lifts and tummy tucks. If you are interested in these types of procedures, have a look on the web for more information and schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. It’s important to note that not everyone will be a candidate for these procedures. For example, they will be unsuitable for you if are planning on getting pregnant again.

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  • Exercise regime

We all know that exercise is one of the most helpful ways to lose weight and tone up. If you are a new Mommy, do make sure you have the okay from your doctor before you start exercising. As well as cardio exercise, like jogging or dancing, do some resistance training to restore your strength and tone your muscles. Try to get some fresh air while you exercise as this will boost your energy levels and mood even more. Focus on exercises that target the areas of your body that you are most uncomfortable with.

  • Team up with other Moms

Other Moms among your family and friends will in all probability also be on a mission to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. They will understand what you are going and vice versa, so it is a good idea to team up and support and motivate each other, whether it’s with eating well, working out or both. Alternatively, you could join a fitness or diet group designed for Moms.

  • Use skin tightening lotions

There are many moisturisers on the market that are formulated to tighten loose skin. Look for products that contain collagen, vitamins A, E, C and K. For the best result apply the lotion to your body twice a day and massage the skin in order to promote circulation.

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  • Eat well

Try your best to avoid any sugary, fatty and processed foods when you are trying to achieve your pre-baby body. You certainly don’t need to starve yourself or live on cabbage soup for weeks on end. Just ensure you eat a delicious and nutritious diet full of natural ingredients. There is so much advice available online on how to eat right when trying to lose weight and tighten skin.

  • Keep up your fluids

Water is your saviour when you are working on your figure. Water helps you to burn calories in a more effective way, and it hydrates your skin leaving it healthy and tight.

It can be really easy to focus on the parts of your body that are bothering you after giving birth. But remember you have done a wonderful thing, and you should be proud of yourself physically and mentally. With a good dose of determination, you will get your body back!


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